Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o Prejudice* #101

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Thank you. I thought maybe it had to do with the attempted to influence a public servant charge but that didn’t make much sense.
The immunity thing came a full month before they confronted him on these fraud charges, so there's just no way it has any bearing here.
Suzanne had said the last few days had been magical.

That tells me Barry was largely absent.


Barry did know she was having an affair. But he didn't know with whom. Until IMO Friday when he'd somehow ascertained it was a Jeff....I think he heard Suzanne say Jeff's name, courtesy of some kind of surveillance, including direct surveillance, stalking Suzanne in her own home. Up from down by the river (down from up by the river?) while Suzanne thought she was alone-alone.

Perhaps Barry sent the girls away and set a trap for Suzanne's lover, believing the lover would show up. But two things happened-- one, Suzanne discovered something on Wednesday which inspired the "I'm done" and two, Barry discovered that Jeff wasn't local, wouldn't be showing up and that Suzanne wasn't being lusted after by a rogue boy (who could blame such a guy, Barry would think, after all men only want one thing -- and Suzanne was the most beautiful woman right up to the countyline) -- and that Suzanne herself was pursuing another man.

Up until that moment/realization IMO, Barry thought there was competition for his wife. And Barry knew himself to be bigger, badder, stronger, more push-upped, more godly and better endowed as an everytime lover to lose to a lesser man.

Knowing what we know, if Barry had caught a man sunbathing in his backyard with Suzanne, hunter Barry would have rescued his wife and permanently disappeared the competition. Never an idle threat IMO.

Those who try to normalize Barry's behaviors are maybe fortunate never to have known the likes of a Barry. I believe him to be someone who believes the entire world is there essentially to serve him. Love isn't about care, companionship, respect, etc. It's a veneer. It's possession, dominance, codependency (forced dependence) --

The AA is rife with Barry's world view. Suzanne being strong, thinking for herself, reclaiming and exercising her free agency -- he called that ballsy, blamed illness and IPAs and druglord Tim for getting Suzanne not in her right mind! He did not think Suzanne should think for herself!!

If he could just un-ballsy her, go back to how it was when she wasn't thinking freely for herself, all would be fine.

How dismissive!!!

Imagine confronting a spouse with your documented issues within the relationship, with your desire first to improve then to exit your marriage, with well-reasoned points, and have that partner tell you that you aren't thinking straight and dismiss any further dialogue on the topic! Demeaning, to say the last.

Barry wasn't going to let Suzanne go.

If that meant eliminating every last threat to that, I think he was that committed...

If JL had come to Colorado, he's who we'd be looking for.

Do agree 110%. :) +:(
The immunity thing came a full month before they confronted him on these fraud charges, so there's just no way it has any bearing here.
Someone asked about the immunity comment and LS replied:
I didn’t tweet these are his charges …
But since you want to know #BarryMorphew charges are:
- Attempt to Influence a Public Servant
- Forgery of Public Records
- Elections mail ballot offense

I always wondered what would possess him to say that out loud! And within hours of executing his plan.

I never considered it wasn't prophetic. If you're right, it wasn't a slip. It was a threat.

He was reminding MG how powerful he was. Because he was banking on her loyalty going forward!

That makes a lot of sense.

By George, well really, by @Megnut and @Diddian :), I think you’ve nailed it again! It would certainly explain MG’s sudden fear of Bare as expressed to LS in the interview she gave. This young woman RELOCATED, out of State no less, for fear of him. It would appear prior to that time, they had a decent working relationship?

Keep at it my friends. I feel you’re exposing some of the things LE know but have not revealed about “the Bare.”
Would that be ShoSho? :rolleyes: He has to get through these charges first I'd imagine. Or is he free to roam the countryside?
Humming “If I had a Million Dollars” by the BARE Naked Ladies :p. Forgive me, I’m a Canuck :oops: and that tune came out when my two oldest were in their teens. Back to the million dollars :). Now, if I had a spare million dollars (maybe I’d need two million now with inflation and all), I’d hire a PI to follow Bare around. I’m just dying to know what life is like for him right now and what he and Shona are up to??

I’m guessing MassGuy is right and he’s headed back to IN. I hope the reception is less than welcoming! I can’t imagine him and SD feeling too terribly comfortable in Chaffee County either and THAT makes me smile :).
Humming “If I had a Million Dollars” by the BARE Naked Ladies :p. Forgive me, I’m a Canuck :oops: and that tune came out when my two oldest were in their teens. Back to the million dollars :). Now, if I had a spare million dollars (maybe I’d need two million now with inflation and all), I’d hire a PI to follow Bare around. I’m just dying to know what life is like for him right now and what he and Shona are up to??

I’m guessing MassGuy is right and he’s headed back to IN. I hope the reception is less than welcoming! I can’t imagine him and SD feeling too terribly comfortable in Chaffee County either and THAT makes me smile :).

Am wondering whether he would take SD too Indiana to meet his family and how he would introduce her ? Am pretty sure he would - talk about a complete lack of self awareness and respect for Suzanne. Don't know what has a more nauseating effect on me - him smiling outside the courthouse or the thought of him taking his current g/f to Suzanne's hometown

Am wondering whether he would take SD too Indiana to meet his family and how he would introduce her ? Am pretty sure he would - talk about a complete lack of self awareness and respect for Suzanne. Don't know what has a more nauseating effect on me - him smiling outside the courthouse or the thought of him taking his current g/f to Suzanne's hometown

"Hi y'all, this is my new girlfriend. I can't mourn forever, and it's time to move on. She's like a gift from God. Met her at a dumpster... one man's trash, uhh..she even looks like Suzanne, doesn't she?"

I always wondered what would possess him to say that out loud! And within hours of executing his plan.

I never considered it wasn't prophetic. If you're right, it wasn't a slip. It was a threat.

He was reminding MG how powerful he was. Because he was banking on her loyalty going forward!

That makes a lot of sense.

And very chilling.

No wonder MG left town ASAP. She knew him well enough to know a threat when she heard it.

Taking that view of his comment makes me think it is important that his "vacation" from arrest & conviction needs to be short. Very short.


Saturday (5/9/2020) Barry tells MG he knows how to bury a body forever. A stand-alone comment that seems oddly without context.

Tuesday (5/12/2020) she's told by two of Barry's minions that she needn't turn over her phone to LE (cooperate with police, that is) and that she shouldn't think of her wages as hush money....

Bam. You tell me that doesn’t instantly give Saturday's statement context.

A million people collect wages. No one says, "here's your paycheck. It's not hush money." IMO the only reason you'd ever attach that caveat is if you mean it absolutely is serving as hush money. The statement is, "here's your money. It's buying your silence. Are we agreed? We are agreed."

You pair that with Saturday's pronouncement, you get clarity.

Folks, that's a threat.

And he put it out there before heading home.

That's scary.

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It has been some time since I have commented and I gapped out, as seen above and I have reported myself. My apologies.

Question, though. Any idea just what MG's pay cheque amount would have been, hypothetically? Was she an hourly labourer? Did she work regular full time hours for BM? Or, was she on salary? If it was a 'normal' pay cheque and reflected hours worked at the going rate of pay, it could not be construed hush money, imo. If it was her wages owed and multiplied by 10, 20, or 100 times, then maybe that is why the comment of her cheque being hush money was implied and/or denied. Could her pay cheque have been grossly inflated?
I'm not hopeful of SM being recovered from the location DA Stanley called out in her court filing last week. Of course we don't know the exact location she was referencing, and shouldn't. I do believe LE has more areas of interest to search, that is kind of standard, unless the investigation hits a total brick wall with investigation leads.

My reluctance - the remote mountainous location that is currently under 5' of snow was presumably under snow in May 2020 along with frozen ground. Physically moving a body to such a location is the other part. How does one negotiate such elevation gain and terrain with dead weight (no pun intended)? Using equipment makes it even less likely. Now, people that hike to these areas on their own can find themselves in a dangerous situation and perish.

I'm not sure how I feel about this case right now. I think BM murdered SM, but I would not bet my dogs favorite Kong reward toy on it anymore. Further, I feel like this case is going to fade away. If charges are brought again, IE and team will take the case on again. What IE has that I see lacking in DA Stanley, IMO only, is PASSION for her job. People that are passionate can go the long haul and with vigor. IMO
I tend to agree. Sadly I think the DAs office is blowing smoke with regard to being close to finally finding Suzanne but I think there are plenty of good ideas here although I have to believe these were all explored in the last couple years :-(
It has been some time since I have commented and I gapped out, as seen above and I have reported myself. My apologies.

Question, though. Any idea just what MG's pay cheque amount would have been, hypothetically? Was she an hourly labourer? Did she work regular full time hours for BM? Or, was she on salary? If it was a 'normal' pay cheque and reflected hours worked at the going rate of pay, it could not be construed hush money, imo. If it was her wages owed and multiplied by 10, 20, or 100 times, then maybe that is why the comment of her cheque being hush money was implied and/or denied. Could her pay cheque have been grossly inflated?
BM's workers were reportedly "subcontract workers" rather than employees. They probably did not qualify under IRS rules as independent contractors, but that is how their arrangement appeared to work. I think it likely the work occurred "under the table," with the worker being paid in cash and Barry avoiding any related payroll taxes or worker's unemployment or disability insurance premiums.

Why do I think that? From the AA, page 47 (LE interview with MG, May 14, 2020), BBM:
"Morgan stated on May 8, 2020, Barry picked her up from Anytime Fitness, 9985 HWY 50, Poncha Springs, CO. They traveled to a job site at 6962 Country Road (CR) 105, Salida. They arrived at around 8:00 AM, completed a "rock beach" project and left. At around 11:00 AM, Barry took her back to her vehicle by Anytime Fitness, paid her in cash for the job, and left. Morgan stated that Barry mentioned he was going hiking or biking."
It has been some time since I have commented and I gapped out, as seen above and I have reported myself. My apologies.

Question, though. Any idea just what MG's pay cheque amount would have been, hypothetically? Was she an hourly labourer? Did she work regular full time hours for BM? Or, was she on salary? If it was a 'normal' pay cheque and reflected hours worked at the going rate of pay, it could not be construed hush money, imo. If it was her wages owed and multiplied by 10, 20, or 100 times, then maybe that is why the comment of her cheque being hush money was implied and/or denied. Could her pay cheque have been grossly inflated?
This is a good question and I suspect it was inflated indicating Bares expectations of her, one being, not to hand over her phone.

Boy, would I like to know what was on MG’s phone that Bare didn’t want LE having access to.

Saturday (5/9/2020) Barry tells MG he knows how to bury a body forever. A stand-alone comment that seems oddly without context.

Tuesday (5/12/2020) she's told by two of Barry's minions that she needn't turn over her phone to LE (cooperate with police, that is) and that she shouldn't think of her wages as hush money....

Bam. You tell me that doesn’t instantly give Saturday's statement context.

A million people collect wages. No one says, "here's your paycheck. It's not hush money." IMO the only reason you'd ever attach that caveat is if you mean it absolutely is serving as hush money. The statement is, "here's your money. It's buying your silence. Are we agreed? We are agreed."

You pair that with Saturday's pronouncement, you get clarity.

Folks, that's a threat.

And he put it out there before heading home.

That's scary.

I've been going back over LE interviews with MG as documented in the AA. From the May 15 interview with MG:

"When questioned about the job sites on Saturday, May 09, 2020, Morgan stated she recalled an odd comment made by Barry. Morgan explained after they completed the "beach" at the "river house" (6962 CR105, Salida), she rode with Barry to the next site. Morgan stated she commented pigs could eat an entire human body in two hours. Barry commented that he would be able to "bury a body" and it "would never be found." (AA, Page 50.)​

Given that context, it is unclear whether BM is simply continuing conversation about a topic MG brought up or whether the claim about his own potential was intended as a subtle threat. I think it would depend on the full conversation that preceded it. Why was MG talking about pigs eating human bodies? Had BM said something prior to her statement that compelled her to share that tidbit of information? Had MG happened to read or hear something that she brought up because it was so strange? Who initiated the entire conversation on the topic?

BM later (after May 10) sending two buddies to pay MG, their reference to "hush hush money," and their telling her that she need not cooperate with LE certainly seemed like intimidation to me - whether those two did it on their own or at BM's instruction. But, whether BM's May 9 claim about being able to disappear a human body was some subtle intimidation in advance of murder depends a lot on its context.

It's notable that MG did not bring it up in the May 14 interview; rather, she brought it up in the interview the next day. I wonder if the full weight of her "body disposal" conversation with BM and the potential intent of his claim about being able to bury a body so it would never be found did not occur to MG at first - she thought it was idle conversation. But upon reflection after learning SM had disappeared, that conversation replayed in her mind and she had a greater understanding of its significance. (Particularly after the intimidation by BM's buddies.)

Saturday (5/9/2020) Barry tells MG he knows how to bury a body forever. A stand-alone comment that seems oddly without context.

Tuesday (5/12/2020) she's told by two of Barry's minions that she needn't turn over her phone to LE (cooperate with police, that is) and that she shouldn't think of her wages as hush money....

Bam. You tell me that doesn’t instantly give Saturday's statement context.

A million people collect wages. No one says, "here's your paycheck. It's not hush money." IMO the only reason you'd ever attach that caveat is if you mean it absolutely is serving as hush money. The statement is, "here's your money. It's buying your silence. Are we agreed? We are agreed."

You pair that with Saturday's pronouncement, you get clarity.

Folks, that's a threat.

And he put it out there before heading home.

That's scary.



I had read it was shortly after this encounter that JP advised MG she write down everything that was said and exactly as it happened in the last week while it was fresh in her mind regarding BM. MG handed over those notes to LE along with her phone. She was then brought in for several interviews.

JP was very vocal about his anger that he and the Broomfield crew were likely unwittingly being used as part of BM’s alibi.
By George, well really, by @Megnut and @Diddian :), I think you’ve nailed it again! It would certainly explain MG’s sudden fear of Bare as expressed to LS in the interview she gave. This young woman RELOCATED, out of State no less, for fear of him. It would appear prior to that time, they had a decent working relationship?

Keep at it my friends. I feel you’re exposing some of the things LE know but have not revealed about “the Bare.”
Do we know that is why she relocated or did she relocate because she thought the work for Barry had dried up and she knew she couldn’t be hired by DSI?
Humming “If I had a Million Dollars” by the BARE Naked Ladies :p. Forgive me, I’m a Canuck :oops: and that tune came out when my two oldest were in their teens. Back to the million dollars :). Now, if I had a spare million dollars (maybe I’d need two million now with inflation and all), I’d hire a PI to follow Bare around. I’m just dying to know what life is like for him right now and what he and Shona are up to??

I’m guessing MassGuy is right and he’s headed back to IN. I hope the reception is less than welcoming! I can’t imagine him and SD feeling too terribly comfortable in Chaffee County either and THAT makes me smile :).
Me too! :D
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