Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #20

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Well one thing's for sure. Whether people here agree or disagree on who is involved in SM's disappearance, how, why, and all of that, none of that is ultimately important in the big picture.

LE will keep doing their job, will keep investigating, and IMO will not give up even if the public thinks they have or will. My faith is on them getting to the truth, whichever way it goes.

ITA - I'm going to repost this because we have no new news - it's what I would imagine is taking place right now - I'm not worried.
'We never wanted to let her down': Meet the investigators who helped solve Kelsey Berreth's murder
It seems very convenient for BM to make SM disappear, as they are bound by common property. I am very much interested in finding out if there are any subtle differences in CO and IN property laws that made the move advantageous for him.

This being said, history of the world gives ample examples as to how jurisprudence could be abused, especially by tyrants, so I try to adhere to the rule “not accused - not guilty”. It doesn’t mean that we can’t sleuth, or point out at obvious discrepancies in the stories, or do whatever we are doing. But I have noticed that there is a mental block in my mind, and I can’t say to myself, “BM’s doing”. Instead, I say “I wish I knew more”.

After KB’s case, I am paying more attention to “character witnesses”. Remember that woman who posted about PF being abusive to horses? She sounded off at that time, and yet, she gave a 100% correct description of him. So as of today, single voices describing BM as “controlling” have relevance to me. But still, I can’t yet accuse as there is not enough proof. Can only say, “suspicious” and watch the property battles if they emerge.

You make an interesting point when wondering if the property laws of Colorado would provide an advantage over Indiana. I hadn't thought of that as a possibility. If so it could have made that mountain scenery more attractive to BM.
I feel like he was drawn to Colorado for social reasons. If the impression of his personality and behavior is correct, I feel that people may have been tiring of him in Indiana, not giving him the respect that he felt he deserved. Time for a fresh start with people who had no negative opinions of BM. Moo of course.
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

To me, this picture tells the real story.

As for their expressions, what I’m seeing is SM pleased to see the photographer while BM’s patience is being tried just a bit. The photographer is certainly not being invited in.

All MOO.


Nor is SM able to leave.

He's blocking her means of egress.

That snapshot in time may indeed turn out to be a very symbolic representation of their relationship.

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I've no idea what the context of this photo is, but when I look at it I see a hotel room, family on vacation and one of the girls maybe knocked on the door, dad answered it in a joking way as if to respond to a sales call, him saying "sorry, not interested" and closing the door. Mom standing behind smiling, because it was funny.

I see basically the same thing as Ontario Mom.
What would you say is the 10% that prevents you from going all in?

Mostly, it's the lack of factual info:

The last time anyone actually spoke to SM & where BM's phone/location history/gps says he was, on that day.
The last time there was any digital activity from SM's devices.
Where BM really was on Mother's Day, and what time he got there.
Who (if anyone) backed up his alibi.
Why his phone & truck were taken & what LE found on/in those items.
Who was the very first person to allege SM was on a bike ride?
What they found (or didn't find) in both home searches.

The direction the investigation is going, from a public POV, says they're liking BM for this, but that may not be quite accurate.
Without knowing the answers to that short list, it's hard for me to be "all in" on BM being the perp in this case.

My first take was he is being pranked by Suzanne in some way. Maybe they had planned to be alone and she arranged for a couple strippers with a birthday cake to show up. To me he is real confused on how he should react. Suzanne, not so much.

I was thinking a bit the same. When I originally saw this picture a while back, I thought there was a “inside joke/ prank” element to it as well. I based this primarily on the look SM is giving to the person behind the camera- IMHO, I see a relaxed, radiant woman smiling playfully with whoever is taking the photo- I don’t see distress - or a captive. I think BM looks like haha, you got me...the photo looks like a prank or joke was just pulled- with SM in on it- BM the receiver- but being a good sport- call me a big weirdo, but I found this photo kinda adorable- wasn’t it posted by SM? But that’s just my feeling, which I will get skewered- most likely here...

This is what confuses the heck out of me about this one!! I’m just unable to draw comparisons to CW, FD, PF- LS(!) - not at this time, not at all. With what is known, and not speculated, it’s just not possible. The amount of speculation I have to do right now to make all my puzzle pieces fit is insane. I cannot shove pieces in because of tipped hair, muscles & sleeveless shirts or religion, value of one’s home...etc- yes, he’s either a total creep or victim- don’t know. Wish I did!

Where is the information- more importantly, where are the facts? I can only go off facts. I seem to have almost none here. That’s, IMHO what makes this stunningly different from any case I’ve followed, even casually. No facts released to work off.

whoever said 15+ or so threads ago- “I got nothing” - I’m sending you a huge virtual high five!!! :) Until then, I’m pretty much just reading your posts- I don’t feel I have enough information to speculate- I don’t have anything- except the sleeveless shirt....
Mostly, it's the lack of factual info:

The last time anyone actually spoke to SM & where BM's phone/location history/gps says he was, on that day.
The last time there was any digital activity from SM's devices.
Where BM really was on Mother's Day, and what time he got there.
Who (if anyone) backed up his alibi.
Why his phone & truck were taken & what LE found on/in those items.
Who was the very first person to allege SM was on a bike ride?
What they found (or didn't find) in both home searches.

The direction the investigation is going, from a public POV, says they're liking BM for this, but that may not be quite accurate.
Without knowing the answers to that short list, it's hard for me to be "all in" on BM being the perp in this case.

I agree. I wish we all knew the answers to the questions you’ve outlined.

Also, it would be great if we had information on the state of their marriage: were they separating, did either want a divorce, were either of them involved in extramarital relationships? They look happy in their online pics, but who really knows?
If BM has a criminal defense attorney and that attorney is worth his/her retainer fee, s/he'd be telling BM not to make public comments *IF* he's a POI in a criminal investigation. As an attorney you'd be advising your client the same, I would think.

Yup. I would've advised him of that from the get go. Unfortunately, clients are [in]famous for not doing what their criminal defense attorneys tell them to do...
<modsnip: quoted post was removed>

To me, this picture tells the real story.

I see sexual tension in that photo. The setting, the clothing, the tousled hair, their contrasting expressions. BM playing the role of Bad Boy; SM smitten.

It’s a real “album cover” type of shot.

It certainly is an outlier among photos of the couple and the family. I do think it depicts an element of their personalities, and of their relationship. Passion.

There was one new thing in this PE video...unless maybe I missed it before but which one of her brother’s came to CO to help search for Suzanne? Also on the map they used in this video is that the correct location of where the bike was found? TIA

to me it did not look the the correct location based on the TD video
Yep, you can add an "Inquisitor" machine to the list.

It can detect a single drop of blood that is over twenty years old. It's been tested at graveyards. Example: if you say your great, great, great grandfather is buried amongst 20,000 gravestones, and put a sample of your DNA (fingernail clippings) in the machine with about 85% accuracy, his machine will point right at where your grandfather rests in his grave.
Grave-Detection Machine, Invented by Dr. Arpad Vass Receives Long Awaited Approval for his Patent in July 2018 –

I have worked with a lot of sub-surface technology over the last few years, including purchasing some. While I can buy the science behind LABRADOR (I am actually considering building one), Inquisitor seems well outside the realm of current technology. I think it is a much higher probability that Inquisitor is just another name for his super dog.
I agree. I wish we all knew the answers to the questions you’ve outlined.

Also, it would be great if we had information on the state of their marriage: were they separating, did either want a divorce, were either of them involved in extramarital relationships? They look happy in their online pics, but who really knows?

When one spouse is already cheating or preparing to leave, but hasn't figured out a way to tell the other spouse, their "family photos" look like they always do, and that's intentional (all part of the deception that is part & parcel to cheating/planning to leave).
The spouse on the way out doesn't want anyone to suspect anything until they themselves are ready to be the one to say it.
Don't ask me how I know this.

That being said, we really don't know what kind of relationship they had, prior to her disappearance. Although, once again, both her phone/digital trail and his, will shine a LOT of light on this.

Were one of them doing searches for legal issues as it pertains to property?
Did one of them have a lot of conversations in text/email/messenger with a certain party?
Did the location info for either of them show some interesting trips?
What number did either of them call on a regular basis, that wasn't to the kids or each other?
I can only assume the CCSO has all this info, already.

Yup. I would've advised him of that from the get go. Unfortunately, clients are [in]famous for not doing what their criminal defense attorneys tell them to do...

I have never understood the thought process (or lack thereof) that causes clients to run their mouth to mass media and on social media like a case of verbal diarrhea, full of conflicting and indefensible comments and playing the "injured" party. They hand themselves over to LE on a silver platter and make the defense attorney job a living hell.
My first take was he is being pranked by Suzanne in some way. Maybe they had planned to be alone and she arranged for a couple strippers with a birthday cake to show up. To me he is real confused on how he should react. Suzanne, not so much.
Looks like an interruption.
Mom "Hi honey what do you need?"
Dad "Why are you knocking on the door?"
They didn’t pull out the abduction playbook, but the homicide one.

Yes that’s a great analogy! I think most of us are at least in agreement about the playbook but could it be that they haven’t arrested BM yet because one of the plays involves other suspect(s)? Maybe BM is acting so strange because he suspected who took Suzanne and why so he told LE and their investigation has led to a much bigger more complicated scenario? I’m not saying I believe that is what happened just speculating as we wait this out. And even if someone else did this BM could still be an accomplice or unwitting participant. But one reason I’m leaving tge possibility open of another suspect is because it would explain why BM has not been arrested and the FBI is involved in Indiana.

Maybe it’s bigger than BM...maybe he was involved in something shady but not murder? Just like OP said awhile back...BM could still be a control freak with a bad temper and other character flaws but still not be a murderer. We don’t have to like him or his behavior towards Suzanne to be open to another possibility. Maybe someone else also doesn’t like BM and took Suzanne for a reason we don’t yet understand and made it look like BM did it since there have been so many highly publicized husband kills wife murders. Maybe BM was set up? The kidnapper or probably, unfortunately by now, killer accomplishes two goals - gets whatever the motive was for Suzanne disappearing and frames BM for it. The killer might have thought it would remain local and only be investigated by the CCSO. What if they know each other and the killer was hoping BM’s personality and behavior would contribute to making him look guilty?

Why? I was trying to think of what possible purpose there would be for killing a seemingly kind and beautiful soul inside & out, a mother, sister, daughter, Christian...a strong woman who has survived cancer twice? What did they want that they could only get if Suzanne disappeared? Does it go back to the root of all evil...greed & money? Maybe in some other currency or future form of profit...something valuable that could be used for financial gain? Like what then? What about land or property? SM’s rights to something? What could be gained by something formerly prevented by SM? Is there some roadblock cleared of SM is gone? Could it be revenge for something or a threat to BM made good on to scare BM into doing something or giving them something or keeping something secret? Could the M’s have moved to get away from something they wanted no part of?

These are all questions that would take a long time to investigate and obtain enough evidence for arrest and conviction. I don’t know if I am remembering this correctly and I have just spent way too much time searching Just now so maybe someone else remembers and reference it but I could have sworn someone from LE (don’t think it was Sheriff Spezze but might be wrong) said something to the effect of this case might turn out to be bigger or more than we expected?

It could still be as simple as BN killed his wife accidentally in a rage and had to come up with a poorly planned alibi and staged bike ride or this was his lame plan and he did it on purpose. I understand now that premeditation can only take a minute so even a crime of passion can be premeditated but I by on purpose I meant maybe he had been planning to kill her and was just waiting for the right opportunity. And like you said LE is taking all the time they need to prove it and hoping that her body will be found. He or Suzanne or both could have been checked out of their marriage for awhile and considering divorce. BM could have thought she was going to die from cancer and was already planning for a future without her with the expectation he would inherit her assets and receive a large life insurance benefit. Then she survived and he didn’t plan on sharing everything. Those are just my thoughts today as we always MOO.
When one spouse is already cheating or preparing to leave, but hasn't figured out a way to tell the other spouse, their "family photos" look like they always do, and that's intentional (all part of the deception that is part & parcel to cheating/planning to leave).
The spouse on the way out doesn't want anyone to suspect anything until they themselves are ready to be the one to say it.
Don't ask me how I know this.

That being said, we really don't know what kind of relationship they had, prior to her disappearance. Although, once again, both her phone/digital trail and his, will shine a LOT of light on this.

Were one of them doing searches for legal issues as it pertains to property?
Did one of them have a lot of conversations in text/email/messenger with a certain party?
Did the location info for either of them show some interesting trips?
What number did either of them call on a regular basis, that wasn't to the kids or each other?
I can only assume the CCSO has all this info, already.


Thoughtful post. I think you're right, that when a spouse is on the way out, they keep up the facade as they work out the intricacies of extracting themselves from the marriage. But when their decision is final, their plan is determined, then they will tell someone.
Don't ask me how I know either, wink.
If Suzanne had enough, was walking away, I think she told someone else, shortly before she would have told BM. I only speculate that would have been her 'not going to end well' brother, and possibly her daughters too.
Moo of course.
I see sexual tension in that photo. The setting, the clothing, the tousled hair, their contrasting expressions. BM playing the role of Bad Boy; SM smitten.

Just jumping off your post on how fascinating it is that different people look at a picture, one picture, taken in about 1/60 of a second, and see all kinds of things--viewers imbue the people in the photo with emotions and thoughts and meaning and craft stories about them based on what the viewer perceives, how the viewer feels, what they imagine, and it's all created by the individual looking at the photo with no info about what was actually happening in the photo, in reality.

It's an interesting psychological test, not too dissimilar to a Rorschach Ink Blot Test, but exactly like a Thematic Apperception Test. It actually tells a lot about the viewer and their thinking, as well as the viewer's mental and emotional processes.

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Yes that’s a great analogy! I think most of us are at least in agreement about the playbook but could it be that they haven’t arrested BM yet because one of the plays involves other suspect(s)? Maybe BM is acting so strange because he suspected who took Suzanne and why so he told LE and their investigation has led to a much bigger more complicated scenario? I’m not saying I believe that is what happened just speculating as we wait this out. And even if someone else did this BM could still be an accomplice or unwitting participant. But one reason I’m leaving tge possibility open of another suspect is because it would explain why BM has not been arrested and the FBI is involved in Indiana.

Maybe it’s bigger than BM...maybe he was involved in something shady but not murder? Just like OP said awhile back...BM could still be a control freak with a bad temper and other character flaws but still not be a murderer. We don’t have to like him or his behavior towards Suzanne to be open to another possibility. Maybe someone else also doesn’t like BM and took Suzanne for a reason we don’t yet understand and made it look like BM did it since there have been so many highly publicized husband kills wife murders. Maybe BM was set up? The kidnapper or probably, unfortunately by now, killer accomplishes two goals - gets whatever the motive was for Suzanne disappearing and frames BM for it. The killer might have thought it would remain local and only be investigated by the CCSO. What if they know each other and the killer was hoping BM’s personality and behavior would contribute to making him look guilty?

Why? I was trying to think of what possible purpose there would be for killing a seemingly kind and beautiful soul inside & out, a mother, sister, daughter, Christian...a strong woman who has survived cancer twice? What did they want that they could only get if Suzanne disappeared? Does it go back to the root of all evil...greed & money? Maybe in some other currency or future form of profit...something valuable that could be used for financial gain? Like what then? What about land or property? SM’s rights to something? What could be gained by something formerly prevented by SM? Is there some roadblock cleared of SM is gone? Could it be revenge for something or a threat to BM made good on to scare BM into doing something or giving them something or keeping something secret? Could the M’s have moved to get away from something they wanted no part of?

These are all questions that would take a long time to investigate and obtain enough evidence for arrest and conviction. I don’t know if I am remembering this correctly and I have just spent way too much time searching Just now so maybe someone else remembers and reference it but I could have sworn someone from LE (don’t think it was Sheriff Spezze but might be wrong) said something to the effect of this case might turn out to be bigger or more than we expected?

It could still be as simple as BN killed his wife accidentally in a rage and had to come up with a poorly planned alibi and staged bike ride or this was his lame plan and he did it on purpose. I understand now that premeditation can only take a minute so even a crime of passion can be premeditated but I by on purpose I meant maybe he had been planning to kill her and was just waiting for the right opportunity. And like you said LE is taking all the time they need to prove it and hoping that her body will be found. He or Suzanne or both could have been checked out of their marriage for awhile and considering divorce. BM could have thought she was going to die from cancer and was already planning for a future without her with the expectation he would inherit her assets and receive a large life insurance benefit. Then she survived and he didn’t plan on sharing everything. Those are just my thoughts today as we always MOO.
Is this what you have been trying to get at @Dave F. ?

Nor is SM able to leave.

He's blocking her means of egress.

That snapshot in time may indeed turn out to be a very symbolic representation of their relationship.


Or it could just be a coincidentally timed photo that means absolutely nothing. Trust me, I am not in BM's camp at all, but not everything means anything.
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