Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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Investigators recover Lanza computer data

John Pirro | Michael P. Mayko | Ken Dixon | Published 10:23 pm, Saturday, February 16, 2013

NEWTOWN -- Investigators have succeeded in recovering some data from one of the damaged hard drives in a computer used by Adam Lanza and have subpoenaed computers of people they believe were in contact with the Sandy Hook mass murderer, a law enforcement source said Friday.

Another smashed hard drive still is being reconstructed by technicians with the U.S. Department of Defense, the source said.

Authorities are particularly interested in what relationships Lanza had within the online and video game communities, hoping there may be clues about what provoked him to shoot his mother to death and then kill 20 first-graders and six educators at the Sandy Hook Elementary School on the morning of Dec. 14.

Earlier in their investigation, State Police had found a trove of violent gaming material at the Newtown home Lanza shared with his mother, Nancy.

Lanza attempted to destroy the computer hard drives either on the day of the shootings or shortly earlier.

Investigators also have concluded that Adam Lanza's mother did not restrict his access to the Bushmaster rifle and three other guns he took to Sandy Hook school to embark on his killing spree, according to another law enforcement source familiar with the investigation.

Nancy Lanza "had the means to secure the weapons" inside the Yogananda Street home she shared with her 20-year-old son, but the security measures she employed didn't include keeping them away from Adam, the source said...

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THANK GOODNESS!! I hope every day that they will find some sort of answer - anything! - to what caused AL to snap.
"Investigators have succeeded in recovering some data from one of the damaged hard drives in a computer used by Adam Lanza and have subpoenaed computers of people they believe were in contact with the Sandy Hook mass murderer, a law enforcement source said Friday.

Another smashed hard drive still is being reconstructed by technicians with the U.S. Department of Defense, the source said."

"Investigators also have concluded that Adam Lanza's mother did not restrict his access to the Bushmaster rifle and three other guns he took to Sandy Hook school to embark on his killing spree, according to another law enforcement source familiar with the investigation.

Nancy Lanza "had the means to secure the weapons" inside the Yogananda Street home she shared with her 20-year-old son, but the security measures she employed didn't include keeping them away from Adam, the source said"

Interesting. So AL did have communications with other people online. I wonder if their communications were restricted to gaming activities or they actually discussed real life.

Authorities are saying the mom was lax in locking up her guns. But AL was an adult at time of shootings. Can the mom still be held accountable for her son's actions, and her estate be sued by victims of the shootings? :waitasec:
Courant/FRONTLINE Investigation: Raising Adam Lanza

Who Was Adam Lanza, And What Was The Nature Of His Relationship With His Mother?

---- TEXT & VIDEO ----

By ALAINE GRIFFIN, and JOSH KOVNER, jkovner@courant.comThe Hartford Courant
5:00 a.m. EST, February 15, 2013

Shortly after her move from New Hampshire to Newtown in 1998, Nancy Lanza had good news about her troubled son.

"Adam is doing well here, and seems to be enjoying the new school," Lanza wrote to a friend back in Kingston, N.H. in a Feb. 9, 1999 email.

But Adam, 6, then diagnosed with a condition that left him vulnerable to sensory overload, eventually struggled in the classroom at his new school – Sandy Hook Elementary.

Read the rest of The Hartford Courant’s examination of the life of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza and his mother, Nancy, in Sunday’s Courant.

The two-part episode of FRONTLINE’s Raising Adam Lanza and Newtown Divided premieres Tuesday, Feb, 19, at 10 p.m. on PBS.


From the link.

Although he had played musical instruments, studied foreign languages and had a part-time job at a computer shop, Adam remained isolated and distant.

And there was good news about her younger son, Adam, who had been diagnosed with the sensory disorder before she left New Hampshire. Adam had a birthday party, with 26 "new friends."

By May of that year, Adam was even performing in plays.

"Adam has taken it very seriously, even practicing facial expressions in the mirror!" Lanza wrote in an email to LaFontaine.

Never knew Adam Lanza played musical instruments and held a job. Seung-Hui Cho was even more recluse than Lanza. However, Cho was an immigrant from South Korea, unlike Lanza, who was born in America.

But when Lanza again raised the possibility of moving to a smaller town with smaller schools, a professional in the Newtown system told her that Adam needed stability and that moving would be the worst thing she could do, the family member said.

I think Lanza did not like being uprooted and was a creature of habit. He likes routine and stability. I think that made him really angry about being uprooted and having his comfort zone disrupted.

I wonder if in his computer he made references to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Seung-Hui Cho, Oklahoma City Bombing, 9/11, etc.
Yes ... Very good article!

As promised they posted in on Sunday, which is today...

That article could be read all in one page there .... HERE:,0,5614292,full.story

They even have a photo there of "Adam Lanza, second row, second from left, is pictured with his first grade class at Sandy Hook Elementary School from the 1998-1999 school year."
They have a better photo of AL in first grade right at PBS site ... HERE:

or HERE it is
the “Frontline” segments seem to fit in well with these other PBS efforts (as all news outlets continue to work to help avoid rampage killings):

‰ “PBS Newshour” Monday at 7 p.m. will go to Aurora, Colo., site of the movie theater massacre last summer.

‰ Tuesday the same show will explore violent video games and violent behavior.

‰ The 9 p.m. Tuesday special will be “Guns in America,” about gun technology changes since the Colonial era and Americans’ love affair with guns.

‰ Wednesday at 9, “Nova” nad correspondent Miles O’Brien look into the “Mind of a Rampage Killer.”

‰ At 10 p.m. Wednesay, “The Path to Violence” lists law-enforcement strategies implemented since Columbine in 1999.

‰ Thursday, “PBS Newshour” will have a segment on the increase in gun license applications since Newtown.

‰ Friday “Newshour” looks at gun violence as a public health issue. The 8 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Friday PBS shows “Washington Week with Gwen Ifill” and “Need to Know” will also look at related issues.

Richard Graziano, publisher, president and CEO of the Hartford Courant and general manager of Fox CT and WCCT, said Fox CT footage was also being used in the “Frontline” program.

Darkman, you do a honorable job of keeping updates for this thread.
:cheer: :thewave:
February 15, 2013 7:20 PM

Husband of Newtown victim remembers wife as hero

By Steve Hartman

---- TEXT & VIDEO ----

CBS News) NEWTOWN, Conn. -- After 31 years of marriage, Bill Sherlach says he and his wife had fallen into a routine -- every morning pretty much the same.

However, for whatever reason, on the morning of December 14, Bill did something different.

"She was coming across the kitchen floor, and I grab her and I give her a big hug and we had a big kiss," he says. "Now most mornings, it's grab the coffee, out the door, what's on the schedule. Not that morning. Not that morning."

It's the only consolation in what has been an otherwise inconsolable new year.

"There's just a huge part that's gone," Bill says.

Later that day, 56-year-old school psychologist Mary Sherlach became one of the six adult victims of the Sandy Hook shooting.

Read more:

So thankful he has that memory of her. I always make it a point to kiss Mr Swamp each time we part and also each night before we go to sleep. It's important because you never know when your last time to have a chance to do it will be. Even if he has jumped up and down on my last nerve, I still love him and tell him so. Don't care if he thinks I am goofy for doing so or not.
Yes ... Very good article!

As promised they posted in on Sunday, which is today...

That article could be read all in one page there .... HERE:,0,5614292,full.story

They even have a photo there of "Adam Lanza, second row, second from left, is pictured with his first grade class at Sandy Hook Elementary School from the 1998-1999 school year."

Very interesting story! Thanks for the link. Something I found interesting:

The Lanzas had joint custody of Adam, who was 17 in 2009, although he lived with his mother.

After the divorce, Peter Lanza continued to see his sons weekly, taking them skiing, hiking, rock climbing, to coin shows and on overnights at his Stamford apartment, the person who has recently been in touch with Peter Lanza said...

But during the following year, 2010, Adam severed all contact with his father.

"Something happened with Adam," the person in touch with Lanza said. "Given the amount of time they were spending with each other, it was a sudden shift."

During this period, Adam also cut contacts with his brother, Ryan, who lived in Hoboken, N.J., and worked at a New York City financial firm.

Around this time, in 2010, Nancy Lanza was no longer in communication with her younger brother, James Champion, a military veteran and a ranking officer with Kingston police. Adam had looked up to his Uncle Jim, but Nancy began to discourage Adam from emulating his uncle, according to LaFontaine.

LaFontaine said he ran into Champion in Kingston in 2011 or early 2012 and asked him about his sister. By that time, after 10 years of regular contact, Nancy Lanza was no longer communicating regularly with LaFontaine.

"'I haven't heard from her in a while,'" LaFontaine said Champion told him. "And he looked down at the ground and he looked sad and he said, 'I don't know, she's not talking to me anymore.'"


This strikes me as very odd. Both AL and NL cut off contact with loved ones at the same time. :waitasec::waitasec: With the mention of NL discouraging AL from emulating her brother, I wonder if she played a hand in his decision to cut off contact with his father and brother? Peter was seeing AL weekly supposedly. It sounds like AL had a good relationship with him, his brother, and his uncle - three male role models - and suddenly, without explanation, he cuts off contact with two and his mother cuts off contact with the third. Then he is left with his mother. I think at the end of the day the relationship between AL and NL is going to be the key to this. Add to that the verification that AL shot NL four times at close range...
Newtown shooter motivated by Norway massacre, sources say (CBS News)
Law enforcement sources say Adam Lanza was motivated by violent video games and a strong desire to kill more people than another infamous mass murderer.

Sources say Lanza saw himself as being in direct competition with Anders Breivik, a Norwegian man who killed 77 people in July 2011.
Two officials who have been briefed on the Newtown, Conn., investigation say Lanza wanted to top Breivik's death toll and targeted nearby Sandy Hook Elementary School because it was the "easiest target" with the "largest cluster of people."
more at the link
The "breaking news" about a possible motive in the Sandy Hook shootings is coming up this hour on CNN.

EDITOR'S NOTE: In response to this piece, Lt. J. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police told CBS News that the investigation into the motive for the Newtown shooting has not been completed and therefore any statements about the shooter's intent are mere speculation.

Hmm... I'm not too sure about this article. It says that AL shot at police in the parking lot and I thought that had been debunked already. :waitasec:
Yes ... Very good article!

As promised they posted in on Sunday, which is today...

That article could be read all in one page there .... HERE:,0,5614292,full.story

They even have a photo there of "Adam Lanza, second row, second from left, is pictured with his first grade class at Sandy Hook Elementary School from the 1998-1999 school year."

Yes, great article. It's good to finally learn more.

So suddenly, when she pulls him out of there, he loses all those support groups," Novia said. "He loses the tech club team he was involved in. He loses friends that he had made to a limited degree. He loses his special ed, he loses his school psychologist, he loses the devoted school administrators."

According to a person who has been in touch with Peter Lanza recently, Nancy Lanza never told Adam's father about any frustration with the school. The person spoke on the condition that he not be named.

Novia said he was also surprised that Nancy exposed her son to firearms.
"It's a serious mistake, first of all," he said. "If you have a child in the home with mental disorders, or learning disabilities, to have involved him with guns in the first place would be bad."

Novia owns several firearms and has taught shooting classes, and he carries a concealed pistol at certain times. He said that even shooting with Adam in the controlled environment of a shooting range was a mistake for his mother, given Adam's psychological conditions.

...He said the guns and the violent video games Adam played may well have been an unhealthful combination for a troubled boy.

I wonder how things would have been different had Adam stayed in school. I still don't understand NL decisions. Three things stick out ... cutting out family (not sure though who wanted that or why), taking him out of school and not utilizing their resources, and the guns/video games/isolated basement. I really can't understand how she thought he was going to become more independent.
Yes, great article. It's good to finally learn more.


I wonder how things would have been different had Adam stayed in school. I still don't understand NL decisions. Three things stick out ... cutting out family (not sure though who wanted that or why), taking him out of school and not utilizing their resources, and the guns/video games/isolated basement. I really can't understand how she thought he was going to become more independent.

I think he really wanted independence on his terms. I have to wonder if being shuffled to different schools played a role.
I think he really wanted independence on his terms. I have to wonder if being shuffled to different schools played a role.

That could be but it also seems he could have been benefiting by the tech club and so forth. IDK, I can't tell if some of this was NL deciding she knew better than many professionals or if it was a delicate balance and maybe she gave in or?? I'm somehow not glomming onto "Adam really wanted to just be alone in that dark basement" ... even if he expressed some or even strong desire towards that.
Adam Lanza 'wanted to kill more people than Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik and he picked Sandy Hook because it had the most potential targets'

Adam Lanza killed 27 people in Connecticut, including 20 school children and his own mother

Anders Breivik killed 77 in Norway, eight died in a car bombing on the capital and he murdered 69 more at a summer camp

Police probing whether Lanza may have been a copying video game as he went room-to-room firing a Bushmaster assault rifle at the school

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EDITOR'S NOTE: In response to this piece, Lt. J. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police told CBS News that the investigation into the motive for the Newtown shooting has not been completed and therefore any statements about the shooter's intent are mere speculation.

Hmm... I'm not too sure about this article. It says that AL shot at police in the parking lot and I thought that had been debunked already. :waitasec:
They would debunk most of things .. obviously so .. including this article ... they want to keep all of this a top secret, for some reason...

Very possibly Lanza did shoot at police .. shortly before killing himself .. maybe he figured, he had nothing to lose .. so shot some at them .. - but i am wondering then .. how ?? .. Through the windows or somethng?

So who knows.. surely not me :waitasec:

I recently read somewhere that some sources report Lanza's car was video captured at Newtown High school .. short time before shooting occured ... but they say it was quite heavy police presence at the High school (some drugs problem or something like that) .. and that he that more likely decided to go do his shooting at Sandy Hook ... where would be much easier to shoot small kids, with no police presence...

I don't know of course.. - with this case anything is possible..

ON CNN now: Breaking NEWS: Wolf saying "the old story" (for us anyhow) .. possibly connection to Norway shooter .. that the reports are Lanza wanted to compete with him in some sort ...

Who knows, anyhow..... both of those = sick puppies :(
LETTER: Horrified By Lanza Story On Page 1

7:13 p.m. EST, February 18, 2013

Glancing at The Courant Sunday morning, I was at first dismayed and then horrified to see Adam Lanza's picture on the front page [Feb. 17, "Raising Adam Lanza"].

While I am thankful not to have any relatives or friends in the Newtown area, like many others I am sensitive to their loss. I feel the placement of this article, no matter how well written, should have been elsewhere in the paper.

< SNIP >

Was this an attempt to sell papers? If so, I think the paper sunk to a new low. If not, perhaps it was simply bad judgment?

Read more:,0,4873670.story
Adam Lanza's Interest In Deadly Norway Attack May Have Sparked Sandy Hook Massacre

By DAVE ALTIMARI and EDMUND H. MAHONY, daltimar@courant.comThe Hartford Courant
9:48 p.m. EST, February 18, 2013

Investigators have a theory that Adam Lanza's interest in Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik might have led to the Dec. 14 massacre that left 20 children and six women dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The theory is based in part on several news articles about Breivik that investigators found in one of Lanza's two bedrooms at the Newtown home where he lived with his mother, Nancy Lanza, according to law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation.

The sources emphasized that an interest in Breivik is just one theory. Sources said Connecticut law enforcement officials traveled to Washington, D.C., last week to brief unidentified federal authorities on the status of the investigation and discussed the possible Breivik connection.

Read more:,0,2271299.story


They are talking on AC 360 now .. about this ...
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