Still Missing CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *arrest* #93

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Barry Morphew Redacted Arrest Affidavit – Find Suzanne Morphew

I have noticed, going as far back as the original “oh Suzanne” video, how rarely BM actually says Suzanne’s name. Although my math may be one or two counts off on the she’s and her’s, it is not off on the number of times he utters the name, “Suzanne”.

Referring only to above link, beginning on page 20 of page 129 through to the end of page 26, (Other Statements by Barry) Barry’s actual quotes (“…”), when he referred to Suzanne, I count the word “her” used by him 19 times. He used the word “she” 32 times, and her name? Exactly 1 time.

Oh yeah. She’s also “the lump” once, and more generously, “my wife” 3 times.

Appears to me, judging only by this one example, how little value BM holds for Suzanne.

All just JMO
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From SM's photos and captions of the photos, I believe SO and SM gave birth to their daughters around the same time, and that MM1 and SO's daughter were definitely childhood friends. SO makes reference to SM being like a second mother to her daughter and how SM would never miss her wedding-- albeit virtual attendance.

IMO, there's some underlying tension in the family between MM1 and SM (caused by BM's triangulation) where events like the camping trip on MDW were the decision of MM1 and where MM2 was just along for the ride -- not wanting to miss the opportunity she'd never have on her own. We see this in MM1 not seeing SM when she dropped her sister off, not making it home on Sunday at a reasonable hour, and MM1 stating that she never intended to spend the night at PP on Sunday. But a mother's love wasn't going to stop SM from hoping and trying -- right down to preparing for MM1 to change her mind. I've seen red flags here between SM and MM1 since day one but it's just my opinion.

To be clear, I hold BM responsible for any friction here (by triangulation), and MM1 is another victim.
Wow... I can see I literally needed this spelled out to me. Either I didn't want to see it, or covid brain jet lag causes me to think so slow now that I need things spelled out.

To me this is huge what you just wrote @Seattle1 it makes so much sense now.
It's intriguing, because we did hear that vehicle was equipped with similar technology to Barry's.

At the time of the AA however, that analysis was not complete.

Hopefully it really did help in some way, as emails apparently indicated.

If he took her car to the spa store to get the chemicals that could explain why they are in her floorboard. If her car moved at all after he returned then I think it's safe to say it was Barry and he never acknowledged in any of those interviews that Suzanne left the house the rest of the evening. Then again it could be her doors opening and closing at the same odd hours is truck was opening and closing. Maybe the trunk opened and he took the bike out.. remember he said she asked me to take her bike out of the car and I did.. that was on Saturday. If her trunk didn't open until lets say 330am when he was about to go stage her bike.. HUGE
Barry Morphew Redacted Arrest Affidavit – Find Suzanne Morphew

I have noticed, going as far back as the original “oh Suzanne” video, how rarely BM actually says Susanne’s name. Although my math may be one or two counts off on the she’s and her’s, it is not off on the number of times he utters the name, “Suzanne”.

Referring only to above link, beginning on page 20 of page 129 through to the end of page 26, (Other Statements by Barry) Barry’s actual quotes (“…”), when he referred to Suzanne, I count the word “her” used by him 19 times. He used the word “she” 32 times, and her name? Exactly 1 time.

Oh yeah. She’s also “the lump” once, and more generously, “my wife” 3 times.

Appears to me, judging only by this one example, how little value BM holds for Suzanne.

All just JMO

Remember how it was "too soon" for him to make any kind of statement about Suzanne?

Maybe we misunderstood.

Maybe he needed that time to try to rein in his anger.


I’m so confused about the Range Rovers! HELP lol
Which one did he sell ? I can see both of them being called Suzanne’s because maybe both were registeded in her name although MM2 drove the older one.
But was the newer one that SM drove really released that quickly and not held as evidence? The one with the infamous glovebox??
I imagine they were processed and ultimately released. I think there's a legal time limit, and they can't hold onto them forever. Don't forget, the house was turned over after it was processed as well.
It's easier than that.

He expected the girls home by lunch time. He even said as much. Lunchtime comes and MM1 has not called in a panic because Suzanne is missing. Barry calls her from the wall, because he was expecting the call then so he could say he was working when he got the call.

It really is that simple. They screwed up his timeline.

And this is horrible to even consider and shows just how little he cares about anyone but himself. He was really okay with his daughters returning home to just not see their mom.. to possibly find the bike themselves (didn't seem like the police had any trouble finding it as they drove toward the house) and conclude something horrible happened to her. I think even more traumatizing then just calling and not reaching her would be showing up to an empty house, seeing the car there, no mom, and I'd imagine that would be terrifying to consider if someone broke in or was in the house. He was okay with that happening. :(
If he took her car to the spa store to get the chemicals that could explain why they are in her floorboard. If her car moved at all after he returned then I think it's safe to say it was Barry and he never acknowledged in any of those interviews that Suzanne left the house the rest of the evening. Then again it could be her doors opening and closing at the same odd hours is truck was opening and closing. Maybe the trunk opened and he took the bike out.. remember he said she asked me to take her bike out of the car and I did.. that was on Saturday. If her trunk didn't open until lets say 330am when he was about to go stage her bike.. HUGE
I recall we were encouraged about this theory earlier when there was chatter that SM's RR was seen in town but it was dismissed when evidence showed that the bumpers of the vehicle in question did not match SM's RR.
I find it odd it was charged on ____ credit card. If it was a purchase that was on the up and up, why charge it on your daughters card? Curious if he had a habit of purchasing things on a card in her name. I recall somewhere he put assets in the older daughters name. Am I recalling that correctly? Wasn't that an issue Suzanne had with his business dealings or one of the things she thought was him hiding money?

I'm disappointed that we don't have sufficient information to compare redacted information in the AA with the latest defense exhibits where it was clear that phones belonging to the daughters were associated with BM, car play application, and his F-350.

Specific to an account linked to MM1, I believe not her iPhone but her App store/iTunes User Ident was linked to BM and his F-350. I think the purchase of the VPN with MM1's credit card might be explained if we could connect some of the dots -- including identifying the unknown 2nd device. MOO
Didn't JP share that the only piece of paperwork Barry left in the HIE was a property tax bill?

I don't know what JP meant, but he felt it important enough to tell LE about it. Who knows why?
I believe JP stated the recovered mail was related to property insurance. Unfortunately, what was reported in MSM was incorrect according to JP and it's difficult for me to search and relisten since I have difficulty understanding JP without multiple playbacks.
I don't agree with these legal folks who say the acts of domestic violence explain motive. I wonder if they even know the specifics of this case.

The motive is the affair and divorce, and even judge Murphy agreed that those things were triggers:

Judge said finding out that #SuzanneMorphew was having an affair gives him motive. Feeling of hurt, anger, jealousy, and desperation. It could lead someone who is typically normal to act differently like harm someone who has harmed him.

Judge said the "I'm done" text means that she was done with the marriage and the "Let's just do this civilly," meaning dissolution of marriage. The text to Jeff Libler said that "these next few days are going to be rough" shows that #SuzanneMorphew wanted out of the marriage.
Now the article is out.

Legal observers say the judge's decision is a blow to the prosecution.

"This ruling really guts the prosecution’s theory on motive and renders inadmissible some alarming context for the relationship. The case is somewhat circumstantial as is, so this development is surely a setback for the DA," said Denver defense attorney Eric Faddis, who has also been a felony deputy DA. "That being said, domestic violence is usually something that happens behind closed doors, so it may be difficult to find a witness with firsthand knowledge of it."

nd the legal observer is :

Eric Faddis - Denver Personal Injury Attorney
He has been featured more than 50 times on Court TV, Law & Crime, Newsmax, CBS Denver, The Denver Channel, and other media outlets for legal analysis on big cases and current events.
Admissibility of SM's Stmts per Long Time Friend SO???
I'm actually surprised they are allowing the text messages in. There is a similar kind of case right now, WI vs Jensen, that has made it all the way to SCOTUS. In the WI case, the victim wrote a letter saying if anything happened to her, to look at her husband. She gave the letter to her neighbor. It was admitted at trial, the conviction was overturned on appeal and they've been fighting over it ever since. IANAL, but I think it's kind of the same. The gist of it is it's a violation of the 6th Amendment.
@Gardenista Thanks for post re other case w some facts & legal evidentiary issues similar to BM & SM. If image of Judge's order has been linked, I missed it (sorry, trying to catch up on thread). Anyone? TiA.
Not commenting on specific facts or precise legal issues as I have not yet read WI. appellate court's opinion, and SCOTUS has not ruled. And don't want to derail thread.
Welcoming comments, esp'ly by our legal professionals on distinguishing ^ WI vs Jensen case & BM's case at hand.

Background from an old favorite source.
Murder of Julie Jensen - Wikipedia

In WI vs Jensen, the two legal issues before SCOTUS, from another source:
"Issues: (1) Whether a person’s statement expressing fear about a possible future crime is testimonial under the Sixth Amendment’s confrontation clause; and (2) whether, when a person reports ongoing psychological domestic abuse and expresses fear about future physical harm, the person’s statement aimed at ending an ongoing emergency is non-testimonial."
^ Wisconsin v. Jensen - SCOTUSblog
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NEW: Judge denies prosecution's motion to allow comments #SuzanneMorphew made about her troubled marriage to her best friend into upcoming trial. Mrs. Morphew told Sheila Oliver about several occasions. Said he hit her in the face, pushed into a closet, held a gun to his head...
...Oliver says she told him he said "Is this what you want?" Judge wanted better dates and times for the incidents, but pros didn't have them. Morphew's attorneys say Suzanne may have been lying because she didn't tell Oliver about her 2 yr affair. @DenverGazette
These comments were made in text messages and in conversation per prosecution.
Imagine that - the prosecutors didn't have dates or times?!:rolleyes:
Why does he have his hands in his pockets so much?

He had his hands in his pockets a lot on the police body cam footage also?

(I asked my DH his opinion on this and I'll just say that I don't dare repeat here his answer). ;)
His hands are always in his pockets because he has a lot to hide.

Gestures used to communicate goodwill reveal an open hand. A wave, a handshake, etc.
From SM's photos and captions of the photos, I believe SO and SM gave birth to their daughters around the same time, and that MM1 and SO's daughter were definitely childhood friends. SO makes reference to SM being like a second mother to her daughter and how SM would never miss her wedding-- albeit virtual attendance.

IMO, there's some underlying tension in the family between MM1 and SM (caused by BM's triangulation) where events like the camping trip on MDW were the decision of MM1 and where MM2 was just along for the ride -- not wanting to miss the opportunity she'd never have on her own. We see this in MM1 not seeing SM when she dropped her sister off, not making it home on Sunday at a reasonable hour, and MM1 stating that she never intended to spend the night at PP on Sunday. But a mother's love wasn't going to stop SM from hoping and trying -- right down to preparing for MM1 to change her mind. I've seen red flags here between SM and MM1 since day one but it's just my opinion.

To be clear, I hold BM responsible for any friction here (by triangulation), and MM1 is another victim.
I completely agree with all of this. Remember when we discussed wondering about how this trip came to be - one that would end on Mother's Day as opposed to the day before? Lots of speculation. Who suggested it?
M1 was definitely close to her father and from what we've seen in texts (which I wholeheartedly believe), Barry brought the kids into arguments in order to persuade their loyalty to him - as sick as that is - for a very long time.
M2 lived there and saw for herself what was going on while M1 was in college. I really feel for her. She's caught between a rock and a hard place - literally. Suzanne herself said how the abuse accelerated after the move and I believe she regretted the decision to acquiesce very soon after. I believe every word we've heard from SO and Suzanne's sister. They have no reason to want to put an innocent man in jail.
I think M2 got a huge taste of what normal looks like from her boyfriend's parents. Barry blaming both he and his father for telling the truth? Classic narcissism. How DARE they tell the truth!
I pray Barry is convicted. Maybe then and only then will M2 begin to heal and be able to have healthy relationships again.

eta: IMO
I'm still a firm believer that the financial statements, bank, debit card statements, etc. will be somewhat a bombshell moment, just an opinion I have. Could be pretty tough for BM to explain some time stamped transactions. Would like to see that receipt from the Holiday Inn, the chemicals, etc.
Agree with you. Financial data will ultimately be used to bring Barry down.

That's how they ultimately caught Al Capone. Couldn't catch him on murder charges because no one was willing to testify against him. So in 1929, Elliott Ness got a law passed to tax people on illegal income. Interestingly enough, that law is still used today.

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