Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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Very early in this case we recognized that we were not being told when the last time SM was seen or heard from by anyone other than the alleged bike ride on MD.

Establishing a timeline is important to any case and that would be one of the first questions LE would try to determine.

I am sure they asked BM when was the last time he saw and spoke with SM. LE would still check with others to try to validate from others as well like asking the girls since LE needs to find out the very last day and time SM could be accounted for. Its one of the reasons LE was interested in any security camera videos.

I suspect there has been some conflicting information as LE tried to determine who and when SM was last seen or heard from by anyone.

If the girls were in a habit of daily text communication with SM then LE may know they could not get ahold of her even before Mothers Day and that could possibly contradict when BM says he last saw and spoke with her.

But like was already mentioned, we and LE have to be careful because text messaging could be sent by anyone so that in itself is not proof the person sent the text.

So LE would have to find someone that either spoke to SM verbally on the phone or physically saw her in person. And even when they think they have it pinned down, they still need to be sure to identify the very last time SM can be accounted for so they would check as many sources as possible because they could end up being surprised that someone actually saw her after someone else claimed they did.

Thus, the latest statement from LE about finding some new information about that which was later than they had been thinking. We dont really know what they meant but I am taking it as whatever it was that made them say that was maybe a contradiction to what someone else had told them.

This revelation grabbed my attention! The frustrating part is that we do not know when they “previously thought that she was last seen”. My thought is that she may have been seen on a video camera, as they were asking locals to hand in any recordings they had from May 8th - May 12th.
Suzanne Morphew search: Residents near Salida asked to save video cam recordings
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Dennis BTK Rader was a churchy guy, president of his church council and a Cub Scout leader.

I have to chuckle at this, despite it being a serious subject worth mentioning in some of these true crime cases.

Just seems to me some people exert an extraordinary amount of effort to make it appear their lives are 'together', maybe even happy in some ways, when underneath it all they're keeping major secrets. BTK, Bike Path Rapist, and others come to mind. Then we have the domestic abusers and drama kings and queens, again they often times make big efforts to make it appear their lives are good and well, when they're not, an often times mental illness is at play.


I'm only speaking to the part I bolded in red. I'm not sure what you mean by rare. I'm going out on a limb and hate to speak for others but I'm picking up you think that because he is in the trades, I apologize if that isn't why and I misread your thoughts.
I agree I heard no profanity on that video, but didn't really expect to. As a woman who worked in a Construction office for 28 years, rarely did I hear the men "speak trashy." If I did overhear, it was always followed by a chagrined look and apology. It certainly didn't happen on a day to day basis. I can't imagine it would, locker room talk is for the locker room unless your in Hollywood or the *advertiser censored* world or J. Epstein type circles, so to speak. IMO
As to saying Grace...well good for him, my family all does (7 sibs, 4 brothers in their 50 's and 60's, that's the way we were raised.

This can be a very tricky path to walk. I do not say grace, curse often, would be screaming from the rooftops for help finding my loved one and I could never commit the *so called crime* we have spent countless hours rehashing.

These are tropes and in the big picture mean nothing. I did hear him call another driver a “Bit^$” in the video, I’ll find the specific time and mark it.

Remember, those that are skilled in fooling others only show what they want to be seen.
I have to chuckle at this, despite it being a serious subject worth mentioning in some of these true crime cases.

Just seems to me some people exert an extraordinary amount of effort to make it appear their lives are 'together', maybe even happy in some ways, when underneath it all they're keeping major secrets. BTK, Bike Path Rapist, and others come to mind. Then we have the domestic abusers and drama kings and queens, again they often times make big efforts to make it appear their lives are good and well, when they're not, an often times mental illness is at play.

We all keep trying to figure out what LE learned that first night that seemed to direct their focus in one direction. What if it was the neighbor who called in the missing person report at Barry’s request? What if Barry said something to her that she knew was untrue?
As she is reporting to the responding officer, she may have said something like:
BM said he went to Denver early Sunday, but I saw the truck at the house mid day.
BM said SM went for a bike ride but I know her bike is broken
BM said he talked to her Sunday morning, but I saw them go out together on Saturday and she didn’t come back with him.
I checked my video cam after I talked to BM and I saw........

Whatever it is, and I do think it’s something strong like that, old boy really has to be kicking himself now.

Imagine thinking you’ve pulled off the perfect crime, and the whole plot blows up in your face because of a colossal error.

Karma’s a .
But did the dirt work take place prior to the pour? That’s what I’m thinking and good to see you here@OldCop
Thanks, @oviedo, good to be here. I believe he was hired to prep the dirt for the foundation pour; things like leveling, smoothing, filling, etc. His having the opportunity to be digging in dirt that was then covered with concrete right around the time his wife went missing, was quite the coincidence.

I'm picking up you think that because he is in the trades, I apologize if that isn't why and I misread your thoughts.
I agree I heard no profanity on that video, but didn't really expect to.
I expected to hear profanity from BM in that video with TD. In my opinion it was the ideal setting for him to ‘story tell’ and he didn’t even use a ‘damn’. A lot of professionals I know would have inserted a ‘hell’ or damn somewhere during that chat.
We all keep trying to figure out what LE learned that first night that seemed to direct their focus in one direction. What if it was the neighbor who called in the missing person report at Barry’s request? What if Barry said something to her that she knew was untrue?
As she is reporting to the responding officer, she may have said something like:
BM said he went to Denver early Sunday, but I saw the truck at the house mid day.
BM said SM went for a bike ride but I know her bike is broken
BM said he talked to her Sunday morning, but I saw them go out together on Saturday and she didn’t come back with him.
I checked my video cam after I talked to BM and I saw........
I have wondered about this too. What tipped off LE so early on? I thought it might be the changing of the alibi story. Firefighter training versus job site narrative, because that IS suspicious.
BM doesn’t appear to use profanity. This is rare. (Source: conversation with TD)

BM prays before his meals. This is also rare. (Source: Skinner in LS interview.

Guys who don’t swear and pray before their meals, don’t generally kill their wives. So if BM murdered his wife, what in the world happened??

Most men don’t kill their wives, period.

Having been raised in a church environment among men who pray and don’t swear, I know that they are as flawed a group as any other. I’ve known men like that who abused their wife and/or kids. I’ve known others who were saints, and everything in between.

I think Barry being busted almost immediately, would also explain the “too soon comment.”

He probably would have given a media interview, feigning emotion, like that pre-recorded video.

But he had to regroup, and knew he couldn’t save face by appearing with the sheriff, or even just in front of the media.

“What the hell do I do now?”
I have wondered about this too. What tipped off LE so early on? I thought it might be the changing of the alibi story. Firefighter training versus job site narrative, because that IS suspicious.
Since these CO high profile wife/GF/child murders I’m wondering if @OldCop hit it with the neighbor and cameras immediately- and I haven’t thought of this until this moment - when my neighbors have even the slightest weird/off thing happen we all go to our ring cameras and share - everything from “fedex said they dropped my package can you check to see if it’s there“ etc - could it be this simple? The neighbor who has refused comment has a working system and checked it ? And shared it right away? It’s what I would do with my ring cameras -And if their home (SM)had a system which was disabled ? hmmm jmo
Whatever it is, and I do think it’s something strong like that, old boy really has to be kicking himself now.

Imagine thinking you’ve pulled off the perfect crime, and the whole plot blows up in your face because of a colossal error.

Karma’s a *****.

This would be analogous to the neighbor that spoke to the police while at the CW household! The neighbor is throwing him under the bus while CW walks around on his phone etc. I do hope you are correct. Considering how few “friends” from Maysville and Salida have come forward, I’d bet the neighbor didn’t know them that well either. They cannot see one another nor their home from their respective houses. Whatever the neighbor stumbled upon, IMO induced some panic.
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"No Body Cases." Establishing Death?
Fascinating Al66pine, for anybody else reading….between what is posted here from Al66 and the other opinion posted by @JnRyan…That little tidbit of knowledge, “Virginia law did not require a body of the victim to file murder charges, the law does require prosecutors to identify the location of the murder”...
bbm sbm @Murphy1950 Thank you for your kind words {gee-shucks icon} and your thanks for @JnRyan, who also deserves kudos.
From ^ "Not require a body of victim" but requirement "to identify the location of the murder."
Huh???? What??? The meaning of second phrase is clearer when articulated as requiring
prosecutor to provide sufficient evidence to persuade judge/jury that the purported victim is not just a victim, not a MisPers, but is dead.
In no-body cases I'm aware of, we/judge/jury do(es) not see or hear testimony from -
--- medical examiner, pathologist, or even coroner ~ "I examined remains which [vic's family member] identified as those of Vanessa Victim. Blah, blah, blah. I determined CoD was [poison/stab wounds/ 45 caliber bullet in heart] & the MoD was homicide."
--- criminologist/technician ~ "I made finger prints from the body identified as Vanessa, compared them to her fingerprints on file w St of X from her application to carry concealed weapon/induction into military/application to be licensed as stockbroker thru FINRA. The prints matched on _ number of points." etc.
^^That's the common way to establish the fact of death. ^^ Quite dead.

W no body, how can prosecutor show poor Vanessa ^ is dead? In some "no-body cases" I recall -
--- blood pool at scene, w volume so severe as to be a non-surivable loss & which matched victim's blood type (mmmaaannnyyy yrs ago) or DNA more recently, but no body as such.
--- small amts of brain tissue, indicating non-survivable injury.
--- small amounts of other tissue, e.g., a couple fingernails or teeth. Would not necessarily be non-survivable injury. But in one, eyewitness testimony identifying husband at river edge scene w huge, rented woodchipper at 4:00am in snowstorm where f'nails were found, and well, jury was convinced of death.
--- Kelsey B/Colorado, 2018 death, detailed testimony from KK.
--- a few other N-B's established the deaths, thru years-long absences and testimony re extensive, far-ranging S&R searches.
my 2 cts.
Maybe others here can recall other evidence used to estab a death in a "no-body case."
Some friends of mine did 3 or 4 tours during the GWOT since late '01. A few did 5-7, maybe. I've seen reports of people who have done 10 or more, I think?


Thanks, FD!

So, what I hear you saying is that anything >10 would definitely be considered a high number of deployments for a service member.

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