Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #63 *ARREST*

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McBetsy -

viz. Fotis Dulos, Shannon Ryan, Sidney Moorer, , etc.

The sealed AA to protect the daughters.

Regrettably, there is nothing anymore to lead anyone to.

I'm not sure what you mean. The only person who knows where the body is would be Barry himself. LE has not yet recovered the body, but they apparently have enough evidence to believe she is deceased. They have never said there is nothing more to be found.
TO, Suzanne's stepbrother said he was with Suzanne at her house and they were having a fun conversation. Then Barry walked in and the entire mood changed. PE about 25:00 in.

From everything I've seen, I find BM to a completely self-absorbed, self-centered person who may have suspected they were laughing at him. I wonder if he asked, 'what's so funny?'. I also don't think he approved of Suzanne having relationships with anyone. This video is so sad on so many levels.
I'm not sure what you mean. The only person who knows where the body is would be Barry himself. LE has not yet recovered the body, but they apparently have enough evidence to believe she is deceased. They have never said there is nothing more to be found.
What I mean is and I hope I am wrong, BM has left no intact body to be found. JMO
3 defense strategies.

I didn't do it:
Alternative theory
Suppress evidence

I did it, but there were mitigating circumstances:
Self defense

I did it but I am mentally ill.

I think supressing evidence will be the main defense team strategy.
Once critical evidence is eliminated from the being presented to the jury, spinning an alternative tale of how SMs naive character brought her into danger.
We can only guess at this stage, as we have yet to see the AA. We’ll be able to make an educated guess as to their strategy once the preliminary hearing is over, and we actually know what the evidence is.

For sure, the defense will try to keep as much evidence out as they can. My guess is they ultimately go with a “general denial” defense, casting doubt on the evidence against Barry.

I can’t fathom Barry ever admitting any degree of culpability here, as doing so would also require that he produce Suzanne’s body.

That ain’t gonna happen.
At that early stage...the potential crime could have been construed as an abduction, not necessarily a murder. I only referenced this exchange between MG and the two men as a tool which LE would be in a position to use to squeeze and or flip two parties who are obviously acting on BMs behalf.
Yes, at that time even Andy thought it was a "stranger abduction." I think a lot of people who knew them had a hard time believing BM could have been involved. There were many accounts early on that they had a happy marriage, one person described them as having a traditional marriage, where the husband manages the finances and the wife is content being the homemaker. I'm not sure which interview that was, it may have been Barry's uncle who said that.

Either way, I think this is often the case. Based on appearances, people appear to be happy while no one really knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Melinda said she didn't think SM realized the danger she was in. I don't think she ever dreamed Barry would kill her. For a long time she may have hoped to save the marriage, but finally realized she had to move on. I think this is when things got difficult for Barry. Imo
We can only guess at this stage, as we have yet to see the AA. We’ll be able to make an educated guess as to their strategy once the preliminary hearing is over, and we actually know what the evidence is.

For sure, the defense will try to keep as much evidence out as they can. My guess is they ultimately go with a “general denial” defense, casting doubt on the evidence against Barry.

I can’t fathom Barry ever admitting any degree of culpability here, as doing so would also require that he produce Suzanne’s body.

That ain’t gonna happen.
I agree. I think they will argue vigorously against any evidence that is related to anecdotal character references and any circumstantial evidence that has even a hint of a viable alternative. Although, in my mind, either of those situations could be beneficial on cross maybe to the defense. That team could let all that stuff in, sit back and then attack it at trial creating doubt. And I agree I don't think Barry will admit any degree of culpability. I also don't see the prosecution letting go and agreeing to a plea that even comes close to the sentence for some of the minor offenses and there's nothing else on the table at this time in terms of the charging document but that is just my opinion that this DA is going for broke.
I don’t see a plea unless Barry has some sort of epiphany. I think he will deny till the bitter end, and the defense will fight tooth and nail on every piece of evidence. Barry will want the I didn’t do it defense, and his attorneys will remind on the presumption of innocence at every turn. I really think the defense will try to dismantle the state’s case by fighting the admissibility of any statement or exhibit that points to his guilt.
Although I would love to have that AA, I can just see BM's arrest photo and it brings me real joy. Stay in your cage Barry and behave.

I don’t see a plea unless Barry has some sort of epiphany. I think he will deny till the bitter end, and the defense will fight tooth and nail on every piece of evidence. Barry will want the I didn’t do it defense, and his attorneys will remind on the presumption of innocence at every turn. I really think the defense will try to dismantle the state’s case by fighting the admissibility of any statement or exhibit that points to his guilt.
And that is the million dollar question...what do they have that points to him and nary a possibility that it is anyone else.
I don’t see a plea unless Barry has some sort of epiphany. I think he will deny till the bitter end, and the defense will fight tooth and nail on every piece of evidence. Barry will want the I didn’t do it defense, and his attorneys will remind on the presumption of innocence at every turn. I really think the defense will try to dismantle the state’s case by fighting the admissibility of any statement or exhibit that points to his guilt.
I don't think BM will plead...because BM is convincing himself he didn't do it. He is gaslighting himself. However, he won't dare take the witness stand. I
I agree. I think they will argue vigorously against any evidence that is related to anecdotal character references and any circumstantial evidence that has even a hint of a viable alternative. Although, in my mind, either of those situations could be beneficial on cross maybe to the defense. That team could let all that stuff in, sit back and then attack it at trial creating doubt. And I agree I don't think Barry will admit any degree of culpability. I also don't see the prosecution letting go and agreeing to a plea that even comes close to the sentence for some of the minor offenses and there's nothing else on the table at this time in terms of the charging document but that is just my opinion that this DA is going for broke.
There is always an opportunity for a plea deal. In this case, BMs very life is not on the line as Colorado doesn't actually sentence with the death penalty. Its about bartering for years. I would guess that the defense would want some guarantee of parole eligibility after 10 years served...BM would be 63 and still be able to retire on SSI or work if he wants to. I doubt any plea with that thin of a time served amount would be acceptable. But you never know about plea deals. Personally, I don't think BM will he is brainwashing himself into believing he didn't kill his wife.
Ol’ Jondaba predicts a plea bargain.

I know you're in the minority here. I'm a fence sitter on this one. Actually, I'm leaning toward "no plea bargain" a bit - given what we know right now.

If Barry were to plead out to 2nd degree murder and having the other charges dropped (revealing what he did with the body), he might get parole in 16-18 years. By the time this trial is over, I predict he will have already served 2 years. So, once the trial starts, he might find it more inviting to get out of jail and go to prison. He might want to bargain for a medium security prison, which would be way nicer than 23/24 hours in a tiny jail cell. Some prisons really do have better accommodations - which he'll gradually learn about as he sits in jail.

Would the prosecution accept that, though? Because they may believe they have a slam dunk. Or they'll want him to plead guilty to at least one of the other charges, thereby increasing his sentence. Still, the cost of the trial is...a lot.

If the Judge will not allow Barry's statements from his 30 hours of interviews with LE into court (and I think he will allow them), then yeah, plea bargaining might start. Barry gets to sit in court and hear his own words as recorded by LE officers and sworn by them to be actual recordings of Barry, after they asked him to weigh in about what happened to his wife. I'm sure he doesn't say, "I did it," but I bet he changes his story a bunch of times, as LE bring in evidence to contradict him. (such as his truck records).

I also figure that some things said by friends and family in the early days will figure prominently in this trial - including words from the daughters. Will Barry try to spare them? (And get himself a lesser sentence? Cuz he's heading toward life without parole right now).
I don't think BM will plead...because BM is convincing himself he didn't do it. He is gaslighting himself. However, he won't dare take the witness stand. I

There is always an opportunity for a plea deal. In this case, BMs very life is not on the line as Colorado doesn't actually sentence with the death penalty. Its about bartering for years. I would guess that the defense would want some guarantee of parole eligibility after 10 years served...BM would be 63 and still be able to retire on SSI or work if he wants to. I doubt any plea with that thin of a time served amount would be acceptable. But you never know about plea deals. Personally, I don't think BM will he is brainwashing himself into believing he didn't kill his wife.

As a rule of thumb in Colorado most serve about 50% of their time sentenced less time served no less than 30% of their total sentence. The prosecutors asked for aggravation which can increase the sentence, but it is unclear to me if this applied only to the Murder 1 charge.
As a rule of thumb in Colorado most serve about 50% of their time sentenced less time served no less than 30% of their total sentence. The prosecutors asked for aggravation which can increase the sentence, but it is unclear to me if this applied only to the Murder 1 charge.
There is always the potential that a plea can take place during the trial....if it isn't looking good for Team Barry..they may cop a plea midstream. It has happened before.
I would expect any deal to be contingent upon Barry producing Suzanne’s body. I think Suzanne’s family would be amenable to that, as long as it called for whatever prison time they believe to be sufficient.

First though, the DA would have to offer such a deal. I think there may be decent odds of that occurring.

I don’t see Barry taking such a deal however.
I would expect any deal to be contingent upon Barry producing Suzanne’s body. I think Suzanne’s family would be amenable to that, as long as it called for whatever prison time they believe to be sufficient.

First though, the DA would have to offer such a deal. I think there may be decent odds of that occurring.

I don’t see Barry taking such a deal however.
It depends on when the offer is made....If before the trial...I would say BM declines...if during the trial....maybe.
I would expect any deal to be contingent upon Barry producing Suzanne’s body. I think Suzanne’s family would be amenable to that, as long as it called for whatever prison time they believe to be sufficient.

First though, the DA would have to offer such a deal. I think there may be decent odds of that occurring.

I don’t see Barry taking such a deal however.
Totally agree.....BM would have to produce the body. Also, he would have to "admit" he did "nolo contendre" "no contest".
I don't think BM will plead...because BM is convincing himself he didn't do it. He is gaslighting himself. However, he won't dare take the witness stand. I

There is always an opportunity for a plea deal. In this case, BMs very life is not on the line as Colorado doesn't actually sentence with the death penalty. Its about bartering for years. I would guess that the defense would want some guarantee of parole eligibility after 10 years served...BM would be 63 and still be able to retire on SSI or work if he wants to. I doubt any plea with that thin of a time served amount would be acceptable. But you never know about plea deals. Personally, I don't think BM will he is brainwashing himself into believing he didn't kill his wife.
BM could be subject to the death penalty per the law in Colorado in effect on May 9-10, 2020. When it was abolished by the Colorado legislature, it was for crimes dated after July 1, 2020.

Per Wikipedia, "In March 2020, the Colorado Legislature passed a bill to repeal the death penalty for individuals – only for crimes committed after July 1, 2020."

Of course, we don't know if the prosecution will recommend that sentence for this capital crime.

The governor commuted the sentences of all on capital row after he signed the legislation, so maybe he has the power to do that in this case, should that be the punishment upon conviction.

Still highly probable BM will be in prison for life (or less) rather than face the death penalty, which would no doubt be appealed vigorously by his attorneys. MOO
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BM could be subject to the death penalty per the law in Colorado in effect on May 9-10, 2020. When it was abolished by the Colorado legislature, it was for crimes dated after July 1, 2020.

Per Wikipedia, "In March 2020, the Colorado Legislature passed a bill to repeal the death penalty for individuals – only for crimes committed after July 1, 2020."

Of course, we don't know if the prosecution will recommend that sentence for this capital crime.

The governor commuted the sentences of all on capital row after he signed the legislation, so maybe he has the power to do that in this case, should that be the punishment upon conviction.
Still highly probabe he will be in prison for life (or less) rather than face the death penalty, which would no doubt be appealed vigorously by his attorneys. MOO
Yes...I remember reading about the changes in Colorado law regarding the death penalty but not the details. Thank you for articulating. very helpful. But my impression when reading about that was.....gonna be alot of appeals that last years if anyone is sentenced to death in its not gonna happen.
Thanks. I still think there's another interview, not with LS. Maybe it was a reiteration by an unapproved source of this interview, I don't know for sure. Her words alone in this link are more than enough for me.
As @GordianKnot said, Barry's paw prints are all over this (lmao!).
Why fire her? Why not send the check in the mail?
Know what I think? I think the timestamps of their communications alone may contradict BM's statements to LE and that may not be the end of what he wanted suppressed. What innocent man does that?
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