Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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We all keep trying to figure out what LE learned that first night that seemed to direct their focus in one direction. What if it was the neighbor who called in the missing person report at Barry’s request? What if Barry said something to her that she knew was untrue?
As she is reporting to the responding officer, she may have said something like:
BM said he went to Denver early Sunday, but I saw the truck at the house mid day.
BM said SM went for a bike ride but I know her bike is broken
BM said he talked to her Sunday morning, but I saw them go out together on Saturday and she didn’t come back with him.
I checked my video cam after I talked to BM and I saw........
This is possible!! Great thinking @OldCop. Duh why didn’t we think of this?! Simple...makes so much sense.
I have lost my mother to leukemia. I was not around, in another country, so the burden of caring for her fell on my dad. But from the snippets I have observed during my visits, I can say that it takes a lot of love to care for a cancer patient, but love alone is not enough. In fact, love can vanish as the cancer person changes, not only physically, but mentally, during the illness. It takes strong sense of duty, to do this hard, sometimes humiliating, job, being the partner of a cancer patient.

But not every person is built this way, not every person is born with loyalty to the partner, not everyone is a one-woman man. It is probably an inborn trait, and very likely, a strongly genetic one.

Our societal expectations of loyalty and monogamy in relationships, essentially, is a relatively new convention, probably linked to overpopulation and smaller families. And what I think happens is that some partners of cancer patients, weighted by the common mores, in addition to religion, or the community around them, are trying hard to behave “as expected”, while inside, they perceive the partner as a burden. (All the more so that no one applauds them for being there for the sick one, as their behavior is precisely - as expected). I wouldn’t be surprised if some partners start the path with the best of intentions, and burn out in the process.

I don’t know how BM felt about the situation, how they both had felt. We shall uncover the whole story, sooner or later. I feel very sorry for all cancer patients, and wish them to recover.

Charlot, so sorry you lost your mother.
Isn’t it odd that if he has an attorney, we have seen nothing about it. No statement from said attorney, no names droppped, no ANYTHING! He’d be foolish not to, IMO he has the retainer in a gimme money account...

I would imagine his attorney could be his best buddy. They might go hunting together, talk on the phone often and socialize together. He probably doesn't even have to "retain" his attorney. Just call him up, tell him what's going on, get his advice, attorney sends him a bill or BM does some landscaping work for him. No big deal IMO.
Welcome to Websleuths .
TN has been discussed of course, but I don't see any indication that he could be guilty of anything other than unwittingly parroting BM's narrative. I believe he wanted to help in the beginning out of pure intention. Something changed his mind and he excused himself from that chore. Just my opinion.
ITA - he backed way out of the picture IMO. wonder why????
Isn’t it odd that if he has an attorney, we have seen nothing about it. No statement from said attorney, no names dropped, no ANYTHING! He’d be foolish not to, IMO he has the retainer in a gimme money account...
Nancy Grace said (many weeks ago on her show) that BM had retained an attorney.

An attorney is there to help their client and give them advice. Some attorneys (like the late Johnnie Cochran, and the still alive Mark Geragos) were/are very much about promoting themselves and being media stars. Most attorneys aren't doing that day in and day out. With covid, the big PR events aren't happening. If there's nothing to say, why say anything? And how would an attorney saying anything now help BM? Would that make sleuthers less suspicious? Would that make detectives say, "oh okay, well then the attorney says BM is innocent so we'll just stop looking at him."
Sometimes individuals that are tangelly involved in a case, such as friends of a suspect/POI, will back off if they perceive they are drawing unwanted investigative attention to themselves, or if members of LE or the military, may be told to pull back by the internal investigative branch of their organization, such as internal affairs, NCIS, USACIC etc. Loyalty only goes so far, At some point self preservation kicks in.
How do we know for sure both daughters are staying there? Rumor prior to their mother missing pointed to neither living there
We don't know anything for sure, but in her last live stream, Fox21 reporter Lauren (LS) was asked that question and she said the 2 daughters are living with their father (presumably in their house). Whether that's accurate or not, don't know.
We don't know anything for sure, but in her last live stream, Fox21 reporter Lauren (LS) was asked that question and she said the 2 daughters are living with their father (presumably in their house). Whether that's accurate or not, don't know.

Example of the fact/rumor/fiction thing: TS did an interview w/Lauren. TS said that BM told him that the girls were with BM. We don’t know for sure that the girls are with Barry-we only know that Barry told somebody they were. That will be included as fact in the media, just because BM said so. It could be as simple as -“hey are the girls there?” and BM could have replied “yeah they’re here”. It could be TS’s interpretation of a comment or it could be fact.

What we truly know:
Suzanne is missing. The neighbor called it in. Item/s found.
Example of the fact/rumor/fiction thing: TS did an interview w/Lauren. TS said that BM told him that the girls were with BM. We don’t know for sure that the girls are with Barry-we only know that Barry told somebody they were. That will be included as fact in the media, just because BM said so. It could be as simple as -“hey are the girls there?” and BM could have replied “yeah they’re here”. It could be TS’s interpretation of a comment or it could be fact.

What we truly know:
Suzanne is missing. The neighbor called it in. Item/s found.

True. I can't believe anything BM says, in my opinion, he has a motivation to tell lies. Moo
Example of the fact/rumor/fiction thing: TS did an interview w/Lauren. TS said that BM told him that the girls were with BM. We don’t know for sure that the girls are with Barry-we only know that Barry told somebody they were. That will be included as fact in the media, just because BM said so. It could be as simple as -“hey are the girls there?” and BM could have replied “yeah they’re here”. It could be TS’s interpretation of a comment or it could be fact.

What we truly know:
Suzanne is missing. The neighbor called it in. Item/s found.
To add, multiple SW's related to BM.
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ITA - he backed way out of the picture IMO. wonder why????
Good question !

He discovered something ?
BM had a request TN was not ready to comply with ?
_____. (fill in the blank)
My opinion is that TN's eyes were opened in some way.
Very sad, however you look at it.
I have a notion that BM has had a negative impact on many people, including the innocent 70-something neighbor who was asked to do the welfare check !
John List, known to be a religious man who never swore and prayed before every meal, killed not only his wife, but his children and mother, as well.

All good posts, but IMO, it’s not BM bragging about his piety, it’s his friend trying to convey his perceptions. That’s a slightly different perspective, IMO
My small church community has had a few members, over the years, who I could actually see as a suspect, I came pretty close to homicide with the person on several occasions.
“Sadly”, the couple moved on and we lost his wife, as well. She had the voice of angels, in our choir.
Didn’t Fotis Dulos turn his phone in with his lawyer ? And of course we now know he was guilty and took the cowards way out - I’m wondering how this “phone “ was turned over and also Patrick turned his phone over too right ? Now I’m gonna have to go find links but for now it’s IMO
And since he was no stranger to the court system IMO he had a lawyer 5/11 at the latest
I think LE would ask for the phone straight up and then hold onto it until they get the proper warrant to search it re calls, texts, locations etc.
Any SO of a missing person would be asked for both that person’s phone, (if available), and their own right away. I think the quickness of the request startles some of these suspects but they know it would look really bad if they refused to turn them over.
This shows the person as being cooperative, but the warrant covers LE when it comes to trial/prosecution.
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