Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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Rita on Nancy Grace said that police DID just rush back inside the home.

Thanks Pens for your updates,, please let us know what is happening cause some of us are hoping to get a working tv for Christmas. (Notice I did not say new just working!:innocent: )
What mental diseases is he able to cure?
He is a neuroscientist and studies patterns of brain abnormalities. His studies may lead to a cure or better treatment for some mental illnesses.
I work for a pokey and I sure don't agree that it is worth the risk. It's a risk I wouldn't take for my own child because I've seen too many young men get worse once they are incarcerated. A juvenile detention center is filled with kids who are awaiting trial for some very violent crimes such as homicide or armed robbery. In my state, a child who is there with mental health issues would be placed in safe-keeping, i.e., isolated to the point they must take their meals in their cell and they are never there just for one night.


Just a question. Do you have a mentally ill child? Because if you don't then you have no clue what it truly is like. I am sorry but you have no clue what it can be like. A mentally ill child is a huge difference then a child who is misbehaving. It can become very scary and very dangerous VERY quickly if its not handled right.
Thanks Pens for your updates,, please let us know what is happening cause some of us are hoping to get a working tv for Christmas. (Notice I did not say new just working!:innocent: )
I am upset. NG never went back to ask Rita what was happening and it sounded very interesting. Rita is standing outside the killer's home. Nancy has 45 more minutes so maybe she will return to ask Rita questions. Maybe CNN has info about the police rushing back into the killer's home tonight in the dark?
Pensfan, just tonight while seeing the photo of AL on HLN I commented to my daughter that he looked skeletal or anorexic. The photo is the one where he is looking dead-center and his eyes are so wide open, the whites under the iris is showing. As a nurse, if I were assigned to his care, I would definitely have some questions about his nutritional status.

I'm not a nurse and have questions!

I can't get over how much he looks like Karen Carpenter before she died of anorexia.
I think the measure of a politician is the humanity he has towards his fellow citizens. Obama has a great ability to ease heartbreak and lift up spirits at their depths. He speaks as a man, a parent and also as the head of the nation. Yet does so with a humility that doesn't make an us/them divide.

Its ok to disagree on policy but the more that see the humanity and the man, the more conversation can be had and compromise acheived. Its the dogma that either side is evil that shuts down change.

Perhsoanlly I was impressed with how he managed to bring in the need for change without making it a political speech. We knew what he meant but he respected the victims enough to put a realistic need to do better couched between the loss and grief.

I honestly didn't think I would like his speech for once. That it would be to soaring or to political but he combined the two really well.

People like you are making my day because it means that some policies, not all have a no one wants to let this continue, the carnage of our children which inaction does.

Hopefully Sandy Hook becomes known for realistic changes to gun and mental health laws. It won't stop them all but if just one first grade class is saved, it will do some good.

This is just MHO...Any president would show humanity and compassion in the face of such a tragedy. Can you imagine one who didn't or wouldn't?
holy crap! how did THAT happen, that these precious pearls slipped through the crack. I'm swearing, but not posting it. Bless that man.

I think this is the case of the 6 year old leading these kids out the door and just running until they felt safe. He was reported to held these kids hands. This story came out in the early days of this.
Thi sis a fresh story off CNN.COM

Alan Diaz, 20, asked Nancy Lanza how her son was doing.

To Diaz, it seemed that Adam Lanza just disappeared from high school after his sophomore year, but it turns out Lanza, then 16, was taking classes at Western Connecticut State University, a school spokesman said.

It was hard to forget a kid like Adam Lanza.

"I would call him a genius," Diaz said.

Lanza got a 3.26 GPA at WCSU, including an A in a computer class, the school spokesman told CNN, but Lanza took his last class in 2009 and didn't come back.

When Diaz and Lanza were classmates, Diaz went out of his way to include Adam Lanza when few others would, he said.

It worked, for a little while.

Lanza opened up, sometimes telling jokes to the other students. There he'd be, in the same plaid green button-up shirt and his khakis -- the weird kid, telling jokes.

So those few years later, seeing Adam Lanza's mother, Diaz just had to ask. How are things going with Adam?

"When I talked to Nancy that time, about how he was doing, she said he's been going to the (gun) range a lot recently," Diaz told CNN. "That he'd taken that up as a hobby."

Shaking my head! All I can think is OMG and the urge is there to scream out uncontrollably.
He is a neuroscientist and studies patterns of brain abnormalities. His studies may lead to a cure or better treatment for some mental illnesses.

I don't believe we have a cure for any of the mental diseases.
That's why I say we know very little of how the brain works.
Shaking my head! All I can think is OMG and the urge is there to scream out uncontrollably.
Target practicing wasn't a very good hobby for a young man with issues.
I'm not a nurse and have questions!

I can't get over how much he looks like Karen Carpenter before she died of anorexia.

There is something very, very unsettling about that photograph.
It's also possible that she did not discuss the details because of shame or fear of judgment by her friends and extended family members. Mothers of mentally ill kids get judged harshly by some. It isolates many and keeps them from seeking the right kind of help. AL may well have had Aspergers, which is a "nice" diagnosis compared to, say, schizophrenia. That might have been the face she put on it, failing to mention other things that don't fit the Aspergers dx.

Didn't someone post here yesterday that AL was on an antipsychotic med? I haven't seen that in the news stories I've read, but if it's true then he was getting some kind of medical attention. Most primary care docs don't prescribe antipsychotics. Or at least I hope they don't.

There is a serial hoaxer posing as a relative and giving out bad info. One piece of info he gave was that AL was on an anti-psychotic. So, of course we have removed that information.

AFAIK- we have no indication regarding his medical care at all. We do not know what, if any, kind of care he was getting.
The only thing I've seen about religion was in the terms of the divorce - that NL would be responsible for "decisions about Adam's health, education and religious upbringing."

I thought I read that AL attended the local Catholic middle school and that NL and AL attended the affiliated Catholic Church (the one that was forced to vacate due to the bomb scare over the weekend). "Rose" was in the name, IIRC.
I'm not a nurse and have questions!

I can't get over how much he looks like Karen Carpenter before she died of anorexia.
Many people who are severely mentally ill stop caring for themselves. They stop caring about showering, putting on clean clothes, eating, and etc....
Unfortunately, I think your idea of "handled correctly" and that of law enforcement differ greatly. Cops are trained to protect the public and protect themselves first and foremost. I'm glad it worked out for your friend but lock-up detention facilities are not the right place to treat mental illnesses in children. We've got an inmate with the disorder and he spends a lot of time in the "hole." He's got some serious issues with confinement.


Cops also have mental health training and how to handle the mentally ill. This is standard training. They have started doing this with ALL police agencies, because this has become a ongoing issue. Yes they protect the public and themselves, but they also have sensitivity training so that they can De-escalate these type of situations.
I've read a lot not everything but a lot. If reports are true that AL was so antisocial that he rarely left his room how can we believe the reports that he was planning to enroll in college in another state. Then again, if he was enrolling in college out of state how could he be antisocial. Too much unverifiable information.
Billions of people are vegetarian and vast majority of them don't kill anyone.

Just jumping off from your post:

A few years ago I went on a (not vegetarian) diet that made me CRAZY. All healthy food, too, nothing where I just ate cookies or anything. But it was very low-fat and very low-carb.

Normally I am calm, laid-back, rarely lose my temper...but while I was on this diet someone cut me off for a parking spot and I parked and waited for her to get out of the car and then confronted her! I had NEVER done anything like that before and I haven't since.

My point being, I definitely think diet and mental well-being are connected. I was vegetarian for years and years and suffered greatly from depression. After I started eating meat again, the depression eased although I still have to take medication to control it.
Rita Cosby on again. "The police were on some sort of a mission. They returned to the home tonight in the dark for 2 1/2 hours. When she finds out what they were looking for, I (reporter for HLN) will report it."
This is probably false or there is MUCH more to the story. I cannot imagine a school dedicating specialty staff to hover over a child due to him being odd. He had to have some sort of past serious occurances to warrent this. Most schools educate the whole student body on bullying, I have never heard of providing bodyguards to keep someone safe...all because he was odd?!?!? This just does not make sense!!!! JMO

We have a fifth grader at our local elementary school that has a personal aide accompany him all day at school. This aide is not a school employee, so I do not know if the aide is provided by private insurance, state disability, or what. I also do not know his DX, but he can be withdrawn, and on two occassions this year he has had emotional meltdowns. Each time he escaped from adults, jumped the chainlink fence and ran home.
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