Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #52

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When the neighbor made the call to BM to report the cars were at the house, didn’t BM ask her to go back check and see if SM’s bike was there? What did he ask her to look for? Any bike? Did he tell her there was an old one and a new one? Reportedly, the neighbor went back to the Morphew’s, checked, then went back to her house and called BM by landline and told him her bike was missing. Did BM ask which one?
I imagine he told her specifically what to look for (blue bike) instead of just telling her about a bike.

All this talk about an extra bike is purely internet rumor though. There is nothing supporting that there was another bike.
I agree that most couples keep their phones locked, but many couples do have access to each other’s password. You can also set up a phone to accept more than one thumbprint which is what we’ve done at our house.
Obviously, I don’t know how it was with the Morphews but I could think of 2 reasons why they might have access to one another’s phone. Either SM set up the phone for BM and used her own password or he insisted that she provide him with her password. If he is the jealous type or narcissistic, which I don’t know if he is either, it would really bug him if he didn’t have control over her phone. He may also have known her FB password.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if BM had a second phone; one for personal business and one for work.
I believe that LE knows what times the bff and SM were texting back and forth. They also know what device was used. They know if they were texting via iMessage or Facebook message. There were a lot of discussions about the Friend Requests or PYMK posts that many of BM’s friends received from SM’s FB account. It was thought that if BM logged into SM’s FB from his phone, those requests would go out to people from his own contact list.
I think if SM and her bff had a normal conversation on Friday night, then BM could have winged it for a bit early Saturday with short ambiguous statements, one word answers, and “I can’t talk right now.” to silence. There was a 2 or 3 hour time difference so if they stopped texting Friday night at 8 o’clock SM’s time, it would have been 10 or 11 for the bff, probably not an unusual time for them to end a nightly conversation. Likewise on Saturday, the bff may not have normally texted until after 8 or 9 a.m. SM’s time which would be 1o to noon for the bff.
There have been a lot of opinions expressed that there was no way that SM was killed on Friday because of the texts with the bff. I think she could have ended a normal conversation around 8:00 pm and been killed shortly thereafter. The bff would not have realized that something was wrong until sometime after late morning her time.
If BM was impersonating SM on Saturday, something he wrote may have sounded off to the bff. If she questioned the comment with an, “Are you okay?” or “Is anything wrong?”, that may have been when he stopped texting.

Thank you, Old Cop, for responding with reason and stimulation. You wrote:

"There were a lot of discussions about the Friend Requests or PYMK posts that many of BM’s friends received from SM’s FB account. It was thought that if BM logged into SM’s FB from his phone, those requests would go out to people from his own contact list."

I regret missing those discussions. The Friend Requests were certainly strange occurrences. LE will also know which device these requests originated from, yes? Perhaps BM was using SMs iPhone, or android, when the requests were made?

Are you inferring that the Friend Requests were possibly made in order to make it appear that SM was alive and well when they were requested on Friday evening?

Let's say for arguments sake, that BM was entering his wife's FB acct.
7 Signs You're Being Facebook Stalked, Because OMG There Are So Many Clues
"When you check out your own profile, the selection of friends that Facebook displays as a preview to your entire friends list is not random but actually part of an algorithm that may give you insight into who has recently visited your profile. As this algorithm also brings up friends who you've contacted recently, spotting a name among pals who you haven't talked to could be a sign they’re Facebook stalking you, with the app placing them there as encouragement for you to reach out."
"To check where and when your account has been logged into you need to go to your security and login settings."

There was an oddly noted Check In status from her FB acct for Alexandria, Indiana on May 18, 2020. What was that for, if anyone knows? TIA

What are the theories on why the mention of her bicycle ride and the reward notice was dropped from her June and December Missing Posters?
Thank you, Old Cop, for responding with reason and stimulation. You wrote:

"There were a lot of discussions about the Friend Requests or PYMK posts that many of BM’s friends received from SM’s FB account. It was thought that if BM logged into SM’s FB from his phone, those requests would go out to people from his own contact list."

I regret missing those discussions. The Friend Requests were certainly strange occurrences. LE will also know which device these requests originated from, yes? Perhaps BM was using SMs iPhone, or android, when the requests were made?

Are you inferring that the Friend Requests were possibly made in order to make it appear that SM was alive and well when they were requested on Friday evening?

Let's say for arguments sake, that BM was entering his wife's FB acct.
7 Signs You're Being Facebook Stalked, Because OMG There Are So Many Clues
"When you check out your own profile, the selection of friends that Facebook displays as a preview to your entire friends list is not random but actually part of an algorithm that may give you insight into who has recently visited your profile. As this algorithm also brings up friends who you've contacted recently, spotting a name among pals who you haven't talked to could be a sign they’re Facebook stalking you, with the app placing them there as encouragement for you to reach out."
"To check where and when your account has been logged into you need to go to your security and login settings."

There was an oddly noted Check In status from her FB acct for Alexandria, Indiana on May 18, 2020. What was that for, if anyone knows? TIA

What are the theories on why the mention of her bicycle ride and the reward notice was dropped from her June and December Missing Posters?
@DeDee, I will try to answer your questions based on discussions we have had here on WS.
IRC the PYMK notices popped up on the FB pages of people on BM’s contact list on Saturday evening just before midnight. Someone here more familiar with FB said that these typically post at the end of the day and were populated when you sign in to FB from a different device and FB harvests names from the contact list of the device you are using. Because it seemed that it was BM’s friends, mostly male, who received the pop ups on their FB pages, it was possible that SM’s FB account was signed into on BM’s phone and his contact list was harvested and sent out to his contacts as PYMK. Most folks are of the opinion that BM had no idea this was happening.
The check in from IN on SM’s FB page was attributed to a family member.
It is popular opinion that the bike ride was dropped from the official LE missing person poster because LE now believes that SM never went on a bike ride that day.
The reward money was BM acting on his own and never in conjunction with LE. Usually this would be a joint venture with the family of the mp and LE appearing at a press conference to announce the reward. BM has never appeared at a press conference with LE, he did not even reveal his name or show his face when SM first disappeared. He had his nephew TN act as his spokesman and TN referred to BM as “the husband”. BM finally showed his face in the notorious 26 second FB plea for his wife’s return. Why did BM make this plea in a limited reach FB video instead of utilizing the power of the press?
@DeDee, I will try to answer your questions based on discussions we have had here on WS.
IRC the PYMK notices popped up on the FB pages of people on BM’s contact list on Saturday evening just before midnight. Someone here more familiar with FB said that these typically post at the end of the day and were populated when you sign in to FB from a different device and FB harvests names from the contact list of the device you are using. Because it seemed that it was BM’s friends, mostly male, who received the pop ups on their FB pages, it was possible that SM’s FB account was signed into on BM’s phone and his contact list was harvested and sent out to his contacts as PYMK. Most folks are of the opinion that BM had no idea this was happening.
The check in from IN on SM’s FB page was attributed to a family member.
It is popular opinion that the bike ride was dropped from the official LE missing person poster because LE now believes that SM never went on a bike ride that day.
The reward money was BM acting on his own and never in conjunction with LE. Usually this would be a joint venture with the family of the mp and LE appearing at a press conference to announce the reward. BM has never appeared at a press conference with LE, he did not even reveal his name or show his face when SM first disappeared. He had his nephew TN act as his spokesman and TN referred to BM as “the husband”. BM finally showed his face in the notorious 26 second FB plea for his wife’s return. Why did BM make this plea in a limited reach FB video instead of utilizing the power of the press?
Avoiding using the power of MSM for a wide and more effective appeal message could be that he only wanted to satisfy a small group that he was doing something.
@DeDee, I will try to answer your questions based on discussions we have had here on WS.
IRC the PYMK notices popped up on the FB pages of people on BM’s contact list on Saturday evening just before midnight. Someone here more familiar with FB said that these typically post at the end of the day and were populated when you sign in to FB from a different device and FB harvests names from the contact list of the device you are using. Because it seemed that it was BM’s friends, mostly male, who received the pop ups on their FB pages, it was possible that SM’s FB account was signed into on BM’s phone and his contact list was harvested and sent out to his contacts as PYMK. Most folks are of the opinion that BM had no idea this was happening.
The check in from IN on SM’s FB page was attributed to a family member.
It is popular opinion that the bike ride was dropped from the official LE missing person poster because LE now believes that SM never went on a bike ride that day.
The reward money was BM acting on his own and never in conjunction with LE. Usually this would be a joint venture with the family of the mp and LE appearing at a press conference to announce the reward. BM has never appeared at a press conference with LE, he did not even reveal his name or show his face when SM first disappeared. He had his nephew TN act as his spokesman and TN referred to BM as “the husband”. BM finally showed his face in the notorious 26 second FB plea for his wife’s return. Why did BM make this plea in a limited reach FB video instead of utilizing the power of the press?
The fact the facebook activity to males was on Saturday night fits in with my theory that she was killed that evening. BM was trying to make it look as if SM was acting irrationally. I think it was a quickly thought out plan about the "bike". MOO
BM’s short video (it still comes off as a man talking about a ex wife who was the cause of her own demise) was shared over 3k times, viewed over 300k times and was picked up on MSM & various True Crime platforms. It certainly made its rounds for being on Facebook. IMO
BM’s short video (it still comes off as a man talking about a ex wife who was the cause of her own demise) was shared over 3k times, viewed over 300k times and was picked up on MSM & various True Crime platforms. It certainly made its rounds for being on Facebook. IMO
See I thought that also . He makes it seem like she was the cause ... like she almost just took off ... that’s why I think he sent those friend requests .
We know SM’s bff was allegedly texting her sometime on Saturday and SM suddenly went silent. Her bff was in IN. I’m willing to bet SM kept in touch with quite a few of her old pals from back home. I’m sure LE wanted to talk to her closest friends to see what they might know of her personal life. I think it was one or more of these people that LE was trying to reach in their last press release with regards to social media apps. Who did she confide in? I’m sure they also wanted to talk to BM’s friends and employees from IN, too.
LE needs to find out if SM or BM may have had a relationship with a member of the opposite sex before leaving for CO. Was BM the jealous type? Did he feel intimidated if SM had a male friend even if it was a platonic relationship?
I don’t think LE believes the person who made SM disappear was from Indiana. If Broomfield was a planned job, I might say maybe. However, I think it highly unlikely that some stalker from IN went to CO and waited for SM to be alone so he could abduct her. The same could be said of a jealous wife.
I think Indiana definitely holds some clues but will not produce the perpetrator. MOO

RBBM: I agree unlikely, but definitely possible:

Police: 5 dead in Idaho after murders, suicide

This was my cousins children and grandchildren (and an unfortunate bystander). The guy drove all the way from Iowa to Idaho (almost non-stop) to do this. People that are obsessed and/or possessive can be quite determined and dangerous. MOO.

That said, MOO is that did not happen in this case.
BM’s short video (it still comes off as a man talking about a ex wife who was the cause of her own demise) was shared over 3k times, viewed over 300k times and was picked up on MSM & various True Crime platforms. It certainly made its rounds for being on Facebook. IMO
And THAT’s the irony! :) He was foolish enough to think it would remain contained :rolleyes:. Thanks BM! Way to go!! Every wannabe body language and language expert has decoded your 26 seconds of total nonsense :p! How did that work out for ya?!
RBBM: I agree unlikely, but definitely possible:

Police: 5 dead in Idaho after murders, suicide

This was my cousins children and grandchildren (and an unfortunate bystander). The guy drove all the way from Iowa to Idaho (almost non-stop) to do this. People that are obsessed and/or possessive can be quite determined and dangerous. MOO.

That said, MOO is that did not happen in this case.
That was horrific! So very sorry for your loss Barry :*(. Our world is unfortunately becoming sicker by the day. May they all RIP ❤️
Unfortunately new DA isnt bringing charges, so MOO they didn't/don't have what they need to prosecute a case.
Are you clairvoyant?? She’s only been in office for less than a month. This week, many of us were overjoyed to learn that after shortly OVER a year, the monsters that caused the death of a sweet, adorable 11 year old boy have been arrested and will likely not see the light of day for many, many years. Come on, have some faith! :)
RIP sweet Roman Lopez. Justice is coming! ❤️ This is our hope for Suzanne too!
IMO, I don't feel they're dotting the I's and crossing the T's yet, but they are close. It could well be that they are looking at not only a main charge for the obvious individual, but ancillary charges for others. If I'm the obvious individual, I wouldn't be feeling too comfortable. MOO.
Does anyone know the family's actual financial situation? It's really easy to offer a 100k reward when you know no one is going to find your wife. Do we think BM actually has/had the financial means to pay that reward out?
Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. It doesn’t matter really because he knows he will NEVER have to pay it out. Another irony. BM thought that would make him look like a loving husband that would do “whatever it takes” :rolleyes: “however much they want” :rolleyes: when in fact everyone could see right through him. I suspect he killed her over $$$, so it’s highly unlikely he’d pay anything to get her back, dead or alive. JMHO
Are you clairvoyant?? She’s only been in office for less than a month. This week, many of us were overjoyed to learn that after shortly OVER a year, the monsters that caused the death of a sweet, adorable 11 year old boy have been arrested and will likely not see the light of day for many, many years. Come on, have some faith! :)
RIP sweet Roman Lopez. Justice is coming! ❤️ This is our hope for Suzanne too!

True, but the transition started right after Nov 3.

I very much hope they discover more evidence.
See I thought that also . He makes it seem like she was the cause ... like she almost just took off ... that’s why I think he sent those friend requests .

I’m still not convinced of his guilt, but that’s how that video came off to me. His bizarre comment (paraphrasing) - if Suzanne could save one person she would think it’s worth it. Then his God talk (I tread lightly here). Maybe BM thinks she was interacting with someone on social media that she thought she could trust. She’s a lesson for all now.

I’ll say it. I think that home was weird with it’s ideals with who is good vs. who is bad. I’ll leave it at that to stay within TOS.

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