Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #33

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Life Ins; Slayer Statute; Interpleader?
Given the suspicious circumstances of the disappearance I believe any LI company would wait until a trial commenced. Thats assuming shes found thought, if not it would take the 7 year minimum before he could file...
@ivegotthemic sbm Interesting and complicated issues. Complicated.
Briefly, CO statute* allows ct to presume death after 5 yr absence iiuc, altho some states require longer wait.
Re waiting for trial to commence, then what? Does LI co pay BM; pay dau's; pay estate; or refuse to pay anyone?
Per below, I'd predict LI co would likely file an interpleader action at some point, but I could be wrong. As always, I welcome comments, clarification, corrections, esp'ly from our legal professionals, ;)law students, ;)and LI professionals. Others too.:cool: Jump right in, the water's fine. No chlorine.:cool:

Not so briefly.
This hypo post discussing life ins azz-umes SM is/was the ins'd life on LI policy/ies, and that BM is the Designated Beneficiary, which are NOT known to be facts.

SM's remains recovered?
Medical Examiner would conduct autopsy, tho already (four mo's post-disappearance), difficult to determine CoD imo (unless remains have somehow been better preserved than usual). Whether remains are located now or 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 or more yrs from now, M/E would conduct autopsy (even on partial skeletal remains) and may find MoD as Undetermined or Homicide.
Once death cert is issued regardless of MoD, after des-ben or atty submits death cert & LI claim forms to LI co, then co is obligated by the LI contract to pay designated beneficiary, unless, a big UNLESS, the law prohibits des-ben from collecting under the state's Slayer Statute.**
If convicted of murdering SM or certain other homicidal crimes or if successfully sued civilly for wrongful death,
(hypo only), BM would be barred from collecting the LI payment, as well as prop, assets, and benefits, he would otherwise receive after her death. See below re non-probate transfers which happen, w or w'out remains recovered.
But detail on that is another post, another day.

If MoD on death cert = Undetermined or Homicide, LI co is likely to contact LE re investigation, as co does not want to pay $$$ to des-ben, who is later convicted of that murder, as co may not succeed/will likely not succeed in getting $$$ repaid. OTOH, as yrs pass, if LI co pays $$$ to secondary or contingent des-ben's, and if BM the primary des-ben is not charged w murder or is tried and not convicted, LI co could end up being sued in civil court by secondary des-bens and being required to pay $$$ to BM, i.e., :eek: LI co paying twice :eek:.
Btwn a rock and hard place in this circumstance, LI co can file interpleader*** petition in civil ct. In essence it says, LI co acknowledges the death, the validity of policy, and we want to pay but cannot determine who the approp payee is; Your honor, here's the $$$, so primary and secondary des-bens can figure out in your ct who is entitled.

Remains not recovered?
Yep, those ;) fussy old life ins co's :rolleyes:insist on reviewing a death certificate before paying a death benefit.
And before issuing death cert, those ;) nitpicking medical examiners :rolleyes: insist on conducting an autopsy.
Which means, regardless of who the designated beneficiary of policy is:
no remains = no death cert = no life ins payment now, or for 5 yrs per CO statute* imo. And slayer statute also applies, even if remains are not recovered, just that the judicial proceeding occurs after ~ 5 yrs.
So 4 yrs + some mo's from now, someone can file in CO ct to have SM declared dead. If successful, then can
1. File in ct to open probate for SM's estate, for distrib of her probate assets, etc.
2. Can also arrange w other financial institutions for payments/transfers of non-probate assets, e.g. (hypo only) -
- at bank, a money mkt acct titled 'SM', designated as Pay on Death (PoD) to Dau M.
- at mutual fund, a blue chip stock fund, acct titled 'SM', designated as Transfer on Death (ToD) to AM.
These non-probate transfers can also happen after a death cert is issued, following recovery of remains.

Again I may be overlooking or misinterp'ing something, so am interested in responses. TiA.
{{{ETA, Yikes, this post almost turned into a book :oops::D:rolleyes::eek: Did I mention it's complicated?}}
* CO R.S. Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-10-107. Evidence of death or status
"(e) An individual whose death is not established under paragraphs (a) to (d) of this subsection (1) or under section 15-10-106.5 who is absent for a continuous period of five years, during which he or she has not been heard from, and whose absence is not satisfactorily explained after diligent search or inquiry, is presumed to be dead." bbm

** Part of CO Slayer Statute. CO. R. S. Title
15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803. "Effect of homicide on... life insurance, and beneficiary designations." sbm Legal hair-splitting: rather than 'murder' CO statute says 'felonious killing."
"(1)(b) “Felonious killing”, except as provided in subsection (7) of this section, is the killing of the decedent by an individual who, as a result thereof, is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or enters a plea of nolo contendere to the crime of murder in the first or second degree or manslaughter, as said crimes are defined in sections 18-3-102 to 18-3-104, C.R.S ."
Or see same at Colorado Revised Statutes Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803 | FindLaw

*** Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Interpleader. See intro and the couple paragraphs in 'Application.' Discusses how LI co may use in situation where designated beneficiary is suspected of killing the person whose life is insured. CO Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803(8) provides a remedy allowing a third party to seek the LI payment and (possibly) ultimately secure it.
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I really hate it when a killer is able to hide a body so well that authorities are unable to make an arrest due to lack of other solid evidence. I hate that the perpetrator is walking free, like he or she is winning. Sometimes I have to mentally walk away from a case because I fear this is what has happened. I understand from a LE standpoint why the person suspected here has not been arrested, but look at all of the people involved in trying to figure out this mystery. We are beating our heads against a wall. That would include SM’s family who is organizing a giant search effort. I hope they are not disappointed but I fear they will be. We can talk about chlorine odors, FB posting oddities and JP’s criminal history and many things but if there isn’t enough evidence there just isn’t. I hope I don’t read a year from now that this person who, IMO, is likely responsible, has cashed in and duped even more victims. It’s really disgusting to think about. jmo
Buck up, Becky!
I don't think this is as dire as you presume. Not this case. There's too much circumstantial evidence, and that's only what we already know.
I'm not losing hope, it's way to soon for that. :)
Life Ins; Slayer Statute; Interpleader?
@ivegotthemic sbm Interesting and complicated issues. Complicated.
Briefly, CO statute* allows ct to presume death after 5 yr absence iiuc, altho some states require longer wait.
Re waiting for trial to commence, then what? Does LI co pay BM; pay dau's; pay estate; or refuse to pay anyone?
Per below, I'd predict LI co would likely file an interpleader action at some point, but I could be wrong. As always, I welcome comments, clarification, corrections, esp'ly from our legal professionals, ;)law students, ;)and LI professionals. Others too.:cool: Jump right in, the water's fine. No chlorine.:cool:

Not so briefly.
This hypo post discussing life ins azz-umes SM is/was the ins'd life on LI policy/ies, and that BM is the Designated Beneficiary, which are NOT known to be facts.

SM's remains recovered?
Medical Examiner would conduct autopsy, tho already (four mo's post-disappearance), difficult to determine CoD imo (unless remains have somehow been better preserved than usual). Whether remains are located now or 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 or more yrs from now, M/E would conduct autopsy (even on partial skeletal remains) and may find MoD as Undetermined or Homicide.
Once death cert is issued regardless of MoD, after des-ben or atty submits death cert & LI claim forms to LI co, then co is obligated by the LI contract to pay designated beneficiary, unless, a big UNLESS, the law prohibits des-ben from collecting under the state's Slayer Statute.**
If convicted of murdering SM or certain other homicidal crimes or if successfully sued civilly for wrongful death,
(hypo only), BM would be barred from collecting the LI payment, as well as prop, assets, and benefits, he would otherwise receive after her death. See below re non-probate transfers which happen, w or w'out remains recovered.
But detail on that is another post, another day.

If MoD on death cert = Undetermined or Homicide, LI co is likely to contact LE re investigation, as co does not want to pay $$$ to des-ben, who is later convicted of that murder, as co may not succeed/will likely not succeed in getting $$$ repaid. OTOH, as yrs pass, if LI co pays $$$ to secondary or contingent des-ben's, and if BM the primary des-ben is not charged w murder or is tried and not convicted, LI co could end up being sued in civil court by secondary des-bens and being required to pay $$$ to BM, i.e., :eek: LI co paying twice :eek:.
Btwn a rock and hard place in this circumstance, LI co can file interpleader*** petition in civil ct. In essence it says, LI co acknowledges the death, the validity of policy, and we want to pay but cannot determine who the approp payee is; Your honor, here's the $$$, so primary and secondary des-bens can figure out in your ct who is entitled.

Remains not recovered?
Yep, those ;) fussy old life ins co's :rolleyes:insist on reviewing a death certificate before paying a death benefit.
And before issuing death cert, those ;) nitpicking medical examiners :rolleyes: insist on conducting an autopsy.
Which means, regardless of who the designated beneficiary of policy is:
no remains = no death cert = no life ins payment now, or for 5 yrs per CO statute* imo. And slayer statute also applies, even if remains are not recovered, just that the judicial proceeding occurs after ~ 5 yrs.
So 4 yrs + some mo's from now, someone can file in CO ct to have SM declared dead. If successful, then can
1. File in ct to open probate for SM's estate, for distrib of her probate assets, etc.
2. Can also arrange w other financial institutions for payments/transfers of non-probate assets, e.g. (hypo only) -
- at bank, a money mkt acct titled 'SM', designated as Pay on Death (PoD) to Dau M.
- at mutual fund, a blue chip stock fund, acct titled 'SM', designated as Transfer on Death (ToD) to AM.
These non-probate transfers can also happen after a death cert is issued, following recovery of remains.

Again I may be overlooking or misinterp'ing something, so am interested in responses. TiA.
{{{ETA, Yikes, this post almost turned into a book :oops::D:rolleyes::eek: Did I mention it's complicated?}}
* CO R.S. Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-10-107. Evidence of death or status
"(e) An individual whose death is not established under paragraphs (a) to (d) of this subsection (1) or under section 15-10-106.5 who is absent for a continuous period of five years, during which he or she has not been heard from, and whose absence is not satisfactorily explained after diligent search or inquiry, is presumed to be dead." bbm

** Part of CO Slayer Statute. CO. R. S. Title
15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803. "Effect of homicide on... life insurance, and beneficiary designations." sbm Legal hair-splitting: rather than 'murder' CO statute says 'felonious killing."
"(1)(b) “Felonious killing”, except as provided in subsection (7) of this section, is the killing of the decedent by an individual who, as a result thereof, is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or enters a plea of nolo contendere to the crime of murder in the first or second degree or manslaughter, as said crimes are defined in sections 18-3-102 to 18-3-104, C.R.S ."
Or see same at Colorado Revised Statutes Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803 | FindLaw

*** Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Interpleader. See intro and the couple paragraphs in 'Application.' Discusses how LI co may use in situation where designated beneficiary is suspected of killing the person whose life is insured. CO Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803(8) provides a remedy allowing a third party to seek the LI payment and (possibly) ultimately secure it.
not going to lie its to late to think about property law and estate planning. one thing i will say though, is there could be a will and BM could gain nothing potentially if it exists. the Morphews has millions of dollars worth of property and assets scatter across 2 states so it seems likely estate planning would have been done, especially since SM just received an inheritance herself. of course theres not real way to know unless probate paper get filed after a body is found or death is legally declared so its all speculation
The sharing of a hotel room stands out as odd to me, especially with Covid. Perhaps BM was watching his costs due to the job being a correction. JMO

I totally agree with this.

In addition to Covid concerns, it's hard to figure out why a guy with an apparently successful business and money (as evidenced by his home and property) would be sharing a room with a laborer. It just makes no sense.
At this moment, BM is free, that’s a fact. But at the same time, he’s not free. Not really.

He miscalculated how much publicity this case would get, and he underestimated law enforcement. He never imagined they’d never buy what he was selling.

He thought he’d put up a big reward, and that would placate the public. What he didn’t realize, was that the public expected him to do what all loving spouses do in a situation like this: Speak up, and do everything in his power to find his wife.

In the past couple of weeks though, the pressure has mounted. Reporters are calling, and knocking on his door. Suzanne’s family has turned on him, and information is beginning to flow. The people that he surrounded himself with are starting to talk, and intriguing details are coming to light.

He knows his story is full of holes, his alibi is suspicious, and the house of cards is poised to collapse. He can try to discredit these witnesses, law enforcement, and whoever else he wants. That’s all he has though, as the truth is not on his side.

He’s fighting a battle that he can’t win.

Attention is growing, searchers are coming, and at any moment, law enforcement could roll up on his door.

Then it all ends for him.

Fancy house, nice cars, solid image, and beautiful family. Gone.

I can’t imagine the stress of all that, and although it can’t compare to what Suzanne must have gone through, I gotta admit, it’s a bit of poetic justice.

<modsnip: Removed direct accusation>
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Slayer Statutes, Other Cases.
not going to lie its to late to think about property law and estate planning. one thing i will say though, is there could be a will and BM could gain nothing potentially if it exists. the Morphews has millions of dollars worth of property and assets scatter across 2 states so it seems likely estate planning would have been done, especially since SM just received an inheritance herself. of course theres not real way to know unless probate paper get filed after a body is found or death is legally declared so its all speculation
@ivegotthemic Yes, getting late for me too. Thx for your post.
From my linked wiki re Interpleader, at footnote 2:
"Actual examples of this scenario include Davis v. Aetna Life Insurance Company, 279 F.2d 304 (9th Cir. 1960) and Prudential Insurance Company of America v. Tull, 690 F.2d 848 (4th Cir. 1982).'
Interpleader - Wikipedia

These links to the appellate opinions worked for me just now. The facts are not on all fours w our current CO. situation at hand, but still interesting imo. jm2cts. May leave others yawning.
Davis v. Aetna Life Insurance Company, 279 F. 2d 304 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit 1960 - الباحث العلمي من Google = Davis case, 1956 death in Cal.
Man pleaded guilty to vol. manslaughter of wife, but submitted LI claim.

Prudential Insurance Company of America v. Tull, 690 F. 2d 848 - Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit 1982 - الباحث العلمي من Google = Pru. case, 1982 opinion = single page!
Woman was convicted in a Virginia st. court of murdering her husband, on their wedding night.:(:D:eek: i wonder if the ink on their marriage certificate was dry. She submitted LI claim.
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At this moment, BM is free, that’s a fact. But at the same time, he’s not free. Not really.

He miscalculated how much publicity this case would get, and he underestimated law enforcement. He never imagined they’d never buy what he was selling.

He thought he’d put up a big reward, and that would placate the public. What he didn’t realize, was that the public expected him to do what all loving spouses do in a situation like this: Speak up, and do everything in his power to find his wife.

In the past couple of weeks though, the pressure has mounted. Reporters are calling, and knocking on his door. Suzanne’s family has turned on him, and information is beginning to flow. The people that he surrounded himself with are starting to talk, and intriguing details are coming to light.

He knows his story is full of holes, his alibi is suspicious, and the house of cards is poised to collapse. He can try to discredit these witnesses, law enforcement, and whoever else he wants. That’s all he has though, as the truth is not on his side.

He’s fighting a battle that he can’t win.

Attention is growing, searchers are coming, and at any moment, law enforcement could roll up on his door.

Then it all ends for him.

Fancy house, nice cars, solid image, and beautiful family. Gone.

I can’t imagine the stress of all that, and although it can’t compare to what Suzanne must have gone through, I gotta admit, it’s a bit of poetic justice.

<modsnip: Removed direct accusation>
Is it wrong that it brings me a little bit of joy knowing hes living his life but only in a manner that's stress filled and the walls are closing in? Its weird how when someone goes missing, people tend not to just let that go or they might have follow up questions, all situations BM failed to account for i presume. He may have the money for now, but the world see who BM really is now. He cant fake, bully, or charm his way out of this one and forever he will be marked by the way he handled SM'd disappearance....I guess murder probable wasnt worth it? And crazy idea maybe just not be a greedy jerk and get a divorce instead, i dunno im just spit balling an easier way it could have gone down
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Slayer Statutes, Other Cases.

@ivegotthemic Yes, getting late for me too. Thx for your post.
From my linked wiki re Interpleader, at footnote 2:
"Actual examples of this scenario include Davis v. Aetna Life Insurance Company, 279 F.2d 304 (9th Cir. 1960) and Prudential Insurance Company of America v. Tull, 690 F.2d 848 (4th Cir. 1982).'
Interpleader - Wikipedia

These links to the appellate opinions worked for me just now. The facts are not on all fours w our current CO. situation at hand, but still interesting imo. jm2cts. May leave others yawning.
Davis v. Aetna Life Insurance Company, 279 F. 2d 304 - Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit 1960 - الباحث العلمي من Google = Davis case, 1956 death in Cal.
Man pleaded guilty to vol. manslaughter of wife, but submitted LI claim.

Prudential Insurance Company of America v. Tull, 690 F. 2d 848 - Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit 1982 - الباحث العلمي من Google = Pru. case, 1982 opinion = single page!
Woman was convicted in a Virginia st. court of murdering her husband, on their wedding night.:(:D:eek: Submitted life ins claim.
<modsnip> some people i guess no one told her about the 120 hour rule. thank you for doing the research i will def check these out tomorrow. im actually taking basis wills drafting this semester so they should help me bring my A game to my first property deed draft!
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Life Ins; Slayer Statute; Interpleader?
@ivegotthemic sbm Interesting and complicated issues. Complicated.
Briefly, CO statute* allows ct to presume death after 5 yr absence iiuc, altho some states require longer wait.
Re waiting for trial to commence, then what? Does LI co pay BM; pay dau's; pay estate; or refuse to pay anyone?
Per below, I'd predict LI co would likely file an interpleader action at some point, but I could be wrong. As always, I welcome comments, clarification, corrections, esp'ly from our legal professionals, ;)law students, ;)and LI professionals. Others too.:cool: Jump right in, the water's fine. No chlorine.:cool:

Not so briefly.
This hypo post discussing life ins azz-umes SM is/was the ins'd life on LI policy/ies, and that BM is the Designated Beneficiary, which are NOT known to be facts.

SM's remains recovered?
Medical Examiner would conduct autopsy, tho already (four mo's post-disappearance), difficult to determine CoD imo (unless remains have somehow been better preserved than usual). Whether remains are located now or 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 or more yrs from now, M/E would conduct autopsy (even on partial skeletal remains) and may find MoD as Undetermined or Homicide.
Once death cert is issued regardless of MoD, after des-ben or atty submits death cert & LI claim forms to LI co, then co is obligated by the LI contract to pay designated beneficiary, unless, a big UNLESS, the law prohibits des-ben from collecting under the state's Slayer Statute.**
If convicted of murdering SM or certain other homicidal crimes or if successfully sued civilly for wrongful death,
(hypo only), BM would be barred from collecting the LI payment, as well as prop, assets, and benefits, he would otherwise receive after her death. See below re non-probate transfers which happen, w or w'out remains recovered.
But detail on that is another post, another day.

If MoD on death cert = Undetermined or Homicide, LI co is likely to contact LE re investigation, as co does not want to pay $$$ to des-ben, who is later convicted of that murder, as co may not succeed/will likely not succeed in getting $$$ repaid. OTOH, as yrs pass, if LI co pays $$$ to secondary or contingent des-ben's, and if BM the primary des-ben is not charged w murder or is tried and not convicted, LI co could end up being sued in civil court by secondary des-bens and being required to pay $$$ to BM, i.e., :eek: LI co paying twice :eek:.
Btwn a rock and hard place in this circumstance, LI co can file interpleader*** petition in civil ct. In essence it says, LI co acknowledges the death, the validity of policy, and we want to pay but cannot determine who the approp payee is; Your honor, here's the $$$, so primary and secondary des-bens can figure out in your ct who is entitled.

Remains not recovered?
Yep, those ;) fussy old life ins co's :rolleyes:insist on reviewing a death certificate before paying a death benefit.
And before issuing death cert, those ;) nitpicking medical examiners :rolleyes: insist on conducting an autopsy.
Which means, regardless of who the designated beneficiary of policy is:
no remains = no death cert = no life ins payment now, or for 5 yrs per CO statute* imo. And slayer statute also applies, even if remains are not recovered, just that the judicial proceeding occurs after ~ 5 yrs.
So 4 yrs + some mo's from now, someone can file in CO ct to have SM declared dead. If successful, then can
1. File in ct to open probate for SM's estate, for distrib of her probate assets, etc.
2. Can also arrange w other financial institutions for payments/transfers of non-probate assets, e.g. (hypo only) -
- at bank, a money mkt acct titled 'SM', designated as Pay on Death (PoD) to Dau M.
- at mutual fund, a blue chip stock fund, acct titled 'SM', designated as Transfer on Death (ToD) to AM.
These non-probate transfers can also happen after a death cert is issued, following recovery of remains.

Again I may be overlooking or misinterp'ing something, so am interested in responses. TiA.
{{{ETA, Yikes, this post almost turned into a book :oops::D:rolleyes::eek: Did I mention it's complicated?}}
* CO R.S. Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-10-107. Evidence of death or status
"(e) An individual whose death is not established under paragraphs (a) to (d) of this subsection (1) or under section 15-10-106.5 who is absent for a continuous period of five years, during which he or she has not been heard from, and whose absence is not satisfactorily explained after diligent search or inquiry, is presumed to be dead." bbm

** Part of CO Slayer Statute. CO. R. S. Title
15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803. "Effect of homicide on... life insurance, and beneficiary designations." sbm Legal hair-splitting: rather than 'murder' CO statute says 'felonious killing."
"(1)(b) “Felonious killing”, except as provided in subsection (7) of this section, is the killing of the decedent by an individual who, as a result thereof, is convicted of, pleads guilty to, or enters a plea of nolo contendere to the crime of murder in the first or second degree or manslaughter, as said crimes are defined in sections 18-3-102 to 18-3-104, C.R.S ."
Or see same at Colorado Revised Statutes Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803 | FindLaw

*** Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Interpleader. See intro and the couple paragraphs in 'Application.' Discusses how LI co may use in situation where designated beneficiary is suspected of killing the person whose life is insured. CO Title 15. Probate, Trusts, and Fiduciaries § 15-11-803(8) provides a remedy allowing a third party to seek the LI payment and (possibly) ultimately secure it.

I enjoy reading your posts, I find them interesting and informative - thank you :)
Buck up, Becky!
I don't think this is as dire as you presume. Not this case. There's too much circumstantial evidence, and that's only what we already know.
I'm not losing hope, it's way to soon for that. :)
Bucking up @marylamby! LOL! I’m far from losing hope! As I stated, I like to see a killer brought to justice, sooner rather than later.
At this moment, BM is free, that’s a fact. But at the same time, he’s not free. Not really.

He miscalculated how much publicity this case would get, and he underestimated law enforcement. He never imagined they’d never buy what he was selling.

He thought he’d put up a big reward, and that would placate the public. What he didn’t realize, was that the public expected him to do what all loving spouses do in a situation like this: Speak up, and do everything in his power to find his wife.

In the past couple of weeks though, the pressure has mounted. Reporters are calling, and knocking on his door. Suzanne’s family has turned on him, and information is beginning to flow. The people that he surrounded himself with are starting to talk, and intriguing details are coming to light.

He knows his story is full of holes, his alibi is suspicious, and the house of cards is poised to collapse. He can try to discredit these witnesses, law enforcement, and whoever else he wants. That’s all he has though, as the truth is not on his side.

He’s fighting a battle that he can’t win.

Attention is growing, searchers are coming, and at any moment, law enforcement could roll up on his door.

Fancy house, nice cars, solid image, and beautiful family. Gone.

I can’t imagine the stress of all that, and although it can’t compare to what Suzanne must have gone through, I gotta admit, it’s a bit of poetic justice.

<modsnip: Removed direct accusation>

Classic MassGuy. Perfectly said.

Can you imagine if this 'expletive' would've just walked away and took his losses?
Yeah, but no. It wasn't in his nature. It was all his. His life, his wife, his whole enchilada.
It was all about him, all of his life.

It used to always go back to nature v nurture, that puzzling conundrum.
I've realized that it's much more than likely both.
After all, those that nurture us are our natural caretakers, in most cases.
Are certain people predisposed from birth to 'take' what they feel they deserve? Are they hardwired to do whatever they deem to justify their wants and perceived needs? Where does sociopathy and psychopathy begin and end and why.
We're talking about murder here.
Justice for Suzanne.
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It's late, and I can't sleep, so...

One of the things that really bothers me here is that everything about Suzanne's disappearance is too perfect. A holiday weekend. Daughters camping. Job out of town and/or fake firefighting training. Calling a neighbor?

I couldn't make this stuff up.

I was thinking tonight (busy mind) how I would react if something happened to my wife, and none of how BM responded makes sense to me.

So, as I struggle with insomnia, I will just say a prayer for Suzanne's daughters. No person should have to go through what they must be going through .... a missing mom and no idea what their dad may have done. I hope my suspicions about what happened are wrong, but again, the perfect timing just seems way too perfect.
At this moment, BM is free, that’s a fact. But at the same time, he’s not free. Not really.

He miscalculated how much publicity this case would get, and he underestimated law enforcement. He never imagined they’d never buy what he was selling.

He thought he’d put up a big reward, and that would placate the public. What he didn’t realize, was that the public expected him to do what all loving spouses do in a situation like this: Speak up, and do everything in his power to find his wife.

In the past couple of weeks though, the pressure has mounted. Reporters are calling, and knocking on his door. Suzanne’s family has turned on him, and information is beginning to flow. The people that he surrounded himself with are starting to talk, and intriguing details are coming to light.

He knows his story is full of holes, his alibi is suspicious, and the house of cards is poised to collapse. He can try to discredit these witnesses, law enforcement, and whoever else he wants. That’s all he has though, as the truth is not on his side.

He’s fighting a battle that he can’t win.

Attention is growing, searchers are coming, and at any moment, law enforcement could roll up on his door.

Then it all ends for him.

Fancy house, nice cars, solid image, and beautiful family. Gone.

I can’t imagine the stress of all that, and although it can’t compare to what Suzanne must have gone through, I gotta admit, it’s a bit of poetic justice.

<modsnip: Removed direct accusation>
Ive been thinking the same thing recently. I dont know that BM understands what "free" feels like. I think he lost that long ago when he started picking up too much baggage. Unfortunately he overloaded himself this time and will never know true "freedom" again. The old adage of truth rings true here, money and greed does not ever buy happiness.

And how these guys think (even with distanced family and friends) that these women wont be missed, and that it wont be a big ordeal, is beyond my wildest imagination. That has to take a huge amount of egotism. Just blame the mountain lion. Pfft. Gross.
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Don't you worry about the snow. It will get warmer next week and we Coloradans can handle the snow and below freezing temps. Nothing will stop people from searching. The snow we sometimes get in the fall is nothing compared to what we get in the Winter. Especially Jan-April
Rbbm. I love this attitude!
I was talking to @Seattle1 about the chlorine earlier, and I really liked her thoughts. I think this could account for the smell in the room, and Barry’s need to shower.

Barry buys or steals chlorine from the hotel, and uses it to clean the bed of his truck. It’s possible that he used the chlorine to also sanitize any equipment he may have used, to include whatever was used to contain Suzanne’s body.

During this process, he would have certainly come in contact with it. We all know how strong the smell of chlorine is, and that’s when it is diluted.

He’d need to take a nice long shower to get the smell off, and that room would still smell.

Hmm this makes the most sense to me now and ties in with barry's comment.

" i didn't do anything wrong IN THE HOTEL"

Its possible he arrived at the hotel already reeking of chlorine and simply showerd there and left the room reeking as a result.
I didn’t know a lot about Cheryl’s case, and the first picture I clicked on of her and her husband he was wearing one of those Nine Line shirts. Just like BM wore. Kinda creepy.

A lot of those stolen valor guy's like to wear those nine line shirts, they like people to assume they are ex military when they are not, I know of a guy who was exposed claiming he was a ex mercenary etc he wore nine line clothing and nine line themselves on their facebook page put up a post about him telling him to never wear their clothing again. All about their image, barry comes across as somebody like that also.
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