Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #14

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With our business we network. We've been in it a long time so we're very well known in our industry.
We go to trade shows and mingle with owners and presidents of corporations.
I don't know if BM did or does anything like that to enhance his business.
It was an old photo, and the DM got the day right, but the year wrong.
So really, we have NO IDEA when anyone last heard from SM, and so far, LE has not released that info.

LE hasn’t released that info, but Lauren Scharf reported that it is a reason they are actively seeking tips. (around min 10)

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According to BM, he was with SM until either Sat evening or Sun morning (TD interview). Sounds to me like LE doesn’t believe that story.
Another question I have.
Does BM physically work on his jobsites?
I'm trying to get a feel for his business savvy.
Like I said, we have a contracting business. We're not personally physically working the jobsites. We hire crews for that. And foremen. We are constantly into the plans, the schedules, on the phones, dealing with insurances, releases, orders etc. It's a whole nother thing going on in the office that has to keep on it's toes too. And it all has to blend together.
I'm wondering how successful his business was in CO. I think this might be at the root of things. moo
Ditto for me as well.
I can't help but think that there's a financial component to Suzanne's disappearance.
I may get yelled at for this because for the life of me I cant post links on here. But, online property records show BM and SM as deed holders; whereas, if there was a loan on the home it would show the financial institution as the deed holder. Moo.
Re: BMs trip to Denver. IMO, I think there are only a few possibilities on this:
  • BM is telling the truth about the reason (per what he told Ty) and the timing (which we can infer from that conversation, but don't really know - but certainly he's told LE exactly when he left for Denver). Per Dave's earlier post, it certainly seems that LE could fairly easily verify the timing from data from BM's truck, witnesses, etc. The reason would also be easy enough to check out.
  • BM is telling the truth about the timing of his trip to Denver, but is not being completely forthcoming about the reason (ie, there were additional reasons for the trip). It seems that LE would look for gaps of time that are unexplained, discrepancies between the data/witnesses and BMs statements, etc. I doubt we'd be privy to any of what LE might discover related to this, but given the number of cameras in Denver, witnesses in Denver, data from the truck, cell phone data, cameras along the route in Denver, etc. - if this were the case, I'd expect that LE would have a pretty good idea of what those unexplained gaps are...
  • BM is telling the truth about the timing of the trip, but his reason is a complete lie. This seems like an easy enough thing for LE to check out and confirm.
  • BM is lying about the timing of the trip to Denver. If this is the case, it seems that it would be very easy for LE to catch BM in a lie of this magnitude.
  • BM never went to Denver at all. Again, it seems like LE would easily be able to prove this.
If it's any of the latter three, then BM isn't very smart, is likely caught in the middle of a really big lie, which then would lead to all kinds of questions why he is lying (and doesn't look good for BM). I think it's far more likely that it's one of the top two possibilities - that the trip is confirmed as what BM says it is, or that the trip and timing is confirmed, but possibly there was a secondary reason for the trip (ie, unexplained gaps). Even with all of that, what we don't know is if the trip is actually an alibi or not, given we don't know when SM was last seen. JMO, MOO.
Thanks for writing that in such a logical, straightforward manner. In reading through it, I realized that for the first several bullets to be true, it means that BM’s actions were likely premeditated. For some reason, I had my mind set on a spur of the moment, roid rage, type of incident with Suzanne. Perhaps the facts will run contrary to that. JMO
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Re: BMs trip to Denver. IMO, I think there are only a few possibilities on this:
  • BM is telling the truth about the reason (per what he told Ty) and the timing (which we can infer from that conversation, but don't really know - but certainly he's told LE exactly when he left for Denver). Per Dave's earlier post, it certainly seems that LE could fairly easily verify the timing from data from BM's truck, witnesses, etc. The reason would also be easy enough to check out.
  • BM is telling the truth about the timing of his trip to Denver, but is not being completely forthcoming about the reason (ie, there were additional reasons for the trip). It seems that LE would look for gaps of time that are unexplained, discrepancies between the data/witnesses and BMs statements, etc. I doubt we'd be privy to any of what LE might discover related to this, but given the number of cameras in Denver, witnesses in Denver, data from the truck, cell phone data, cameras along the route in Denver, etc. - if this were the case, I'd expect that LE would have a pretty good idea of what those unexplained gaps are...
  • BM is telling the truth about the timing of the trip, but his reason is a complete lie. This seems like an easy enough thing for LE to check out and confirm.
  • BM is lying about the timing of the trip to Denver. If this is the case, it seems that it would be very easy for LE to catch BM in a lie of this magnitude.
  • BM never went to Denver at all. Again, it seems like LE would easily be able to prove this.
If it's any of the latter three, then BM isn't very smart, is likely caught in the middle of a really big lie, which then would lead to all kinds of questions why he is lying (and doesn't look good for BM). I think it's far more likely that it's one of the top two possibilities - that the trip is confirmed as what BM says it is, or that the trip and timing is confirmed, but possibly there was a secondary reason for the trip (ie, unexplained gaps). Even with all of that, what we don't know is if the trip is actually an alibi or not, given we don't know when SM was last seen. JMO, MOO.

First time posting in this thread, but I have been following. It breaks my heart to look at the photo of this beautiful woman.

I assume the property BM was working at in Denver has been thoroughly checked...
Another question I have.
Does BM physically work on his jobsites?
I'm trying to get a feel for his business savvy.
Like I said, we have a contracting business. We're not personally physically working the jobsites. We hire crews for that. And foremen. We are constantly into the plans, the schedules, on the phones, dealing with insurances, releases, orders etc. It's a whole nother thing going on in the office that has to keep on it's toes too. And it all has to blend together.
I'm wondering how successful his business was in CO. I think this might be at the root of things. moo
Prior to BM interview with ytuber, I had the same question for why the principal would be working on "Sunday." He actually said his crew came in late Sunday to work on Monday but that he worked setting up on Sunday because he's the owner. Didn't ring true to me for an entity with 30 yrs experience. MOO

ETA: Important to note BM's contract and/or work on 5/10 was most likely considered non-essential or optional during a nationwide pandemic shut-down.
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Prior to BM interview with ytuber, I had the same question for why the principal would be working on "Sunday." He actually said his crew came in late Sunday to work on Monday but that he worked setting up on Sunday because he's the owner. Didn't ring true to me for an entity with 30 yrs experience. MOO

And not just any Sunday, but Mother’s Day.

I understand that Mother’s Day isn’t equally significant to all, but from BM’s comments to TD, it sounds like it was significant in their home.

If you’re the owner, don’t you hire a foreman for that stuff?

I may get yelled at for this because for the life of me I cant post links on here. But, online property records show BM and SM as deed holders; whereas, if there was a loan on the home it would show the financial institution as the deed holder. Moo.
Good find ! ^^^
No yelling from me... :p
If it helps, what I do is look up the link on a separate page , and then click on the top search bar and highlight it.
Then I drag and drop it into the WS' page post.
Hope that helped.


Thanks for writing that in such a logical, straightforward manner. In reading through it, I realized that for the first several bullets to be true, it means that BM’s actions were likely premeditated. For some reason, I had my mind set on a spur of the moment, roid rage, type of incident with Suzanne. Perhaps the facts will run contrary to that. JMO
I agree. ^^^

Originally had been thinking someone lost their temper.
But as this drags on and Suzanne is still missing, it seems like she's been carefully concealed and that takes planning.
I don't know if she's even deceased and if so who the culprit is.
Again I defer to LE and watch their actions.

No press release yet ?
I do not at all believe this is going to happen, but here's my purely wishful thinking re: LE's press release today:

First, I'd love to see LE name a POI.
Not an official Suspect, as that has legal ramifications.
But strategically, I think naming a POI now would be a brilliant move on their part.
Here's why I say that:

Naming someone a "POI" has no actual legal weight or meaning, but it does raise public scrutiny of the individual.
It also has the potential of making people close to that person re-examine their interactions with that person, and possibly cause them to question their loyalty to that individual.
It would also increase the amount of pressure that individual would experience, both internally and externally.

Secondly, I'd love to see LE provide the public with info r/t the last verified independent sighting of SM, i.e., when and where she was last seen, and whether she was seen on video or by actual eyewitnesses.

Like I said: It ain't going to happen.
That was just a quick trip to Fantasy Island.
I'm back home in Realville now.

Not expecting any bombshells in LE's release today.

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The online search function links to data from the Chaffee County Assessor's Office. It contains information relating to the property's tax assessment such as land and building valuation and historical sales price data.

We have similar online property search capabilities in my state. It's useful information, but it doesn't include mortgages, utility easements, subdivision covenants, etc. For that info, you have to physically go to the County Recorder/Register of Deeds Office to look at the records or pay a title company to do it for you.

Some states/counties have search services that show deeds and mortgages (see Hamilton County, IN for example), but IMO Chaffee County isn't one of them. So I don't know if BM and SM have a mortgage based on the search.

Chaffee Colorado Assessor Office
Ok. I own a contracting company.
Schedules are crucial for all the trades.
It is very possible imo that BM went out Sunday to prep the job for Monday workers.
And yes. He could have put his men up somewhere Sunday night so they could be on the jobsite bright and early. We do it all the time.

I know it happens, it's just that for a job 2 hours away, it doesn't make sense to me.
My ex is a contractor, moved to FL and still does big/lucrative jobs in NY, on occasion. My husband used to own a commercial landscaping business and 90% prep and materials was arranged over the phone and delivered very early in the morning the day of the job.
IMO, two hours is not a long commute. I personally have had long term jobs where I commuted 0ne and a half hours + daily.
Yes, coordination is needed - you're the first to arrive and the last to leave. He may have needed to be there for delivery supervision on Sunday (Mother's Day?) due to a conflict in scheduling on Monday - but all day?
We just don't know when he left and that, imo, is not by accident.
Could his story be all be true? Sure.
It just doesn't add up, all things considered, being that if you are to believe BM's words, one would have to believe all of them.
Prior to BM interview with ytuber, I had the same question for why the principal would be working on "Sunday." He actually said his crew came in late Sunday to work on Monday but that he worked setting up on Sunday because he's the owner. Didn't ring true to me for an entity with 30 yrs experience. MOO
I guess it would have to do with what's the norm for him.
During the last great recession we had to close our doors. When we started back up our principal did go out on the job sites daily. But very quickly needed to be in the office again once we built it back up.
So, I'm wondering if there was some business stuff going on with BM.
Now, he offered 100k for her return. Does he have that in the bank? Equity in the house? Relatives money? Where does that 100k come from?
Didn't he say any price he'll pay? Where from?
I suspect the business wasn't doing well and he's up to his ears in payments. jmo
First time posting in this thread, but I have been following. It breaks my heart to look at the photo of this beautiful woman.

I assume the property BM was working at in Denver has been thoroughly checked...

Good question.
We all watched as the local MSM documented the search locally on one of his job sites but...
As for the alleged job site in Denver on Mother's Day?
Really LOUD ones, too.


- no Denver searches (that we're aware of)
- no leaks from anyone connected to the Denver job site (we all know folks talk on social media, even when they're told not to)

So... was he really in Denver? Was he really at a job site? Was it his job site? His company?

There's something super fishy about this story.

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Good find ! ^^^
No yelling from me... :p
If it helps, what I do is look up the link on a separate page , and then click on the top search bar and highlight it.
Then I drag and drop it into the WS' page post.
Hope that helped.

I agree. ^^^

Originally had been thinking someone lost their temper.
But as this drags on and Suzanne is still missing, it seems like she's been carefully concealed and that takes planning.
I don't know if she's even deceased and if so who the culprit is.
Again I defer to LE and watch their actions.

No press release yet ?
Yes, with taking in some of the information: daughters out of town at the time, job scheduled in Denver during the time period of her disappearance, the placement of SM’s bike; this all seems rather intentional and not supportive of a crime of passion.
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