Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o Prejudice* #101

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The old mine area that had a building fire was down near the rv park.
This is very near where BM was walking along the river on Saturday. Was he scouting?
Replying to @swedeheart.


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I've never seen an old mine so my ignorance may betray me.

Barry was a big, strong guy -- something of a self-styled maverick.

Could he have strong-armed a mine open? Could he have levered a boulder back in place manually?

Barry's job, it would seem to me, was residential and corporate earthmoving. I assume any bid he got included the whole project, or entire subset of someone else's whole project, and as such, he'd be responsible for his portion of prepwork and haul-away, including the sweep up.

Could Barry unseal a mine (damage his blade in the process?), and then use pulleys and boards and physics to roll a boulder back into place, while leaving the appearance that nothing had been disturbed?

A mine is a strong contender here but I haven't given up on an illegal burial pod. If that, I hope the tree itself and the grass around it betray him.

Can't help but ask -- did Barry blow up a mine and start an accidental fire?

Are we looking at this backwards? Was Barry laying a trap for Suzanne's lover, and everything blew up that weekend, and he moved the crosshairs?

He could've been preparing a spot for weeks...

Anyone or @OldCop know any more about the location of the mine they are referring to in the AA? The one "by the house" (see BBM in Megnut's post above). I think it's interesting that Barry says it was "blown up," and that there was that fire near the Morphew home just days before Suzanne went missing.

The other mine Barry mentioned, plugged by the boulder, who plugged it with a boulder, when, and how? Could one damage the blade of a bobcat plugging a mine with a boulder? (I admittedly have no knowledge about mines and how that would even work).

I was the one @Megnut who saw the log blocking any entrance to 226 from 225. It truly looked like someone had intentionally blocked that road with a tree trunk. (I wish I had taken a photo, but I was legit terrified being near the house with Barry lurking, and I was also feeling intrusive. I took a photo of Suzanne's memorial and skidaddled.)
The mine that he might be referring to as “behind his house” and “up on top”, and “plugged by a boulder” may be the Independence Mine.
It was a gold mine not to be confused with another Independence Mine north of Poncha Springs, east of 285 . I cannot make out the mine from the satellite pictures.


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I've never seen an old mine so my ignorance may betray me.

Barry was a big, strong guy -- something of a self-styled maverick.

Could he have strong-armed a mine open? Could he have levered a boulder back in place manually?

Barry's job, it would seem to me, was residential and corporate earthmoving. I assume any bid he got included the whole project, or entire subset of someone else's whole project, and as such, he'd be responsible for his portion of prepwork and haul-away, including the sweep up.

Could Barry unseal a mine (damage his blade in the process?), and then use pulleys and boards and physics to roll a boulder back into place, while leaving the appearance that nothing had been disturbed?

A mine is a strong contender here but I haven't given up on an illegal burial pod. If that, I hope the tree itself and the grass around it betray him.

Can't help but ask -- did Barry blow up a mine and start an accidental fire?

Are we looking at this backwards? Was Barry laying a trap for Suzanne's lover, and everything blew up that weekend, and he moved the crosshairs?

He could've been preparing a spot for weeks...

One could hope that the prosecutor has its sights set on an area with specifics. Further, if the area that the prosecution is focused on was identified prior to the "five feet of snow"...then they should have developed a search (and hopefully, recovery) plan over time. Its been two years since SM disappeared. I am curious about the timeline for their location hit/hunch?
I'm not hopeful of SM being recovered from the location DA Stanley called out in her court filing last week. Of course we don't know the exact location she was referencing, and shouldn't. I do believe LE has more areas of interest to search, that is kind of standard, unless the investigation hits a total brick wall with investigation leads.

My reluctance - the remote mountainous location that is currently under 5' of snow was presumably under snow in May 2020 along with frozen ground. Physically moving a body to such a location is the other part. How does one negotiate such elevation gain and terrain with dead weight (no pun intended)? Using equipment makes it even less likely. Now, people that hike to these areas on their own can find themselves in a dangerous situation and perish.

I'm not sure how I feel about this case right now. I think BM murdered SM, but I would not bet my dogs favorite Kong reward toy on it anymore. Further, I feel like this case is going to fade away. If charges are brought again, IE and team will take the case on again. What IE has that I see lacking in DA Stanley, IMO only, is PASSION for her job. People that are passionate can go the long haul and with vigor. IMO
I've never seen an old mine so my ignorance may betray me.

Barry was a big, strong guy -- something of a self-styled maverick.

Could he have strong-armed a mine open? Could he have levered a boulder back in place manually?

Barry's job, it would seem to me, was residential and corporate earthmoving. I assume any bid he got included the whole project, or entire subset of someone else's whole project, and as such, he'd be responsible for his portion of prepwork and haul-away, including the sweep up.

Could Barry unseal a mine (damage his blade in the process?), and then use pulleys and boards and physics to roll a boulder back into place, while leaving the appearance that nothing had been disturbed?

A mine is a strong contender here but I haven't given up on an illegal burial pod. If that, I hope the tree itself and the grass around it betray him.

Can't help but ask -- did Barry blow up a mine and start an accidental fire?
I haven’t given up the idea that SM was buried either, @Megnut. When he talked to MG about being able to bury a body so no one would ever find it tells me has thought about this very scenario and believed he had a fool proof plan.
Are we looking at this backwards? Was Barry laying a trap for Suzanne's lover, and everything blew up that weekend, and he moved the crosshairs?

He could've been preparing a spot for weeks...

I haven’t given up the idea of a burial as opposed to a dump in a mine shaft either, @Megnut. The fact that he told MG that he could bury a body that would never be found tells me that he has given some thought to this very scenario. However, given the fact that he made this statement within 24 hours of him disappearing SM, was it meant to be a red herring?
One could hope that the prosecutor has its sights set on an area with specifics. Further, if the area that the prosecution is focused on was identified prior to the "five feet of snow"...then they should have developed a search (and hopefully, recovery) plan over time. Its been two years since SM disappeared. I am curious about the timeline for their location hit/hunch?
I'm praying that the location hit/hunch is solid and SM's remains will be recovered, so those who loved and cherished SM can see her put properly to rest.

And I hope when the snow is gone and the site can be excavated, investigators find the ground around that spot covered with red ferns.

“I had heard the old Indian legend about the red fern. How a little Indian boy and girl were lost in a blizzard and had frozen to death. In the spring, when they were found, a beautiful red fern had grown up between their two bodies. The story went on to say that only an angel could plant the seeds of a red fern, and that they never died; where one grew, that spot was sacred.”
― Wilson Rawls, Where the Red Fern Grows

Sorry if that sounds corny. But, if ever a case was in need of a "higher power" penetrating resistance to believe what for some is unbelievable, this case is.
I'm not hopeful of SM being recovered from the location DA Stanley called out in her court filing last week. Of course we don't know the exact location she was referencing, and shouldn't. I do believe LE has more areas of interest to search, that is kind of standard, unless the investigation hits a total brick wall with investigation leads.

My reluctance - the remote mountainous location that is currently under 5' of snow was presumably under snow in May 2020 along with frozen ground. Physically moving a body to such a location is the other part. How does one negotiate such elevation gain and terrain with dead weight (no pun intended)? Using equipment makes it even less likely. Now, people that hike to these areas on their own can find themselves in a dangerous situation and perish.

I'm not sure how I feel about this case right now. I think BM murdered SM, but I would not bet my dogs favorite Kong reward toy on it anymore. Further, I feel like this case is going to fade away. If charges are brought again, IE and team will take the case on again. What IE has that I see lacking in DA Stanley, IMO only, is PASSION for her job. People that are passionate can go the long haul and with vigor. IMO
I agree with most of what you’re saying, @K9Enzo. But I definitely think he did it. Those mountains are vast and desolate as you said, but we have to remember this wasn’t City Joe disposing of a body up there somewhere. This was he man, hunter, outdoorsman, relatively fit, Barry. He’s the push-up king.
Most off all he knows them thar hills like the back of his hand.
I’m not saying that experienced people don’t find themselves in precarious situations, but I think he was well equipped to drag a body up to where it might never be found, be it in a truck or an ATV. He did it all the time on his hunts. Deer and elk weigh much more than his wife did.
I've never seen an old mine so my ignorance may betray me.

Barry was a big, strong guy -- something of a self-styled maverick.

Could he have strong-armed a mine open? Could he have levered a boulder back in place manually?

Barry's job, it would seem to me, was residential and corporate earthmoving. I assume any bid he got included the whole project, or entire subset of someone else's whole project, and as such, he'd be responsible for his portion of prepwork and haul-away, including the sweep up.

Could Barry unseal a mine (damage his blade in the process?), and then use pulleys and boards and physics to roll a boulder back into place, while leaving the appearance that nothing had been disturbed?

A mine is a strong contender here but I haven't given up on an illegal burial pod. If that, I hope the tree itself and the grass around it betray him.

Can't help but ask -- did Barry blow up a mine and start an accidental fire?

Are we looking at this backwards? Was Barry laying a trap for Suzanne's lover, and everything blew up that weekend, and he moved the crosshairs?

He could've been preparing a spot for weeks...

Having observed stone work done by a mason and his assistant at my lake house, I can say that is amazing what they can move and finesse into/out of place using skill and the right tools; however, I find it difficult to believe that BM alone could move a boulder large enough to plug a mine entry and place it where he'd want it to go with just hand tools.

However, BM DID own an ATV and some have been speculating here that he also might have used the older Range Rover. I assume either one of those might have a winch, so that he could use the power of the vehicle to move a boulder. So, maybe an "automated" pulley and physics?

ETA: After a little research, I stand corrected. It would be possible to do it with hand tools, but would likely take a LOT of time. Here's a video demonstrating how to move heavy stone by hand, using hand tools, a jack, and parts of tree limbs:
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The mine that he might be referring to as “behind his house” and “up on top”, and “plugged by a boulder” may be the Independence Mine.
It was a gold mine not to be confused with another Independence Mine north of Poncha Springs, east of 285 . I cannot make out the mine from the satellite pictures.
Thanks so much for all these amazing maps @OldCop! I know we all appreciate your efforts in helping us visualize the area.

When scanning these maps I can’t help but become overwhelmed thinking of the enormous task of searching this territory and the difficulty LE face in locating SM. It certainly lifted my spirits to hear that the prosecution felt they were getting close to locating Suzanne’s remains. I hope and pray there’s been something that came to light that gave them the confidence to announce that. Regardless, I still feel that this case against Bare WILL go to trial, with or without SM’s remains. LE and the prosecutor’s office didn’t get this wrong. They KNOW who is responsible, just as we do. They will NOT let this fade away.

Tick Tock, Bare. They ARE coming for you! It’s only a matter of time. (I must say I enjoy knowing Bare will be looking over his shoulder wherever he goes!)
I haven’t given up the idea of a burial as opposed to a dump in a mine shaft either, @Megnut. The fact that he told MG that he could bury a body that would never be found tells me that he has given some thought to this very scenario. However, given the fact that he made this statement within 24 hours of him disappearing SM, was it meant to be a red herring?
Possibly. There is also the possibility it was an understated threat (before the fact). That would align with BM sending his two buddies to intimidate MG into non-cooperation with LE after the fact.

ETA: It would also be another indicator of deliberation in relation to SM's murder (i.e. intimidating a witness beforehand would not be something associated with second-degree murder).
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Possibly. There is also the possibility it was an understated threat (before the fact). That would align with BM sending his two buddies to intimidate MG into non-cooperation with LE after the fact.

ETA: It would also be another indicator of deliberation in relation to SM's murder (i.e. intimidating a witness beforehand would not be something associated with second-degree murder).


I always wondered what would possess him to say that out loud! And within hours of executing his plan.

I never considered it wasn't prophetic. If you're right, it wasn't a slip. It was a threat.

He was reminding MG how powerful he was. Because he was banking on her loyalty going forward!

That makes a lot of sense.

Suzanne had said the last few days had been magical.

That tells me Barry was largely absent.


Barry did know she was having an affair. But he didn't know with whom. Until IMO Friday when he'd somehow ascertained it was a Jeff....I think he heard Suzanne say Jeff's name, courtesy of some kind of surveillance, including direct surveillance, stalking Suzanne in her own home. Up from down by the river (down from up by the river?) while Suzanne thought she was alone-alone.

Perhaps Barry sent the girls away and set a trap for Suzanne's lover, believing the lover would show up. But two things happened-- one, Suzanne discovered something on Wednesday which inspired the "I'm done" and two, Barry discovered that Jeff wasn't local, wouldn't be showing up and that Suzanne wasn't being lusted after by a rogue boy (who could blame such a guy, Barry would think, after all men only want one thing -- and Suzanne was the most beautiful woman right up to the countyline) -- and that Suzanne herself was pursuing another man.

Up until that moment/realization IMO, Barry thought there was competition for his wife. And Barry knew himself to be bigger, badder, stronger, more push-upped, more godly and better endowed as an everytime lover to lose to a lesser man.

Knowing what we know, if Barry had caught a man sunbathing in his backyard with Suzanne, hunter Barry would have rescued his wife and permanently disappeared the competition. Never an idle threat IMO.

Those who try to normalize Barry's behaviors are maybe fortunate never to have known the likes of a Barry. I believe him to be someone who believes the entire world is there essentially to serve him. Love isn't about care, companionship, respect, etc. It's a veneer. It's possession, dominance, codependency (forced dependence) --

The AA is rife with Barry's world view. Suzanne being strong, thinking for herself, reclaiming and exercising her free agency -- he called that ballsy, blamed illness and IPAs and druglord Tim for getting Suzanne not in her right mind! He did not think Suzanne should think for herself!!

If he could just un-ballsy her, go back to how it was when she wasn't thinking freely for herself, all would be fine.

How dismissive!!!

Imagine confronting a spouse with your documented issues within the relationship, with your desire first to improve then to exit your marriage, with well-reasoned points, and have that partner tell you that you aren't thinking straight and dismiss any further dialogue on the topic! Demeaning, to say the last.

Barry wasn't going to let Suzanne go.

If that meant eliminating every last threat to that, I think he was that committed...

If JL had come to Colorado, he's who we'd be looking for.


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