Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w/o prejudice* *found in 2023* #111

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RBBM. So are you thinking if is the case that someone known to the family, SM, BM or the girls is responsible, that maybe BM was summoned to clean up after the deed was done and has been covering for this mystery person ever since? Covering for them for 3+ years since Mother’s Day weekend 2020? Because one would have to believe if someone else is responsible for murdering Suzanne and dumping her like trash in a shallow grave where imo they knew scavengers would likely get to her and scatter her remains, one has to believe either BM is the unluckiest guy in the world and everything he did that weekend and ever since that fateful day, that he’s just a poor victim of 100’s of coincidences that just so happened to take place the same weekend his loving wife was murdered, or that he was/is complicit in helping someone cover it up, to this day. So I’m curious if you believe he’s just an unlucky victim of mounds of coincidences, or that he cleaned up the scene and is covering for the “real killer”.

Personally, I don’t believe BM is some unlucky victim of 100’s of coincidences that just so happened to take place on the same weekend his wife was abducted and murdered. Nor do I believe he cleaned up the scene and is covering for someone else. Who on earth would this d-bag BM cover for in the murder of his “Angel” wife and in the process incriminate only himself time and time again in speaking with investigators, lying, changing his stories to fit evidence, and mountains of evidence pointing at him as the sole perpetrator.
Or do you believe because BM asked Grusing for “immunity” if he were to open up his whole life to him (practically a confession), he was going to throw someone he was potentially helping/covering for under the bus and admit that he was complicit because he panicked, hoping to be given immunity from prosecution if he testified against the “real killer”? And if that was the case, how come BM didn’t give the “real killer’s” name up to Grusing to try and get an immunity deal? Personally at that time when he said that to Grusing imo BM didn’t know what immunity really meant.

The only question left for me in this sad awful saga, is how/in which vehicle did BM transported SM to Moffat.



IF SM was murdered by someone known to her, BM, the girls or all of them, I don’t think BM is covering for them. This doesn’t have to be someone that personally knows any of them either. In this scenario he has no clue what happened or by who. I don’t think he’s covering for anyone or that anyone is covering for him.

I don’t see strong evidence in the AA that BM murdered SM. I just don’t, never have. I think he did it, but that’s it.

The location where SM’s remains were recovered, right off a main road, puts BM further down the list for me. I’m not up for now assuming he drove a vehicle not identified by LE to transport her there either. imo
Opinion: Barry is the type of man who really dislikes and won't permit a divorce. He's not alone. There are many such men and any woman who is murdered is more likely to be murdered by a romantic partner/spouse than any other category. Most women are murdered by men. Most of the time it's someone they know.

The most likely time for this to happen is while the woman is leaving the relationship (at any stage of leaving).

Well, it's not entirely opinion:

The Department of Justice seems to agree with me. Women are represented in blue. Men have a different way of meeting their fate through murder.

And here's a source for the "most dangerous time period":

So while it could be a complete stranger, that makes ALL of the Barry Behavior of that weekend even more extraordinary.

What a huge coincidence that would be. Poor Barry had the bad luck of hiding evidence, admitting to it, etc., all on the same weekend that some other person kidnaps and murders Suzanne. And it's so odd that her last proof of life coincides almost precisely with his arrival at the house. And she was still sleeping the next morning, he says! (When he goes on the evidence dumping runs and gets caught on camera at some of them; when he makes up a non-existent work project he has to attend to and is not prepared to do once he gets there).

So sometime in between around 6 am and...whenever the neighbor is asked to go check, some OTHER random person shows up and defies all probabilities and knows the area well enough to bury Suzanne in a shallow grave where scavengers are sure to find her.

But it wasn't her boyfriend/other partner. Because he wasn't in CO.

Sadly, about ⅓ of murders of women are never solved/cleared.

And yes, I realize that statistics do not solve crimes, but they do help point to possible pools of murderers, don't they? So odd that Barry didn't show up for the vigils, too. Gets conservatorship over his missing wife very quickly, sells property that was half hers and puts it in his own pockets. Such a bad look. Sadly, the skeletonized remains may not offer much more help in solving this case - but a clear-headed review of the evidence and a good legal mind in the DA's office might do the trick. I'm sure they have a suspect on their mind.

Let a jury decide it and let all the things Barry said in his many, many unlawyered interviews be heard in court. DA has all the time in the world to get their ducks in a row.

IF SM was murdered by someone known to her, BM, the girls or all of them, I don’t think BM is covering for them. This doesn’t have to be someone that personally knows any of them either. In this scenario he has no clue what happened or by who. I don’t think he’s covering for anyone or that anyone is covering for him.

I don’t see strong evidence in the AA that BM murdered SM. I just don’t, never have. I think he did it, but that’s it.

The location where SM’s remains were recovered, right off a main road, puts BM further down the list for me. I’m not up for now assuming he drove a vehicle not identified by LE to transport her there either. imo
I understand some people need to see more direct and/or physical evidence but the fact is, most cases don’t have much, if any, direct evidence. The majority of cases are built on circumstantial evidence which tells a story, connects the dots, puzzle pieces put together and is the totality of said evidence that more often than not convicts a person in a court of law.

If nothing to hide, an innocent person has no reason to lie. BM lied sooo much.
One of his damning lies, if not the most damning lie of all the lies he told was when he got the emergency phone call from the Ritter’s and said he was working at the wall with workers present when in fact that wasn’t the case at all as evidence proves he was holed up at the hotel in his room when he got that call.

So he lied before he was even supposed to know a crime was committed. But as most of us believe, he knew a crime had been committed because he’s responsible and he told that massive lie to sell his (fake) “had to go to work on a big job on Mother’s Day” alibi.


I strongly believe BM hid Suzanne's body for some time and moved her later while on a "job" of some sorts. He could have used one of the girl's car or even his new girlfriend's car. He could have borrowed a vehicle in the middle of the night or some other possible way, but I truly believe he is the one who murdered Suzanne and I hope he is brought to justice soon.
IF SM was murdered by someone known to her, BM, the girls or all of them, I don’t think BM is covering for them. This doesn’t have to be someone that personally knows any of them either. In this scenario he has no clue what happened or by who. I don’t think he’s covering for anyone or that anyone is covering for him.

I don’t see strong evidence in the AA that BM murdered SM. I just don’t, never have. I think he did it, but that’s it.

The location where SM’s remains were recovered, right off a main road, puts BM further down the list for me. I’m not up for now assuming he drove a vehicle not identified by LE to transport her there either. imo
Yet chances of a stranger murder are even slimmer.
Lightening does kill people, but it's more common that those driving in the divorce lane end up getting killed by the spouse.
I understand some people need to see more direct and/or physical evidence but the fact is, most cases don’t have much, if any, direct evidence. The majority of cases are built on circumstantial evidence which tells a story, connects the dots, puzzle pieces put together and is the totality of said evidence that more often than not convicts a person in a court of law.

If nothing to hide, an innocent person has no reason to lie. BM lied sooo much.
One of his damning lies, if not the most damning lie of all the lies he told was when he got the emergency phone call from the Ritter’s and said he was working at the wall with workers present when in fact that wasn’t the case at all as evidence proves he was holed up at the hotel in his room when he got that call.

So he lied before he was even supposed to know a crime was committed. But as most of us believe, he knew a crime had been committed because he’s responsible and he told that massive lie to sell his (fake) “had to go to work on a big job on Mother’s Day” alibi.


There is an adage "lies are a form of confession."
I strongly believe BM hid Suzanne's body for some time and moved her later while on a "job" of some sorts. He could have used one of the girl's car or even his new girlfriend's car. He could have borrowed a vehicle in the middle of the night or some other possible way, but I truly believe he is the one who murdered Suzanne and I hope he is brought to justice soon.
I don’t think so. LE and FBI suspected him the first day. He wouldn’t take that chance. JMO.
So I was looking back at my notes of Grusing at the prelim / Lauren Scharf etc as part of my low burning obsession about Timing Advance & CAST

The following kind of summarises what we know the prosecution 'knows'.

CAST wasn't in evidence, but Grusing is allowed to testify as to his own investigative steps. So he plotted the data given to him. He discussed it with people including the experts and Barry. But we don't have the underlying CAST expert testifying as to the veracity of the data.

1. Telematics of truck in driveway 3.25am-3.52am. Both phones at home. i.e. triple corroboration.

2. 3.58am - 4.07 Grusing plots BMs phone away from home. It moves straight to the intersection of 225/50 near where bike is found. This is what he later confronts BM with and we know from the civil case that analysts raised this with Grusing.

3. In conversation with experts, they say to Grusing it can't be said with certainty that the date means phone was actually moving (but BM himself confirms it)

4. SMs phone last registers signals quite a way from the home in an arc as if it was struggling to get a good connection. This is around 4.10. Last one around 4.22. See also the AA. Phone 11.5m west of Poncha. To my rough plot, this suggests it was at/near Monarch, assuming it did not go miles off road. Important point is that both phones decide to leave home during this critical 30 mins, but this is via different positiong. SM's is being positioned via cellular. BMs they had the phone so they have his location data. Big coincidence

5. 4.31am - BM's phone is back home, in airplane mode. IMO the important point here is that even if Barry's phone was "strafing", SMs phone never comes home. Coincidence?

6. 5.37 am BM's phone comes out of airplane mode turning in Buena Vista towards Broomfield. Tracks intermittently on the route towards Broomfield. No telematics for any of this. Unclear why.

So basically Grusing's belief is he left home between 3.58 and 4.31 with SMs phone and came back without it.

And there is no Truck telematics at all between 3.49 (driveway) and 8.10 am (RTD bus stop)

I'd really love to know if the cast expert has the Timing Advance data for that night. A change in the round trip message time can't be explained by 'strafing' - the phone had to physically move. But do they have the timing advance for her phone at PP to compare?

I also wonder, can you recreate this stuff experimentally?
So I was looking back at my notes of Grusing at the prelim / Lauren Scharf etc as part of my low burning obsession about Timing Advance & CAST

The following kind of summarises what we know the prosecution 'knows'.

CAST wasn't in evidence, but Grusing is allowed to testify as to his own investigative steps. So he plotted the data given to him. He discussed it with people including the experts and Barry. But we don't have the underlying CAST expert testifying as to the veracity of the data.

1. Telematics of truck in driveway 3.25am-3.52am. Both phones at home. i.e. triple corroboration.

2. 3.58am - 4.07 Grusing plots BMs phone away from home. It moves straight to the intersection of 225/50 near where bike is found. This is what he later confronts BM with and we know from the civil case that analysts raised this with Grusing.

3. In conversation with experts, they say to Grusing it can't be said with certainty that the date means phone was actually moving (but BM himself confirms it)

4. SMs phone last registers signals quite a way from the home in an arc as if it was struggling to get a good connection. This is around 4.10. Last one around 4.22. See also the AA. Phone 11.5m west of Poncha. To my rough plot, this suggests it was at/near Monarch, assuming it did not go miles off road. Important point is that both phones decide to leave home during this critical 30 mins, but this is via different positiong. SM's is being positioned via cellular. BMs they had the phone so they have his location data. Big coincidence

5. 4.31am - BM's phone is back home, in airplane mode. IMO the important point here is that even if Barry's phone was "strafing", SMs phone never comes home. Coincidence?

6. 5.37 am BM's phone comes out of airplane mode turning in Buena Vista towards Broomfield. Tracks intermittently on the route towards Broomfield. No telematics for any of this. Unclear why.

So basically Grusing's belief is he left home between 3.58 and 4.31 with SMs phone and came back without it.

And there is no Truck telematics at all between 3.49 (driveway) and 8.10 am (RTD bus stop)

I'd really love to know if the cast expert has the Timing Advance data for that night. A change in the round trip message time can't be explained by 'strafing' - the phone had to physically move. But do they have the timing advance for her phone at PP to compare?

I also wonder, can you recreate this stuff experimentally?

I recall the defense produced their own Exhibit for the preliminary which was probably allowed here for the same reason i.e., they used/entered same data points Grusing discussed in the AA to companion software for Cellbrite for their report.

I wonder if the defense planned to use their own Exhibit (if admitted) to challenge the expert witness at trial?

It was probably good strategy for the prosecution not to admit any Cellbrite reports for the preliminary hearing and leave it in the hands of the FBI expert witness at trial.

The defense certainly did not need any additional months, years to pollute these facts which I believe will be critical in securing a conviction. MOO
I understand some people need to see more direct and/or physical evidence but the fact is, most cases don’t have much, if any, direct evidence. The majority of cases are built on circumstantial evidence which tells a story, connects the dots, puzzle pieces put together and is the totality of said evidence that more often than not convicts a person in a court of law.

If nothing to hide, an innocent person has no reason to lie. BM lied sooo much.
One of his damning lies, if not the most damning lie of all the lies he told was when he got the emergency phone call from the Ritter’s and said he was working at the wall with workers present when in fact that wasn’t the case at all as evidence proves he was holed up at the hotel in his room when he got that call.

So he lied before he was even supposed to know a crime was committed. But as most of us believe, he knew a crime had been committed because he’s responsible and he told that massive lie to sell his (fake) “had to go to work on a big job on Mother’s Day” alibi.


So IMO, I feel the key is to get Barry on the stand. Call him out on a few of these lies and misconceptions and I feel that Barry could get frustrated. Quite possibly enough to tell us how "We're gonna miss things" and then my biggest hope is that Barry will finally be able to "let me show you what happened" ... Please do.
So IMO, I feel the key is to get Barry on the stand. Call him out on a few of these lies and misconceptions and I feel that Barry could get frustrated. Quite possibly enough to tell us how "We're gonna miss things" and then my biggest hope is that Barry will finally be able to "let me show you what happened" ... Please do.

Oh man.. Just imagine IE's reaction if at trial, BM responded to the Judge that he would like to testify! o_O

I guess we might have a better gauge on this and the strategy after the stay is lifted on the Civil suit and we learn their reaction to the defendants attempts to depose the plaintiff, BM, making all these allegations against them.
I recall the defense produced their own Exhibit for the preliminary which was probably allowed here for the same reason i.e., they used/entered same data points Grusing discussed in the AA to companion software for Cellbrite for their report.

Yes - this is how they invented the nonsense about Barry's super human running exploits. No one actually claimed that happened.
I wonder if the defense planned to use their own Exhibit (if admitted) to challenge the expert witness at trial?

It was probably good strategy for the prosecution not to admit any Cellbrite reports for the preliminary hearing and leave it in the hands of the FBI expert witness at trial.

The defense certainly did not need any additional months, years to pollute these facts which I believe will be critical in securing a conviction. MOO

I must say I don't understand entirely how the rules of evidence work at the prelim stage. It seemed like CAST handed Grusing certain insights and he is allowed to testify about what he did with them, but not as to the accuracy of the data.

I presume this framework is necessary otherwise you might as well just have the trial with all the experts
Oh man.. Just imagine IE's reaction if at trial, BM responded to the Judge that he would like to testify! o_O

I guess we might have a better gauge on this and the strategy after the stay is lifted on the Civil suit and we learn their reaction to the defendants attempts to depose the plaintiff, BM, making all these allegations against them.

Agreed. No way he can testify.

IE's strategy is to defeat all the allegations in detail. Maybe he drove to the spa company! Maybe he made up the chipmunks! Maybe he was throwing out rubbish in 5 skips!

if he takes the stand, his inability to reconcile everything will be revealed
Thanksgiving and Christmas 2020.
Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas 2021.
Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas 2022.
Easter, Thanksgiving, and soon Christmas 2023.
4 annual celebrations of the birth of Christ and 3 of his death and resurrection. 4 celebrations to give thanks for our blessings.

All holidays that would have had tremendous and real meaning for SM as she shared them with those she loved and whose existence she believed a miracle. And now, with the discovery and collection of SM’s remains, no one can justify the mind bend that she was anything but murdered - her life snuffed out to serve the interests of her killer.

Murder, the worst sin.

I hope her killer is charged again before Easter.
Thanksgiving and Christmas 2020.
Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas 2021.
Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas 2022.
Easter, Thanksgiving, and soon Christmas 2023.
4 annual celebrations of the birth of Christ and 3 of his death and resurrection. 4 celebrations to give thanks for our blessings.

All holidays that would have had tremendous and real meaning for SM as she shared them with those she loved and whose existence she believed a miracle. And now, with the discovery and collection of SM’s remains, no one can justify the mind bend that she was anything but murdered - her life snuffed out to serve the interests of her killer.

Murder, the worst sin.

I hope her killer is charged again before Easter.
So IMO, I feel the key is to get Barry on the stand. Call him out on a few of these lies and misconceptions and I feel that Barry could get frustrated. Quite possibly enough to tell us how "We're gonna miss things" and then my biggest hope is that Barry will finally be able to "let me show you what happened" ... Please do.
Yeah let him talk..he's an idiot. I would watch that with popcorn.
Oh man.. Just imagine IE's reaction if at trial, BM responded to the Judge that he would like to testify! o_O

I guess we might have a better gauge on this and the strategy after the stay is lifted on the Civil suit and we learn their reaction to the defendants attempts to depose the plaintiff, BM, making all these allegations against them.

If that happens, I will personally regard it as corroboration that Barry is a full blown narcissist, fitting into various subtypes of that descriptor. Or, we could say "ignorant doofus" and that would fit too.

I would not put it past him. He's snowed his own family for years (and Suzanne herself).

It would be poetic justice (and I'd probably find myself smiling) if BM turned on IE in the course of the disaster that the civil case may bring about for him.

Aside from the depositions of the plaintiff in the civil case, what the collective group of defendants can say, on sworn record, about Barry...will bury him.

Autopsy Report on SM?
So, I'm trying to catch up ... any results yet from the autopsy of Suzanne? TIA
@iQuill Good question.
Could have missed it, but not that I have seen in MSM or elsewhere.

One point: it's only been about 8 wks since remains were positively ID'ed as SM's (~ last wk. of Sept), so pathologist or med.examiner may not yet have completed the report. Seems possible that toxic tests & other lab tests are still pending.

jmo, imo, moo. ICBWrong.
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