Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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Newtown Interfaith "Debacle" Prompts More Apologies

Missouri Synod president Matthew C. Harrison: "I increased the pain of a hurting community."

Caleb K. Bell, Religion News Service [ posted 2/12/2013 8:06AM ]

The president of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) apologized for his role in the "debacle" that led him to publicly reprimand a pastor in Newtown, Conn., for praying at an interfaith service following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

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This Valentine's Day, Promise Your Love to Newtown

Sandy Hook Promise Launches #1MillionHearts for Newtown To Keep Sandy Hook Elementary and the Community of Newtown in Our Hearts this February 14th

Press Release: Sandy Hook Promise – 12 hours ago

NEWTOWN, Conn., Feb. 12, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Valentine's Day marks the two month anniversary of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT that took the lives of 20 first graders and six educators. As we celebrate those we love this year, Sandy Hook Promise is asking Americans to keep the community of Newtown in their hearts with its #1MillionHearts for Newtown campaign.

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I was looking at the tumblr page that had all the cards sent to Newtown. It looks like many, many elementary schools across the country made cards for the victims.
Citing Newtown, Obama asks action on guns

Charles J. Lewis

Published 12:00 am, Wednesday, February 13, 2013

WASHINGTON -- Painful memories of the Newtown massacre loomed over President Barack Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night. A Newtown audience of honored guests sat high in the gallery, looking down on Congress as Obama urged the lawmakers to enact new laws on firearms.

Obama cited the shootings that killed 20 students and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary School and pleaded with Congress to bring different pieces of gun legislation to a vote.

"It has been two months since Newtown," Obama said toward the end of his hour-long address. "I know this is not the first time this country has debated how to reduce gun violence. But this time is different. Overwhelming majorities of Americans -- Americans who believe in the 2nd Amendment -- have come together around common-sense reform like background checks that will make it harder for criminals to get their hands on a gun."

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

12:00 AM

Greg Kesich: Newtown calls for different thinking on mental illness

We can't cut services and community support and then blame families when things go horribly wrong.

Were there 26, 27 or 28? So many details of the Newtown mass murder have been burned into our memories, but the number of victims remains elusive.

There were 20 first-graders. We all know that. We cried when we saw their school pictures on television. Then there were the six adults who put their bodies between the children and a killer. That made some of us proud.

But then there are the other two, Adam Lanza, who ended the day's violence by shooting himself, and his mother Nancy, who was killed in her bed, making her the first to die. Do they count?

They usually don't make the list. If Nancy Lanza hadn't made her guns available and Adam Lanza hadn't pulled the trigger, those children and their teachers would be back at school today and most of us would have never heard of Sandy Hook Elementary.

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:heartluv::heartbeat::valentine: Remembering the children on Valentines day
Two months later... My prayers continue to go out to the Sandy Hook community.
I lived in that area of CT for 5/6 years. I'm not even sure why I'm saying this, but this part of CT, at least, struck me as a very dark place - old, brooding. I had many strange things happen to me in this area. The shooting did not surprise me.

My opinion only
Sandy Hook shooting-inspired donated books being shipped out

In the eight weeks since a Slippery Rock University professor urged people from Pennsylvania and beyond to buy a book, read it to their child and donate it in memory of the 26 first-graders and staff shot dead in Connecticut, nearly 10,000 books have been collected in six states, organizers say.

To mark the effort's conclusion, leaders of the "We can Read" drive have prepared Valentine's Day greetings for delivery to Sandy Hook Elementary, to officials of Newtown, Conn., and to the parents of 6-year-old Emilie Parker, one of the victims whose love of reading became the impetus for the drive.

Meanwhile, books collected by more than two dozen organizations and individuals are making their way to schools, libraries and other child-serving organizations in or near communities where the book donors live.
Sandy Hook Tragedy Spurs Request for New Police Officers

Monroe currently has a school resource officer (SRO) at Masuk High School and Jockey Hollow Middle School. Due to increased community demand, Chief John Salvatore is asking for three new officers for the town's elementary schools.

The three officers would add $139,725 in salaries and $8,800 worth of equipment to the operating budget.

"As a result of the Sandy Hook incident, policing has changed in this area," Salvatore told Town Council members during a budget workshop Wednesday night. "We're expected to create a sense of security at these schools, but don't have the resources."

In addition to having officers in Monroe's five schools, Salvatore has two more stationed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Fan Hill Road and has had to use overtime to pay for it all.

"The U.S. Justice Department is a potential funding source," Salvatore said, adding his hope that Monroe's unique situation of taking in and securing Sandy Hook Elementary School will be considered when it requests reimbursement money.
Sandy Hook Reaction Panel: Mental Healthy, Media, Masculinity and Guns: A Discussion

On Feb 12, Hiner 201 overflowed with people who came to hear the panel on Sandy Hook and America’s reaction to the tragic event. There were five confirmed speakers on the panel: Dr. Jennifer Apperson and Dr. Danette Gibbs of psychology, Dr. Kristen Nugent of social work, Dr. David Magill of English/women and gender studies, Dr. Agnich in sociology, and Professor Jeff Halliday in communication studies.

“The goal is to open up an honest dialogue and to really get the different perspectives of sociology and psychology and social work involved to really bridge the gap and work as citizen leaders to move forward because no one simple solution is going to fix this, and I think that an open discussion is really the first step, both here in Farmville and nationwide,” said Paige Reitz, one of the students in charge of the panel.

The goal of the panel was to do just that: to get a frank and honest discussion flowing through the room after the five aforementioned speakers had finished their topic.
In wake of Sandy Hook, Blunt sponsors mental health bills

In response to December’s Newtown, Conn., shooting, Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., is co-sponsoring three pieces of legislation aimed at improving diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses.

Blunt introduced the Excellence in Mental Health Act, a bill that would strengthen community mental health centers, with Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., on Thursday.

“Millions of people suffer from diagnosable mental disorders across America,” Blunt said in a news release. “But too often, we neglect or miss the warning signs of an individual suffering from a mental health crisis, and we fail to help them in their time of need.”
NASCAR, Swan Racing, Michael Waltrip announce Sandy Hook tribute car

NASCAR, Swan Racing and Michael Waltrip will do their part to contribute funding and awareness to the Sandy Hook relief effort with a custom-designed car to run in next week's Daytona 500.

Waltrip, the two-time Daytona 500 winner, will run for Swan Racing in the No. 26 car, a change from Swan's usual No. 30. The number 26 will be a tribute to the 20 children and six adults killed in the Sandy Hook massacre.

NASCAR president Brian France, whose family knew many of the victims, donated $50,000 to the Sandy Hook School Support fund, and NASCAR matched that. Fans can also donate $10 by texting NEWTOWN to 80888.
Another article - bit more in depth.

NASCAR, Waltrip, Swan Racing help Newtown heal

Two-time Daytona 500 winner Michael Waltrip joined France, NASCAR’s Chief Communications Officer Brett Jewkes, Swan Racing owner Brandon Davis and Michael Waltrip Racing Executive Vice President of Business Development and General Manager Ty Norris on a private visit to Newtown last week, when they spoke with town officials and spent time with victim's families and the first responders.

There were no reporters. It wasn't a made-for-TV moment. It was a time of genuine comfort and heartfelt outreach.

And it was just the beginning.

"One thing I can tell you for sure, is that there will be a whole lot of people in Sandy Hook and Newtown rooting for Michael and the No 26 car," Halstead said. "It will be something positive to rally around, and there will be smiles on faces that haven't smiled in quite a while."

NASCAR will utilize its biggest stage, the Feb. 24 Daytona 500, to not only bring awareness to the Newtown cause but to make an immediate difference.

"I know from history, that when we rally for the right causes, our millions of fans join us, they always do," France said.
Newtown schools superintendent under scrutiny

Nanci G. Hutson | Updated 11:38 pm, Thursday, February 14, 2013

NEWTOWN -- She brought House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to tears while testifying in Washington about the need for gun control after 20 first-graders and six educators were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

She brought members of the state's General Assembly to a standing ovation.

She has been one of the faces of Newtown nationally, through TV interviews on CNN and MSNBC.

But apparently, Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson cannot appease the town's Board of Education chairman and some other irritated members.

The longtime educator is in danger of losing her job...

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The families of Dawn Hochsprung, Lauren Rousseau, Mary Sherlach, Victoria Soto, Rachel D'Avino, and Ann Marie Murphy received the Presidential Citizens Medals today. You can watch the ceremony at
The 27th Victim: Nancy Lanza Is Subject Of 'Frontline' Documentary

Padmananda Rama and Bill Chappell

February 15, 2013 5:03 AM

TEXT & VIDEO (Courtesy of 'Frontline, ... preview of the documentary.)

The lives of the 26 people murdered by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School last December were eulogized and celebrated after the tragedy. But many discussions about Lanza's first victim, his mother, Nancy, were marked by both sympathy and suspicion, particularly as the news emerged that she had taken her son to shooting ranges.

An upcoming PBS Frontline documentary seeks a more nuanced view of Nancy Lanza, and by extension, her son Adam. The documentary, Raising Adam Lanza, provides details about Nancy Lanza and her son, the young man who has often been described as smart, aloof, and painfully awkward. (Frontline has posted its video preview here.)

"He was resistant to any type of touching. He had been diagnosed very early with something called Sensory Integration Disorder," The Hartford Courant's Alaine Griffin tells NPR's Linda Wertheimer in a Morning Edition interview. "And what that essentially did is... he wasn't able to guide touch and smell and sight. He wasn't able to, sort of, process things to do with his senses. And we learn that Nancy was very sad at the fact that he couldn't love her back."

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