CocoaMom's Church Theory

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So, I got no feelings, saw nothing, and was generally dis-enchanted with the whole Bella Vida subdivision. One red dumpster, playground and everywhere, even new construction pretty clean work going on. The "nature preserve" area had high grasses that were all tromped down and if I was to venture a guess, this place has been gone through but we left (...) snipped

OMG ... this account was priceless! I sincerely hope that you two consider journaling all of your adventures together ... I think that you may have a serious career in writing ahead of you! Thanks for sharing ... and for taking the time to investigate ... you two represent the best of this forum!

Still LMAO
Looking only at June 8th, the only thing that really stands out for me is that she tells AH she's going to bed but very obviously she does not. She asks her to text (I guess so that the phone doesn't ring)???

The car stuff is interesting and I do remember reading various theories about it. Would be worth while looking over again...
Peculiar .... KC mentioned 'so did you find JP's keys?' to AH when she was tearing up the house looking for her $400 (that KC had actually stolen).

JP's keys to what? His car, apartment.....? Interesting
I am so surprised that JP hasn't been questioned at all! AH's comment that he didn't really like her is interesting enough to persue but there are many other reasons he would be interesting to hear from! The "keys" being one of them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were the keys to AH/RM's place...I wouldn't put it passed KC to let herself into various places when the occasion suited her.
FLKatz! Would you please add to the list (if we ever have time), I would love to see the tow yard - accesses, etc.

PS I had another epiphany last night and am working another theory that is flipping me out. Still involves the church but not just Casey - for hints, check her and Amy's texts from June 8 forward, yes, June 8 very carefully.

Don't keep the 16th as death date in your mind either - start thinking outside of that "box" of date of death....all we really know is it happened AFTER the 15th...go from there. Think about how hard she tried to get gas cans the wknd of the 27th. Why if she wanted to have the car stolen? hmmmm

This is gonna take me a couple days. Anyone know why or if they ever got computer searches from brother's house, or pings on all family members - GA, CA and LA? Could REALLY use those!!!

Few questions:

Had her car ever been towed before?
Did any of the A's have ANY associations with anyone who worked at tow yard?
Wasn't Annie part owner in a tow truck company that may have ties to this tow yard?
Where did GA work when he went to get her car?

I think I know:
1. Why LA has backed out of the picture.
2. Why that phone call from jail to home stuck in my mind so much and why it now makes perfect sense.
3. What caused Caylee's death.
4. Where her body (alive and dead) was up until the 1st of July.
5. Who else was involved.
6. That none of her friends were involved and knowing. Couple may have been involved slightly without knowing it.
7. That we will not be able to find Caylee without pings of the A family - and that is why LE didn't have a problem with releasing them to us.

Yes, I still believe she used the church and there may even be a possibility of evidence there but I don't know if I believe Caylee's remains are there - that theory is up in the air for me until I get this other one all sorted out.

OK, that's enough - I'm sure my PM box will be full in an hour! You get it - now get busy and help me figure it out!!

# 7 should be that LE "did" have a problem releasing the A's pings and texts, correct ? We haven't seen any of them that I'm aware of, and I REALLY want to see LA's and GA's pings especially.
CocoaMom and others, I started that Amy's totalled car thread! I have always believed this was the car talked about in the WW interview. I don't know how Cocoamom is working her theory, but I believe she put Caylee in AH's trunk.
This would also explain LA's late return to the A home following his visit to AL's apartment. I believe that key he had was to this totalled car and that he may have discovered the body. It would also explain why he made that weird statement to LE about "when I smelled that smell for the first time," as in he had already smelled that decomp scent in AH's car.

Make sense?
I don't know if I believe she left Caylee forever in AH trunk.....I'm unclear if AH's car was eventually towed from TL's apt to the A family's house??? Or was it taken to a junk yard????

I don't think a totalled and abandoned car in the Sutton Apts with that sort of smell coming from it would go without some investigation!

I am wondering if AH's car was taken to a junk yard or wrecker or something?
I am brain dead.

What would LA have to do with this?

Otherwise awesome theory. Forget the shuttle. You should join "H" on CSI!
# 7 should be that LE "did" have a problem releasing the A's pings and texts, correct ? We haven't seen any of them that I'm aware of, and I REALLY want to see LA's and GA's pings especially.

I don't think you are the only one. I believe there is a lot of people who've studied these pings who would like to see LA's pings for the time periods. Especially that 2-hour(?) period when he went to collect KC's things.
Lee was awfully quick at telling AH that he had found her key and 'destroyed' it. If you found a lone key, unless someone told you what it went to, how would you KNOW who's key it was right off the bat?.... Did KC whisper some information to Lee in the bedroom?...

The car was at TL's apt complex with a fitted cover over it, it didnt necessarily have to be the trunk that was used for the hiding spot, it may have been easier to pull up next to the car and open one of the back doors.

Curious also- did anybody notice if Lee had on different clothes when he returned from TL's apartment?
I am so surprised that JP hasn't been questioned at all! AH's comment that he didn't really like her is interesting enough to persue but there are many other reasons he would be interesting to hear from! The "keys" being one of them. I wouldn't be at all surprised if they were the keys to AH/RM's place...I wouldn't put it passed KC to let herself into various places when the occasion suited her.

I too am surprised we haven't seen any interview info on JPC, does anyone recall off hand if he is on the witness list? After all he does own the condo where Caylee was last seen by Ricardo and Amy and he is in the background of pics of Caylee. If nothing else but a character witness giving info about how Casey was with Caylee in his presence. It would be interesting to know if Casey's fingerprints were found in his room at this condo, not for sexual purposes but perhaps she did snooping all over the house while they were gone to PR.
Lee was awfully quick at telling AH that he had found her key and 'destroyed' it. If you found a lone key, unless someone told you what it went to, how would you KNOW who's key it was right off the bat?.... Did KC whisper some information to Lee in the bedroom?...

The car was at TL's apt complex with a fitted cover over it, it didnt necessarily have to be the trunk that was used for the hiding spot, it may have been easier to pull up next to the car and open one of the back doors.

Curious also- did anybody notice if Lee had on different clothes when he returned from TL's apartment?

OMG! You all are SOOOO right. Where is the text of the key convo w/LA?
KarenZ- refresh the main page, they have re-opened the thread "where is amy's totalled car?"

PS I love your avatar, it cracks me up every time i see you!
CocoaMom and others, I started that Amy's totalled car thread! I have always believed this was the car talked about in the WW interview. I don't know how Cocoamom is working her theory, but I believe she put Caylee in AH's trunk.
This would also explain LA's late return to the A home following his visit to AL's apartment. I believe that key he had was to this totalled car and that he may have discovered the body. It would also explain why he made that weird statement to LE about "when I smelled that smell for the first time," as in he had already smelled that decomp scent in AH's car.

Make sense?

Bolded by me - mom2chloe - Do you think LA knew where AH's totaled car was parked on that night? Do you believe it was still parked at TL's? 'Cause the texts leave it at TL's place, as far as I can see. Not a far stretch to think he went over there, looked at the computer, saw some things that worried him, looked through the bags, found the key, went out, checked the car...........Oh, boy.............go back in, wipe computer, re-pack bags very carefully, remove AH's checkbook, get story straight, go home tell story...........PHEW..........that could be done in two hours. I never could understand how picking up two bags and a laptop could take two hours. JMHO
I always thought that was weird that LA "destroyed" a car key. Who destroys keys? Just throw it out, why destroy?
CCM's new theory is a BOMBSHELL, and yes she should go to work for LE !! I just spoke to her (she's on her way home), we discussed it, and she's going to type it up, email it to me, and then me and hubby are going to go through it and try to poke holes in it, then I'm going to call her back.

CCM will then have it ready for you guys to try and poke holes in it hopefully before the NG show tonight.

just wanted to get this update to you.
CCM's new theory is a BOMBSHELL, and yes she should go to work for LE !! I just spoke to her (she's on her way home), we discussed it, and she's going to type it up, email it to me, and then me and hubby are going to go through it and try to poke holes in it, then I'm going to call her back.

CCM will then have it ready for you guys to try and poke holes in it hopefully before the NG show tonight.

just wanted to get this update to you.

You ladies are just awesome!!! Can't wait to hear her theory. This last one has created quite the buzz and has really got people back to sleuthing.
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