Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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my husband shot himself with a Glock in the forearm 1996
while cleaning his gun...took the magazine out...
one was still in the chamber. BAM!
I DID NOT wants guns in my home!
45 hollow point..
9 surgeries... two bone grafts and a skin graft later
He is LUCKY he even still has an arm!

Now I don't have guns in the home!
My dad is an avid collector... they scare me!

So very sorry to hear this. Glad he is doing ok.
The assault rifle is banned in Connecticut.(from CNN)

Unless it was purchased prior to I think 1993 at which point it wound have been grandfathered in. Makes me wonder if it was maybe her ex's and she got it in the divorce? I'm not sure on what all of the laws are in CT. I do know they have some of the toughest in the states, so not sure how she had one registered in her name if it was purchased after the ban.


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If only it were that easy.

DH has a client whose mother was trying to get him an inpatient bed for months, as he became more and more violently agressive.. "sorry no beds" was what she heard everywhere.. until? He almost killed his caseworker then magically they had all kinds of beds and money to throw at him. :banghead:

In the last week he's had a coworker have a broken nose,another beaten bloody, others bit scratched and kicked, and what happens at the end of the day? Those kids go back to school the next day, and they go home because the system has no "place" for them.

And now dh, and the majority of his kids will have to deal with all of that plus the giant stigma of "autism=violent killer" that is going to permeate for the next little while and going to make their outings/school days hell. :furious:

I know so sorry. jmo
So very sorry to hear this. Glad he is doing ok.

Don't be! He was being LAZY! YOU ALWAYS check the barrel
before cleaning and wiping it down!!

I was praying to get those guns out of my house!
not like that!
but... be careful what ya wish for I guess!
I am off to bed. I have been glued to the TV and computer since the news broke. My eyes are burning and I doubt we will get any more answers until at least tomorrow. I am sure the local authorities will be working on this 24/7. Such a sad day. Please continue to pray for all involved.
I do have sympathy for his mother, she did have guns and they where registered to her, but she did not go and shoot people. Her own baby whom she loved murdered her. The mother probably never thought in a million years her son was a murderer or would do harm to anyone, If she did I'm sure she wouldn't have purchased the guns and had them around her son.

It's truly terrible for all involved. Only one person is responsible for this. If he wanted out of this world he should have took his life and left everyone else alone. He was selfish cold and caculating. Everyone involved has my deepest sympathy.

Sadly, she is dead too. Her parents are grieving as well.
I'm watching ABC News coverage now and it was stated that both the Mother and Father owned guns of these types.
I'm questioning this. What mother has a semi-automatic?. IMO

I know semi-automatic sounds scarier, but IIRC from the OK. case where the two little girls were gunned down on the side of the road, it merely refers to how the bullet is loaded and fired. Both revolvers and semi-automatics only fire one bullet per trigger pull. But they are loaded differently. One uses a cartridge, the other uses a chamber.
In SC you need a Dr. and a probate judge. They won't just commit someone based on another person's testimony. It's a serious undertaking.
Also he was an adult, so that alone complicates things.

And often, people can hold it together long enough to make it through a mental review by examiners. I have a close family member who has been diagnosed with various disorders, including paranoid schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder etc. He exhibited a lot of scary behavior, like taking my moms love seat out in the back yard and stabbing it with an ice pick hundreds of times. And covering the TV screen with black construction paper because the people were watching him from behind the glass.

And even then, we had to fight to get him admitted, for a grand total of three days. He is very smart and articulate, and can interview well, and can block out the voices for long enough to fool the authorities.
Adam Lanza is recalled as a ‘rambunctious kid’ with family problems

A really rambunctious kid, as one former neighbor in Newtown, Conn., recalled him, adding that he was on medication. He was a son of an accountant and a schoolteacher. A family member told investigators that he had a form of autism, a law enforcement official said.

His parents, Nancy and Peter Lanza, separated about a decade ago, and his mother, a kindergarten teacher at Sandy Hook, remained in the family’s home with her sons, Adam and Ryan Lanza, according to Ryan Kraft, 25, who was a neighbor.

The separation hit the children hard, Kraft recalled.

When Nancy Lanza would go out to dinner with friends, she sometimes relied on Kraft to watch Adam Lanza, who was too boisterous for Ryan Lanza to manage. “He would have tantrums,” Kraft said. “They were much more than the average kid [had].” Yet he was not prone to violence, Kraft said.

I could imagine the divorce having an impact on Adam Lanza.
Why did his mother allegedly buy all these guns? Especially considering she had at home a son with apparent "issues?"

How do you know she bought them after her son's issues became apparent? Maybe she's owned them for a long time. Perhaps she received them as inheritance, or passed down to her, etc... They were LEGALLY owned and registered. It doesn't matter WHY she bought them.

I do not know why everyone keeps calling it an "assault rifle". He used HANDGUNS in the assault on the school. Also, we don't know that the mother hadn't taken precautions in regards to where the firearms were located within the house, etc...

The guns are not the issue - the person is. If he had planned this out the way LE says he did, he would have found a gun - whether his mother owned them or not...


Also, I can understand people having opinion on whether or not to spank your children, but saying that a spanking is physical assault is wrong. I'm not going to get into the specifics, but there is a HUGE difference between discipline and abuse. I just didn't appreciate the opinion being put forth that all spankings are physical abuse.

Also, even if the parent thought it was something that was "OK at the time", it doesn't excuse TRULY abusive behaviors in the least.

Anyway, I'm done reading about this here. There are still so many conflicting posts and reports, and everyone is looking for something to blame it seems, when there will never be an adequate answer...

Im sure there is somewhere online that he could have purchased one
Illegally yes. Where there is a will there is a way!

Police are stating the guns were registered to her.
JUST my opinion but I THINK? that requires her fingerprints...
and or background check/waiting period...
Im sure they will trace to see how and where these were purchased. Im guessing the mother did not purchase them, and the son purchased them with the moms id and credit card.

I'm not sure this would be possible. I know in my online gun purchases, that I had to have the guns delivered to a local licensed gun shop. When I paid for and picked up the guns I had to fill out a background check. I think the clerk would notice that He was not a She. JMO.
yes, DH says a semi automatic will shoot a bullet out, the shell comes out then it reloads another bullet. An automatic is gas powered and will shoot one after the other. Either way, not good! IMO
If he shot mom at home, WHY go to the school? Why those kindergarteners?? :(

My sentiments exactly! Why kill mom at home, and then go to school and kill innocent children??
It's been 13 hours and 22 minutes since I woke up at 11:00am to my local news breaking the story of a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Conn. and I immediately came here to Websleuths. How hopeful we all were at 11:00 am that no one else was injured as the first reports came in that the gunman was dead and the Principle had only been shot in the foot. God, we were all so hopeful!

As the updates started coming in and we heard that at least 12 people were killed, some children, I didn't want to believe it. And then there was one post, that said, 26 dead, 12 children confirmed, that I lost it emotionally.

Then the number climbed to 18 and now we rest at 20 children and 7 adults (including AL's mother) as the final number of victims dead in this case. How are we to even comprehend this? Any victim of a crime this severe is hard to take, but when you put 20 children into the mix... it really gnaws at your soul.

I am just lost...
I do believe the guns were purchased by the mother legally. I do not believe they were bought for her son (subject to change). Maybe she liked to collect guns (I don't personally understand that hobby)? The type of guns are questionable for all intents and purposes, but... I just don't know??

BBM, actually they are quite common. Some feel the semi's are more reliable than revolvers. One is not worse or ominous over the other....except....more bullets can be loaded into a semi via a cartridge.
I live in Australia and was horrified to wake up to the news of what happened in connecticut. Those poor children ruthlessly and senselessly gunned down. Innocent kids with their whole lives ahead of them brutally murdered. I can't imagine how the families are feeling right now, and my sympathy and love goes out to all who have been affected.

Since awaking to the news I have been reading the threads here. A few things have really stood out to me. Firstly, the media, their inaccurate reporting and seeming lack or moral behavior. It seems as though the race to get the breaking news is more important than anything else. Whether it be ensuring that they have their facts correct or that they don't cause further harm and stress to the victims of this horrible crime. It's sickening. Imagine being wrongly identified as a killer, worse yet, later finding out that your brother had murdered your mother and 27 other innocent souls. What about the father who initially found out about his family connection to the incident because of the media questioning him outside his home? What about the children and families who are being hounded for interviews mere hours after the tradgedy has occurred. Children so young that they can probably barely comprehend what has happened let alone fully absorb it. The media sicken me.

Secondly, upon reading many posts in these threads it appears as though having armed guards, emergency shooting related drills and security protocols more akin to a prison than a school is commonplace over there. I can understand the need for it, considering how many mass shootings have happened, but it's incredibly saddening. There is something desperately wrong when people can't feel safe in a school (not even in an elementary school), or mall, or even their own home. Locking down schools and other public places is simply trying to address the symptoms rather than the cause. Whether the cause is gun control, mental health, societal decay or something else I don't know. But what is apparent is something needs to be done to prevent, or at the very least, minimize these events from occurring, and locking down schools isn't the answer. Americans need to do some soul searching to try figure out where things have gone wrong and then address the problems to prevent horrible events like this from continually occurring in what is generally a wonderful country with great people (I did live there for a few years as a kid).
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