Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #15

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If indeed LE found the bike and it was before BM got home, who reported to him? ...I can’t see them telling him that they really screwed up, that they trampled all over the scene, and oh by the way, “we let ten people touch it.... Also his statement, “We had cars there”..... who’s we?
It could be that BM is talking through his fire fighting lens. As a volunteer firefighter he would have been at many accident scenes. I believe there may have been fire fighters at the bike scene. IMO
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It could be that BM is talking through his fire fighting lens. As a volunteer firefighter he would have been at many accident scenes. I believe there may have been fire fighters at the bike scene. IMO
Given the pandemic and the individual reported missing, I also think it's possible firefighters may have gone out on the call. Otherwise, there's actually a north and south search and rescue division that aids the Chaffee County Sheriff for such matters.
It could be that BM is talking through his fire fighting lens. As a volunteer firefighter he would have been at many accident scenes. I believe there may have been fire fighters at the bike scene. IMO
I do think he’s talking through something, but it isn’t his “fire fighting lens.”
It could be that BM is talking through his fire fighting lens. As a volunteer firefighter he would have been at many accident scenes. I believe there may have been fire fighters at the bike scene. IMO
I do think he’s talking through something, but it isn’t his “fire fighting lens.”

Lol, but when BM states “We had cars there” the we could be referring to “Us” as in Emergency Personnel. MOO
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Good point - I agree. It's interesting how for some on this forum the LE focus is a huge push off the fence, and for others it's not. Personally, I have hard time believing this is Cool Hand Luke where we have a sheriff with a vendetta (especially considering the involvement of all the other agencies) - so I'm of the mindset that LE has quite a bit, but that's certainly not everyone's take on it.
For me it's definitely something to take note of. But it's very different from knowing the evidence itself. I also think it does a bit of disservice to law enforcement to take evidence of their focus on someone and immediately make the jump to 'that person must be guilty!' Sometimes they have good reason to investigate someone and yet the investigation ends up clearing them. Sometimes they're investigating multiple people at the same time and we only learn about it much later.

Now if someone forced me to pick who did it at this exact moment in time, I'd definitely pick BM. But since we know so little and there's no reason I have to make any decision right now, I'll just wait until we know more. Right now we basically only know a few things the police have done, and then we have a few other tidbits from the Daily Mail. And based on some of the mistakes they've made in their articles, I'm not sure those really qualify as facts. And I'm not someone who puts a great deal of weight on analyses of body language or word choice.

I was randomly listening to a podcast about Nicole Vanderhayden last night. In that case she'd been fighting with her bf the night she disappeared (and had called him abusive in a text), a wire with her blood on it was found outside their shared house, and when LE questioned the bf, he refused to give DNA and lawyered up. LE got warrants for his house, his car and his DNA. And they even ended up arresting him. However, DNA eventually showed that she was murdered by someone else who had probably given her a ride home from a bar and then assaulted her outside the house. So things like that do happen. Of course there are also many, many cases where the person LE initially focuses on ends up being the culprit.
If everybody knows everyone in this small town, maybe LE is treading very lightly and keeping things close because a POI could be part of the community and the investigation could be compromised by the littlest leak. It has to be tough.
What an unusual series of events.

First, the girls called the neighbor instead of their own dad? And this is on a Sunday afternoon/Mother’s Day no less?

Then, when the neighbor calls BM, BM asks the neighbor to call 911 for his own wife?

I can think of various scenarios of how this could happen but none of them seem logical if BM is completely innocent.

I think BM had the neighbor call since she was the only person in Salida. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't you be connected to the 911 call center closest to your current located? Since BM and daughters were out of town, the neighbor would have been the only person who would directly reach Salida 911 when calling.
Thanks for your thoughts on this @J.M. Bee. If indeed LE found the bike and it was before BM got home, who reported to him? I can see LE saying to him when he arrived on the scene, “We’ve found your wife’s bike, but we haven’t found her yet.” I can’t see them telling him that they really screwed up, that they trampled all over the scene, and oh by the way, “we let ten people touch it”.
If I arrived there and it was my wife I would be asking, “Are you sure she’s not there?, Have you searched all around here?”
My thoughts on why it may be important who found the bike: If Barry found it that close to the home, when he got back from Denver after dark and after LE had already been searching for a couple of hours, it would be suspect to me. If LE found it but didn’t tell him all the particulars, how did he know how and where it was found as well as the position? Was it possibly because he left it there? His hesitation and cutoff sentence during the interview with TD made me think, oops, he slipped up. He knows things he shouldn’t know. Also his statement, “We had cars there”..... who’s we?
If it wasn’t BM and it wasn’t LE who found the bike, where was it and what were the circumstances? Were some of the neighbors, like the one who made the 911 call, searching at that time?
I often wonder why BM’s nephew TN urged the public to ask LE in what condition was the bike found. What would he deduct from that information? If the bike had been hit by a vehicle, either by accident or as part of an abduction, there would be paint chips. By now we would have had a request for information on a ___ colored (year, make & model) seen in the area on that date.
BM’s statement to TD regarding LE’s ineptitude really seemed contrived to me. It was a bit manic and over-hyped. If LE was that careless, what a relief it must have been to BM that they didn’t find evidence if it was he who placed the bike there.
There was a lot of discussion during the Gannon Stauch case as to why LE didn’t immediately do this or that. The thing is, when LE gets a call for some type of incident, they arrive on the scene prepared to initially handle the incident as it was reported. In Gannon’s case, he was reported as a runaway. In Suzanne’s case it was reported that she didn’t return from a bike ride. I’m sure when LE arrived on the scene, they asked if SM had a regular bike route. They would have asked when she was seen and how the neighbor knew she was on a bike ride. They would know they had only a couple of hours of daylight left so they probably started looking along the route for any signs of her or her bike. We know that that evening the sheriff called in other agencies and tracking dogs. Was that before or after they found the bike? Once the bike was found, LE would spread out in a circumference around it and work outwards to see if she was laying injured nearby. They probably were calling her name and looking for signs. They may have not even touched the bike at that point. They may have visually examined it for clues as to how it ended up in that location. It may have been fingerprinted and photographed before it was moved. The point is, we don’t know anything about the bike and LE has chosen to keep all that they know to themselves. They have also chosen not to talk about the other “personal items” they found several days later?
For whatever reason, LE decided to bring in both the CBI and the FBI within the first couple of days of her disappearance. This is around the time they ruled out animal attack, accident, etc. This tells me that what they found, (or didn’t find), led them to certain conclusions. It may take minutes, several hours, or several days before it becomes apparent that something just doesn’t add up in a case.
Sorry for the long ramble. I think most of us here keep playing out this case in our heads trying to figure out the rhyme or reason for Suzanne’s disappearance.
ET correct spelling.
Excellent post
And our own @Angleterre posted this - and I was trying to find @riolove77 post about "one bite of the apple" where the prosecution viewpoint was posted. all very informative. IMO
Love the use of ‘our own’.... I know WS is like a family but those two little words really lifted my spirits and yes indeed we are a WS family and team. Thank you @oviedo
I think BM had the neighbor call since she was the only person in Salida. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't you be connected to the 911 call center closest to your current located? Since BM and daughters were out of town, the neighbor would have been the only person who would directly reach Salida 911 when calling.
Not anymore. BM could have called 911 and asked to be connected to Salida, dialed the out of area emergency number for Salida, or texted 911 with the Salida suffix code that puts caller through to the same dispatch that answers calls in Salida. There's simply no reason why BM (or daughters) couldn't make the call.
Not anymore. BM could have called 911 and asked to be connected to Salida, dialed the out of area emergency number for Salida, or texted 911 with the Salida suffix code that puts caller through to the same dispatch that answers calls in Salida. There's simply no reason why BM (or daughters) couldn't make the call.
Or called 911 and explained. Have you ever called 911 and been told no? They are ALWAYS accommodating and willing to help.
Good post, but I'd like to say a little bit more about the bike, as I think it's one of the keys to this case. I personally think LE found the bike, and I'll explain why I think that in a moment, but I am curious: why do you think it matters who found the bike? Maybe you think it matters because if BM found it, that would explain how he knew what way the wheel was facing? Maybe, but again, I think there's reason to believe that LE found it and that they found it before BM got home.

Let's look at what BM said in the interview with Tyson Draper. "The bike," he told Draper, "was found at the bottom of the hill by that tree where the peak is." He indicated which tree he meant when he said "that tree" because Draper later made a video in which he walks down the hill to the tree in question. Later in the interview, Barry began describing how the bike was situated when it was found. Of this he said, "it was on the ground. The wheel was facing---," and then he cut himself off and changed the subject as if he has just thought of something. It's at this point that he began criticizing LE's handling of the scene, saying, "the sheriff's department ... they screwed everything up ... they shouldn't have touched it. They should've left it. It's evidence. They pulled it up and we had cars over here." He continued to criticize LE's handling of the scene as follows: "They were walking all over this area, which if somebody abducted her they would have had foot tracks. They would have fingerprints on the bike. They let ten other people touch the bike. I mean we was really upset that first night." It is then at this point that he said: "I was in Denver, so I didn't get here until nine o'clock that night." That, for me, implies that the events above transpired before he arrived home.

Thus I believe one can infer at least two things from BM's words above: one, that it was LE that found the bike; and two, that LE found the bike before BM got home that night.

Interview Between Draper & Morphew [w/ transcript]

I think BM was there when the bike was found. It's very possible that LE may have found it with the help from BM. All after 9 pm. If BM had to give lots of tips, or led LE to where the bike was, then that is his first fatal mistake.

BM describes, in the video, the scene when the bike was discovered down the hill. It looks like he is witnessing it all.
"The wheel was facing.."
"They pulled it up and we had cars over here. Well the shefiff let everybody drive through here covering up or messing up all the evidence. They were walking all over this area...."
"They let ten other people touch..."

Then right away he says to TD "I was in Denver, so I didn't get here until nine that night". I think he said this in his defense, to make sure his audience understands that he had nothing to do with his wife's disappearance.
No or Little Evidence? GBaRD?
...It could be that there is really nothing new for LE or the family to report on in this case? There are clusters of missing person cases.... people seem to vanish off the face of the earth with little trace or logical explanation.... People just go missing, are never found and there is never any evidence that explains what happens....
@Cassaday sbm bbm Thanks for your post
bbm 1. Yes, agreeing, likely/probably nothing new for LE to report on to gen public or fam. Could be plenty LE is reporting to/coordinating w prosecutors. Just because LE has evd, has it lab-tested as approp, has analyzed its meaning, does not translate to LE publicly announcing it. bbm 2. & 3. "little trace:" Yes, sometimes, maybe often, and "never any evidence," quite rare, imo.
Imo, agreeing in ^ 2. & 3. cases, either LE is not able (for whatever reasons) to obtain sufficient evd to arrest or prosecutors lack sufficient evd to try case where judge/jury will find def guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, an extremely tough standard. DAs/prosecutors don't want to try cases where Guilty BaRD is just likely or probable and are not inclined to make public announcements about evd located to date or investigation's progress until time for arrest. At a certain point, rarely (if ever?) is there an LE public announcement beyond - still investigating, that is until an arrest.. just my 2 cts..
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Love the use of ‘our own’.... I know WS is like a family but those two little words really lifted my spirits and yes indeed we are a WS family and team. Thank you @oviedo
It is a "family" of sleuthers - it's great to have verified experts on these threads IMO and we appreciate that level of expertise. I know I do. Thank you :)
Sooooo, I am starting over again, believing BM to be an innocent man?
I did not rule out a ml, based on rarity, I didn’t need all the wonderful articles linked here. I had done enough research years ago when they began reintroducing them in Pa.
The reason given was overpopulation in CA WAS pushing them slowly eastward, thus not affecting the crisis of overcrowding quickly enough.
The crisis being the increased interactions between humans and big cats.

I made decision to put this low on possibilities, based on searches by professionals, also BMs friends, also skilled.
I have no way of disputing them, so I moved on hopefully to more productive areas. MOO
So, at the risk of public shaming (and because it’s a slow news day), I have a mountain lion comment/question. A few nights ago, my husband was watching a big game hunting show, set in South America I think. Anyway, I looked up to see a dead smallish antelope-type lying in a very shallow stream. It was freshly shot I guess, but no visible wounds or injuries. Then a medium sized cougar crept up on the animal and checked it out from a distance. Realizing it was dead, the cat picked it up as gently as it would pick up it’s cub and carried it off. Kind of tip toed off all proud and cheery. No gore, no mauling, nothing left behind. I was relieved, because I was bracing for a bloodbath with all sorts of forensics for LE to analyze. The prey was at least 20% larger than the cat, but he handled it with no problem. So for the Colorado wildlife experts in the group, is it plausible that if a mountain lion came upon an incapacitated mammal, with say it’s neck broken, might it just whisk the body away to privacy?
Then why haven’t they shut down tip line, and why are they (re) canvassing? IMO, even if there is a very strong case, there is always room for another nail in the coffin. Citizens continue to be the invaluable eyes on the ground. Hopefully today, more information will come out.
My thoughts on the canvassing other than the obvious reasons are that when you are building a case and you have what you as an investigator believes to be a solid case, you then have either a review officer and/or the DA/ Prosecutor who will go through the evidence to date and will say things such as- “You need to tighten up on this piece of evidence and try and support it or see if you can support it by canvassing the immediate area “ OR it may be a case of dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s because sometimes is prudent to ensure that you have covered every single angle so that when you do have a suspect who you charge (arraign) and put before the court, you don’t want the defence sowing seeds of doubt by saying - “ How do you know that “XYZ” wasn’t witnessed ? You don’t because you never canvassed the area “ etc and they may then find a DEFENSE witness in amongst a community canvas who is willing to back up the suspect by saying- “ It couldn’t have been him because I saw him in Costco or Target for example just before the time you are asking about and I followed him along the route home “ etc
Do you get where I am coming from? This could be something where the defence could “ guild the lilly’” and make something innocuous into such a hullabaloo that it creates huge reasonable doubt. So the point I am making is that sometimes you do certain things in an investigation to buffer the evidence to ensure that it is solid on the advice of the DA / Prosecution or you do it to prevent the defence from using it as a tactic to create reasonable “ Your honour, with respect , my learned friend has not even got evidence of who was around at that time because the basics of a community canvas were not done. If the basics haven’t been done then what else has been omitted ? Has it not been done your honour because it’s all a fabrication of evidence against my client and the Police have had tunnel vision and gone down one route only ?” Etc ....

Just my own thoughts as a retired SIO Detective Chief with 30 years experience of investigating murders and major crime .

IMO sometimes LE or the family of a missing person does not provide many updates simply because there is not anything to update on.

In this case, LE did extensive searches in the areas around the missing person's house and where the bike was found. This was done in the first week. Clearly, the bike and the area around where it was found were important to LE. Whether the bike was planted/staged as some speculate or it came to rest there as a result of a ride, there would be key evidence in this area, especially in early May when vegatation at high-altitude is just starting to grow. Also, because these bike trails tend to be dirt tracks there could be many signs or evidence that point to the how the bike got there. LE focused on this area and it appears they have exhausted any leads around the missing person's house and area where the bike was discovered.

LE also secured and searched the missing person's house within the first week of the search. This SW has been verified by LE and it is currently sealed. Whatever evidence was gathered during this search has likely been analyzed and any scientific testing is either done or is being conducted. This search and the results could lead to more searches or subpeona's being issued. We simply do not know at this point. What we do know is the LE acknowledged this search and ultimately released the house back to the family.

Next, LE searched a job site of the missing person's spouse. We do not know if a SW was used or if it was a consent search. No mention of SW by LE, just that the homeowner was not a suspect and was cooperating. This smells of consent search, which is 100% lawful, IMEO. LE searched several days and acknowledged such to the press. The search ended with nothing being tied to the missing person, "at that time". Again, whatever, if anything, was collected there has already been analyzed and any scientific tests would be completed or being conducted.

Last week, LE did some canvassing in Salida. The handed out a flyer that contained very little information. They seemed to be reaching out to the public for tips. They let the media know about the event and what they were doing.

It could be that there is really nothing new for LE or the family to report on in this case?

There are clusters of missing person cases in the Rocky, Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountain ranges were people seem to vanish off the face of the earth with little trace or logical explanation. Frankly, it happens everywhere in the world and in urban areas as well. People just go missing, are never found and there is never any evidence that explains what happens.

It is too early in this case to determine if this is one of those missing persons cases or not.
Is there a cluster in this area?
I ruled BM out as well as a hired hit man, or someone in the Morphew sphere of influence, these three, possibly a concurrent investigation, because of overlap. I ruled out mountain lion long ago.
I have been stuck in the stalker acquaintance abductor or the random stranger possibly stalking. I did find at least one possibility thru off forum searches.
I suspect that if I found him, LE has already checked him out thoroughly.
LE by now has probably checked out all the usual hoodlums and known roublerousers.
I am full circle back to where we started.

This is a replay of the stalker/serial killer we had in 1985 in SC He was caught ultimately thru multiple LE agency effort, public asked for help, and a tip resulting from that.
There was a period where BG( bad guy)called the family and taunted them.
There was a period when media coverage was toned down, because BG seemed to gloat in it.

I hope this isn’t like that one, because that BG had most likely already killed at least two women, 90 miles away, their bodies never found. We thought Shari was the first, she was actually the third.
This case has similarities.
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