Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* #106

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The prosecution issues are very well documented through the hearings and available for review. They are Also summarized and notated in IE’s regulatory complaint. It is well worth understanding the role the prosecution played in this case in my opinion for those that genuinely want to understand how it fell apart just days before the jury was summoned.
Yup. Issues for sure. They made huge mistakes, on a slam dunk no body case. Embarrassing.
Friends and family, however, later revealed to investigators that the couple was having marital problems—including Suzanne’s belief Morphew was having an affair, leading to the use of the spy pen.

There is something I have been thinking of, long and hard. SM didn’t just run across a man to have an affair with. She went to FB, to find a man living in another state, her “almost” ex from HS, with a trove of kids.

Her behavior doesn’t look like a serial cheater to me. Rather, it indicates that she was sick to the brim of BM and was ready to use any make believe, any “I invented him” person to escape from the reality of her life. Beautiful women who produce a strong impression on men and know of it won’t need to look for someone from their past; there are tons of men around. Between two states, IN and CO and BM working all day long, it is not difficult. If you impulsively go to a person from your distant past it means this is the last person you considered seriously, or thought, loved you.

I strongly suspect, JMO, that SM viewed her having two kids after cancer a miracle and somehow connected this miracle with marriage to BM. He was boorish and gruff, but he gave her kids and probably she thought, he loved her. Her second round of illness - again, only JMO - was an eye-opener about his true (lack of) feelings about her. Her looking for the relationship shows such desperation to me. Poor SM.
There is something I have been thinking of, long and hard. SM didn’t just run across a man to have an affair with. She went to FB, to find a man living in another state, her “almost” ex from HS, with a trove of kids.

Her behavior doesn’t look like a serial cheater to me. Rather, it indicates that she was sick to the brim of BM and was ready to use any make believe, any “I invented him” person to escape from the reality of her life. Beautiful women who produce a strong impression on men and know of it won’t need to look for someone from their past; there are tons of men around. Between two states, IN and CO and BM working all day long, it is not difficult. If you impulsively go to a person from your distant past it means this is the last person you considered seriously, or thought, loved you.

I strongly suspect, JMO, that SM viewed her having two kids after cancer a miracle and somehow connected this miracle with marriage to BM. He was boorish and gruff, but he gave her kids and probably she thought, he loved her. Her second round of illness - again, only JMO - was an eye-opener about his true (lack of) feelings about her. Her looking for the relationship shows such desperation to me. Poor SM.

I was glad and sad about it in equal measure.

Glad she had some magic in her life even if it was mere infatuation it was an other.
I was sad he was such a wimp and never lifted a hand to find her when he knew she was missing, he just discarded all evidence of their connection. To protect his own *advertiser censored*, it seems.
On the balance I suppose I'm still glad she had a spark and it brought her some escapism which was badly needed by all accounts..

The writing sure was on the wall but the religion was strong with her, her vows weighed her down because she took them so seriously.
Lotta culprits but only one of them killed her, had motive and opportunity and enablement... continuing..
The writing sure was on the wall but the religion was strong with her, her vows weighed her down because she took them so seriously.
Lotta culprits but only one of them killed her, had motive and opportunity and enablement... continuing..

I think this describes BM and not SM. She was a faithful, dutiful wife until she wasn't but at this time, the marriage was irretrievably broken. SM came from a divorce where both her parents had second marriages that exceeded the years of their first marriages whereas BM seemed obsessed about divorce being unholy and sinful. IMO, SM was serious about seeing her minor daughter through HS graduation and moving on to college. MOO
I was glad and sad about it in equal measure.

Glad she had some magic in her life even if it was mere infatuation it was an other.
I was sad he was such a wimp and never lifted a hand to find her when he knew she was missing, he just discarded all evidence of their connection. To protect his own *advertiser censored*, it seems.
On the balance I suppose I'm still glad she had a spark and it brought her some escapism which was badly needed by all accounts..

The writing sure was on the wall but the religion was strong with her, her vows weighed her down because she took them so seriously.
Lotta culprits but only one of them killed her, had motive and opportunity and enablement... continuing..
BBM. I'm not aware of her religious affiliation but is it possible she attended a large evangelical church? The reason I ask is because some evangelical churches have the wives subservient to their husbands when it comes to financials over which the husband has total control.

If that is true in this case, it is eerily similar to the 2010 Heidi Firkus murder in St. Paul MN that 20/20 recently covered. The Firkus home was going to be foreclosed upon the next day with the Sheriff coming to evict them. Heidi had no idea because her husband, Nick had total control of the finances, per church teachings. She and Nick met at their large evangelical church and were very active in it.

For more than a decade, the church believed Nick Firkus' story that a black man had broken into the home and was the reason for Heidi's death. Firkus remarried and his second wife discovered similar financial problems, realized her husband had lied to her and she fled for safety. She testified at his recent murder trial. Verdict: guilty.

I hope the DA does a very deep, deep dive into Morphew's personal and business finances.

The writing sure was on the wall but the religion was strong with her, her vows weighed her down because she took them so seriously.
Lotta culprits but only one of them killed her, had motive and opportunity and enablement... continuing..

Snipped for brevity. The religion was strong in her, and the control - in him. IMHO, BM would be controlling his family, finances, everything - even if staunch atheist. But his conservative, parochial views probably further contributed to the family dynamic. P.S. SM’s parents were from the same religious background, but her father sounded like a totally different man than BM.

My very personal suspicion, but I think that SM’s outlook on life was mostly affected by her getting cancer at such a young age. This is why her marriage with BM imploded so late; given how different they were, they should have divorced much sooner. But maybe she felt she was given a life, and a family, for a reason, and stayed with that family, no matter what?
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I respectfully draw Everyone's attention to Page 66, Section D. I've never seen anything quite like it before.

It's news to me that there was an actual map of chipmunk shootings. Does it cover every single square foot of the property? Were there actual chipmunk bodies verifying Barry's actions?



It's not a map of chipmunk shootings - it's a GPS plot of the phone movements.

This is an example of how IE lies about the case in order to try to confuse a more casual reader who does not drill down into the details. The plot is simply an accurate representation of the data. The FBI phone expert is apparently saying that based on the data alone, the theory is low confidence. i.e there could be another explanation, so we can say which is which so he has only "low confidence' in the conclusion. But this is of course true of many pieces of circumstantial evidence.

What then happened is Grusing bluffed BM into confirming the data. This is entirely proper for agents to do. So then when we got to the prelim, Grusing had corroboration of the data.

The idea 'exculpatory evidence' was concealed here is laughable. There is no such 'evidence' - merely the opinion of the expert. IE could obviously cross examine said expert at trial as to what he meant.

Domestic abuse victims aren't just bullied, they are totally controlled by a toxic narcissist who never accepts responsibility for his actions. His motive for murdering his wife is as old as time: control and greed. He didn't want to split the value of their assets in a divorce.



The evidence of stalking is a major red flag for intimate partner murder.
What specifically could the prosecution have done better to button case up in a no body case?
Cases have been won on circumstantial evidence in the past, with and without bodies.
What would another police force have done better?
What could a prosecution have done better?


It's really important not to get sucked in to IE's conspiracy theory. The case ended up being dismissed for procedural reasons i.e discovery violations NOT for lack of evidence.

The evidence against the defendant was already presented many months previously.

So what the DA could have done better is not do discovery violations.
Do we know the nature of that activity? Certainly BM could have been manipulating her phone but it could've been a scheduled function. I'm sound asleep when my phone uploads my photos to the Cloud. Very active phone, I'm not touching it.

IE is the queen of misrepresentation, it would seem.

Where is the justice?

We've never heard from the expert directly of course, but judging by the prosecutors motion for relief from the sanctions, i think the evidence is not different that what Grusing sock puppeted in at the preliminary.

The phone is not recovered, so all we have is the tower data and the icloud. The analysis was done in the year prior to BMs arrest.
The whole system is justice…a rigorous prosecution and a rigorous defense. Getting upset with IE and others who have reported LS leadership deficiencies is rigor on the system. I appreciate that it is a tough pill to swallow for those that bought the AA including the inadmissible information. I am not one that thinks there will never be charges in the future but am not expecting anything quickly until prosecution can tighten up their case.


Presuming this is directed at me.

I am upset that IE has intentional misrepresentations and untruths in her complaint.

I have no problem if she wants to complain about discovery violations. But that is not what is going on here.

You only need to look at page 77 re the dismissal without prejudice for confirmation as to how IE lies. She made those arguments in Court and lost. So now she tries to re-litigate them in a complaint. But the prosecution did not promise to find the body. She then claims these were 'false statements' pointing towards the defendant's innocence.

Just laughable and sad stuff.

Honestly I think the DA should make a complaint to the law society about this unethical conduct. The point is clearly to personally intimidate prosecutors in future cases.
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It's not a map of chipmunk shootings - it's a GPS plot of the phone movements.

This is an example of how IE lies about the case in order to try to confuse a more casual reader who does not drill down into the details. The plot is simply an accurate representation of the data. The FBI phone expert is apparently saying that based on the data alone, the theory is low confidence. i.e there could be another explanation, so we can say which is which so he has only "low confidence' in the conclusion. But this is of course true of many pieces of circumstantial evidence.

What then happened is Grusing bluffed BM into confirming the data. This is entirely proper for agents to do. So then when we got to the prelim, Grusing had corroboration of the data.

The idea 'exculpatory evidence' was concealed here is laughable. There is no such 'evidence' - merely the opinion of the expert. IE could obviously cross examine said expert at trial as to what he meant.

Yes. It's so clear to me that Grusing baited BM right into a trap. Shooting chipmunks, indeed.

BM had a weapon in his hand. He says so himself. And every possible ongoing spark of life from Suzanne disappeared (no more texts, calls, SM posts) from that time forward.

What a coincidence!
Yes. It's so clear to me that Grusing baited BM right into a trap. Shooting chipmunks, indeed.

BM had a weapon in his hand. He says so himself. And every possible ongoing spark of life from Suzanne disappeared (no more texts, calls, SM posts) from that time forward.

What a coincidence!


Grusing didn't mention a gun. It was Barry who introduced that into the mix. The idea that is all somehow an injustice is bizzare.
Yup. Issues for sure. They made huge mistakes, on a slam dunk no body case. Embarrassing.

That's what the complaint reinforces for me.

When @Seattle1 asked if I would review it, I wondered if IE would finally drop her rebuttal of the evidence and show how this was all a motivated prosecution.

.... still waiting on that

It's really important not to get sucked in to IE's conspiracy theory. The case ended up being dismissed for procedural reasons i.e discovery violations NOT for lack of evidence.

The evidence against the defendant was already presented many months previously.

So what the DA could have done better is not do discovery violations.
It absolutely is a conspiracy theory too.
It's not a map of chipmunk shootings - it's a GPS plot of the phone movements.

This is an example of how IE lies about the case in order to try to confuse a more casual reader who does not drill down into the details. The plot is simply an accurate representation of the data. The FBI phone expert is apparently saying that based on the data alone, the theory is low confidence. i.e there could be another explanation, so we can say which is which so he has only "low confidence' in the conclusion. But this is of course true of many pieces of circumstantial evidence.

What then happened is Grusing bluffed BM into confirming the data. This is entirely proper for agents to do. So then when we got to the prelim, Grusing had corroboration of the data.

The idea 'exculpatory evidence' was concealed here is laughable. There is no such 'evidence' - merely the opinion of the expert. IE could obviously cross examine said expert at trial as to what he meant.

It is exculpatory because it is true. Being in a mountainous rural region will produce the affect of a stationary phone moving all over the place. So the theory put forth by the prosecution is connected to exculpatory data that says “maybe not” regardless of what Barry might have said in conversations. I am not a lawyer but back when the trial was proceeding I wondered how much of Barry’s casual conversations with LE would end up suppressed.

The evidence of stalking is a major red flag for intimate partner murder.
Who was stalking whom? Suzanne purchased the spy pen. Most of the chatter about cameras in deer heads etc have not been shown to be proven that we know. This is just one more reason the whole DV thing is a weak argument in my opinion for prosecution even if the public has latched onto the speculation.

It's really important not to get sucked in to IE's conspiracy theory. The case ended up being dismissed for procedural reasons i.e discovery violations NOT for lack of evidence.

The evidence against the defendant was already presented many months previously.

So what the DA could have done better is not do discovery violations.
Murphy fell for it. A traveling sex offender could have murdered Suzanne and framed her husband based on a partial DNA marker that did not match any specific person. A partial match to an unknown offender in a different state found in a parked vehicle not associated with any crime. Totally unsupported theory based on hypothetical- a conspiracy between ie and cahill based on their phone call before his testimony in the PH. A fabrication of evidence and conspiracy theory. It worked.

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