Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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It's horrible to crucify a victim who was shot in the face by her own son multiple times when you don't know all the facts yet.

Just because one person claims that the mom had her guns unlocked doesn't mean that's the truth. Maybe this person is speaking out because of his/her anger at the mom in the aftermath. Maybe s/he holds a grudge towards Nancy Lanza. Who really knows?

What needs to be done before you tar and feather NL is to wait for verification of facts from LE and Nancy Lanza's friends/family members.

Great post!!!

I agree with you to a certain extent regarding the mom's accountability. In my moralistic mind, I always feel the parents are responsible for their children, no matter how old they are. But that is only in my mind.

However, the fact that NL taught her unstable son to shoot and then went on vacation without a caretaker to watch over him, and might or might not have left her gun safe unlocked also attests to how much she trusted him.

I think she was mistaken to trust him, given his issues. But she was his mom, and I suppose she wanted to give him the unconditional love she thought he needed because of his challenges. Sometimes parents have the best intentions, but the consequences turn out wrong anyway, as it did in AL's case.

In the end, the executions were committed by AL alone, and he was an adult who evidently knew the difference between right and wrong. So the culpability of the mass shootings is AL's alone. I think until there is proven evidence of NL's negligence in leaving her gun safe unlocked, it's unfair to condemn her.

Maybe Nancy could'nt find anyone willing to watch AL while she was gone to New Hampshire?

Could be AL already had a reputation in tight knit Newtown as being "difficult" to deal with
Maybe Nancy could'nt find anyone willing to watch AL while she was gone to New Hampshire?

Could be AL already had a reputation in tight knit Newtown as being "difficult" to deal with

All the more reason NOT to leave him home alone with an arsenal. MOO
Has this been posted?? Was there no rifle used?

This is wrong. There were a lot of things reported wrongly, especially in the beginning. He used AR-15 rifle on his victims, and a handgun on himself. He used a different rifle on his mother.
Yes. The kid who never left the basement and had his mom bring him salads while he shot people up all day on video games. He would have masterminded a plan to b and e and steal an arsenal equivalent to that found in mommy's basement, unlocked. Where he basically lived.

And mom knew he wasn't quite right.

That's like saying it's okay to legalize and hand out crack and heroin because junkies will just get it anyway.

She was not a "responsible" gun owner and the way she is being defended makes me suspect that leaving weapons lying about is more the norm than the exception. And that scares the bejeezus out of me.

26 innocent people got murdered and the only response by some is to whine about publicly available information being printed in the newspaper. Which I agree that while not illegal, was disgusting and in poor taste.

But please, put it in perspective. Some of these children had half of their faces blown off. Or worse. Having your name printed in the paper is hardly the same.


The only thing that I was intending to say was that if he wasplanning on using guns to go on a shooting spree, I don't think the guns being locked up or even if there were no guns in the house would have made a difference if he was bound and determined to murder 27 people. After seeing so much mis-information and mis-reporting and mistakes made by all forms of the media, the only thing that I believe at this moment is that he shot and killed 27 people, and that it wasn't just something he thought up to do that morning or even the day before.
Why is everyone accepting a NY tabloid newspaper's anonymously sourced, single-sourced claim that the firearms were kept in an unlocked closet?

Frankly the media is guilty of extraordinary malpractice in their coverage of the shooter and his family. At this point we are well past the time that ethically such information from an anonymous source that is unverified has no purpose except to be titillating and sell papers by reporting speculation as fact. I'm disgusted by the media's behaviour.

Also I want to highlight that the ONLY source for Nancy Lanza's alleged vacation is a Rita Cosby report on CNN. Given Miss Cosby's track record I really am uncomfortable with accepting this as fact.
Has this been posted?? Was there no rifle used?

Today Show - no rifles used in Newtown shooting. - YouTube

This clip is making the rounds on Facebook....

Makes me Wonder and QUESTION all the Hoop-La about the Rifle...was it really used or NOT?????

I couldn't get the above YouTube clip to play...Here is the url from FB:

This is the narrative on FB:

So they finally had to come out and admit it, now that the Coroner has released some info along with police.

An AR-15, or the so-called "Assault Weapon", was not used in the school shooting. The shooter even tried weeks earlier to buy a rifle but was turned down in the background check. So he had to kill his Mother to steal her rifle. There were initial reports, right after the shooting, that police found the AR-15 in his car, NOT IN THE SCHOOL. The rifle was not used. The shooter went into the school with 4 handguns, NOT an Assault Rifle as the media has charged. I remember in the initial hours of this shooting, the Police said they found the rifle in the car. But the Administration-controlled MSM had a pre-planned attack already waiting, to ban so-called assault weapons and jumped on that line of reporting, knowing it was a lie, which included people like Piers Morgan who said the shooter used an AR-15 that shoots hundreds of rounds per minute, as if it were a machine gun. Could it be that the Democrat Liberals and THEIR MEDIA were pushing for the new law, hoping they could do it, before the Coroner released the info? Absolutely

After reading the last few days....

I personally Do Not think that the "Family Friend" quoted in the NY Daily Mail was a real person. I "think," IIRC, the newspaper is owned by Rupert Murdock and he is the British guy that owned the newspaper that caused someone to die because of some hidden 911 calls. It is way too late to google for the correct facts. Will work on "fact checking" tomorrow!

Dar God Please Bess the Families of Sandy Hook School Victims & Nancy Lanza's Family!
I believe that stuff is the conspiracy theory junk going around the net
I believe that stuff is the conspiracy theory junk going around the net

ITA. It's nonsense. He used AR-15 on his victims. He used handgun on himself. He used another rifle on his mother. He also had a rifle in the trunk of the car. His mother had many guns, so he could pick and choose. And he didn't try to buy a gun-why would he? Lots of guns already in the house.
It is addressed on snopes. The NBC thing aired on December 15th before details were clear. It isn't as major as the conspiracy theory that the whole thing is made up but the current sources say it was the assault rifle used and he used a hand gun on himself and there was another rifle in the car. It isn't a current newscast and the details in the first few days were not reliable. There was confusion over the events and they are asking people who probably didn't know that particular detail.
He didn't try to buy a gun. That story was debunked. It was a case of mistaken identity-somebody else tried to buy a gun. Not AL. Why would AL need to buy a gun? Considering his mother kept all kind of guns in their house.

Whether it be knives or guns, if you left a weapon accessible to someone you knew was mentally unstable, I think a very good case could be made in civil court that you carried some responsibility. I think there will be wrongful death actions filed against Nancy Lanza's estate by the families impacted by her decisions.

Whether it be knives or guns, if you left a weapon accessible to someone you knew was mentally unstable, I think a very good case could be made in civil court that you carried some responsibility. I think there will be wrongful death actions filed against Nancy Lanza's estate by the families impacted by her decisions.

Well, I don't think there are specific gun storage laws in CT. The ones that I found pertain specifically to minors, which in this case would be moot because AL was not a minor. You're going to have a hard time getting a court to agree that a mentally unstable person, especially one that was never diagnosed previously with violent tendencies, is a threat to commit a mass shooting when there are firearms in the home, locked up or not.

It's always easy to second guess after the fact. I do agree that all firearms should be secured to a certain extent, especially when it comes to minors in the home. But this idea that she should of known to lock up her guns because he had the potential to shoot up a bunch of kids is a pretty weak argument. She took him to shooting ranges, why would she ever believe that her child was violent enough to commit such a crime? Show me any parent who thinks that their child is capable of such a horrible tragedy, mental illness or not.
Agreed about the conspiracy nutjobs. They have accused everyone from Tony Hawk to Michael McDonald of MadTv as being "crisis actors" and that there were no real victims.

Dang liberal media faking a shooting just to get our guns.

It would be easier to dismiss them as the bunch of crazies they are if they weren't sending death threats to Gene Rosen. Instead they should be arrested rather than dismissed.
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