Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #22

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JMO. I have always thought of three things.

P for Power
M for Money
S for Sex
Others have called it Control, Greed and Lust which to me are the same.

I think SM finally stood up to him and he lost his Power. I think she wanted out of the marriage and wanted to leave Colorado.

I think BM was not going to give up half of the Money. I can see him thinking he earned the money from his jobs and it was his.

I think with SM being ill that their Sex life wasn’t what it used to be. Perhaps then he went looking elsewhere.

Only time will tell what really happened but I think BM must be constantly checking over his shoulder. Tick-tock.

Thank you! You just brought back a thought I had several threads ago. After surviving cancer twice, Suzanne may have decided she wanted to live her best life. Without Barry! She could have been talking to him for some time about possibly separating, and then he put forth a plan to kill her rather than having to split everything 50/50. Not sure if that’s how things are in CO, I live in TX and that’s how it is here. Anyway, just something on my mind. MOO and all that
Thank you! You just brought back a thought I had several threads ago. After surviving cancer twice, Suzanne may have decided she wanted to live her best life. Without Barry! She could have been talking to him for some time about possibly separating, and then he put forth a plan to kill her rather than having to split everything 50/50. Not sure if that’s how things are in CO, I live in TX and that’s how it is here. Anyway, just something on my mind. MOO and all that
That's some mighty greed if so.
MOO posessiveness and control also might have gotten the upper hand.
I think she is wearing a simple Smith helmet. Too bad not the Specialized Angi helmet with GPS and crash alert - like Onstar for a bike.
Yes, the ANGi sensor is available on several of their helmets. I like Specialized helmets and my previous helmet was a Specialized because they were the only US helmet that followed the stricter Snell B-90 std instead of the more lenient CPSC std. That was before Virginia Tech, who is a pioneer in sports head injuries, came out with their ratings. I switched to the Bontrager Ballista which was the number 1 helmet at the time I got it. VT comes the closest to any independent rating on bike helmets:
Bike Helmet Ratings
Agree with your bolded words. That really stood out, BM's accusation of LE ineptness.

I felt antagonism from the beginning towards LE, when the nephew was making noise about asking LE about the condition of the bike. I feel he was being used by BM.

He's on the ropes, and to tear down his relentless opponent seems to be his only option left for self preservation. Moo
I wish it were his only option. LE have broad shoulders and care little about how BM perceives them. What really bothers me is how he manipulates others to cast a shadow on innocent people on SM. He may not be the sharpest “tool” in the shed, but he is most certainly cunning. JMHO
I wish it were his only option. LE have broad shoulders and care little about how BM perceives them. What really bothers me is how he manipulates others to cast a shadow on innocent people on SM. He may not be the sharpest “tool” in the shed, but he is most certainly cunning. JMHO
Barry’s disparagement of LE is a terrible idea, might simply incite them to work even harder. As they say, don’t poke the bear.

So I suppose BM knew all this too? Did it give him more confidence in his plan? Just an opinion and thinking out loud.
It’s something that he may be thinking about now, but almost certainly wouldn’t have thought of at the time of the crime.

The killer would have been thinking about getting away with it completely.
Great observations. There's a type of household (fairly widespread) in which the Man of the House is the chief social operator for the family. This works well if the husband is more social and the wife a bit more introverted/focused on the kids. Man makes friends easily, but also has more friends/constant masculine support. For some subcultures, this is the norm. The women are homemakers (and even if they work outside the home some, it's not their main focus in life).

No matter how a household is organized, there are always "issues." In the type we're discussing, one issue is that the husband may have a much larger social presence in the community, be perceived outside the home as "hail fellow, well met," - a nice guy. The wife probably knows the men her husband knows, but only in passing. In short, the man can live a life outside the home, while the woman has fewer friends and opportunities. This is usually of their own choosing, or at least, that's how it would seem to the participants. In fact, it's got a great deal to do with cultural beliefs.

Those of us familiar with the literature on control and abuse know that these households have a greater chance of masculine acting out and DV. It can go the other way in a different type of household (much more rare) where it is the woman who is the social butterfly and the man is more introverted and may be the more home-oriented. I have an aunt who managed two marriages this way. The family generally regarded her as abusive.

It's probably a good time to mention that while physical abuse is common enough, that for many families, the physical abuse becomes more rare as time goes on, but the psychological, financial and emotional abuse can continue (and sometimes includes sexual control or abuse as well).

Women who have forgiven their husbands for past physical or emotional abuse and whose husbands swear they won't do it again (and only "fall off the wagon" every other year or every 2-3 years) are heavily conditioned to forgive and think things are "getting better." There's quite a bit of research on this phenomenon in the Christian community. The family usually has the idea that God will assist them and that the lessened frequency of the physical or severe emotional abuse is a sign that God is assisting. Every scrap of evidence is used by all parties to believe that "things are better." And, the victims might be perceived as walking on eggshells or overly conforming by an outside observer.

These last 3 paragraphs may not be relevant here, but it's hard not to mention the possibility.

I don’t know where to start, but I hope you don’t mind me bringing up some that you had said that you are an abuse survivor. Fellow sister here!

My reason for mentioning is how strong I perceive you to be. Maybe, like me, your strength came from getting out. At any rate, I truly believe that Suzanne was abused by Barry. It may have been emotional abuse. But, abuse is abuse, no matter what kind. This supports my thought that she was ready to get out!

As always, just my humble opinion
Barry’s disparagement of LE is a terrible idea, might simply incite them to work even harder. As they say, don’t poke the bear.

I believe it is a bad tactic. But we've seen others on here do it to a much greater extent. Jennifer Kesse's family. Jerry "Mike" Williams' mother. And we all applauded them for it.
I believe it is a bad tactic. But we've seen others on here do it to a much greater extent. Jennifer Kesse's family. Jerry "Mike" Williams' mother. And we all applauded them for it.
Were the Kesse family and William’s mother considered to be murder suspects?

It seems like Barry may be in the suspect position.

You can't be serious!! I talk to my mum all the way across the pond almost daily and if I vanished from Washington involving foul play-- I promise she'd be on the witness list with crucial testimony.

ETA: And no I'm not speaking of Indiana background information. I said it would be reasonable for investigators to contact SM's family wherever they lived. The fact that SM was a lifelong resident of Indiana until recently just makes it that more important since SM may still have daily contact with individuals there.

I think it's wonderful that you talk to your mum every day! It must be somewhat of a challenge at times, with the time difference. So, being that close to your family at home, don't you find it strange that the Indiana family had no idea where SM's daughters were? IMO
I think you’re comparing two completely different things.

Didn’t the families only press LE after long, unproductive investigations? Barry’s not pressing anyone for information in order to find Suzanne.
So under what circumstances it is considered desirable and acceptable to make critical remarks of LE?
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Actually, I do have an opinion on that.
TD admits that he had been there the day before. After studying ALL of his posted videos, I reached the conclusion that TD had spent a great deal of time walking up and down CR 225 from the S. Arkansas river bridge to the the "Y" , talking loudly and distinctly to his GoPro on a selfie stick. TD respected the barricade placed on Puma Path and stayed in plain sight at all times. Everything about his general demeanor, that I cam see; is that TD is a very friendly, non-challenging type of person. I think his brother was quoted explaining that TD had always found it easy to meet people.
It would have been pretty obvious to anyone watching TD's antics to see that he was sincerely seeking some pretty basic information, putting down a lot of steps and getting so close, yet so far. As I stated earlier in the thread, I have serious doubts that TD ever earned a Pathfinder Merit Badge.
If BM decided that the easiest way to get this strange but harmless man to leave was to give him what he wanted, I think it was a brilliant plan.
I couldn't help but observe, in the linked video, that on his most recent trip back to the spot, TD stayed well out of the line of sight, yet in full public view, at Fooses Lake while LS walked to attempt to contact BM nearer to his house.
As a longtime salesperson myself, I admire when people have the advanced social skills to meet as complete strangers and work out the interface so that everyone gets to accomplish what they came to do. I don't know that I would ever want BM, TD or LS as my close personal friend, but I fully appreciate that each of them did exactly what they had to do skillfully, and with a lot of class.
So, why then didn't BM allow LS to make contact and tell the world his side of the story? I think that he has no intention on telling his side of the story to the public. He has told it to LE, and it is becoming fairly obvious that it checked out. I'm guessing BM wanted to tell the world where the bike was found (which may figure in his wife's story, but not his). Through a single contact with the wandering TD, he certainly has accomplished it.
I have to give kudos to LS for converting BM's message through TD to a simple white square on the map, that we can all understand. IMO

So I'm guessing that

"I'm guessing BM wanted to tell the world where the bike was found (which may figure in his wife's story, but not his). Through a single contact with the wandering TD, he certainly has accomplished it."

I agree, with the exception of "...but not his."
I strongly suspect that BM and possibly others known to him were keenly staking out the area for days.
He/they saw TD, as you say, walking the area with his GoPro both days.
Where I agree strongly is that BM wanted to get not just the bike out there, but his other scenarios. To the public, without the scrutiny of LE or reporters so he 'showed up', conveniently.
I also don't believe for a second that he didn't know it was being recorded.
The encounter resulted in the most probable POI shooting himself in the foot, multiple times.
So under what circumstances it is considered desirable and acceptable to make critical remarks of LE?
Rainbow addressed that in her comment. IF LE is not doing anything (hey, it happens), that's when it would be acceptable to criticize or more importantly PROMPT them with any means possible.
BM has made no effort whatsoever to alert or appeal to the public in finding his wife. AND, LE is still on the case.
It just bothers me that no one speaks for Suzanne. There is no close friend, or family member, who puts out a statement or a posting or speaks of Suzanne publicly to honor her in some way. It’s as if she has been erased from ever existing. I don’t think expressing love or friendship in any way interferes with an investigation. Will everyone just go back to their lives, back to school, back to work and the gym, until the day that she is found or someone is charged? She means something. The silence is sad.
I think it's wonderful that you talk to your mum every day! It must be somewhat of a challenge at times, with the time difference. So, being that close to your family at home, don't you find it strange that the Indiana family had no idea where SM's daughters were? IMO
That was interesting. I also found it strange that the family asked to not involve her dad (I know he isn’t well) and that they didn’t know who TN, the Nephew was... I think all three of these family dynamic issues are very strange.
It just bothers me that no one speaks for Suzanne. There is no close friend, or family member, who puts out a statement or a posting or speaks of Suzanne publicly to honor her in some way. It’s as if she has been erased from ever existing. I don’t think expressing love or friendship in any way interferes with an investigation. Will everyone just go back to their lives, back to school, back to work and the gym, until the day that she is found or someone is charged? She means something. The silence is sad.
Lauren Schraf spoke to a friend of SM's. It aired two nights ago. She's been trying to get in touch with friends/family but I think most are tight lipped because of the tight communities in both IN and CO. That and being asked not to speak to media, as far as family go.
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