Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #54 *ARREST*

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I have had a little time to listen to some of the podcasts posted. I am now convinced more than every that BM's outdoor experience has played a significant role in how events transpired, however even extensive woodland experience does not generally also translate into forensics awareness. My working theories are undergoing a bit of a modification process as I absorb more of BM's childhood life as well as SM and BM's life together. A lot of couples have difficulties and disagreements, even major ones yet few of them result in homicide. How does a church going couple with children that has all the outward signs of happiness, suddenly end in tragedy? We keep going back to one overarching question WHAT CHANGED? There is a trigger somewhere and we are missing it, or we know it and we don't know that we know it. What set events into motion? If even only one person could be saved.....

MOO We can’t per se sleuth BM and his businesses, but I’m particularly interested in what all was going on with him in Indiana a year or two prior to the decision to make the move to CO, on a business level as well as personal. I think that’s where there are some deep secrets. I’m like you @Trackergd there’s a triggering situation and we may not have put our fingers on it yet! Excellent post btw! What was so pressing that he had to get out of IN and uproot his family to CO. SM did not want to move, newly diagnosed with re-occurring cancer and youngest daughter in final years of high school. Their move to CO has struck me strange from the day I started following the case, just a week after SM went missing.
MOO We can’t per se sleuth BM and his businesses, but I’m particularly interested in what all was going on with him in Indiana a year or two prior to the decision to make the move to CO, on a business level as well as personal. I think that’s where there are some deep secrets. I’m like you @Trackergd there’s a triggering situation and we may not have put our fingers on it yet! Excellent post btw! What was so pressing that he had to get out of IN and uproot his family to CO. SM did not want to move, newly diagnosed with re-occurring cancer and youngest daughter in final years of high school. Their move to CO has struck me strange from the day I started following the case, just a week after SM went missing.
I totally agree. And, it took a VERY long time to get the Indiana house that SM loved so much sold, especially given that they'd already purchased the CO one. Why is that? Were the Morphew's completely delusional about the Indiana property's value? (I don't know, just raising the question.)

I found Chris's mention of BM paying off some other guy's mortgage early in the Morphew marriage interesting too. What was that all about? And did BM learn certain profitable lessons from that?

In reading about this case and exploring on my own about these issues (since we can't sleuth BM's business or personal finances here), I became aware that in Indiana, the buyer-protection provisions in the SAFE Act (“Secure and Fair Enforcement” for Mortgage Licensing Act) do not apply when the seller previously lived in the home, as the Morphew's had in their Indiana home. So, a buyer under a Land Contract in Indiana can potentially lose everything they've paid going into such a contract and throughout the term of it without ever gaining ownership; it is much safer in Indiana for the buyer to finance the purchase with third parties than with the seller who had resided in the home.

I really wonder if the trigger that led to SM's disappearance is somehow related to that. Like, was BM willing to profit from that lack of buyer protection or willing to use it to bully a higher price once the buyer already had a lot of money invested and at risk of loss, while SM vehemently resisted? I don't know, but based on what I've observed and what others have reported about both their personalities, it seems to fit to me. IMO.
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WHAT CHANGED? There is a trigger somewhere and we are missing it, or we know it and we don't know that we know it. What set events into motion? If even only one person could be saved.....


The trigger, imo, Suzanne saw him for who he truly was, and he didn't like that and I think she realised this when moving unwillingly imo from Indiana to Colorado.
The video referencing 'the embarrassment' prior to moving from Indiana to Colorado was interesting I thought, along with BM paying off another person's mortgage, which iirc has since burnt down - hmmmm.......something's rotten in the state of Denmark. jmo.
I have had a little time to listen to some of the podcasts posted. I am now convinced more than every that BM's outdoor experience has played a significant role in how events transpired, however even extensive woodland experience does not generally also translate into forensics awareness. My working theories are undergoing a bit of a modification process as I absorb more of BM's childhood life as well as SM and BM's life together. A lot of couples have difficulties and disagreements, even major ones yet few of them result in homicide. How does a church going couple with children that has all the outward signs of happiness, suddenly end in tragedy? We keep going back to one overarching question WHAT CHANGED? There is a trigger somewhere and we are missing it, or we know it and we don't know that we know it. What set events into motion? If even only one person could be saved.....

I don’t think that there is a trigger. I think that the situation slowly devolves.

When the controlling person is no longer able to manipulate his spouse to fit his storybook narrative, he no longer wants that spouse. In his mind, she has cancer and though she’s battled it fiercely, it will never be completely gone. All of those medical bills are her fault. He shouldn’t have to be burdened with his sick wife’s bills, that’s on her. She will never be completely perfect in his eyes again, it’s time to trade her in for a newer model.

He decides that in order to keep up the persona and lifestyle that he has built, she needs to go away without divorce. If he had to divorce, unflattering facts about him could become public and he would have to go along with division of assets and pay for the lawyers. He has to have total loyalty and control over his daughters and if Suzanne is still alive, he has to share- and he doesn’t like to share. She needs to be all the way gone, not just living a healthier, happier life without him. Barry assessed the situation decided that it was time to move on.

He no longer needs her so he just kills her. Maybe he even hunted her. (His favorite way to kill). How do hunters get rid of the mess after they’ve taken the antlers, meat and hide? Do they burn it? Whatever he normally does, I think he did that. He’s used to getting away with whatever he wants to do and he sees no reason why anyone should question his story when he tells people that she just left one day and didn’t come back.

He probably already has his daughters thinking that whoever this newer model is, is the most fun, most perfect mom replacement in the whole world. It’s probably somebody that they’ve met already but Barry said that she was “just a friend”. She’s younger, she is happy, (because he didn’t just force her to move across the country to live in the woods without her friends and family,) and this one isn’t sick.

That’s what manipulators do. They mess with peoples minds, and the easiest mind to mess with is one that you’ve been messing with since the day they were born. I hope that Suzanne’s side of the family will be patient with the girls and keep her memory alive so that one day Suzanne’s daughters may be able pull away from Barry just enough to remember what an awesome mom she was and how much she loved them.

All just MOO
(Wow, I just saw that in a full post and it’s very long. Sorry about that!)
I think an interesting thing is that real estate transactions, the construction business and non profits are all highly probable avenues to commit financial crimes. And BM had all 3 going on.

We’ve also seen a rapid liquidation of assets to get cash.

That’s the 30,000 foot view. I wonder what the details look like?
He no longer needs her so he just kills her. Maybe he even hunted her. (His favorite way to kill). How do hunters get rid of the mess after they’ve taken the antlers, meat and hide? Do they burn it? Whatever he normally does, I think he did that. He’s used to getting away with whatever he wants to do and he sees no reason why anyone should question his story when he tells people that she just left one day and didn’t come back.
Could she be in that field or woods Barry hunted when he was younger in Indiana?
I think you're onto something and it may be worth looking at that possibility i.e tipping it in.
I think an interesting thing is that real estate transactions, the construction business and non profits are all highly probable avenues to commit financial crimes. And BM had all 3 going on.

We’ve also seen a rapid liquidation of assets to get cash.

That’s the 30,000 foot view. I wonder what the details look like?

I have wondered if their might be financial crimes involved, part of me thinks not, part of me thinks so. Spring time can be the worse time for a landscaper / hardscaper. Stress, finances could be low coming out of winter, over worked, everyone wanting jobs done right away, etc.

Their might be a couple reasons for quick liquidation. One possibility is he is or had a tough time getting work in the area after this happened. Also, could be pretty tough to live in the area (public perception), so wanted to get away and leave quick.

Secondly. I wonder if this is an indication of LE confronting him with pretty solid info. Just a weird thought, if they are on to him enough to where he has consulted an attorney about what is going to happen, he may have had a pucker moment realizing that he is going to need a lot of cash for his defense and children. Having the assets at the time of an arrest could slow or be a detriment to converting them to cash. IMO.
I had to hit up Google to understand guardianship and incapacity. My searches began in June or later. Certainly after May 10th.

I wonder if anyone researched that process BEFORE May 10th.

Just something that makes me go hmmmmm.

I recently saw the Forensics File episode (for about the 200th time) where a husband burned his wife in a drum and when she was consumed, tipped it over into a river. It got me thinking of a second disposal theory that holds around as much weight as the disposal in the back 400 behind PP. BM was a fire fighter and it is very probable he had seen burned bodies before and knew to what degree they were reduced to. This brings me to the fire that has been discussed. Has it been verified that BM was at that fire? What type of fire was it (dumpster, out building, woods)? Was anyone else in his circle of friends also at that fire (that can be verified)? One of the bi-products of burning a body is liquid fat runoff. After it solidifies, it could be shoveled up and disposed of, but some of the scent would remain on the ground. Did a cadaver dog hit in that area? I wonder if LE sifting dirt may have been for bone fragments?
I don’t think that there is a trigger. I think that the situation slowly devolves.

When the controlling person is no longer able to manipulate his spouse to fit his storybook narrative, he no longer wants that spouse. In his mind, she has cancer and though she’s battled it fiercely, it will never be completely gone. All of those medical bills are her fault. He shouldn’t have to be burdened with his sick wife’s bills, that’s on her. She will never be completely perfect in his eyes again, it’s time to trade her in for a newer model.

He decides that in order to keep up the persona and lifestyle that he has built, she needs to go away without divorce. If he had to divorce, unflattering facts about him could become public and he would have to go along with division of assets and pay for the lawyers. He has to have total loyalty and control over his daughters and if Suzanne is still alive, he has to share- and he doesn’t like to share. She needs to be all the way gone, not just living a healthier, happier life without him. Barry assessed the situation decided that it was time to move on.

He no longer needs her so he just kills her. Maybe he even hunted her. (His favorite way to kill). How do hunters get rid of the mess after they’ve taken the antlers, meat and hide? Do they burn it? Whatever he normally does, I think he did that. He’s used to getting away with whatever he wants to do and he sees no reason why anyone should question his story when he tells people that she just left one day and didn’t come back.

He probably already has his daughters thinking that whoever this newer model is, is the most fun, most perfect mom replacement in the whole world. It’s probably somebody that they’ve met already but Barry said that she was “just a friend”. She’s younger, she is happy, (because he didn’t just force her to move across the country to live in the woods without her friends and family,) and this one isn’t sick.

That’s what manipulators do. They mess with peoples minds, and the easiest mind to mess with is one that you’ve been messing with since the day they were born. I hope that Suzanne’s side of the family will be patient with the girls and keep her memory alive so that one day Suzanne’s daughters may be able pull away from Barry just enough to remember what an awesome mom she was and how much she loved them.

All just MOO
(Wow, I just saw that in a full post and it’s very long. Sorry about that!)
This is a really interesting post which I can personally relate to and I think that you may have a point .

Without it sounding like I am blowing my own trumpet and being full of myself, I was a high achieving person with a status and a fantastic salary . My status defined me which I have since come to realise that isn’t necessarily a good thing but I didn’t realise this in 2008. My friends would describe me as beautiful, both inside and out and very hard working with a view to high achievement. My husband at the time was much older and I looked up to him but I didn’t realise that I was being subjected to mental Domestic abuse , albeit I didn’t like some of his behaviour toward me and would ask him to desist, he would say that’s how I met him and he wasn’t changing for anybody. He bought me the world but was disrespectful towards me and I used to say to him that I would prefer him to buy me nothing but to respect me .

Anyway , a very serious work accident left me temporarily paralysed . All of a sudden , the relationship dynamic changed . I had spinal operations, lost my 23 year career which I had always wanted to do since the age of 14 and which I was devastated to lose, was unable to engage in activities and holidays away in the same way , was unable to commit to travelling the world which was his plan ( albeit I couldn’t have done it anyway until my retirement so why he believed that my injury curtailed it, I don’t know), I was no longer the big boss with the respect of lots of staff and with a huge salary , no longer the really confident happy go lucky respected leader of the relationship ( he would push me forward until he was secure in his own confidence within a situation and then he would take over and I would be left behind to play little housewife). Our children were 18 months old .
And I ended up with such serious injuries that everything changed . After I learned to walk again ( albeit I could never , at that time , go back to ski and play golf and play squash etc ), I had to go to a neurology hospital unit and spend 4 weeks learning to live a whole new slower paced life which didn’t stop me in my determination but I had to realise my limitations. That’s when things really changed and we headed toward divorce .
During this 4 week stay , I had to spend time with a psychologist who told me that my issues were not my injury but my husband’s reaction to it . The psychologist went on to explain that my husband was practicing something called ‘mirroring’ and unfortunate for him in his mind , because of my accident and subsequent outcome, he could no longer get his sense of self worth and esteem from me . In his eyes I was no longer this confident beautiful happy person who was looked up to and respected in a male dominated world, earning a high salary and turning heads when I walked into a room , no longer the dolly bird on his arm that he showed off like a bauble . And as a result, I was no longer valuable to him and he didn’t want this new me, he wanted the old , and he could no longer get his self worth and esteem from being with me because at that time, understandably, I was depressed and sad and not able to see my way through my new normal . He wasn’t prepared to wait and in hindsight, I am glad but I didn’t see it that way at the time .
This is how your post makes me feel about BM, the difference being that my ex’s way out was divorce whereas we are not sure about BM. Furthermore, this was not the reality of the situation but my husband’s own perception, and showed shallow behaviour towards me.
So I think that you have a valid point here @TGIRecovered
I recently saw the Forensics File episode (for about the 200th time) where a husband burned his wife in a drum and when she was consumed, tipped it over into a river. It got me thinking of a second disposal theory that holds around as much weight as the disposal in the back 400 behind PP. BM was a fire fighter and it is very probable he had seen burned bodies before and knew to what degree they were reduced to. This brings me to the fire that has been discussed. Has it been verified that BM was at that fire? What type of fire was it (dumpster, out building, woods)? Was anyone else in his circle of friends also at that fire (that can be verified)? One of the bi-products of burning a body is liquid fat runoff. After it solidifies, it could be shoveled up and disposed of, but some of the scent would remain on the ground. Did a cadaver dog hit in that area? I wonder if LE sifting dirt may have been for bone fragments?

MSM info about the fire. Wonder if that fire took place in the triangle BM said he and his buddies had already searched.

Firefighters save ghost town cabin from burning in wildfire on Colorado mountain pass | OutThere Colorado

Chaffee County Fire Protection District

Chaffee County Fire Protection District
MasatySipifod 5n, sog2l0rosmae2dS0 ·

This is the structure our firefighters saved yesterday on the Mile Marker 207 Fire on Monarch Pass. It's an historic cabin in the townsite of Arbourville on private land west of Fooses Creek. Strong work!!!

Map with the house, bike and article, from Storymaps by PE, attached.

In the Chaffee County FB post, it says the fire was just west of Fooses Creek, so almost right in there in the back yard of PP. (Fooses Creek and PP google map attached).


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