Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #10

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TD says he went to the Walmart in Salida about 10 miles away, mentions how surreal it was to be sitting in the parking lot reviewing his video of BM while seeing banners about SM being missing and then seeing BM and his Mom walking across the parking lot. Apparently that’s where BM and mother were headed when they stopped to talk to TD.
IMO no one followed the other. Not a big coincidence in small town. JMO
The key is it’s a small town. Not many places you can go and not be seen. Lol
I absolutely think it's all a set up between Barry and Tyler....Not sure what you mean "he didn't tell lies"

Something was niggling in my brain about the video so I went back and rewatched it. It starts out with BM noticing the guy has a cell phone and he asks him "Would you mind putting that in your pocket?" At the end of the video where they are going to exchange phone numbers, the guy says" I'll give you my number and text me because my phone is charging in the truck" Planned "interview" for sure.
I am not wearing my wedding right right now. My husband isn't wearing his, either. There is no hidden meaning in someone not wearing their wedding ring.

Agree. I wear mine because it’s pretty, my husband who is in construction doesn’t because of his work and because he hates wearing jewelry of any kind. I get the impression BM wore his only during vacations, family events ... like a woman might put on a certain jewelry just to dress up.
I believe he is innocent for sure. Is it possible she fell with her bike into the ravine, was injured and a mountain lion got her? Other than that I believe she was abducted. That sheriff should have been talking to everyone right from the start to see if anyone saw someone suspicious and he should let known the personal item of hers he found.
Anything is possible ... I sincerely hope you are right for their daughters sake. But, I don’t know how you know what the Sheriff has and has not done in his investigation. How do you know he didn’t send deputies out to talk to neighbors and people visiting up at the lake? Clearly he is talking to people or he wouldn’t have cut into that concrete slab.
Something was niggling in my brain about the video so I went back and rewatched it. It starts out with BM noticing the guy has a cell phone and he asks him "Would you mind putting that in your pocket?" At the end of the video where they are going to exchange phone numbers, the guy says" I'll give you my number and text me because my phone is charging in the truck" Planned "interview" for sure.
Eta "I believe"....He was filming with an actual camera, not a cell phone.
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Occam's Razor:

I've never heard of a kidnapper trying to stage an abduction, and this bike was staged (IMO) to make it look like SM went out on a bike ride.

Staging is about someone wanting others to think the missing person went out...that way...using that object (in this case a bike).

Kidnappers take the person. Sometimes they'll take the bike too if it's with the person they want to abduct.

And, *if* it's true the bike had no, literally no fingerprints on it anywhere, not even SM's, then that bike is obviously part of a staging (IMO).


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I didn't see that stated anywhere, early on in this thread I thought I had read that BM supposedly came across him taking a selfie, which I assumed meant he was using a phone.
It has been said that he was using a camera on a stick, something like a go pro. A cell phone wouldnt have kept the view or quality with all that moving around. Jmo
I listened to TD discussing the recorded interview last night. It was not planned or staged.

TD has been on YouTube for awhile covering a couple of other cases.

He said there were many who now think Barry is innocent.

But he said his opinion is that he is guilty. He said Barry didn’t know anything about him and yet he started right into his story of what happened, as if he had rehearsed it many times. He said Barry was nervous and his eyes darted around. He didn’t believe his story about the bike. He didn’t believe a sheriff saw a mountain lion.

He said he hopes he is innocent but just has a gut feeling that he is guilty. He said the threat at the end was in jest but he got his point across anyway.

Another thing, he said when Barry said he had searched 200 miles and his friend had served 400 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, he felt Barry misspoke as he was nervous. Or maybe he likes to exaggerate.

In my opinion Barry could have rehearsed his story. On the other hand there is a saying that when you tell the truth you can tell it a million times and it comes out the same way. I have found that to be so. Maybe Barry is telling the truth.

I have seen posters saying Barry has a lawyer. Can anyone here please prove that? Is there a link where a named lawyer is representing Barry?

I absolutely believe the YouTuber contacted LE. That’s why he took the videos down.

I’m waiting for charges and an arrest warrant. Then we will know.

Right now all of us are just speculating.

Dear Love, I heard NG state that he had lawyered up in one of her broadcasts , but I have a hard time telling if she is stating facts or asking questions. Moo
Something was niggling in my brain about the video so I went back and rewatched it. It starts out with BM noticing the guy has a cell phone and he asks him "Would you mind putting that in your pocket?" At the end of the video where they are going to exchange phone numbers, the guy says" I'll give you my number and text me because my phone is charging in the truck" Planned "interview" for sure.

i believe td was carrying the gopro camera and bm had mistaken it for a cell phone. td then placed the gopro at his pocket, probably hung it on the pocket lip or maybe he had a lanyard.
I thought we were allowed to discuss the content of the TD video (the parts where BM is speaking). In which case, he does mention he has his own investigator (that's what it says in the transcript and that's what it seems we hear him say).

IDOBL: "We know from the video posted by YouTube blogger, Tyson Draper, when he spoke with BM, that BM says he has hired private investigators."

Respectfully, you missed my question. "Do we know..." I'm sure most will agree that we can't be sure BM is telling the truth. He could be exaggerating or embellishing or even lying. The video is an approved source but BM or Trevor are not. In fact, we witnessed Trevor lying so... We can't have it both ways, im very ho.
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Staying on topic, with Covid-19 turning everything on it's head including people's work schedules, it seems odd that BM would feel the need to go to work on a Sunday and a holiday.

We have his word that he asked Suzanne and she was ok with him leaving that morning--- but without any video footage of him anywhere it looks like he might have stayed home.

IIRC, he never said that it was that morning that he left. (and IIRC LE wants folks to save from the 8th, days before). The way he said it perhaps led folks to think that... *cough*.... The youtuber asked how long before realized missing... but he never specifically answered. He got flustered for 3 seconds or more perhaps, then went into a diatribe beginning that he asked if ok not to be there on Mothers Day.

Would have to go back to the transcript somewhere... but he never said he LEFT on Mothers Day... just he asked her if ok to be gone on Mothers day.. and never answered the specific question of how long it was.

MOO all above
Agreed. Someone suggested maybe he sold the rights to someone else? That might make as much sense as anything else..... though apparently it hasn't resurfaced yet (unless the buyer doesn't want to release it - which would be interesting in and of itself).... all JMO, MOO.

The complete video is up at other sites, including an interview with the videographer after the fact at the same site/video.

If the rights were sold, and this other site had downloaded it.. not sure if the rights demand the other site to take it down too?

Interesting legally.
Hypothetically, let’s say BM said too much about the position of the bike and it’s more than he *should* know. Would this video be admissible in court? I know only one party has to know they’re being recorded, but the fact that camera guy straight up lied... does that change things, I wonder?
Law enforcement is allowed to lie to suspects and the recording was legal, so the fact that the camera guy lied wouldn't and shouldn't matter. There are plenty of circumstances in life where it's right to lie. To give some extreme examples, would you lie to an SS officer who came to question you regarding a report that you're hiding Jews? Would you lie to a slave owner if you were a stop on the underground highway and you were hiding their slave? Life isn't black and white.
Okay - so I'm going to go down another train of thought, starting with simply "what if BM is telling the truth"? So in this exercise, let's assume BM is innocent and is truthful in his YT "interview". Of course all this is MOO, JMO.

If that's the case, then SM was most likely last seen by BM on Sunday (BM didn't say when he left for Denver, but implied it was on Sunday) - not certain of the time. Though, if 911 was called at 5:46 because the girls were worried about not getting a response from SM during the day, one could reasonably assume that BM must have left a number of hours before then. We don't know, but for sake of argument, let's say sometime in the a.m.

So then that means that SM more than likely took a bike ride during the am or afternoon on Sunday. (it seems highly unlikely that anyone other than BM would have motive to stage the bike). For reasons discussed at length in this forum, animal attack seems highly unlikely. Accident seems unlikely (could have she been disoriented and wandered away, or in the river and washed away? Again, this seems improbable).

That leaves abduction. If we look at an abduction scenario, I believe we can make a few assumptions:

If abducted, SM would have almost certainly been placed/forced into a vehicle. It's hard to imagine a scenario where she would have been abducted on foot or ATV.

SM would have resisted this - meaning she would have either been unconscious, threatened (would a woman threatened at gunpoint get into a vehicle? I don't know), or she willingly got in the vehicle.

Could have a perp run her off the road, forced her into the ravine, dragged her unconscious body back up the ravine into a vehicle and taken off? We'd still have to explain the "personal item" found elsewhere (SM wakes up and throws something out the window? Perp throws something out the window?) Could someone do this on their own, or would it take two perps to get SM up the ravine (at least without leaving obvious evidence/drag marks, etc.) From the video, the ravine where BM said the bike was looked to be rather steep.

As someone speculated earlier, could have SM crashed and been hurt and willingly got in a vehicle of either someone she knew or someone offering help? If so, did that person then quickly incapacitate SM (and the perp threw the personal item out the window) or did SM realize what was happening and do that? I personally think this may be the most likely abduction scenario (especially taken in light her reported personality traits of being such a friendly, caring person who may have been too trusting). What I have trouble reconciling with this scenario is LEs actions that don't seem to be pursuing this as a likely option (given the lack of public appeals to be on the lookout).

Of course all of this assumes that the personal item that was found was in a place where it could have been thrown from a vehicle. If that's not the case, then I'm not sure any of these scenarios work to fit both the bike and the personal item..... and in all scenarios, we're talking about a broad daylight abduction of a grown woman who would have certainly resisted. Any scenario that would have involved a scuffle, screaming, etc. would have carried significant risk of drawing attention - it's remote there, but not completely isolated and we have seen from other posted videos that the number of hikers, etc. in the general area were likely fairly high.
I didn't take that from this. I think he was quite open and didn't want to feel used (for want of a better word).
Let's step back and look at the big picture here because the issues become so much more clear that way. Why or how would an INNOCENT husband feel "used" or be fearful talking to a member of the public that's helping him search for his wife? BMs suspicious, on edge attitude only makes sense if he's guilty of something, IMO, because if you're guilty, there's always that fear that people are trying to "trick" you to get you to make a mistake or reveal "the truth" -- and many people think he did exactly that, despite himself, when he backtracked or stopped himself mid-sentence regarding a few details. An INNOCENT person wouldn't care if the conversation was recorded or not and whether or not he was informed about the recording--this kind of thing is NOT on your mind if you are living in fear that your beloved spouse is dead or being tortured and raped every day at the hands of some sicko. And an innocent person certainly wouldn't threaten to "come after" you if he finds out you're "part of the media" at the end of a "friendly" conversation--that's the craziest, most insane thing that an innocent person would say! Just because BM didn't make a complete fool out of himself like Chris or Leticia did does not mean that he's innocent. The "bad guys" in this world that are not intellectually/developmentally delayed like Chris and Leticia (my opinion) can seem perfectly nice and normal in a casual conversation that only lasts a few minutes.
Okay - so I'm going to go down another train of thought, starting with simply "what if BM is telling the truth"? So in this exercise, let's assume BM is innocent and is truthful in his YT "interview". Of course all this is MOO, JMO.

If that's the case, then SM was most likely last seen by BM on Sunday (BM didn't say when he left for Denver, but implied it was on Sunday) - not certain of the time. Though, if 911 was called at 5:46 because the girls were worried about not getting a response from SM during the day, one could reasonably assume that BM must have left a number of hours before then. We don't know, but for sake of argument, let's say sometime in the a.m.

So then that means that SM more than likely took a bike ride during the am or afternoon on Sunday. (it seems highly unlikely that anyone other than BM would have motive to stage the bike). For reasons discussed at length in this forum, animal attack seems highly unlikely. Accident seems unlikely (could have she been disoriented and wandered away, or in the river and washed away? Again, this seems improbable).

That leaves abduction. If we look at an abduction scenario, I believe we can make a few assumptions:

If abducted, SM would have almost certainly been placed/forced into a vehicle. It's hard to imagine a scenario where she would have been abducted on foot or ATV.

SM would have resisted this - meaning she would have either been unconscious, threatened (would a woman threatened at gunpoint get into a vehicle? I don't know), or she willingly got in the vehicle.

Could have a perp run her off the road, forced her into the ravine, dragged her unconscious body back up the ravine into a vehicle and taken off? We'd still have to explain the "personal item" found elsewhere (SM wakes up and throws something out the window? Perp throws something out the window?) Could someone do this on their own, or would it take two perps to get SM up the ravine (at least without leaving obvious evidence/drag marks, etc.) From the video, the ravine where BM said the bike was looked to be rather steep.

As someone speculated earlier, could have SM crashed and been hurt and willingly got in a vehicle of either someone she knew or someone offering help? If so, did that person then quickly incapacitate SM (and the perp threw the personal item out the window) or did SM realize what was happening and do that? I personally think this may be the most likely abduction scenario (especially taken in light her reported personality traits of being such a friendly, caring person who may have been too trusting). What I have trouble reconciling with this scenario is LEs actions that don't seem to be pursuing this as a likely option (given the lack of public appeals to be on the lookout).

Of course all of this assumes that the personal item that was found was in a place where it could have been thrown from a vehicle. If that's not the case, then I'm not sure any of these scenarios work to fit both the bike and the personal item..... and in all scenarios, we're talking about a broad daylight abduction of a grown woman who would have certainly resisted. Any scenario that would have involved a scuffle, screaming, etc. would have carried significant risk of drawing attention - it's remote there, but not completely isolated and we have seen from other posted videos that the number of hikers, etc. in the general area were likely fairly high.
You bring up some good thoughts to consider. The one thing that keeps me from believing that the beginning of her disappearance started anywhere but at her home, is the immediate reaction from LE. I cant wrap my mind around calling in the FBI and dogs so fast if the thought was that SM could have simply been out on a bike ride. The next day maybe? But not after a couple hours. In my mind, something at home triggered LE and the whole bike scenario is an afterthought. Jmho.
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