Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #63 *ARREST*

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The police must be very, very prudent if and when they utilize "deception"....Jury's don't like that , I think. They don't want police to "lie" even if it is in the course of solving a crime. "Lying" isn't in the course of "fair play"....People don't like it...and that dislike can be strong enough to influence decision-making.
Happens everyday and is completely within the limits of LE procedure.
I'll take that into consideration....very reasonable. But I think MG felt threatened by these two...that is the part that gives me pause.
Well she did say she was afraid of Barry and probably didn't know his nephew, who I think was the first to say it looked like the bike was "thrown" down there. I think it was AM or JS who said that in one of his interviews. It might have been in one of the PE shows when Andy was talking about all the information he had gathered. Imo
Well she did say she was afraid of Barry and probably didn't know his nephew, who I think was the first to say it looked like the bike was "thrown" down there. I think it was AM or JS who said that in one of his interviews. It might have been in one of the PE shows when Andy was talking about all the information he had gathered. Imo
I agree she probably didn't know (Noah?) his nephew nor the other, big imposing guy and likely felt threatened. Why would BM send people instead of calling her to inform her of her rights and send the check in the mail? So yeah, there's that.
I don't care what they believed but intimidating someone about handing over their phone to LE in a murder/missing person investigation is not legal. There was a reason, no doubt. Maybe there was other incriminating evidence on her phone that was unrelated to the murder that may or may not have involved one or both of these individuals for them to stick their necks out like that. A normal/innocent person doesn't do that for the sake of an INNOCENT friend.
Initially, the nephew was the one who very loudly conveyed how the bike was in bad shape and compromised by LE.
"Look at the bike!" He was the 'spokesperson' (and supposedly the creator of the Go_Me) who then went poof.
It was Andy who said he didn't believe that there was a bike ride and how it looked as though it was thrown down the ravine.
I think they flipped on Barry.
ETA: Told what they knew.
I think Barry was comfortable in two worlds-the worlds of MG, CC and JP, and the worlds of GD, TN and the FF buddies. I don’t know that they mixed much. It sounded like none of those people were immediately suspicious when Suzanne went missing. Who knows what Barry told TN and GD about MG. So they may have been trying to protect their buddy when they paid MG. I have a feeling that all involved started looking at Barry a little different that week and wondering if they were being used.
I think Barry was comfortable in two worlds-the worlds of MG, CC and JP, and the worlds of GD, TN and the FF buddies. I don’t know that they mixed much. It sounded like none of those people were immediately suspicious when Suzanne went missing. Who knows what Barry told TN and GD about MG. So they may have been trying to protect their buddy when they paid MG. I have a feeling that all involved started looking at Barry a little different that week and wondering if they were being used.
I agree with most of this but it still doesn't explain away how MG felt intimidated or why they would 'suggest' her not giving over her phone without a warrant (and be concerned with her paycheck).
Or, is she prone to histrionics? I don't think so. She did relocate quickly.
Was BM too hyped up, pacing and looking out windows to just give her a call? Those two had some explaining to do and likely did.
My fellow sleuthers....pros and amateurs thing that is very profound to me......Barry Morphew was indicted for Murder One without a body. That could not possibly happen without specific, hard evidence which connects him to his wife's disappearance and death. The DA has the goods on Barry Morphew. Now, the state of Colorado needs a jury of 12 competent people who have the capacity to digest the evidence.....evaluate it according to the instructions given by the judge.....and render a verdict which reflects either guilt or innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. He was indicted; and if you listened to the DA...the State is satisfied that it can and will prove its case. I believe that the evidence is "pattern-like"...which is akin to fingerprints...i.e..the pattern of BM's activities over 3 or 4 days is such that only one conclusion can be drawn to explain those activities....What we know so far in each individual episode, (Broomfield for example) makes no sense..none of them do. Put them all together...and the pattern fits like a glove.
Just hopefully not like OJ's glove.

Bada boom.

I do agree with you & look forward to seeing what the AA reveals.

Wonder how he'll enjoy being housed with Mexican kingpin El Chapo, Ted Kaczynski (aka the Unabomber), and Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Colorado's Supermax?
Just hopefully not like OJ's glove.

Bada boom.

I do agree with you & look forward to seeing what the AA reveals.

Wonder how he'll enjoy being housed with Mexican kingpin El Chapo, Ted Kaczynski (aka the Unabomber), and Boston marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in Colorado's Supermax?
That’s a federal prison unfortunately, so Barry won’t be going there. I’m sure wherever he goes, it’ll be no match for life on the outside though.
I agree with most of this but it still doesn't explain away how MG felt intimidated or why they would 'suggest' her not giving over her phone without a warrant (and be concerned with her paycheck).
Or, is she prone to histrionics? I don't think so. She did relocate quickly.
Was BM too hyped up, pacing and looking out windows to just give her a call? Those two had some explaining to do and likely did.
I think MG definitely felt intimidated. Who knows what Barry told the two about MG. She has a past and was probably concerned she was going to get dragged into Barry’s mess. I wish we had more from MG-I took her statements with a grain of salt. Lots of supposition in there. Like the worst night of his life comment. Just because she felt threatened doesn’t mean that GD and TN actually were threatening her. Machismo, alpha male stuff (in my opinion that would have been GD), I need more info to draw a conclusion.
That’s a federal prison unfortunately, so Barry won’t be going there. I’m sure wherever he goes, it’ll be no match for life on the outside though.
I'm not so sure that federal charges won't be filed in time. Hopefully they've looked into his funds, taxes and the 'supposed' Suzanne Morphew Foundation. I'm really okay with whichever prison is more dangerous/repulsive/demeaning.
I think MG definitely felt intimidated. Who knows what Barry told the two about MG. She has a past and was probably concerned she was going to get dragged into Barry’s mess. I wish we had more from MG-I took her statements with a grain of salt. Lots of supposition in there. Like the worst night of his life comment. Just because she felt threatened doesn’t mean that GD and TN actually were threatening her. Machismo, alpha male stuff (in my opinion that would have been GD), I need more info to draw a conclusion.
Yeah, so I believe her recollection of events, but not her interpretation of them. The same goes for JP.

These interpretations may have been colored by events and media coverage after the fact, and how these events were perceived at the time may have changed.

So I’m not confident at the time MG thought to herself that Barry had just had “the worst night of his life,” but she likely felt that way while being interviewed by Lauren, which would have come after her interviews with LE.
Focusing on your last point, I totally agree, I don’t think the Broomfield alibi was part of his initial plan, if he even had one.

You don’t rush to throw together a job like that at the last minute on Mother’s Day. You already have it organized, with all your ducks in a row.

This seemed to have been done in a frenzy, and he merely took advantage of a job that he did in fact have to perform at some point.

This all looks suspicious on its face, but I think we’re going to learn things that make it absolutely damning.

And that’s just one piece of this whole thing.

I thoroughly agree with you. He physically distanced himself from the crime scene by more than 3 hours. Did he think he would never get caught? What a fool.
I think this wedding thing is really off. I don't know why BM would plan to murder Suzanne when he knew she had a big and noticeable thing going on.

Unless he intended for Suzanne to be noticed missing by her friend. In case the girls weren't able to notice their mother missing (perhaps they were camping in a wilderness area and he wasn't sure if they would be able to get to a place with phone reception so they could call).

Or unless he forgot/didn't know about the wedding plans.

I don't know, either, why he would kill Suzanne at that particular time unless he was enraged and couldn't control himself. I think something set him off on Saturday while he and MG were working at the beach site.

I absolutely believe Suzanne had a part in the wedding and I don't think it would be by text, it would be virtual. I think it would have been important to her that she see the wedding. She couldn't be there because of the pandemic.
I think BM was monitoring SMs phone and facebook account for quite some time; possibly going back as far as 3 years when his alleged affair took place. Suzanne was onto him for a variety of things....relationships, finances, etc....I think that he knew she was onto him...and doing his best to keep up with her contacts since they were increasingly about him and not in a complimentary way.

I thoroughly agree with you and it wouldn't surprise me if he was monitoring her forever. I don't think he heard or read many good things about himself in recent days or months, maybe years. Sisters confide in each other and that's what MM and Suzanne did. Best friends forever do the same thing. The last thing on their mind is somebody could be spying on them.
We don't know what/which bike was found in the ravine but it's still in LE custody and the person who sold it would know which bike it is.

I've thought it was the blue bike in the ravine, which was Suzannes. JR, the neighbor who checked the house and then went back to see if Suzanne's bike was there said it was missing. I assume she meant the blue bike, but where was the parts bike. If CM can be believed, it was a pink bike that Barry bought for parts.
I'm not so sure that federal charges won't be filed in time. Hopefully they've looked into his funds, taxes and the 'supposed' Suzanne Morphew Foundation. I'm really okay with whichever prison is more dangerous/repulsive/demeaning.

I h0pe so. The payroll grift is big - but he hasn't been charged. He "did work on May 10 in Broomsfield" (which was illegal) but there are no charges.

Lots of people in this case "have a past," IMO.
When Beyoncé said:

He only want me when I'm not there
He better call Becky with the good hair

That’s the moment BM cared about SM, after ignoring the marriage for many years, when she was leaving and perhaps found happiness and thought a new beginning was on her horizon.

I don’t think BM had apps that gave him access to her texts, etc. He was BLIND to the real state of his marriage from SM POV. When he was faced with it, his lack of manhood, all of it, he became unhinged. IMO
Yeah, so I believe her recollection of events, but not her interpretation of them. The same goes for JP.

These interpretations may have been colored by events and media coverage after the fact, and how these events were perceived at the time may have changed.

So I’m not confident at the time MG thought to herself that Barry had just had “the worst night of his life,” but she likely felt that way while being interviewed by Lauren, which would have come after her interviews with LE.

I don't know, JP seemed pretty keen right off the bat this whole Broomfield job was some sort of alibi. He pretty much nailed that right on with his first interview.

I believe what MG's impression of BM was on Saturday at the jobsite. He was acting "weird". She worked with him often so, she'd know regular from weird. We all know when a co-worker is acting like they always do, or if they're acting weird, or if they sound weird, don't we?

I'm taking them both at their word since they were there & they know a heck of a lot more than any of us do.

Although a Friday murder would have provided more time to hide remains, clean up, and work on the alibi, I am firmly convinced SM Saturday afternoon was the earliest possible time. The killer could not afford to have someone attempt to reach her earlier, fail, and begin to inquire - or worse, contact authorities. Normally, people wouldn't think it out of the ordinary if she didn't respond to a late afternoon call or text till the following day. BM didn't take account of the wedding, BFF, and SM's family - they blew up the plan from the beginning, IMO.
According to Barry he left the tools on the hotel cart and told the workers they'd have to figure it out themselves. I'm not sure he left them in the lobby, though. I think they were locked in the room.

And yes, it will be interesting to learn whether or not LE found any evidence in the hotel room or if any of the tools were used in the crime. It may have just been all been part of his ruse, pretending to rush off after hearing his wife was missing.

I'm interested in the time before that. What time did he arrive at the hotel? What did he do from 5:00 am until late afternoon if he hadn't done much work prepping the wall job? There are about eight hours that are unaccounted for if he was only in that room for an hour or two. I'm thinking he did not go to the hotel until late afternoon, in order to clean up before heading home.

Sure, he went to the hotel and chlorinated all of his tools and himself and who knows what else he chlorinated. He probably had a change of clothes and got rid of the ones he had on when he killed Suzanne. He probably went to the carwash and doused his truck with chlorine. If he had his bobcat, he washed and chlorinated that, too. You're right, there are 8 unaccounted hours. What was he doing?
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