Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #17

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I'm guessing that he had his phone on Mother's Day but not the day before, wink, wink. Moo
Yes!!! If BM had to go out to “do something” on Saturday, both his and SM’s phones might have stayed home together. BM probably remembered to take it when he left for Denver early Sunday?;)
The reason this doesn’t make sense to me is because of what he said about LE’s investigation with the bike.
If you don’t think LE is doing a good job, which he stated on camera that he did NOT wouldn’t you be more verbal?
I just view BM as the kind of guy who takes charge of things, the kind who does business as usual, and I don’t understand WHY he hasn’t made finding his wife his 1st priority. He just seems to be distancing himself from the investigation and that makes me suspicious of him. JMO.

Maybe he doesn't want to poke the bear any more than he did. :rolleyes:
Yes!!! If BM had to go out to “do something” on Saturday, both his and SM’s phones might have stayed home together. BM probably remembered to take it when he left for Denver early Sunday?;)

I think phones are telling the story here as far as when SM went missing.

MOO, The recanvassing is an effort to track someone’s movements on Saturday. They likely weren’t focusing on that day when the initially canvassed.

Alternatively, if there is a Bad Guy from the area responsible, she had to disappear Sunday. Why wouldn’t LE simply confirm that much? It would be a great relief for the family to have the focus off of BM publicly, IMO.

I hope SM is found soon! :(
I kinda doubt BM waited until he might have needed to get rid of SM body before he planned on how to do it. If BM decided on needing a grave he most likely dug it at least a month prior to SM disappearing. He would have given himself plenty of time for that chore. Even if he filled it back in he would have very loose dirt when the time came. So I'm thinking if there is a grave site it's on a remote property he was aware of.

I agree. If this is your plan, prepare the site in advance and return with the body later. Maybe much later.

I doubt she will ever be found and my heart goes out to the people who love her.
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IMO, when this story breaks, and I think it will, and her remains are found, the flood gates will then open on this couple. People will start talking & the news media, maybe deciding to sit on some info now (not evidence) from people willing to talk will go ahead and publish. Right now, I think there’s a mix of loyalty to the couple, or loyalty to one or the other, people not wanting to be involved and those who will speak about them but the media won’t publish it. IMO

An example of what the media might not waste their time with- a childhood friend who knew BM or SM as a child only. Please.

IMO, I can think of many cases after there’s an arrest or a body found people start spilling their guts publicly about their experience with the players involved or what they found concerning.
And why would anyone in this day and age take their own phone or their own vehicle to commit a murder ... a burner phone and someone else’s vehicle would be more likely.
Personally, I think SM was killed the day before, or even on the 8th BEFORE he ever left so everything he said he did on Sunday - is exactly what he did on Sunday - Mother’s Day. MOO.
Except asked SM if he could go to Denver of course. moo:(
BM only offered a $100k of that amount for SAFE RETURN.
Do we have ANY known cases where an abductor received reward money after safely returning a victim?
As far as the setting up of the Gimme Fund, I still don’t understand how anyone in this family thought it was the right thing to do, unless they are really really bad at math.
It is simple to calculate that this family did not need funding. BM may be innocent of murder but he’s definitely guilty of being an opportunist and exploiting this situation. JMO.
I am sure there was money offered in the Jamie Closs case. The person who helped her requested the money be given to Jamie. A little dif
1. Friends: we don't know, as it's not been made public. It's either folks who believe BM is entirely innocent of SM's disappearance, or folks that just really want her to be brought home safely. Either way, I don't see anything nefarious with the donor folks.

2. I didn't watch the "dad with a phone" video, but I do know that it's entirely common for LE to not share details related to the investigation, even with the closest people connected to the victim. The integrity of an ongoing investigation must be maintained, for an air tight case. I don't find that unusual at all.

3. Big disconnect if BM really is this "big game hunter" folks are saying he is. I'm sure I've missed a lot, but where did that info come from, anyway?
If BM is not in fact, a seasoned, big game hunter, it makes perfect sense that he might push the wild animal attack theory (assuming of course, he's entirely innocent).
If, on the other hand he is in fact an experienced big game hunter and he's still pushing a highly unlikely theory of a cat attack, he's either got a screw loose or he's hoping the rest of the world does, and won't notice how unlikely this theory really is. I'm guessing he's not really all that experienced or knowledgeable about the local wild cats.

I've seen nothing in MSM to suggest there was a warrant for his truck's GPS data. If that's true, I'm sure someone has a link?

Some great points. I had to go back and check on the big game hunter. BM is a big game hunter and WS rules for this thread allow for using this fact. He was still pushing the Cat theory in detail in the TD interview several weeks later. I highly doubt he believes his other theory either. MOO

Crimeonline has indicated BM is an "avid hunter, a claim that is supported by photos on Morphew's social media accounts."

Members may discuss him being a hunter but sleuthing his social media and discussing details from it is still off limits here.

Click here for The Rules
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3. The cat theory is so strange. Could be a desperate husband seeking any possible answer in his wife’s disappearance. I might not be very reasonable if my loved one was missing.
It didn’t sound like he was talking about a “loved one” when he described how, “you know the cat drags it’s prey up...”
While a claim has been made to CrimeOnline that BM is a great hunter, we don't have to believe it. One of the four taxidermied animals was already in the house when it was up on Zillow. The other three may have been purchased. In order for me to believe he's a good hunter, I would like someone who isn't him and who is actually a good hunter to so state.

BTW, how did CrimeOnline establish that? Did they have an interview with someone? I've just been going by what's posted here.
You make very valid points. My own perception is somewhat based on several “good old boys” type husbands that I know. I am close enough to them to see beyond the terrible husband facade, always out hunting and fishing, neglecting family. I know their wives, they may complain in public, but sometimes they would rather have them out and about, leaving the wives to pursue their own interests.
I know they wouldn’t harm a hair on their wife’s head, even tho they can filet a fish or field dress a deer w/o pause.
They would probably unmercifully attack someone who harmed their family, but be totally unglued, if they didn’t know who had done this. BLM has more similarities to my friends, than the PFs, CWs, FDs.
That’s my assessment, based on my own life experiences and friends. After all I am OLD.
But I appreciate your ability to debate w/o trying to force me to change my mind, and I respect YOUR point of view.
I wish you could meet some of my friends, THAT would win you over, I firmly believe. They are teddy bears, until somebody harms their family or friends, THEN the inner bear comes out. But I probably need to add, anyone in a vulnerable position being mistreated would be defended.
I just realized that part of my perceptions might be based on my love of animals. My husband is not a hunter, though he goes on a hunt occasionally, he lets others do the killing. I have no issue with those who hunt to feed their families. I hate canned hunts and those who kill for trophy heads. I have lots of birds on my property some of my friends would love to shoot and eat! :eek:
So I probably am being more harsh on BM because of it... I do actually love my hunter friends, but I don’t want to see their kills or hear their stories. I know it’s not very realistic, I’m much softer towards animals than people - they never criticize me. :p
And that is what I find so disturbing about the Gimme fund, Ms. B, with all respect to your thoughts. The fundraisers can say it's being used for something, but there is no way of knowing if it is indeed being used for that or just going into someone's pocket. No accountability or transparency at all. I didn't contribute to it, but had I done, I would want to know my funds were being used to support a search. Not a steak dinner.

I consider the Finding Suzanne page totally separate, apples and oranges. As far as it generating nasty rumors and the like, you simply close comments and only post updates and the missing flier with LE contact info and encourage people to share it on their own social media. People will find other places to float the rumors and the family is under zero obligation to encourage debate or speculation.

I've tried to give a lot of the financial aspects of this a pass,but the money is funny all the way round. At least to me.

Well, I don't know much about the on line fund raisers but I've noticed people have set them up in other cases to support family and friends who travel from out of town or have to stop working.

How much money have they raised? Are they asking for a huge amount? Can people just donate ten or twenty dollars? Is it anonymous or do they have information about who has donated?

I suppose if people are worried about them buying a steak dinner or spending the money on expensive clothes or something they don't have to donate.

Yes, the Finding Suzanne page is different, but it still is a way of communicating with the public and that didn't work out too well. I think they did eventually close off the comments. Maybe they do have another page now where they post updates. They are not obligated to encourage debate or speculation but I don't think that is their goal in the first place. They just want Suzanne to be found.

I think no matter what they do people will find ways to insult them.
After the nephew was interviewed he was criticized and even accused of being involved.

I'm just assuming if there aren't any updates it's because there are none to give. The family will likely be the first to know if she is found and hopefully we will know soon afterwards.
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Ok, I just read this story about search dogs finding a man they searched for. There's an awesome comment that makes BM comment about rain become "untrue". I had to post because it relates to his comments in my opinion.
Can collector's body found in field

Yep - rain helps refresh scent (carried in water molecules).

However, I think BM meant things like car tracks, which of course can be washed away in moderate to heavy rain (which didn't occur any time soon after Suzanne went missing).

LE hasn't said anything about what the dogs found (aside from the search being unsuccessful). They seem to have brought in several teams of dogs. None of those dog teams caught a scent that led to Suzanne being dead or injured in the underbrush. But we don't know if the dogs ever picked up a scent, at all (or where they did, if they did).
I just realized that part of my perceptions might be based on my love of animals. My husband is not a hunter, though he goes on a hunt occasionally, he lets others do the killing. I have no issue with those who hunt to feed their families. I hate canned hunts and those who kill for trophy heads. I have lots of birds on my property some of my friends would love to shoot and eat! :eek:
So I probably am being more harsh on BM because of it... I do actually love my hunter friends, but I don’t want to see their kills or hear their stories. I know it’s not very realistic, I’m much softer towards animals than people - they never criticize me. :p
Excellent insight! There are differences beyond the trophy hunter type IMO. The deer population is out of hand here, and it is actually rare that we do not see at least one crossing the road when driving at night. often we see them in broad daylight.
There actually have been several fatal accidents in this area, only explanation is the driver may have swerved to avoid a deer.
The other reason given is that because we have played w/ Mother Nature, the natural processes have been disrupted. Overpopulation leads to all sorts of issues, and actually deterioration.
If all hunters simply followed the rule, eat what you kill, it actually solves several problems.
I truly had your image of Bambi, until they made it impossible to maintain my roses w/o a ten foot fence, my vegetable garden, apples, etc. Plenty of forage, but they ARE greedy.
We don’t know that BLM is a trophy hunter. There was actually a thread almost deleted because we assumed all the trophies were BLM, and they weren’t?! I may have that wrong, it’s always hard to go back and try to figure out those deleted.
My sons hunt, and have gotten quite good w/ venison. It does help if they don’t tell me in advance.
Easiest logistics ever. Remove the notion that there was a mountain lion attack. LE did this in week 1. Advertise there's a
While a claim has been made to CrimeOnline that BM is a great hunter, we don't have to believe it. One of the four taxidermied animals was already in the house when it was up on Zillow. The other three may have been purchased. In order for me to believe he's a good hunter, I would like someone who isn't him and who is actually a good hunter to so state.

BTW, how did CrimeOnline establish that? Did they have an interview with someone? I've just been going by what's posted here.
Around here, ranchers suppliment their income by hosting city hunters. They provide a rustic, wilderness experience for a price. They facilitate the hunt to insure success. I picture BM going to the best hunting operation money can buy. Moo
It didn’t sound like he was talking about a “loved one” when he described how, “you know the cat drags it’s prey up...”
I felt physically ill during that exchange.
The reason he didn’t sound like he was talking about a loved one, is because he wasn’t talking about a loved one.
There really are some serious hidey spots in the area ..... 18 minutes drive from the trail-head of CR225 you've got this .(was lining up the highway with Lime Ridge in the distance) ... I mean, where does one begin to look! You might get lucky and a drone picks up something through the trees .... h'mm, all the searching in Denver, I'd be interested in checking out this area, there's lots of truck stops and trails and plenty of areas up ahead game hunters would know about. Wonder if hikers have been told to be on the lookout ......
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