Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #22

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I hope Crime online is allowed.
"Dyson told CrimeOnline that he had been to the area near Morphew’s home on Saturday and saw Barry Morphew in his truck. He said he came back the next day and when he saw Morphew driving again, he flagged down the pickup truck and spoke to Barry, telling him that he was interested in helping with the search for Suzanne."
COL 6/2/20.
Thank you, I didn't know that. I thought they ran into each other on the road. That's very interesting for a few reasons.
I hope Crime online is allowed.
"Dyson told CrimeOnline that he had been to the area near Morphew’s home on Saturday and saw Barry Morphew in his truck. He said he came back the next day and when he saw Morphew driving again, he flagged down the pickup truck and spoke to Barry, telling him that he was interested in helping with the search for Suzanne."
COL 6/2/20.
Crime Online is definitely allowed. Leigh Egan and Ellen Killoran call into Websleuths Youtube Live a lot. I think this is the article you’re quoting. Found it in the Media Maps Timeline .

YouTuber who ‘secretly’ recorded video of Barry Morphew discussing wife’s disappearance says he believes Suzanne Morphew’s husband knew the camera was on
1) We only have BM's word for when the girls were to arrive.
2) We have no idea if the neighbor noticed the bike gone.
3) We have no idea if LE contaminated 'THE BIKE'.
4) There was no indication that any investigation by the Sheriff's dept, CBI or FBI, with the aid of search dogs, found a reason to believe that SM was taken from the area of the bike - by an abductor or a mountain lion.
They told residents and visitors alike that there was nothing to worry about.
5) Why would BM be 'searching' for his wife where he 'freely' told a complete stranger the area had been thoroughly searched? He wasn't searching for his wife.
So, in long, I don't agree with anything you stated.

I agree with most of your points, but I am struggling with No. 1) - I feel that LE would be able to corroborate this, they would have asked the girls when they were planning on being back wouldn't they? This would then confirm/not confirm what BM told LE.
I agree with most of your points, but I am struggling with No. 1) - I feel that LE would be able to corroborate this, they would have asked the girls when they were planning on being back wouldn't they? This would then confirm/not confirm what BM told LE.
Of course LE asked the girls. We just don't know the answer.
eta: They must know the answer to all of these questions.
I think it's wonderful that you talk to your mum every day! It must be somewhat of a challenge at times, with the time difference. So, being that close to your family at home, don't you find it strange that the Indiana family had no idea where SM's daughters were? IMO
As a matter of fact, I do not. Your reference was a statement by one person and no idea what their relationship was to SM. I'm not even sure the residence had been released yet when that statement made. MOO
I don't recall BM ever saying that a stranger took his wife. He said one of the theories was that she was abducted from the very spot where he was standing when he said it, but he never said he believed she was abducted by a stranger. JMO
I'll bite. You've stated that you can't talk about someone who isn't a LE POI, fine. You have hinted that you have a idea of who is responsible for SM's disappearance.
You can, however, suppose your speculation that it might be one of BM's co-workers or a family member.
That, I believe, is acceptable within the terms of WS.
That is, if you do have a theory.
is this case cold? i think its a fair question to ask right now

there has been so few updates or public leads or really anything, you really have to ask the question

you know they are not looking for anyone besides Suzanne and yeah no hunting for a suspect or people involved, no posters or anything from the FBI
is this case cold? i think its a fair question to ask right now

there has been so few updates or public leads or really anything, you really have to ask the question

you know they are not looking for anyone besides Suzanne and yeah no hunting for a suspect or people involved, no posters or anything from the FBI

I don't know of a 2 month old missing person's case that LE would consider it "cold case" status.
More realistically, they're just getting started.
Some have suggested the lack of information given to the public is an indication that LE themselves, have a lack of information.
I think it's the exact opposite.
I think they have a LOT of information (most of which they cannot share) and they're currently working on putting all the pieces together.

is this case cold? i think its a fair question to ask right now

there has been so few updates or public leads or really anything, you really have to ask the question

you know they are not looking for anyone besides Suzanne and yeah no hunting for a suspect or people involved, no posters or anything from the FBI

It is way to early to say if this case is cold or not. They have a big pile of information to go through. Building a case takes time.

They had enough information to get a second search warrant for the morphew house on the 9th of july. Jmo
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I don't know of a 2 month old missing person's case that LE would consider it "cold case" status.
More realistically, they're just getting started.
Some have suggested the lack of information given to the public is an indication that LE themselves, have a lack of information.
I think it's the exact opposite.
I think they have a LOT of information (most of which they cannot share) and they're currently working on putting all the pieces together.


It is way to early to say if this case is cold or not. They had enough information to get a second search warrant for the morphew house on the 9th of july. Jmo

i don't disagree i am just asking the question, but i have read detectives can call a case cold within as little as a week

the second the search warrant is neither here nor there if you ask me, they also searched that property connected to her husbands work awhile a go as well and nothing came of it, and they had access to their property for quite a while as well

but yeah its an interesting case because i can't remember a case of a missing middle aged women with so little to go on publically

you'd think if she was actually kidnapped by a stranger there would be something, a phone call, a note, a ransom... demands.. anything ...
is this case cold? i think its a fair question to ask right now

there has been so few updates or public leads or really anything, you really have to ask the question

you know they are not looking for anyone besides Suzanne and yeah no hunting for a suspect or people involved, no posters or anything from the FBI
No I don’t think it cold - I do think there is a lot of investigation going on much like what was happening as outlined below:

'We never wanted to let her down': Meet the investigators who helped solve Kelsey Berreth's murder

is this case cold? i think its a fair question to ask right now

there has been so few updates or public leads or really anything, you really have to ask the question

you know they are not looking for anyone besides Suzanne and yeah no hunting for a suspect or people involved, no posters or anything from the FBI
This case is anything BUT cold. No need to look for a suspect when you have one clear in your sights and evidence to support it. LE quietly working daily to build an airtight case they can bring to a DA. The Rhoden murders case was NEVER cold. Took two years. LE KNEW without a doubt Fotis Dulos killed his wife. Took seven months. Just two of a myriad of cases that were anything but cold after 3 months.

LE aren’t looking for an “alive” SM. No need to spend time pretending. Likely looking for a dig site, or worse, like Kelsey Berreth, nothing left to find? All MOO.
I've commented about this subject a few times, because I think it's both relevant and important.

The current DA in the 11th Judicial District was appointed by the Governor of CO last year when Chilson resigned. She does not appear to have any prior prosecutorial experience:
New district attorney says public safety is top priority

I honestly don't see this as being a case for an inexperienced DA to be cutting her teeth on, especially as it looks to be shaping up to be a no-body prosecution.

Elections are in November. There's a former prosecutor in that district running against the interim appointee:
2 running for DA in Colorado's 11th Judicial District

I think it makes a difference as to how this case goes, and whether/when we'll see charges filed.

Barring SM's remains being found, I don't think we'll see charges in this case until after the upcoming election.

I have complete confidence in Sheriff Spezze.
But he's not the one who would be responsible for prosecuting this case in front of a jury.

So there's that.


Well, this could play out in a couple of ways, from my experience as a deputy prosecutor & in local politics (but not in CO).

If the interim prosecutor thinks that she's going to win, then there's no need to rush anything. Indeed, being handed the case by the Sheriff's Department could be a problem because she'll have media clamoring to know what she's going to do. If she believes that the race is hers, then she'd probably prefer a handoff after November.

OTOH, if she's unsure about her winning, she probably wants the case handed to her ASAP precisely because she wants the earned media that will come with charges being filed (if, indeed, Suzanne's disappearance came about due to a criminal act). In that situation, she may be pushing the Sheriff's Department for a more speedy investigation (she cannot control the speed of the investigation but she can make her voice heard).
is this case cold? i think its a fair question to ask right now

there has been so few updates or public leads or really anything, you really have to ask the question

you know they are not looking for anyone besides Suzanne and yeah no hunting for a suspect or people involved, no posters or anything from the FBI
I assume LE is waiting for forensic results from testing, etc and processing evidence. (There were pics of evidence being removed from the home) Regarding the FBI, I noticed Suzanne’s name isn’t on their website for Missing/kidnapped persons, and we know the FBI was brought in on this case. Also, absolutely no public requests or pleas for information regarding her disappearance made by LE recently.

MOO, LE is putting a case together, dotting i’s, crossing T’s. LE may also be waiting to present the case to the DA after the November election since the question of who will be the DA for that County won’t be known until then. Lots of questions and what-ifs.

ETA - I see I’m echoing @GordianKnot’s recent remark I had failed to see, regarding the DA! Great minds think a like. Lol
If this case were going cold, I believed we’d be seeing a lot more public addresses from SM’s family in the media, begging for information from anyone who’s seen SM. I believe they have been reassured by LE that there is a POI and plenty of evidence.

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