Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* #108

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Thank you. He definitely used bleach for something. I can’t remember if he actually left the tools for his workers or took them back home with him.
I’m asking because wouldn’t LE have smelled bleach from his truck if tools were bleached? And wouldn’t the workers have smelled it on the tools?
That may explain the (minimal) effort he made at the no-work-on-Sunday worksite. Brought all his bleached tools and dirtied them back up, courtesy of Broomfield soil.

I’m just catching up so this may have been mentioned already but they can test hair for drugs. Hair is the last part of a body to decompose. Hopefully Suzanne’s is still viable.

I just now saw your post - but, I am very pessimistic about this. I can provide citations if anyone is interested. But hair follicles do not usually record chemical interactions of the last day of life. I fear that Suzanne was already dead by the time her organs had started to process the deer anesthetic. It's possible the deer anesthetic killed her, in which case there was no time for those chemicals to get through the various organs necessary before arriving at the hair follicles.

OTOH, I hope and pray you are right. I'm usually an optimist, but on this one, I need to take off my science hat and hope and pray that science is good enough to detect truly micro amounts of deer anesthesia in a hair follicle. The area of the body where it's more likely to be detectable would be the marrow chambers.

To put it another way, longer term chronic drug use is detectable in hair.

Quote from that page:
Hair follicle tests can detect drug use for up to 3 months before testing, using hair samples that come from a person’s scalp.

Urine tests can detect more recent drug use, while hair follicle tests can identify regular, long-term drug use.

There are attempts to study newly dead people (who died in hospital after anesthesia) and even there, it's difficult to get much data except from the marrow channels. However, even there, it's difficult and iffy. I can't find any studies (so far) where much was gained in the way of toxin analysis. We wish there were more data available from bones, for sure. DNA can sometimes be found (it persists) but anesthetics are not designed to persist. OTOH, it is really dry out there, and if the dose given to Suzanne was large, there *could* be metabolites (oh, how the Defense will try to eliminate such evidence - if it cannot be proved absolutely that it was such and such a chemical that Barry had access to...
Not her job to reinforce anything she might be thinking in her head about guilt or innocence. Her JOB is to do everything she can to ensure that the state is not unfairly punishing any innocent person charged of a crime she happens to defend. I do not understand the vitriol around defense attorneys and this one in particular. It's the beauty of our justice system. A vigorous prosecution and a vigorous defense.
Defending a client is one thing.

How is her comment defending her client? No need to even say anything at all or if she had to make a comment, then why not just say they are grieving their wife/mother who was just found dead. Instead of letting this time be about the true victims in this, she made it about her client, which does feed into what most of us think about him and her.
She can still act as his CD attorney even if charges have not been made against him. Her statements are appropriate if BM has instructed her to issue such statements on his behalf.
I know my writing leaves much to be desired, so please allow me to clarify:

Iris's statements may be authorized by BM and she may legally speak on his behalf, but IMO, the content is completely inappropriate. BM learned that his wife is dead, was murdered and her body located in a shallow grave; he's not answering to a criminal charge. And it's not the time to argue their civil case.

And I've noticed her getting a bit touchy feely with her clients charged with murder. I don't think it's appropriate ... but it's all just MOO.
He will be playing "a grieving widower". So if this role requires being compliant with Suzanne’s wishes and not being nasty to her relatives, he may honor her wishes. His current situation requires to be likable to the public.
If Barry is low on funds, he may choose to allow Suzanne’s birth family to bury her. Especially if his lawyer continues to send a daily email/comment.
Did Barry put up any of the $200,000 reward?
I just thought of something. I recall us discussing early on that perhaps Barry didn't expect her to be missed so soon. He also didn't expect it to be national new immediately. What if he quickly put her where he did, but his big plan was to move her later to a more permeant place. He didn't get to do that because his suspicious behavior and lies had him being looked at from day 1. So maybe he didn't move her after that fact, but the plan was that he would move her and then he couldn't.
I know my writing leaves much to be desired, so please allow me to clarify:

Iris's statements may be authorized by BM and she may legally speak on his behalf, but IMO, the content is completely inappropriate. BM learned that his wife is dead, was murdered and her body located in a shallow grave; he's not answering to a criminal charge. And it's not the time to argue their civil case.

And I've noticed her getting a bit touchy feely with her clients charged with murder. I don't think it's appropriate ... but it's all just MOO.

I Wonder if she will come to regret that hug.
Plus she was very active - including the Proof of Life photo -- with JL right up until she wasn't.

Yep she was active and moving on. She told Barry I believe on the 6th.. I'm done.. lets just make it civil. She told her sister on the 8th that Barry was abusive and this was a shock to her sister. Suzanne was not looking back. She made her decision and she was done and she was telling people that, including Barry.

Sheila says they hadn't had a good night in a year and a half
Daughters boyfriend said they had issues and had talked about divorce

Barry says, we had a perfect night sharing a steak and having sex..

I mean investigators didn't have to be genius to see something was way off when these are the statements they got.
So we know there was about 5 hours of BM unaccounted for time between roughly 10pm Sat-3am Sunday (remembering Andy Moorman said in his Dr. Phil interview shortly after his big search concluded that LE had narrowed down this window of time and needing to draw a circle around that and figure out where and what BM was doing during that timeframe).

IMO, he left both their phones at home and 5 hours gave him plenty of time to travel to Moffat, prepare shallow grave, dump Suzanne in said grave, and travel back to Puma Path. Remember he’s a skilled landscaper and big he-man trophy hunter (gag!), meaning, he had/has the necessary skills and tools to work fast and expeditiously. Being familiar with the area, he also knew traffic would be light at those late/wee hours so yeah all considered, I believe he had more than enough time to do it under the cover of darkness, light traffic and in a very remote, isolated area, an area he’s very familiar with. And if he knew of/took a shortcut to and from Moffat, well… that would have afforded him even more time.

I will say, I was surprised to hear it was a shallow grave and since learning that fact, I’m leaning more toward an unplanned rage killing (though I still believe BM probably had thought/ruminated about killing Suzanne many times before that day but didn’t have a fully completed plan/worked out the details (in his mind) yet). So I think what spurred this all on/led to the fateful day BM ended Suzanne for good were a few key events that happened in the days leading up to Mother’s Day.

Those events would be the “Im done” text Suzanne sent to BM on Wednesday 5/6/20; possibly (likely) saw the list/notes Suzanne uploaded to her phone on Friday 5/8/20 and the text she sent to her Sister Melinda also on 5/8/20 wherein both her list/notes she uploaded to her phone and her text to her Sister, Suzanne documents BM’s abuse; those events had him stewing/simmering/rage bubbling under the surface. Then came the final straw- the events on Saturday 5/9/20 when he could no longer contain/control himself and bubbled over/exploded.

IMO on 5/9/20, via trail cams and/or spy app on one of his phones, BM was spying on SM while she was talking with her lover JL and sending him pictures and ignoring BM’s calls that afternoon. (I believe at the very least he suspected, possibly flat out knew she was having an affair, maybe just not sure whom with but I definitely believe he suspected or knew she was having one). This infuriated him and he’d had it! (She’s been talking with her lover and sending him pictures and she’s ignoring me!). This sent him over the edge and his simmering rage boiled over, the catalyst if you will. I believe he rushed back home that Saturday afternoon in a full-on rage and 1 of 2 scenarios happened when he arrived back home at 2:44pm and jumped out of his truck without even closing the door (truck telematics).

1st scenario- BM jumps out of truck, grabs working tranq gun from garage, (which he later dumps in Broomfield) starts running around the property gun in hand (he admits to this and claims he was shooting chipmunks -see AA), shoots Suzanne out back where she’s been sunbathing. Suzanne jumps up startled (perhaps she had put her head down and fallen asleep on her lounge while chatting with JL), chase ensues. Suzanne is running for her life, runs inside the house and locks as many doors as she can while still semi? conscious, made it to the master bedroom and locked the door.
BM running after her, broke through the bedroom door while she was possibly searching in the bedroom for a gun for protection. Suzanne is starting to lose consciousness due to the tranq effects, BM grabs her in the bedroom (possible small struggle ensues on the bedroom floor), BM of course overpowers her as she’s losing consciousness and strangles her to death.
2nd scenario- BM jumps out of truck, and sees she’s not outside, grabs tranq loaded syringe from garage and runs into the house looking for her going room to room, he then hears something through the other side of the locked master bedroom door (she may have gone inside to change for bike ride, or to take a shower, or to get ready for video call with JL), BM breaks through the door, chased her around the bedroom area, caught up to her, grabbed her, jabbed her with a tranq filled needle, strangles her to death. I do think it was one of the above 2 scenarios or some variation thereof as to what happened/how Suzanne met her fate
when BM arrived home on Saturday afternoon.

The question I have if either of those scenarios is what happened, after tranq’ing her, did he finish her off (strangled her to death) at home in the bedroom and possibly put her on ice in a cooler or draped her dead body over the bobcat in the area the dogs hit on the bobcat and waited until around 10pm (cover of darkness) and used another vehicle he had access to (neighbor’s? fire dept.vehicle? friend’s vehicle unbeknownst to said friend?), drove her dead body to the gravesite, dug shallow grave, dumped her in, drove home, returned “borrowed” vehicle and no one was the wiser. If the borrowed vehicle belonged to someone close by like the neighbor, he just had to walk home.
Or, did he drive her to Moffat in an unconscious state in his daughter’s older non-GPS Range Rover and finished her off at the gravesite before digging and dumping her body (takes only 2-3 minutes to strangle to death). This scenario doesn’t fit with the 5 hour unaccounted for timeframe of 10pm-3am because he would have had to have driven her there in the non-GPS RR shortly after tranq’ing her at home (mid afternoon) while still unconscious. So I think he finished her off at home and waited until darkness to transport her makes more sense with the timeline and he must have used a non-Morphew vehicle to transport her because no dogs hit on any of their vehicles including the non-GPS RR.

Other reasons I now believe it was more of a rage fueled unplanned or ‘less planned’ killing- the aftermath period reeks of panic. Traveling to Moffat, digging shallow grave, dump Suzanne in said grave, drive home, cleanup and load up truck with incriminating evidence he knew he had to get rid of, and quick. IMO all the truck activity in the 3am hour, was BM in a total panic loading up his truck with said incriminating evidence, dump the bike and helmet before hightailing it outta dodge to head to Broomfield to dump evidence hundreds of miles away in various dumpsters and to put distance between himself and the crime scene(s). Once in Broomfield, proceeds to make five trash dumps at different locations around town, various changes of clothes, goes to the jobsite for 11-15 mins just to say he’d been there (there was no job on Sunday, no permit to work, etc etc) and then spent the majority of the rest of the day in the hotel room imo cleaning the tools he used in the burial, washing himself and his clothes off, and likely slept for awhile (exhausted from the previous night’s and early morning “activities”) while waiting for the inevitable emergency call he knew he’d be getting- no one could get in touch with or locate Suzanne.

Like many, one of my biggest questions is what vehicle/mode of transportation did he use for transport to Moffat??? I realize we will probably be waiting quite awhile to have that and many of our other questions answered. Even if LE knows, they will not reveal what they know to protect the integrity of the investigation. I’m ok with that and will patiently wait until (hopefully) BM’s future trial.

I could be wrong but I really don’t think he’ll try to pull a runner or take the F. Dulos way out and off himself. I think he thinks too highly of himself/extreme arrogance and still thinks he can beat this. BM is a legend in his own mind. (insert eyeroll).

At any rate, hopefully LE has eyes on him/surveillance just in case he gets any ideas. In the meantime, keep shaking in your cowboy boots and looking over your shoulder BM wondering when they’re coming for you, imo just a matter of time.

Tick tock, tick tock…


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I do not recall any evidence presented in the AA or prelim that menitoned soil or pollen samples. I also do not recall any mention of Saguache county during the proceedings.

However, contemporary to SM going missing, there were a series of arrests and discovery of bodies in the Alamosa area. That investigation seems to be ongoing and apparently involves multiple murders and people being buried and dumped in remote areas of Alamosa and Saguache counties...IMO
Not all evidence collected would be in the AA or prelim.

I do hope that Barry has not become a serial killer,dumping other victims in the same area.
I Wonder if she will come to regret that hug.

No. At that point, she did what he hired her for. For big money, to pull out a client, accused of murdering his wife, out of jail. Very professionally. Like in their time, OJ's team did.

But here is the difference. After that, they said good-bye. Left in clouds of glory. Gods. All OJ's civil suits, all his burglary and toxicity they stayed away from.

Iris should have hugged BM and left then and there.
Waist high....

They describe LE in a hole waist high....

3 feet.

Incredible that her remains were found, after predation of both the 2 and 4 legged variety and that her grave was found too. I imagine they brought dogs out...

Maybe they dug deeper than BM did, assuming LE was standing in the hole BM dug, but it gels.

Not quite an hour from PP. There and back, two hours.

Leaves about two hours for digging.

3 feet deep... possibly deeper, just not the 6 feet deep enough required to prevent aminal disruption...

Didn't need to be 6'x2' hole either. Still it had to be broad enough for the digger to get that deep, standing in it, throwing out shovels full....

He was racing the clock the whole time... sunrise looming... probably underestimated how hard the digging would be, overestimated how quickly he could dig. How much blood and sweat did he pour into that effort? Sweat had to be pouring from his brow. Oh, Suzanne...

The details are going to be disturbing.

I’m confused. I thought she was found in a somewhat shallow grave with grass or whatever only about two inches and in an open field. Looks you could bury anyone at that site and hide them awhile.
Barry expected the police to believe every word he said and treat him as an equal due to him being a firefighter. He thought he would be given the 'old boy 'treatment and not be investigated. He would think any fellow prisoner to be completely beneath him and would not be sitting with anyone of them exchanging confidences.
As my earlier post said about your prior post,
"I see your point and tend to agree,..."
then merely brought up another angle.

Thanks for your further explanation. Agreeing.
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So we know there was about 5 hours of BM unaccounted for time between roughly 10pm Sat-3am Sunday (remembering Andy Moorman said in his Dr. Phil interview shortly after his big search concluded that LE had narrowed down this window of time and needing to draw a circle around that and figure out where and what BM was doing during that timeframe).

IMO, he left both their phones at home and 5 hours gave him plenty of time to travel to Moffat, prepare shallow grave, dump Suzanne in said grave, and travel back to Puma Path. Remember he’s a skilled landscaper and big he-man trophy hunter (gag!), meaning, he had/has the necessary skills and tools to work fast and expeditiously. Being familiar with the area, he also knew traffic would be light at those late/wee hours so yeah all considered, I believe he had more than enough time to do it under the cover of darkness, light traffic and in a very remote, isolated area, an area he’s very familiar with. And if he knew of/took a shortcut to and from Moffat, well… that would have afforded him even more time.

I will say, I was surprised to hear it was a shallow grave and since learning that fact, I’m leaning more toward an unplanned rage killing (though I still believe BM probably had thought/ruminated about killing Suzanne many times before that day but didn’t have a fully completed plan/worked out the details (in his mind) yet). So I think what spurred this all on/led to the fateful day BM ended Suzanne for good were a few key events that happened in the days leading up to Mother’s Day.

Those events would be the “Im done” text Suzanne sent to BM on Wednesday 5/6/20; possibly (likely) saw the notes Suzanne uploaded to her phone on Friday 5/8/20; the text she sent to her Sister Melinda also on 5/8/20 wherein both her list/notes she uploaded to her phone and in her text to her Sister, Suzanne documents BM’s abuse; those events had him stewing/simmering/rage bubbling under the surface. Then came the final straw- the events on Saturday 5/9/20 when he could no longer contain/control himself and bubbled over/exploded.

IMO on 5/9/20, via trail cams and/or spy app on one of his phones, BM was spying on SM while she was talking with her lover JL and sending him pictures and ignoring BM’s calls that afternoon. (I believe at the very least he suspected, possibly flat out knew she was having an affair, maybe just not sure whom with but I definitely believe he suspected or knew she was having one). This infuriated him and he’d had it! (She’s been talking with her lover and sending him pictures and she’s ignoring me!). This sent him over the edge and his simmering rage boiled over, the catalyst if you will. I believe he rushed back home that Saturday afternoon in a full-on rage and 1 of 2 scenarios happened when he arrived back home at 2:44pm and jumped out of his truck without even closing the door (truck telematics).

1st scenario- BM jumps out of truck, grabs working tranq gun from garage, (which he later dumps in Broomfield) starts running around the property gun in hand (he admits to this and claims he was shooting chipmunks -see AA), shoots Suzanne out back where she’s been sunbathing. Suzanne jumps up startled (perhaps she had put her head down and fallen asleep on her lounge while chatting with JL), chase ensues. Suzanne is running for her life, runs inside the house and locks as many doors as she can while still semi? conscious, made it to the master bedroom and locked the door.
BM running after her, broke through the bedroom door while she was possible searching in the bedroom for a gun for protection. Suzanne is starting to lose consciousness due to the tranq effects, BM grabs her in the bedroom (possible small struggle ensues on the bedroom floor), BM of course overpowers her as she’s losing consciousness and strangles her to death.
2nd scenario- BM jumps out of truck, and sees she’s not outside, grabs tranq loaded syringe from garage and runs into the house looking for her going room to room, he then hears something through the other side of the locked master bedroom door (she may have gone inside to change for bike ride, or to take a shower, or to get ready for video call with JL), BM breaks through the door, chased her around the bedroom area, caught up to her, grabbed her, jabbed her with a tranq filled needle, strangles her to death. I do think it was one of the above 2 scenarios or some variation thereof as to what happened/how Suzanne met her fate
when BM arrived home on Saturday afternoon.

The question I have if either of those scenarios is what happened, after tranq’ing her, did he finish her off (strangled her to death) at home in the bedroom and possibly put her on ice in a cooler or draped her dead body over the bobcat in the area the dogs hit on the bobcat and waited until around 10pm (cover of darkness) and used another vehicle he had access to (neighbor’s? fire dept.vehicle? friend’s vehicle unbeknownst to said friend?), drove her dead body to the gravesite, dug shallow grave, dumped her in, drove home, returned “borrowed” vehicle and no one was the wiser. If the borrowed vehicle belonged to someone close by like the neighbor, he just had to walk home.
Or, did he drive her to Moffat in an unconscious state in his daughter’s older non-GPS Range Rover and finished her off at the gravesite before digging and dumping her body (takes only 2-3 minutes to strangle to death). This scenario doesn’t fit with the 5 hour unaccounted for timeframe of 10pm-3am because he would have had to have driven her there in the non-GPS RR shortly after tranq’ing her at home (mid afternoon) while still unconscious. So I think he finished her off at home and waited until darkness to transport her makes more sense with the timeline and he must have used a non-Morphew vehicle to transport her because no dogs hit on any of their vehicles including the non-GPS RR.

Other reasons I now believe it was more of a rage fueled unplanned or ‘less planned’ killing- the aftermath period reeks of panic. Traveling to Moffat, digging shallow grave, dump Suzanne in said grave, drive home, cleanup and load up truck with incriminating evidence he knew he had to get rid of, and quick. IMO all the truck activity in the 3am hour, was BM in a total panic loading up his truck with said incriminating evidence, dump the bike and helmet before hightailing it outta dodge to head to Broomfield to dump evidence hundreds of miles away in various dumpsters and to put distance between himself and the crime scene(s). Once in Broomfield, proceeds to make five trash dumps at different locations around Broomfield, various changes of clothes, goes to the jobsite for 11-15 mins just to say he’d been there (there was no job on Sunday, no permit to work, etc etc) and then spent the majority of the rest of the day in the hotel room imo cleaning the tools he used in the burial, washing himself and his clothes off, and likely slept for awhile (exhausted from the previous night’s and early morning “activities”) while waiting for the inevitable emergency call he knew he’d be getting- no one could get in touch with or locate Suzanne.

Like many, one of my biggest questions is what vehicle/mode of transportation did he use for transport to Moffat??? I realize we will probably be waiting quite awhile to have that and many of our other questions answered. Even if LE knows, they will not reveal what they know to protect the integrity of the investigation. I’m ok with that and will patiently wait until (hopefully) BM’s future trial.

I could be wrong but I really don’t think he’ll try to pull a runner or take the F. Dulos way out and off himself. I think he thinks too highly of himself/extreme arrogance and still thinks he can beat this. BM is a legend in his own mind. (insert eyeroll).
At any rate, hopefully LE has eyes on him/surveillance just in case he gets any ideas. In the meantime, keep shaking in your cowboy boots and looking over your shoulder BM wondering when they’re coming for you, just a matter of time.

Tick tock, tick tock…


If the "event" was planned or not and how long before, we might only know based on the exact time, when BM first asked the 1. employee to work on Sunday at Broomfield. I have forgotten, when and where that has been and whom he asked first.
I too, remember reading about, and discussion on, BM crashing the Florida trip.
That would be kind of a fly on the wall event, I wish we knew more details just for the omg of it. For some reason it brings to mind that lady astronaut who drove from Texas to Florida to have it out with her boyfriend's girlfriend. Something like that. Using hi tech diapers.
I just thought of something. I recall us discussing early on that perhaps Barry didn't expect her to be missed so soon. He also didn't expect it to be national new immediately. What if he quickly put her where he did, but his big plan was to move her later to a more permeant place. He didn't get to do that because his suspicious behavior and lies had him being looked at from day 1. So maybe he didn't move her after that fact, but the plan was that he would move her and then he couldn't.
Were you around when some very wise WSers brought up this theory - in the early months? You may have been one of them.

I was just remembering how Barry had somewhat inexplicably bought a vacant lot in SE Salida, I believe it was. If I'm remembering correctly, he did this after Suzanne's disappearance, and put it partly in his mother's name? Some people speculated that it was really going to be passed on to SD (the girlfriend), but others here speculated that he might use that lot as a burial place for Suzanne (he was going to be building a house on it, so he'd have ever reason to have his Bobcat and a cement mixer over there).

That lot looks remarkably like the land where Suzanne was actually buried.

He sold the lot without improving it, IIRC (in order to pay for his defense?).

If he had done this (like the murderer in the Kristin Smart case may have done), it would have taken vastly longer (if ever) to find Suzanne. And BM can never be sure when he's being watched, can he? He has to assume that he's being watched (by both LE and amateur sleuths alike).

So we know there was about 5 hours of BM unaccounted for time between roughly 10pm Sat-3am Sunday (remembering Andy Moorman said in his Dr. Phil interview shortly after his big search concluded that LE had narrowed down this window of time and needing to draw a circle around that and figure out where and what BM was doing during that timeframe).

IMO, he left both their phones at home and 5 hours gave him plenty of time to travel to Moffat, prepare shallow grave, dump Suzanne in said grave, and travel back to Puma Path. Remember he’s a skilled landscaper and big he-man trophy hunter (gag!), meaning, he had/has the necessary skills and tools to work fast and expeditiously. Being familiar with the area, he also knew traffic would be light at those late/wee hours so yeah all considered, I believe he had more than enough time to do it under the cover of darkness, light traffic and in a very remote, isolated area, an area he’s very familiar with. And if he knew of/took a shortcut to and from Moffat, well… that would have afforded him even more time.

I will say, I was surprised to hear it was a shallow grave and since learning that fact, I’m leaning more toward an unplanned rage killing (though I still believe BM probably had thought/ruminated about killing Suzanne many times before that day but didn’t have a fully completed plan/worked out the details (in his mind) yet). So I think what spurred this all on/led to the fateful day BM ended Suzanne for good were a few key events that happened in the days leading up to Mother’s Day.

Those events would be the “Im done” text Suzanne sent to BM on Wednesday 5/6/20; possibly (likely) saw the notes Suzanne uploaded to her phone on Friday 5/8/20; the text she sent to her Sister Melinda also on 5/8/20 wherein both her list/notes she uploaded to her phone and in her text to her Sister, Suzanne documents BM’s abuse; those events had him stewing/simmering/rage bubbling under the surface. Then came the final straw- the events on Saturday 5/9/20 when he could no longer contain/control himself and bubbled over/exploded.

IMO on 5/9/20, via trail cams and/or spy app on one of his phones, BM was spying on SM while she was talking with her lover JL and sending him pictures and ignoring BM’s calls that afternoon. (I believe at the very least he suspected, possibly flat out knew she was having an affair, maybe just not sure whom with but I definitely believe he suspected or knew she was having one). This infuriated him and he’d had it! (She’s been talking with her lover and sending him pictures and she’s ignoring me!). This sent him over the edge and his simmering rage boiled over, the catalyst if you will. I believe he rushed back home that Saturday afternoon in a full-on rage and 1 of 2 scenarios happened when he arrived back home at 2:44pm and jumped out of his truck without even closing the door (truck telematics).

1st scenario- BM jumps out of truck, grabs working tranq gun from garage, (which he later dumps in Broomfield) starts running around the property gun in hand (he admits to this and claims he was shooting chipmunks -see AA), shoots Suzanne out back where she’s been sunbathing. Suzanne jumps up startled (perhaps she had put her head down and fallen asleep on her lounge while chatting with JL), chase ensues. Suzanne is running for her life, runs inside the house and locks as many doors as she can while still semi? conscious, made it to the master bedroom and locked the door.
BM running after her, broke through the bedroom door while she was possible searching in the bedroom for a gun for protection. Suzanne is starting to lose consciousness due to the tranq effects, BM grabs her in the bedroom (possible small struggle ensues on the bedroom floor), BM of course overpowers her as she’s losing consciousness and strangles her to death.
2nd scenario- BM jumps out of truck, and sees she’s not outside, grabs tranq loaded syringe from garage and runs into the house looking for her going room to room, he then hears something through the other side of the locked master bedroom door (she may have gone inside to change for bike ride, or to take a shower, or to get ready for video call with JL), BM breaks through the door, chased her around the bedroom area, caught up to her, grabbed her, jabbed her with a tranq filled needle, strangles her to death. I do think it was one of the above 2 scenarios or some variation thereof as to what happened/how Suzanne met her fate
when BM arrived home on Saturday afternoon.

The question I have if either of those scenarios is what happened, after tranq’ing her, did he finish her off (strangled her to death) at home in the bedroom and possibly put her on ice in a cooler or draped her dead body over the bobcat in the area the dogs hit on the bobcat and waited until around 10pm (cover of darkness) and used another vehicle he had access to (neighbor’s? fire dept.vehicle? friend’s vehicle unbeknownst to said friend?), drove her dead body to the gravesite, dug shallow grave, dumped her in, drove home, returned “borrowed” vehicle and no one was the wiser. If the borrowed vehicle belonged to someone close by like the neighbor, he just had to walk home.
Or, did he drive her to Moffat in an unconscious state in his daughter’s older non-GPS Range Rover and finished her off at the gravesite before digging and dumping her body (takes only 2-3 minutes to strangle to death). This scenario doesn’t fit with the 5 hour unaccounted for timeframe of 10pm-3am because he would have had to have driven her there in the non-GPS RR shortly after tranq’ing her at home (mid afternoon) while still unconscious. So I think he finished her off at home and waited until darkness to transport her makes more sense with the timeline and he must have used a non-Morphew vehicle to transport her because no dogs hit on any of their vehicles including the non-GPS RR.

Other reasons I now believe it was more of a rage fueled unplanned or ‘less planned’ killing- the aftermath period reeks of panic. Traveling to Moffat, digging shallow grave, dump Suzanne in said grave, drive home, cleanup and load up truck with incriminating evidence he knew he had to get rid of, and quick. IMO all the truck activity in the 3am hour, was BM in a total panic loading up his truck with said incriminating evidence, dump the bike and helmet before hightailing it outta dodge to head to Broomfield to dump evidence hundreds of miles away in various dumpsters and to put distance between himself and the crime scene(s). Once in Broomfield, proceeds to make five trash dumps at different locations around Broomfield, various changes of clothes, goes to the jobsite for 11-15 mins just to say he’d been there (there was no job on Sunday, no permit to work, etc etc) and then spent the majority of the rest of the day in the hotel room imo cleaning the tools he used in the burial, washing himself and his clothes off, and likely slept for awhile (exhausted from the previous night’s and early morning “activities”) while waiting for the inevitable emergency call he knew he’d be getting- no one could get in touch with or locate Suzanne.

Like many, one of my biggest questions is what vehicle/mode of transportation did he use for transport to Moffat??? I realize we will probably be waiting quite awhile to have that and many of our other questions answered. Even if LE knows, they will not reveal what they know to protect the integrity of the investigation. I’m ok with that and will patiently wait until (hopefully) BM’s future trial.

I could be wrong but I really don’t think he’ll try to pull a runner or take the F. Dulos way out and off himself. I think he thinks too highly of himself/extreme arrogance and still thinks he can beat this. BM is a legend in his own mind. (insert eyeroll).

At any rate, hopefully LE has eyes on him/surveillance just in case he gets any ideas. In the meantime, keep shaking in your cowboy boots and looking over your shoulder BM wondering when they’re coming for you, imo just a matter of time.

Tick tock, tick tock…


A +++++
@fcavanaugh ... By golly, I think you've got it!

Is there any chance someone left a vehicle at the house while the girls were on the camping trip? His nephews or mother's vehicle or one he would have a set of keys?

Your post is perfect for those of us in need of refreshing our memories.

Thank you :)
Thank you. He definitely used bleach for something. I can’t remember if he actually left the tools for his workers or took them back home with him.
I’m asking because wouldn’t LE have smelled bleach from his truck if tools were bleached? And wouldn’t the workers have smelled it on the tools?
Growers, landscape managers, and gardeners should clean their tools and work surfaces (including floors) with a surface disinfectant. Surface disinfectants are substances that kill or reduce the growth of disease-causing microorganisms. Numerous types of products can be used to disinfect tools and surfaces.

I think, BM's workers were used to the smell of some bleach, if it wasn't their Hotel room of all things. IMO
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