Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #22

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Some have thought the bike behind BM on the car carrier was hers. It is the color of her helmet.
The photo where he is with several vehicles, down the article.

Husband of Suzanne Morphew is having a 'difficult time
In the photo, I can't tell if that is on the back of one of his vehicles or someone else's. In any event, you can't even tell the make, let alone the model and components. It does have a front suspension, but that is all you can tell from the photo as you can't tell the components, make or even if it has rear suspension. Based on the color and front suspension, that could be a top end bike or bottom of the line like the Trek Marlin 6 ($650 new).
Or the Trek Fuel 9.8 ($5,500)
In the photo, I can't tell if that is on the back of one of his vehicles or someone else's. In any event, you can't even tell the make, let alone the model and components. It does have a front suspension, but that is all you can tell from the photo as you can't tell the components, make or even if it has rear suspension. Based on the color and front suspension, that could be a top end bike or bottom of the line like the Trek Marlin 6 ($650 new).
Or the Trek Fuel 9.8 ($5,500)
MOO my guess is the Fuel.
The top cross tube doesn't appear to have the graphic black number of the Marlin, and the front shocks are black like the Fuel.
The truth is that TD and LS, for all their sleuthing, have discovered little more than those sleuthing on social media. IMO. Just because both are personable doesn’t give me a reason why BM was so comfortable talking to TD when he claimed someone abducted her. It could have been TD for all he knew.

As far as not intending to tell his story to the public, that makes him even more suspicious. He should be front and center speaking up for Suzanne.

Whether BM is guilty or not, LE will figure out. But he sure didn’t appear too concerned while talking to a complete stranger and a male at that.
IIRC they had set up an interview in advance, so it wasn't a random meeting.
I feel like he really wanted control on the narrative and he did not have that with LE. This was his chance to do so. Jmo (Why suspect TD when he knows why Suzanne is missing)

TD is not that simple, and whatever is going in BM's life, whether he is involved in SM's disappearance or not, is taking a toll on B's nerves. Even if it all was planned, and I am now thinking, parts were, and parts were not, it is affecting him. So one day he looked horribly, and in this video, he walks fast, has lots of energy and is rambling. However, B's behavior is "territorial", for the lack of a better word. To me, it seems that he shows TD around, while rapidly walking him to the exit, lol. Here is his bike spot, his mountain, his trail, his mom. And the police that mishandled "his" place of the accident. (Maybe I am putting too much into a video that is filmed badly, and of course, people on videos look very different from life, today we all know about it as we lean more on communication technologies due to COVID).
IIRC they had set up an interview in advance, so it wasn't a random meeting.

Given that the Ms asked a maid when she was dumping the litter who she was, BM is not a guy to neglect someone unknown walking around the area after SM's disappearance. So on day 1, I think, they had at least a conversation. I wonder if TD got in touch with him prior. I think he could, if he is someone's friend. He has some background in interviews (less in filming), so certain connection is possible.
For those who might have missed this when it was originally posted in thread 15, post 114, @Angleterre posted this excellent summary explaining law enforcement investigations and how thorough and time-consuming they can be:

"I don’t know if the following post will help my fellow Websleuths members with regards to how a major investigation is run . I have tentatively mentioned this in a previous post but I have had quite a few questions privately in response so I decided to tidy up and expand my previous post ...
Here goes ....

With any major enquiry wether that be a murder / Homicide or a missing person , a dedicated team of detectives is set up with a SIO ( senior investigative officer) as the lead .
Certainly in the UK, a policy book is commenced and everything that you know , everything that subsequently happens, every decision taken and every action followed up, is written into the policy book . Every decision made by the SIO and the justification behind such a decision, has to be written into the policy book .
I was responsible for leading a number of murder investigations and Missing persons investigations and I would lead teams of detectives and forensic experts etc
A twice daily briefing would be held where everyone has an input as to what has happened that day , any evidence found , any witnesses spoken to etc and a summary of the day’s investigation would be written up by the SIO.
Each investigation has a strategy and that strategy is followed from the Murder and Major Crime investigations Manual .
So at the start of the investigation, there will be various strategies drawn up to encompass all of the different strands of the Investigation.
They are :
1.Victim - what do we know ?
2. Suspect - Do we have any?
3. Circumstances of last seen
4. Intelligence - What do we know ? What can we find out?
5. Cell phone analysis
6. Forensics - what do we have ? How are they to be prioritised? Submissions to laboratory and cost?
DNA evidence
7. Search parameters and recovery of evidence to include continuity of retrieval
8. CCtv - What’s available ? How do we prioritise it?
9. Cell Phones - Victims, Suspect’s, Family etc
10. Family History
11. Actions - those raised that need investigation and those that are considered but not deemed to take the investigation further ( but it still all needs recording )
12. Forensic mapping
13. Witnesses
14. Interviews - suspect/s?
15. Exhibits/Property Officer - to record everything brought into the enquiry and the continuity of that evidence
16. File of evidence - Who will create the file of evidence for submission to CPS/DA
17. Warrants - allocated officer to swear all warrants
18. Disclosure - Officer allocated to start a disclosure record ( court process )
19. Family liaison officer - Officer allocate to be the go between for the family and SIO
20. Media strategy - controlled release of information to press
I could go on but I think that you get the drift that any investigation of this type is massive and takes time and has to be that way to get it right so that by the time it gets to the Court process, there’s no room for doubt or for weaknesses in the investigation to allow the accused to get off on a technicality or procedural issue .
Then if there is a suspect you need to start thinking of who will do the suspect interview and the downstream monitoring and alibi checks .
And on top of all that, the biggest and most onerous task besides cell phone evidence retrieval, is CCTV ! And that is a biggie ... it takes Detectives hours upon hours to go through and watch CCTV to enable them to ascertain if there is anything of evidential value on each individual recording and that can be CCTV from the street , from a shop, car park, toll booth , buildings, churches , Public CCTV along a route and individual CCTV in peoples driveways or on their mobile phones etc
You start to get the idea of just how much work is involved in a major investigation and that’s before you go to a judge to swear out warrants and arrest the perpetrator. Once an arrest takes place, you then have interviews and downstream monitoring in real time of the interviews and then liaison with the CPS in UK and DA/attorney general I think maybe in the USA? And then putting the whole file of evidence together and ensuring full disclosure to the defence ... it’s massive workloads and it goes on and on ...
Cell phone data is also massive because of pings of location and subsequent searches and data dumps of all cell phones active within a specific MAST area and tracing who those numbers belong to and ascertain what they were doing in the area. And I can tell you that the evidence from one cell phone alone can run into thousands of pages for my detectives to read through and decipher what, If anything, is relevant to the case . So can you imagine when you have numerous people involved in an investigation, wether it to be rule them in or out or as an alibi or a victim, just how onerous this task is? And it is just one small part of the investigation.

Also the CCTV , people ask why now , 1 month later ? Well you don’t know what evidence that LE already have and if they had nothing else then the individual private residence CCTV would have been done immediately but it is a massive task and takes officers hours and hours to sit and watch every piece of CCTV that comes into the enquiry so it’s now easier to say , keep hold of your own individual residential CCTV and if you think that you have something of importance then let us know immediately otherwise we will get round to looking at it when we can because EVERYTHING has to be prioritised.

In the UK we have HOLMES ( home office Major enquires system ) and everything is entered into the system and looked at by three officers working with admin staff and any actions deemed necessary as a result of those 3 officers painstakingly going through every piece of information, item, cell phone number, cctv , search recovery evidence etc and allocating actions ( work ) to officers to compete before they are given another action . And some officers are individually given specific roles for example CCTV, Cell phones, Intelligence, Statement takers , Family liaison .

So this gives you an idea of just what is going on behind the scenes .
And the information released has to be protected and provenanced to ensure accuracy and the SIO doesn’t want information released unless absolutely necessary because the perpetrator may slip up and say something that hasn’t yet been released to the public and that then becomes dynamite to the investigation.
I hope this helps you all to understand the process , procedures and time for any major investigation to bear fruit .

Regarding technology- People do not realise just how much electronic tracking there is in our everyday lives and the footprint that we leave . Let’s take for example the obvious ones like public CCTV and residential / business CCTV and street CCTV , shop and bank and fuel CCTV, road surveillance CCTV to monitor traffic flow and speed camera CCTV etc The list is endless! Then there are tracking devices on the car if there is one , then there is the cell phone and text message/social media footprints alongside Pings
But - there are some footprints that we either don’t think about or are not aware of for example I own a luxury ( ish ) brand of car and I don’t have a key , I have a black plastic fob that I carry around which activates the car but without inserting it anywhere within my car console. Now when my car has a problem and I go to the dealership, this fob is inserted into their computer and it tell you every journey I have made and the status of the car throughout that journey, if the fuels low , if the seatbelt warning is activated, if any warning lights come on , if tyre pressure is low etc
I was gobsmacked just how much information that could be obtained and to be quite honest, I am a law abiding citizen but it scared even me , just how much we are being monitored. Then there is ANPR both mobile and static and lets not forget that it’s not only your cell phone that can be pinged and calls traced but LE can go to any mast and triangulate all mobile cell phones that ping off a particular mast at a given time and they can cross reference the data from this to any of the contacts in your phone and see if there are any patterns . So just from this you can start to see how many avenues are open for LE to look at. And then we have instagram and Facebook and WhatsApp and snapchat and Twitter and email and fit bits and apple watches and you start to get my drift .....
Edited to add: We have family Life 360 so that we can see where our children are and vice versa and my DH decided to turn his location permissions off
BUT although it does not now tell me his location in words, it does show him driving down the various roads and highways when he’s out and about. So another form of surveillance and if somebody was going to commit a heinous crime, they cannot possibly erase all their electronic footprints

Then we have Amazon Alexa and Smart devices ...
The list is endless!

Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
Angleterre, Jun 12, 2020Report

Great. And these days, because of COVID, we have ZOOM and other ways of remote communication, that should not be neglected, either. SM could not always go to church, she must have communicated with her family in Indiana, and her girls. BM could have used ZOOM for his communications as well.
MOO my guess is the Fuel.
The top cross tube doesn't appear to have the graphic black number of the Marlin, and the front shocks are black like the Fuel.
And I picked Trek because that the make I'm most familiar with. There are other makes such as Specialized, Marin, Scott, Cannondale, Canyon, Giant, Masi and many others. Also, Trek changed the color of the label in 2019.
MOO my guess is the Fuel.
The top cross tube doesn't appear to have the graphic black number of the Marlin, and the front shocks are black like the Fuel.

Boxer, are bike producers using the same colors?

SM has the helmet of salad green color, and it matches the color of the fuel that you linked. Do bike producers have "proprietary" colors? I'd expect her to buy a helmet matching her bike in color.
I've commented about this subject a few times, because I think it's both relevant and important.

The current DA in the 11th Judicial District was appointed by the Governor of CO last year when Chilson resigned. She does not appear to have any prior prosecutorial experience:
New district attorney says public safety is top priority

I honestly don't see this as being a case for an inexperienced DA to be cutting her teeth on, especially as it looks to be shaping up to be a no-body prosecution.

Elections are in November. There's a former prosecutor in that district running against the interim appointee:
2 running for DA in Colorado's 11th Judicial District

I think it makes a difference as to how this case goes, and whether/when we'll see charges filed.

Barring SM's remains being found, I don't think we'll see charges in this case until after the upcoming election.

I have complete confidence in Sheriff Spezze.
But he's not the one who would be responsible for prosecuting this case in front of a jury.

So there's that.

So I suppose BM knew all this too? Did it give him more confidence in his plan? Just an opinion and thinking out loud.
" is becoming fairly obvious that it checked out."
(bolded by me)

I don't know if you're being serious or facetious
If serious, I don't understand what you mean by "fairly obvious", but I want to know

Please see my post number 110 on page 6 of (this) thread number 22. I don't think I can make it any clearer what I mean., than that. IMO
Just a note: A murder defense is 100-200k, doubt he would be assigned a public defender. They are provided for people that would not be able to afford a defense, making a conviction virtually meaningless. (Indiana still call them pauper defenders.)

Personally, and this is just a hunch, I don't think Barry has a lot of liquid assets. I think his money is largely on paper and is a juggling act. The foundation (Suzanne's project) turned out to have far less than originally reported.

If BM is upside down on any of those properties and can't work, I think he may qualify for a PD.

BM may have a harder time getting legal permission in CO to sell the family home - but apparently he could sell the lot he just bought (but then what? that won't get him too far). I don't think he'll be able to sell Suzanne's half of the marital assets in order to fund his lawyer.

We have no idea how much BM owes or to whom.

My own theory is that this is a family very keen on having a certain lifestyle, without the visible means of acquiring it. With BM not working and without tons of equity, I think he might meet the state standard for a PD.
Well, exactly. Just ask Patrick Frazee.

There were two stone cold killers at that trial, and one of them put the other behind bars for life.
Well, the fact that he made a hit list written on paper towels in his own handwriting didn’t help him either. :p Stupid criminal.

The one who put him behind bars should be there with him for life. Instead, I understand she is writing a book:mad:
For those who might have missed this when it was originally posted in thread 15, post 114, @Angleterre posted this excellent summary explaining law enforcement investigations and how thorough and time-consuming they can be:

"I don’t know if the following post will help my fellow Websleuths members with regards to how a major investigation is run . I have tentatively mentioned this in a previous post but I have had quite a few questions privately in response so I decided to tidy up and expand my previous post ...
Here goes ....

With any major enquiry wether that be a murder / Homicide or a missing person , a dedicated team of detectives is set up with a SIO ( senior investigative officer) as the lead .
Certainly in the UK, a policy book is commenced and everything that you know , everything that subsequently happens, every decision taken and every action followed up, is written into the policy book . Every decision made by the SIO and the justification behind such a decision, has to be written into the policy book .
I was responsible for leading a number of murder investigations and Missing persons investigations and I would lead teams of detectives and forensic experts etc
A twice daily briefing would be held where everyone has an input as to what has happened that day , any evidence found , any witnesses spoken to etc and a summary of the day’s investigation would be written up by the SIO.
Each investigation has a strategy and that strategy is followed from the Murder and Major Crime investigations Manual .
So at the start of the investigation, there will be various strategies drawn up to encompass all of the different strands of the Investigation.
They are :
1.Victim - what do we know ?
2. Suspect - Do we have any?
3. Circumstances of last seen
4. Intelligence - What do we know ? What can we find out?
5. Cell phone analysis
6. Forensics - what do we have ? How are they to be prioritised? Submissions to laboratory and cost?
DNA evidence
7. Search parameters and recovery of evidence to include continuity of retrieval
8. CCtv - What’s available ? How do we prioritise it?
9. Cell Phones - Victims, Suspect’s, Family etc
10. Family History
11. Actions - those raised that need investigation and those that are considered but not deemed to take the investigation further ( but it still all needs recording )
12. Forensic mapping
13. Witnesses
14. Interviews - suspect/s?
15. Exhibits/Property Officer - to record everything brought into the enquiry and the continuity of that evidence
16. File of evidence - Who will create the file of evidence for submission to CPS/DA
17. Warrants - allocated officer to swear all warrants
18. Disclosure - Officer allocated to start a disclosure record ( court process )
19. Family liaison officer - Officer allocate to be the go between for the family and SIO
20. Media strategy - controlled release of information to press
I could go on but I think that you get the drift that any investigation of this type is massive and takes time and has to be that way to get it right so that by the time it gets to the Court process, there’s no room for doubt or for weaknesses in the investigation to allow the accused to get off on a technicality or procedural issue .
Then if there is a suspect you need to start thinking of who will do the suspect interview and the downstream monitoring and alibi checks .
And on top of all that, the biggest and most onerous task besides cell phone evidence retrieval, is CCTV ! And that is a biggie ... it takes Detectives hours upon hours to go through and watch CCTV to enable them to ascertain if there is anything of evidential value on each individual recording and that can be CCTV from the street , from a shop, car park, toll booth , buildings, churches , Public CCTV along a route and individual CCTV in peoples driveways or on their mobile phones etc
You start to get the idea of just how much work is involved in a major investigation and that’s before you go to a judge to swear out warrants and arrest the perpetrator. Once an arrest takes place, you then have interviews and downstream monitoring in real time of the interviews and then liaison with the CPS in UK and DA/attorney general I think maybe in the USA? And then putting the whole file of evidence together and ensuring full disclosure to the defence ... it’s massive workloads and it goes on and on ...
Cell phone data is also massive because of pings of location and subsequent searches and data dumps of all cell phones active within a specific MAST area and tracing who those numbers belong to and ascertain what they were doing in the area. And I can tell you that the evidence from one cell phone alone can run into thousands of pages for my detectives to read through and decipher what, If anything, is relevant to the case . So can you imagine when you have numerous people involved in an investigation, wether it to be rule them in or out or as an alibi or a victim, just how onerous this task is? And it is just one small part of the investigation.

Also the CCTV , people ask why now , 1 month later ? Well you don’t know what evidence that LE already have and if they had nothing else then the individual private residence CCTV would have been done immediately but it is a massive task and takes officers hours and hours to sit and watch every piece of CCTV that comes into the enquiry so it’s now easier to say , keep hold of your own individual residential CCTV and if you think that you have something of importance then let us know immediately otherwise we will get round to looking at it when we can because EVERYTHING has to be prioritised.

In the UK we have HOLMES ( home office Major enquires system ) and everything is entered into the system and looked at by three officers working with admin staff and any actions deemed necessary as a result of those 3 officers painstakingly going through every piece of information, item, cell phone number, cctv , search recovery evidence etc and allocating actions ( work ) to officers to compete before they are given another action . And some officers are individually given specific roles for example CCTV, Cell phones, Intelligence, Statement takers , Family liaison .

So this gives you an idea of just what is going on behind the scenes .
And the information released has to be protected and provenanced to ensure accuracy and the SIO doesn’t want information released unless absolutely necessary because the perpetrator may slip up and say something that hasn’t yet been released to the public and that then becomes dynamite to the investigation.
I hope this helps you all to understand the process , procedures and time for any major investigation to bear fruit .

Regarding technology- People do not realise just how much electronic tracking there is in our everyday lives and the footprint that we leave . Let’s take for example the obvious ones like public CCTV and residential / business CCTV and street CCTV , shop and bank and fuel CCTV, road surveillance CCTV to monitor traffic flow and speed camera CCTV etc The list is endless! Then there are tracking devices on the car if there is one , then there is the cell phone and text message/social media footprints alongside Pings
But - there are some footprints that we either don’t think about or are not aware of for example I own a luxury ( ish ) brand of car and I don’t have a key , I have a black plastic fob that I carry around which activates the car but without inserting it anywhere within my car console. Now when my car has a problem and I go to the dealership, this fob is inserted into their computer and it tell you every journey I have made and the status of the car throughout that journey, if the fuels low , if the seatbelt warning is activated, if any warning lights come on , if tyre pressure is low etc
I was gobsmacked just how much information that could be obtained and to be quite honest, I am a law abiding citizen but it scared even me , just how much we are being monitored. Then there is ANPR both mobile and static and lets not forget that it’s not only your cell phone that can be pinged and calls traced but LE can go to any mast and triangulate all mobile cell phones that ping off a particular mast at a given time and they can cross reference the data from this to any of the contacts in your phone and see if there are any patterns . So just from this you can start to see how many avenues are open for LE to look at. And then we have instagram and Facebook and WhatsApp and snapchat and Twitter and email and fit bits and apple watches and you start to get my drift .....
Edited to add: We have family Life 360 so that we can see where our children are and vice versa and my DH decided to turn his location permissions off
BUT although it does not now tell me his location in words, it does show him driving down the various roads and highways when he’s out and about. So another form of surveillance and if somebody was going to commit a heinous crime, they cannot possibly erase all their electronic footprints

Then we have Amazon Alexa and Smart devices ...
The list is endless!

Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
Angleterre, Jun 12, 2020Report
I missed this the first time. It’s an excellent post! It helps me a lot. Thanks so much for posting again.
BM's Self Contradictory Stmts?
The truth is that TD and LS, for all their sleuthing, have discovered little more than those sleuthing on social media. IMO. Just because both are personable doesn’t give me a reason why BM was so comfortable talking to TD when he claimed someone abducted her. It could have been TD for all he knew....
@Love Never Fails sbm bbm Agreeing w you (if BM & youtuber TD's vid recording was not mutually agreed on), seems unusual, even freaky(?) imo that BM would freely talk to total stranger about the subjects covered. Why do that, esp'ly as you said @Love Never Fails, when for all BM knows, TD could be the abductor, if BM is not involved in SM's disappearance?

Somehow, it reminds me a bit of situations, like strangers sitting in adjoining seats on a plane, where one spills to the other all kinds of personal info; troubles; job setbacks or business failures; aches & pains; marriage problems, what-ev, letting off steam and seeing himself as a ship passing another in the night, not expecting to encounter the other again.

And not yet, much of what BM told him about was not a personal tale of woe, but largely a criticism of LE (their ineptness w handling bicycle, prints in ground, etc) and at end recording's end. the comment/threat(?) if TD lets the word out.
^ Seems self-contradictory. my2cts.
Last edited:
BM's Self Contradictory Stmts?
@Love Never Fails sbm bbm Agreeing w you (if BM & youtuber TD's vid recording was not mutually agreed on), seems unusual, even freaky(?) imo that BM would freely talk to total stranger about the subjects covered. Why do that, esp'ly as you said @Love Never Fails, when for all BM knows, TD could be the abductor?

Somehow, it reminds me a bit of situations, like strangers sitting in adjoining seats on a plane, where one spills to the other all kinds of personal info; troubles; job setbacks or business failures; aches & pains; marriage problems, what-ev,
letting off steam and seeing himself as a ship passing another in the night, not expecting to encounter the other again.

And not yet, much of what BM told him about was not a personal tale of woe, but largely a criticism of LE (their ineptness w handling bicycle, prints in ground, etc) and at end recording's end. the comment/threat(?) if TD lets the word out.
^ Seems self-contradictory. my2cts.
Yes the whole thing is weird, on the part of both. On one hand you have BM talking to TD like it’s a day in a park. On the other, BM is criticizing the very men who are investigating his wife’s disappearance. I, on the other hand, would be at the sheriffs office hounding them for information and begging the likes of LS to put me on television.
Just strange for a man who believes he is now widowed.
And I picked Trek because that the make I'm most familiar with. There are other makes such as Specialized, Marin, Scott, Cannondale, Canyon, Giant, Masi and many others. Also, Trek changed the color of the label in 2019.
I think she is wearing a simple Smith helmet. Too bad not the Specialized Angi helmet with GPS and crash alert - like Onstar for a bike.
BM's Self Contradictory Stmts?
@Love Never Fails sbm bbm Agreeing w you (if BM & youtuber TD's vid recording was not mutually agreed on), seems unusual, even freaky(?) imo that BM would freely talk to total stranger about the subjects covered. Why do that, esp'ly as you said @Love Never Fails, when for all BM knows, TD could be the abductor?

Somehow, it reminds me a bit of situations, like strangers sitting in adjoining seats on a plane, where one spills to the other all kinds of personal info; troubles; job setbacks or business failures; aches & pains; marriage problems, what-ev,
letting off steam and seeing himself as a ship passing another in the night, not expecting to encounter the other again.

And not yet, much of what BM told him about was not a personal tale of woe, but largely a criticism of LE (their ineptness w handling bicycle, prints in ground, etc) and at end recording's end. the comment/threat(?) if TD lets the word out.
^ Seems self-contradictory. my2cts.

Agree with your bolded words. That really stood out, BM's accusation of LE ineptness.

I felt antagonism from the beginning towards LE, when the nephew was making noise about asking LE about the condition of the bike. I feel he was being used by BM.

He's on the ropes, and to tear down his relentless opponent seems to be his only option left for self preservation. Moo
Yes the whole thing is weird, on the part of both. On one hand you have BM talking to TD like it’s a day in a park. On the other, BM is criticizing the very men who are investigating his wife’s disappearance. I, on the other hand, would be at the sheriffs office hounding them for information and begging the likes of LS to put me on television.
Just strange for a man who believes he is now widowed.
According to TD, he saw BMs truck the day before and flagged BM down the next day. He told BM he wanted to help with the search, that is why BM is giving TD an orientation of sorts.
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