Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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JMO. You are a good person. I agree that we would expect a spouse to be supportive during a serious illness. But many are surprised when that does not happen. When a relationship is one sided, with all the control going to one, that is an indication of a selfish, immature person. He would not be able to change his personality. Two bouts of cancer took a long time to conquer. She may have fought that battle alone. An additional situation may have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but her illness probably provided her with clarity that she did not have before.
This Controversial Study Claims Men Walk Out of Marriages When Their Wives Get Sick

I have lost my mother to leukemia. I was not around, in another country, so the burden of caring for her fell on my dad. But from the snippets I have observed during my visits, I can say that it takes a lot of love to care for a cancer patient, but love alone is not enough. In fact, love can vanish as the cancer person changes, not only physically, but mentally, during the illness. It takes strong sense of duty, to do this hard, sometimes humiliating, job, being the partner of a cancer patient.

But not every person is built this way, not every person is born with loyalty to the partner, not everyone is a one-woman man. It is probably an inborn trait, and very likely, a strongly genetic one.

Our societal expectations of loyalty and monogamy in relationships, essentially, is a relatively new convention, probably linked to overpopulation and smaller families. And what I think happens is that some partners of cancer patients, weighted by the common mores, in addition to religion, or the community around them, are trying hard to behave “as expected”, while inside, they perceive the partner as a burden. (All the more so that no one applauds them for being there for the sick one, as their behavior is precisely - as expected). I wouldn’t be surprised if some partners start the path with the best of intentions, and burn out in the process.

I don’t know how BM felt about the situation, how they both had felt. We shall uncover the whole story, sooner or later. I feel very sorry for all cancer patients, and wish them to recover.
This would be analogous to the neighbor that spoke to the police while at the CW household! The neighbor is throwing him under the bus while CW walks around on his phone etc. I do hope you are correct. Considering how few “friends” from Maysville and Salida have come forward, I’d bet the neighbor didn’t know them that well either. They cannot see one another nor their home from their respective houses. Whatever the neighbor stumbled upon, IMO induced some panic.
That was a priceless moment when I watched CW pacing around in his neighbors living room while the neighbor had the video on his TV screen of CW loading something in his pickup. OMG.
BM doesn’t appear to use profanity. This is rare. (Source: conversation with TD)

BM prays before his meals. This is also rare. (Source: Skinner in LS interview.

Guys who don’t swear and pray before their meals, don’t generally kill their wives. So if BM murdered his wife, what in the world happened??

Since George Carlin, the freethinker with his “dirty words“, was such a good man and husband, methinks that undefiled lips and preprandial piety might be a poor defense move )))
BM doesn’t appear to use profanity. This is rare. (Source: conversation with TD)

BM prays before his meals. This is also rare. (Source: Skinner in LS interview.

Guys who don’t swear and pray before their meals, don’t generally kill their wives. So if BM murdered his wife, what in the world happened??

I swear and don’t pray before meals, but didn’t kill my ex.
I think Barry being busted almost immediately, would also explain the “too soon comment.”

He probably would have given a media interview, feigning emotion, like that pre-recorded video.

But he had to regroup, and knew he couldn’t save face by appearing with the sheriff, or even just in front of the media.

“What the hell do I do now?”

Didn’t Fotis Dulos turn his phone in with his lawyer ? And of course we now know he was guilty and took the cowards way out - I’m wondering how this “phone “ was turned over and also Patrick turned his phone over too right ? Now I’m gonna have to go find links but for now it’s IMO
And since he was no stranger to the court system IMO he had a lawyer 5/11 at the latest

Guy with a commercial landscaping business has a lawyer, at least for business reasons. Every lawyer knows to say don’t say anything when a client is facing criminal charges. You have a right to remain silent. Most people know this, as well.
I know me too but could there be a reason BM and SM’s family are keeping so quiet? It’s seems almost too obvious they aren’t doing the things most normal people would do if a loved one was missing. You would think if BM was guilty he would at least continue the charade and try harder to look like a worried, grieving husband. And the daughters are quiet too and staying with him. It’s so weird.
How do we know for sure both daughters are staying there? Rumor prior to their mother missing pointed to neither living there
BM doesn’t appear to use profanity. This is rare. (Source: conversation with TD)

BM prays before his meals. This is also rare. (Source: Skinner in LS interview.

Guys who don’t swear and pray before their meals, don’t generally kill their wives. So if BM murdered his wife, what in the world happened??
John List, known to be a religious man who never swore and prayed before every meal, killed not only his wife, but his children and mother, as well.
John List, known to be a religious man who never swore and prayed before every meal, killed not only his wife, but his children and mother, as well.
Ok, I get it. Clean language and prayer having nothing to do with the profile of a domestic killer.
So are there any common traits that spouse killers share?
Anger issues?
Over Confidence?
We all keep trying to figure out what LE learned that first night that seemed to direct their focus in one direction. What if it was the neighbor who called in the missing person report at Barry’s request? What if Barry said something to her that she knew was untrue?
As she is reporting to the responding officer, she may have said something like:
BM said he went to Denver early Sunday, but I saw the truck at the house mid day.
BM said SM went for a bike ride but I know her bike is broken
BM said he talked to her Sunday morning, but I saw them go out together on Saturday and she didn’t come back with him.
I checked my video cam after I talked to BM and I saw........
The daughters told me this, but BM told me that.

I also wonder if he thought to call SM's phone during these moments, or at least during that 3 hour drive back to see if HE could reach her. If he knew she wouldnt answer, maybe he forgot that part. I would be ringing that phone constantly hoping she would answer.
That's a good way of putting it. It's a red flag.
They're trying to use something which they think is to their benefit. Perks my ears.
Not downplaying anyone's faith, but I agree that when said at random time I see it as a 'red flag', too. Some people really hide their flaws behind those words. (**Disclaimer - I said "some", not 'all".)
Not downplaying anyone's faith, but I agree that when said at random time I see it as a 'red flag', too. Some people really hide their flaws behind those words. (**Disclaimer - I said "some", not 'all".)
Yes. Some.
But every time a potential employee throws that little tidbit in it's a red flag. Also, I don't want my employee to impose on another employee who might be of a different faith. And I've seen that before.
Anyway, BM said it for a reason and I think it was to sway people's opinion of him.
Yes. Some.
But every time a potential employee throws that little tidbit in it's a red flag. Also, I don't want my employee to impose on another employee who might be of a different faith. And I've seen that before.
Anyway, BM said it for a reason and I think it was to sway people's opinion of him.
Sorry, what did BM say?
I’m new to the post and Have been following the case. Has anyone suspected that TN is part of the entire plan with BM? Seems plausible IMO
Welcome to Websleuths .
TN has been discussed of course, but I don't see any indication that he could be guilty of anything other than unwittingly parroting BM's narrative. I believe he wanted to help in the beginning out of pure intention. Something changed his mind and he excused himself from that chore. Just my opinion.
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