Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#3

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I give y'all credit for being able to talk rationally about some of these issues.

My head can't get past the fact that I used to be completely against torturing any living soul. Now.....not so sure anymore. Kids!!! Just little kids!!!!
As Nietzsche said, "He who fights with monsters must take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
I was a volunteer and a substitute teacher in my child's elementary school for many years. During that time I was involved in many "code red" emergency drills. Police were also a part of these drills and it involved locking the classroom, shepherding the children to a safe place such as a locked closet, washroom, corner away from windows and doors, keeping them quiet and enduring police officers acting as gunmen banging on classroom doors and attempting to gain entry. They always made me very uneasy and I always wondered about the effects on the children during these drills as I knew how it affected my child and myself. I knew they were necessary and I hated the fact that they were.

I can't even begin to fathom the real thing.

My thoughts and prayers go out to each and every individual affected by this senseless act. Things will never be the same for any of them ever again.

:cry: :rose:
I am not sure with those guns you need a lot of skill at shooting a target. You just aim and pull the trigger. No skill involved. jmo

As far as I can tell, he had two hand guns. The semi automatic rifle was not used.
Here it is. The mom had to stay home and take care of this twenty year old.

He had some severe mental health issues, not just autism. This is also why we can't find any employer for him. Schizophrenia has characteristics in common with autism. His brother that said he had Asperger's might have been misinformed or misunderstood his younger brother's diagnosis.

I wonder, if as a teen, he had any mental health treatment? I know as an adult, it is harder to get treatment for an unwilling patient, but we have the Baker Act here in Florida. Do they have anything similar in Conn.? Not that that helps as they release them after 48/72 hours especially if they don't have money or insurance.

We had a case here where a mother tried, almost to her death, to get her teen and then adult son treatment and no one helped her. Not the State. Not the mental health clinics, etc... it took this now adult son to murder two people before anyone took her seriously. Maybe that is what we are dealing with?
A bit off-topic perhaps; but the pics of AL on Yahoo and abc news are from 7 or 8 years ago... couldn't they find any recent ones or get his drivers' license photo ?

A horrible (to me) thought occurred... what if the media in some strange way wants to get sympathy for this man , as in " .. he's mentally ill or depressed, hence this wasn't his fault.."

I thought this act showed some degree of premeditation.

Didn't AL Facebook or something ?
Hi Pens, I didn't see it reported that the adults (principle, vice principle, counselor and witness) were inside the principal's office.

All I read was the witness' account that they were in a meeting and the adults (3) other than the witness left the room in order to see what was going on and only one returned (crawling after having been shot in the foot, who I am assuming is the VP).

I'm not asking you for a link, I trust you. Did they say it they were in the principal's office for sure? TIA!

Hi! I just read this.

The killer is said to have shot the principal before proceeding to his mother's kindergarten class.
20/20 had a more in-depth interview with the teacher I mentioned in the 2nd thread. She put all her kids in the bathroom and barricaded them in, she told them that she loved all of them, she thought they were all going to die and she wanted the last thing for the kids to know was that they were loved. She says she's no hero, but I disagree. I doubt any of those kids are going to forget what she did for them. I don't have any kids, but the emotion I'm feeling from this situation has caught me by surprise more than any other shooting.
I am not sure with those guns you need a lot of skill at shooting a target. You just aim and pull the trigger. No skill involved. jmo

That's not my experience. He used 2 hand guns. It's difficult to hit anything with a handgun unless you are at close range, which he may have been. You have to train with a handgun. The rifle was found in his car.
20/20 had a more in-depth interview with the teacher I mentioned in the 2nd thread. She put all her kids in the bathroom and barricaded them in, she told them that she loved all of them, she thought they were all going to die and she wanted the last thing for the kids to know was that they were loved. She says she's no hero, but I disagree. I doubt any of those kids are going to forget what she did for them. I don't have any kids, but the emotion I'm feeling from this situation has caught me by surprise more than any other shooting.

She's a hero in my book!
I am so sorry that this tragedy has happened I cannot imagine how the family and friends are feeling just now. Those poor little children its absolutely horrific. People across the world are praying tonight and will continue to do so. Hold your loved ones close tonight. I hope nobody minds me posting this poem it isn't my own it was one I found a while ago but is relevant to this terrible tragedy and the children who have lost their life.

I feel my heart is breaking now
You’ve truly left and gone
And all my mind can say is how
Do I just carry on.

You’ll never know the pain I feel
The hurt that’s oh so true
The tears I shed will softly seal
The part of me that’s you

Maybe one day the sun will shine
Just like your smiling face
Why did you have to leave me here
So lonely in this place

Each step I take is painful
I see no guiding light
My world that was so colourful
Is now in black and white

You always were an angel child
And our thoughts now as we cry
Are thoughts of our eternal life
Cause ANGELS never die.
The janitor allegedly turned on the intercom system so the rest of the school could hear the gunfire and screams from the principal's office (so they would realize they were under attack).

(I am looking for a link.)
20/20 is interviewing students from the school. They are giving stores on what the teachers did to help save them. They are going through the days events blow by blow..

Hi, I dont think I can handle that type of news.This afternoon I turned the tv on, it threw me into shock I swear. I came in ws. and tried to post. I couldnt! my heart was beating like a trip hammer. I've had a heart attack and it scared me.Those poor babies, I just cried as most did. Something must be done.How did he get the guns? the ammo for them he was 20 years old. I do think anyone who commits an act like this should NOT be given a trial. They are guilty. knock 'em off and have it over with. They do not even deserve to breathe.Innocent children who never did a wrong!! I wonder how it would go if a judge had something happen to one of his/hers..I am sick inside.Burying your children is the most horrific thing one has to do. It must be stopped.:furious:

For the parents~:please:
Asperger's is considered high functioning form of autism.

You're right, and I hope to heck that it doesn't become equated with violence as a result of this. As someone here posted earlier, those on the autism spectrum are far, far more likely to be crime victims than perpetrators.
Here it is. The mom had to stay home and take care of this twenty year old.

He had some severe mental health issues and not just autism. This is also why we can't find any employer for him. Schizophrenia has characteristics in common with autism. His brother that said he had Asperger's might have been misinformed or misunderstood his younger brother's diagnosis.

Wow. This makes the presence of the firearms even harder to fathom. Unless she was confident that she had them locked away securely enough that they wouldn't be a danger.

More big speculation on my part: Was AL experiencing his first psychotic break? Maybe he'd never been so unstable before and NL underestimated how he might behave?

I had a relative whose first break in the 1960's involved a handgun (paranoid schizophrenia). If the police officer he encountered with it didn't react calmly and take the gun away from him, the outcome could have been very different.
Hi, I dont think I can handle that type of news.This afternoon I turned the tv on, it threw me into shock I swear. I came in ws. and tried to post. I couldnt! my heart was beating like a trip hammer. I've had a heart attack and it scared me.Those poor babies, I just cried as most did. Something must be done.How did he get the guns? the ammo for them he was 20 years old. I do think anyone who commits an act like this should NOT be given a trial. They are guilty. knock 'em off and have it over with. They do not even deserve to breathe.Innocent children who never did a wrong!! I wonder how it would go if a judge had something happen to one of his/hers..I am sick inside.Burying your children is the most horrific thing one has to do. It must be stopped.:furious:

For the parents~:please:

I believe that Conn. doesn't even have the death penalty (someone posted that earlier). Imagine if he was not so cowardly as to take his own life? He would only get LWOP for the murder of 27 innocent people. 20 of them children.
Matthew Keys @TheMatthewKeys
CBS News' John Miller: Appears Connecticut school shooting suspect planned attack in advance
Matthew Keys ‏@TheMatthewKeys
CBS News' John Miller: CT school shooting suspect shot out glass of school, gained access
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