Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #52

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If that is true, how do you explain the online chat with her IN friend, alleged to have happened on Saturday?
I’m not totally convinced it was Saturday, but if it was, I’m not convinced it was SM still texting. Perhaps the texting began Friday night, she’s murdered either because it was planned or he loses his schizzle and BM continues with the text, “I’m really tired right now (Jane), can we pic up our convo in the morning?” But, Suzanne doesn’t text her in the morning and so “Jane” reaches out to her and it starts off kinda okay but then she starts getting weird vibes?? She says, “hey Suzanne, is everything alright or is Barry being a schizzle head again,” and the texting stops. Total speculation. Just how I imagine it.
I’m so sad nothing has happened on Suzanne’s case! I really hope the person responsible for her disappearance is held accountable. I don’t even know what to say about it anymore except that I’m keeping my fingers crossed. It’s just not right. :(
Good point. Has BM ever come out and said what they did together when he had to rush home to “make the wife happy” that day? Not that I’d believe a word he said but I don’t recall anything about what exactly he claims they did together.

He probably can’t say, because murder doesn’t qualify as “make the wife happy.”

OK, you're all gonna have to bear with me, I'm not the best at saying what I want to say without it being all confusing :rolleyes:
Anyway, thinking about LE reaction to what on the surface could be a plausible scenario, I always think about what has made them take this course of action. Its the little things, they stick in my head, and 99% of the time they're irrelevant and unimportant, but things like the bed after BM left Suzanne safe and fast asleep, I assume she would have made the bed each morning, its those things, did LE take a walk around and pick up on all those little details, was there evidence of someone having a shower that day, floor still wet, damp towels and so on - clear indicators that someone was in the home till say lunchtime, plate in the sink/coffee pot used or slightly warm, the smell of the house, had laundry been done that day and so on. Did lots of tiny little details that separately, mean nothing, but, when you put them together painted a much bigger and worrisome picture for them?
Sorry if that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever! I just am curious as to everything that may have alerted them that this is more than an adult who has chosen to disappear.

You make perfect sense.
The little things can tell a bigger story.

It seemed small at the time, but when Kelsey Berreth left the freshly baked cinnamon rolls in her kitchen on Thanksgiving, it was an indicator she had left unexpectedly.

Of course, she didn’t leave.. not alive.

He probably can’t say, because murder doesn’t qualify as “make the wife happy.”

Yes, especially if she’s already dead!

MG stated he was acting very weird that morning. “What’s up Barry?” Doesn’t sound like he was in a mood that says he was “happy,” much less wanting to go home to make the wife happy. I just get the distinct feeling there was not a whole lot of happiness going on in his life. When a man, who claims SM was the love of his life, says something like that you just have to ask yourself if you can believe what he’s saying because that’s NOT how a happy husband speaks about his wife.

I’m sure LE has “grilled” him up and down and his story doesn’t add up any which way. I’m still confident his days of freedom are numbered. Judging from his very short convo with Chris and hearing his weak, pathetic voice, he knows it too. We’ve been told he follows True Crime. Well, if he’s found this site, he knows he’s the only person on LE’s menu. When the time comes, there gonna eat him alive!

Yes, especially if she’s already dead!

MG stated he was acting very weird that morning. “What’s up Barry?” Doesn’t sound like he was in a mood that says he was “happy,” much less wanting to go home to make the wife happy. I just get the distinct feeling there was not a whole lot of happiness going on in his life. When a man, who claims SM was the love of his life, says something like that you just have to ask yourself if you can believe what he’s saying because that’s NOT how a happy husband speaks about his wife.

I’m sure LE has “grilled” him up and down and his story doesn’t add up any which way. I’m still confident his days of freedom are numbered. Judging from his very short convo with Chris and hearing his weak, pathetic voice, he knows it too. We’ve been told he follows True Crime. Well, if he’s found this site, he knows, he’s the only person on LE’s menu. When the time comes, there gonna eat him alive!


Tick Tock, Tick Tock.
@happyday snipped for focus.
No arrest, not yet. No conviction, not yet.
But respectfully, not true that "nothing has happened."
A whole lotta investigating' goin' on. my2ct.
I sure hope you’re right, @al66pine! I keep checking in here and see no new developments, but I know that doesn’t always mean nothing is happening. It sure is taking a looooooooooong time though. o_O

This post lands at random.

OT, but by way of explanation so everyone understands:

Websleuths is fact based and there is a very good reason we don't allow rumors for discussion on the thread, debunking or otherwise.

Let's pretend Post #25 is a big juicy rumor. (Haven't checked, so hope it's not ;)). Posts #53 through #150 could discuss it and refute it, but all it takes is 1 person to read Post #25, respond to it and their post lands as Post #419 or #600 ... and so it goes. Once they start, they are very hard to control, and sure as guns someone "out there" will source it back to Websleuths.

Websleuths tries so very hard to keep the threads factual and stop rumors before they ever get started. Members can discuss those types of things in private conversations, but rumors must stay off the threads.

Hope that clarifies :)

This post lands at random.

OT, but by way of explanation so everyone understands:

Websleuths is fact based and there is a very good reason we don't allow rumors for discussion on the thread, debunking or otherwise.

Let's pretend Post #25 is a big juicy rumor. (Haven't checked, so hope it's not ;)). Posts #53 through #150 could discuss it and refute it, but all it takes is 1 person to read Post #25, respond to it and their post lands as Post #419 or #600 ... and so it goes. Once they start, they are very hard to control, and sure as guns someone "out there" will source it back to Websleuths.

Websleuths tries so very hard to keep the threads factual and stop rumors before they ever get started. Members can discuss those types of things in private conversations, but rumors must stay off the threads.

Hope that clarifies :)
Thanks @Sillybilly for taking the time to explain that.

That will hopefully help us understand and help us not make those mistakes again:)
That’s what stops me from thinking about Friday night. I highly doubt he’d be able to fake a conversation with her friend for long, if at all.

BM pretending to be his wife during a conversation with SMs dear friend would entail him possessing the ability to operate her device, ie., a cell phone, iPad. Most people, even those married for dozens of years, keep their devices locked. Many devices will only unlock with a thumbprint; while others can be accessed with a password.

LE is interested in SMs social media accounts. If there is anything there that SM would not what others in her household to be privy to, then she'd want access to the device protected.
That’s what stops me from thinking about Friday night. I highly doubt he’d be able to fake a conversation with her friend for long, if at all.

I agree, I don't think BM impersonated SM at all, during that chat with her friend on Saturday.
I do think the Saturday midnight weirdness, friend requests, etc., was not SM, however.
I do believe that was none other than BM, messing around in her account.

BM pretending to be his wife during a conversation with SMs dear friend would entail him possessing the ability to operate her device, ie., a cell phone, iPad. Most people, even those married for dozens of years, keep their devices locked. Many devices will only unlock with a thumbprint; while others can be accessed with a password.

LE is interested in SMs social media accounts. If there is anything there that SM would not what others in her household to be privy to, then she'd want access to the device protected.
I agree that most couples keep their phones locked, but many couples do have access to each other’s password. You can also set up a phone to accept more than one thumbprint which is what we’ve done at our house.
Obviously, I don’t know how it was with the Morphews but I could think of 2 reasons why they might have access to one another’s phone. Either SM set up the phone for BM and used her own password or he insisted that she provide him with her password. If he is the jealous type or narcissistic, which I don’t know if he is either, it would really bug him if he didn’t have control over her phone. He may also have known her FB password.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if BM had a second phone; one for personal business and one for work.
I believe that LE knows what times the bff and SM were texting back and forth. They also know what device was used. They know if they were texting via iMessage or Facebook message. There were a lot of discussions about the Friend Requests or PYMK posts that many of BM’s friends received from SM’s FB account. It was thought that if BM logged into SM’s FB from his phone, those requests would go out to people from his own contact list.
I think if SM and her bff had a normal conversation on Friday night, then BM could have winged it for a bit early Saturday with short ambiguous statements, one word answers, and “I can’t talk right now.” to silence. There was a 2 or 3 hour time difference so if they stopped texting Friday night at 8 o’clock SM’s time, it would have been 10 or 11 for the bff, probably not an unusual time for them to end a nightly conversation. Likewise on Saturday, the bff may not have normally texted until after 8 or 9 a.m. SM’s time which would be 1o to noon for the bff.
There have been a lot of opinions expressed that there was no way that SM was killed on Friday because of the texts with the bff. I think she could have ended a normal conversation around 8:00 pm and been killed shortly thereafter. The bff would not have realized that something was wrong until sometime after late morning her time.
If BM was impersonating SM on Saturday, something he wrote may have sounded off to the bff. If she questioned the comment with an, “Are you okay?” or “Is anything wrong?”, that may have been when he stopped texting.
I will just say, Greg Cooper just said that there were 2 bikes in the garage that day. An expensive bike, and a cheaper bike that had been bought for parts. Suzanne went off on the cheaper bike! Why? (The whole time he was speaking, Chris had a huge grin on his face like "Oopsie," you aren't supposed to be airing out that info." You can see it all over his face. Lol. That must be what all the cryptic bike pics were about on Chris' Twitter). So, that's very interesting!

You are very welcome, @Ontario Mom! This one is so long and detailed, but I'll get to writing as soon as the (later) morning rolls in. :)

I'm a little confused by the bike statement. If two bikes were in the garage, an expensive one and a cheap one bought for parts, how is it that SM went off on the cheaper bike when it was in the garage. I admit I skimmed the episode but I presume Greg C. was in the Morphew garage after SM went missing. Are they saying the cheap bike was the one found during the initial search with some damage and that the bike as evidence was returned to Morphew home?
I'm a little confused by the bike statement. If two bikes were in the garage, an expensive one and a cheap one bought for parts, how is it that SM went off on the cheaper bike when it was in the garage. I admit I skimmed the episode but I presume Greg C. was in the Morphew garage after SM went missing. Are they saying the cheap bike was the one found during the initial search with some damage and that the bike as evidence was returned to Morphew home?

I just now realized it, but I think I just wrote that first sentence incorrectly. I have no idea why I wrote "in the garage that day" because I don't believe it was mentioned where the bikes were. The focus was just that were 2 bikes, one more expensive than the other. I was listening to that video and typing away here on Websleuths, so I probably just got the words jumbled in my head or typed the wrong thing.

My understanding from the video was that the bike they found down the road on May 10 was the "cheaper" bike, and the expensive one was sitting at the house. That's where the implication came from that Suzanne was on the cheaper one.

Hope that makes sense.
I just now realized it, but I think I just wrote that first sentence incorrectly. I have no idea why I wrote "in the garage that day" because I don't believe it was mentioned where the bikes were. The focus was just that were 2 bikes, one more expensive than the other. I was listening to that video and typing away here on Websleuths, so I probably just got the words jumbled in my head or typed the wrong thing.

My understanding from the video was that the bike they found down the road on May 10 was the "cheaper" bike, and the expensive one was sitting at the house. That's where the implication came from that Suzanne was on the cheaper one.

Hope that makes sense.
When the neighbor made the call to BM to report the cars were at the house, didn’t BM ask her to go back check and see if SM’s bike was there? What did he ask her to look for? Any bike? Did he tell her there was an old one and a new one? Reportedly, the neighbor went back to the Morphew’s, checked, then went back to her house and called BM by landline and told him her bike was missing. Did BM ask which one?
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