Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #22

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that's a really interesting video because there you have BM talking freely to someone about what happened. He didn't seem particularly nervous to me, interesting that he mentioned the girls were running late that day , so they should have been with their mum earlier on that day? if someone was planning this on that day it seems odd if the girls were due there?

the neighbour spotted the bike gone, so it was an assumption she had gone out on her bike not that she was seen going out on her bike?

police have contaminated the scene , pretty incredible if it's true that they moved that bike!

it's plausible she had an accident and was swept away down the creek, it's not impossible imo and there is that mark on the sign/barrier which indicates it was hit , I wonder if it had already been like that , if anyone knows about that?

she could well have come off her bike at that point on that bend going pretty fast, I wonder if it's possible to do an experiment to see what happens if a bike comes down that part and hits that sign , where would the bike and person end up? be good to see a drawing of that sign in relation to where the bike was found, in any event if they have found an "article " of hers some distance away that kind of puts scupper to the accident theory ?

would a guilty person be searching for his wife with his mother and chatting so freely with someone he meets out there? that doesn't seem likely ? he seems more genuine here than in his pre recorded video.

also why the heck add piano music to that video , was so annoying! especially when trying to hear exactly what BM said!

be careful .... logical thinking does not fit the 'i know barry did it' narrative....
Good catch! Up to this point, all we've been hearing is "Mother's Day weekend". This narrows it down to Saturday night.
The entire sentence:
"Neighbor says the night before mom-of-two Suzanne Morphew was reported missing she was woken by a loud noise coming from the construction site where her husband had been working"
is NOT in the news item that is linked.
My guess is that it is the opinion of the poster. IMO
Neighbors want answers two months into Chaffee County woman’s disappearance | FOX21 News Colorado
JMO. I have always thought of three things.

P for Power
M for Money
S for Sex
Others have called it Control, Greed and Lust which to me are the same.

I think SM finally stood up to him and he lost his Power. I think she wanted out of the marriage and wanted to leave Colorado.

I think BM was not going to give up half of the Money. I can see him thinking he earned the money from his jobs and it was his.

I think with SM being ill that their Sex life wasn’t what it used to be. Perhaps then he went looking elsewhere.

Only time will tell what really happened but I think BM must be constantly checking over his shoulder. Tick-tock.
I don’t care if you’re an introvert. I don’t care if you are a private person. If your loved one disappears, how in God’s name does any of that even matter?

Doesn’t it go out the window?

Don’t you put that aside?

Don’t you do everything you can to find your wife?

What occurred here is contrary to both human nature, and every similar missing person’s case ever.

None of this is normal, and if you think it’s ok, stay the hell away from me.
You said it perfectly!
BM does not strike me as the type of guy who obeys orders if he disagrees with them. When he spoke with TD, he talked about LE mishandling the bike and the scene. In my opinion, he did not seem to think they did their job properly. If LE asked him not to speak to the press, would he trust their judgement? Even if his attorney told him to clam up, he appears to be the kind of guy who would go against their wishes if he felt like it would help find Suzanne. Silence is not helping find Suzanne. Unless there is some kidnapper holding her and LE has informed Barry of such, there is no reason to stay silent. Except for that one reason.
I believe the last public comment from anyone in BM's immediate family was his own video plea on May 17th, exactly one week after she was reported missing.. His elderly uncle commented to journalist LS on May 24th (exactly two weeks after) but only spoke in generalities. There has been no comment since.
SM's immediate family has never had a comment, with the only statement by any blood relative being one by a cousin that was also made to journalist LS on May 24th and was cited in the same article as the uncle on BM's side , who said She thought LE had advised the siblings not to talk to the press.

First........why did LE talk to her Indiana family at all? Do they have some specific part in the investigation?

Second...... why did BM's family suddenly put a lid on all public comment? Do they know exactly how the investigation focused? Have they all stepped back to allow LE full clearance to investigate? Did BM ask them to step back?

I have no answers, but I think my questions deserve some serious thought.

‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]
One thing sure. BM didn’t sound like an introvert while talking to TD.

You’ve got that right. He came across as extremely extroverted to me.

I’m glad that some people are beginning to speak publicly for SM. Notably, her husband has not. Meanwhile, he’s able to gather himself for real estate deals and visits to the gym. It’s a bad look.

I’m still hoping for an alternative explanation. I won’t be convinced he’s responsible until I see evidence. It’s just too awful to believe without proof.

SM sounds like such a sweet, warm woman. Hoping she is found soon. Hoping the truth will come to light, for everyone’s benefit.

‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

“I have a feeling someone told him not to talk,” the relative said about Trevor Noel’s recent silence. During the first week of the investigation, Noel told local media outlets that police had recovered Suzanne Morphew’s bike, and Suzanne’s relative believes police did not want that information leaked.

The source said that Suzanne’s family has received very little specific information about the investigation. Of the relatives who are in central Colorado, “if they are told not to say anything, they don’t,” the relative said.

“We are as much in the dark as anyone else, because they don’t want information getting out there that might hurt the case. It’s hard to wait and watch and wonder what’s happening,” they said, adding that the situation was “surreal” for Suzanne’s family members.
Yes, but this states they do not want information getting out not that they don’t want the family keeping SM out in the public. SMH
‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

“I have a feeling someone told him not to talk,” the relative said about Trevor Noel’s recent silence. During the first week of the investigation, Noel told local media outlets that police had recovered Suzanne Morphew’s bike, and Suzanne’s relative believes police did not want that information leaked.

The source said that Suzanne’s family has received very little specific information about the investigation. Of the relatives who are in central Colorado, “if they are told not to say anything, they don’t,” the relative said.

“We are as much in the dark as anyone else, because they don’t want information getting out there that might hurt the case. It’s hard to wait and watch and wonder what’s happening,” they said, adding that the situation was “surreal” for Suzanne’s family members.

I had not noticed that it was specifically the nephew TN, who may have been told not to talk. At least that was the impression of the relative being interviewed. If LE in fact told him not to talk, it may well be that he has a wealth of evidence against BM, as he does appear to have been working closely with him soon after Suzanne's disappearance was reported.

He may have been told things by BM that can be proven to be untrue, with a lot of presplaining as well. Moo
I believe the last public comment from anyone in BM's immediate family was his own video plea on May 17th, exactly one week after she was reported missing.. His elderly uncle commented to journalist LS on May 24th (exactly two weeks after) but only spoke in generalities. There has been no comment since.
SM's immediate family has never had a comment, with the only statement by any blood relative being one by a cousin that was also made to journalist LS on May 24th and was cited in the same article as the uncle on BM's side , who said She thought LE had advised the siblings not to talk to the press.

First........why did LE talk to her Indiana family at all? Do they have some specific part in the investigation?

Second...... why did BM's family suddenly put a lid on all public comment? Do they know exactly how the investigation focused? Have they all stepped back to allow LE full clearance to investigate? Did BM ask them to step back?

I have no answers, but I think my questions deserve some serious thought.

‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]


I would guess speaking to her family who live in the state where Suzanne grew up and lived all of her adult life, other than the two most recent years in CO, would be a fairly standard move in a missing person investigation. To find out if maybe she traveled back there, and to find background about Suzanne from people who knew her that were not her immediate family of husband and daughters. I don't think there is anything strange or questionable about that at all. I would consider it strange if LE didn't talk to people in IN, IMO.
First........why did LE talk to her Indiana family at all? Do they have some specific part in the investigation?

Second...... why did BM's family suddenly put a lid on all public comment? Do they know exactly how the investigation focused? Have they all stepped back to allow LE full clearance to investigate? Did BM ask them to step back?

I have no answers, but I think my questions deserve some serious thought.

‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]


I imagine LE would want to speak to family in Indiana for many reasons, first and foremost being to ask if SM spoke about leaving the marriage, depression, etc. They could be initially ruling out possibilities of voluntarily leaving or suicide.

Second, maybe someone in Indiana has heard from her since she disappeared?

After that, they might seek more information about the marriage. If they consider BM a POI, they may be looking for motive.

I have a feeling that BM’s extended family is divided at this point. The silence may be to protect the daughters from more pain.

I believe the last public comment from anyone in BM's immediate family was his own video plea on May 17th, exactly one week after she was reported missing.. His elderly uncle commented to journalist LS on May 24th (exactly two weeks after) but only spoke in generalities. There has been no comment since.
SM's immediate family has never had a comment, with the only statement by any blood relative being one by a cousin that was also made to journalist LS on May 24th and was cited in the same article as the uncle on BM's side , who said She thought LE had advised the siblings not to talk to the press.

First........why did LE talk to her Indiana family at all? Do they have some specific part in the investigation?

Second...... why did BM's family suddenly put a lid on all public comment? Do they know exactly how the investigation focused? Have they all stepped back to allow LE full clearance to investigate? Did BM ask them to step back?

I have no answers, but I think my questions deserve some serious thought.

‘We’re in the dark’: Missing Suzanne Morphew’s family waits and worries two weeks after Colorado mom’s mysterious disappearance [EXCLUSIVE]

Good questions. Perhaps Suzanne had confided in a family member, if she was having marital problems? Or making plans for life changes? Speculation. Moo
TD the adventurer actually DID show the correct location of the bike at least twice, and he showed the correct location to our favorite reporter. The video is very confusing, starting and stopping at odd times; and TD himself seems confused most of the time to me. I studied the video extensively, watching the angle of the sun throughout to determine compass directions. Basically, TD and BM met just south of the Fooses Creek bridge on CR 225, then walked straight north back across the South Arkansas River bridge, turned due east to walk a short distance up the hill toward US Hwy 50, and stopped above where the bike was found by LE. BM had left his truck at the “Y” with his mother riding in it. She followed them driving the truck, and backed it into the access road to the Colorado Trail head on the west side of CR 225 . After seeing where the bike was found, BM and TD walked back down to where she had parked the truck before the video ended. (My previous posts in this thread about the bike location are incorrect)
Here are they key moments from the video:

(A) 11 seconds. Opening shot showing June 1, 2020 video date, looking due south on CR 225 with the South Arkansas River bridge ahead. Tree shadows on the road clearly indicate the sun is shining from the east.

(B) 46 seconds. TD walking southward on CR 225 with sun illuminating the east side of his face (right side in screen shot).

(C) 5 min 28 sec. First meeting BLM, who was facing north on CR 225 with sun on the east side of BM’s face (left side in screen shot).

(D) 5 min 32 sec. BM turning to walk southward on CR 225. The sun fully on his face, and the shadows across the road indicate that he is facing due east at that instant. Fooses Creek bridge is behind BM, indicating that BM and TD are south of the bridge at this moment.

(E) 5 min 38 sec. BM’s truck on CR 225. Tree shadows on road indicate the truck is facing due north, beginning to cross the South Arkansas River bridge. BM’s mother is obviously driving, and following BM and TD as they walk.

(F) 6 min 4 sec. BM stopping on CR 225 to show location of bike. Sun is shining directly behind BM, indicating BM is looking southward from CR 225. The number of steps taken by BM confirm that TD showed LS the correct spot of the bike, and she in turn showed it correctly to the Profiling Evil pair.

(G) 7 min 28 sec. BM says he is motioning due west with his right arm, while sun is behind him. He is standing on the access road to the Colorado Trail, facing the trail head. TB has his back to the trail head, and is facing east looking into the sun while BM speaks. (So the personal item was found west of CR 225, most likely neat Hwy 50)

Yes... Go Dave! I thought this was the correct location but the PE Guys map did not seem to have it marked correctly. It appeared to me they had the bike down by the bridge. Anyway thanks for doing all this working out the direction using the sun. Wow very impressive. If I’m ever lost I need to remember that!!
The police have never held a news conference with SM's photo asking the public to be on the lookout for her. Have they?

If this is the case, they must have suspected foul play from the beginning. That has to be the only reason that there is total silence regarding her disappearance.

They are looking for her body and have been since the beginning.

I wonder if they used luminol at the home.

It would be really interesting to know if Barry has been calling the police pressuring them to find his wife and asking what he can do. If he hasn't, that sure would be telling.

I know that I would be in constant contact with them if my spouse or relative were missing.
The entire sentence:
"Neighbor says the night before mom-of-two Suzanne Morphew was reported missing she was woken by a loud noise coming from the construction site where her husband had been working"
is NOT in the news item that is linked.
My guess is that it is the opinion of the poster. IMO
Neighbors want answers two months into Chaffee County woman’s disappearance | FOX21 News Colorado
None of that post was my opinion, but linked as I should, source is, not FOX21 News.
FOX21 isn't available for me.
TD the adventurer actually DID show the correct location of the bike at least twice, and he showed the correct location to our favorite reporter. The video is very confusing, starting and stopping at odd times; and TD himself seems confused most of the time to me. I studied the video extensively, watching the angle of the sun throughout to determine compass directions. Basically, TD and BM met just south of the Fooses Creek bridge on CR 225, then walked straight north back across the South Arkansas River bridge, turned due east to walk a short distance up the hill toward US Hwy 50, and stopped above where the bike was found by LE. BM had left his truck at the “Y” with his mother riding in it. She followed them driving the truck, and backed it into the access road to the Colorado Trail head on the west side of CR 225 . After seeing where the bike was found, BM and TD walked back down to where she had parked the truck before the video ended. (My previous posts in this thread about the bike location are incorrect)
Here are they key moments from the video:

(A) 11 seconds. Opening shot showing June 1, 2020 video date, looking due south on CR 225 with the South Arkansas River bridge ahead. Tree shadows on the road clearly indicate the sun is shining from the east.

(B) 46 seconds. TD walking southward on CR 225 with sun illuminating the east side of his face (right side in screen shot).

(C) 5 min 28 sec. First meeting BLM, who was facing north on CR 225 with sun on the east side of BM’s face (left side in screen shot).

(D) 5 min 32 sec. BM turning to walk southward on CR 225. The sun fully on his face, and the shadows across the road indicate that he is facing due east at that instant. Fooses Creek bridge is behind BM, indicating that BM and TD are south of the bridge at this moment.

(E) 5 min 38 sec. BM’s truck on CR 225. Tree shadows on road indicate the truck is facing due north, beginning to cross the South Arkansas River bridge. BM’s mother is obviously driving, and following BM and TD as they walk.

(F) 6 min 4 sec. BM stopping on CR 225 to show location of bike. Sun is shining directly behind BM, indicating BM is looking southward from CR 225. The number of steps taken by BM confirm that TD showed LS the correct spot of the bike, and she in turn showed it correctly to the Profiling Evil pair.

(G) 7 min 28 sec. BM says he is motioning due west with his right arm, while sun is behind him. He is standing on the access road to the Colorado Trail, facing the trail head. TB has his back to the trail head, and is facing east looking into the sun while BM speaks. (So the personal item was found west of CR 225, most likely neat Hwy 50)

How do you know that is the exact position of where the bike was found? Did LE reveal this at some point?
I wasn't filled with confidence at her recollection....were there any other houses around there ? were the occupants asked whether they heard anything?
In LS’s Part Two YouTube video around the 1 min 3 second mark, the neighbor states LE interviewed and asked the same questions to neighbors near the construction site. And yes, there seems to be many houses on that road.

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Who Told Who Not to Talk w Media?
I’m not so sure what you are asking me for. Can you narrow it down?
@BeckyF :) Thx for your response.
Briefly, imo your post w link responded to question asking for link re LE asking/telling fam not to talk to media.
Apparently, you did not intend to say that linked article contained that quote, but had other quotes from fam.
Apologies on my part for any misunderstanding your post w link. Very sorry for confusion.

Not so briefly.
A poster said (my paraphasing =).................... LE told [SM fam member] not to talk w media.
After that, the question was posed:...................Who says LE told SM relative not to talk, & it requested link/quote.
Then @BeckyF linked MSM w quotes from fam.
Reading link, I do not see requested any fam telling reporter LS that LE told [anybody] not to talk w media.
still waiting for link & quote w whoever in SM fam said to LS/media ~ LE told SM's relative not to talk to media.
Anyone? Thx in adv.
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