Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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Police arrest and prosecutors charge crimes, not judges. And I fail to see how a Judge can order someone to a state hospital if they haven't been convicted of a crime.


Hence why she was told to create a paper trail of charges. Because with this then the judge can order him to the state hospital!
I thought I read that AL attended the local Cathothic middle school and that NL and AL attended the affiliated Catholic Church (the one that was forced to vacate due to the bomb scare over the weekend). "Rose" was in the name, IIRC.

St. Rose of Lima Catholic School
Adam dropped out of the W Conn State College in 2009 same year his parents divorced...And for the next 3 years we don't know if he went to college anywhere, worked, or what

I think the divorce had a big impact on AL, since he was so excited for his new life in college..And as early as 2012, Mom & Adam were making big plans for him to apply to engineering colleges

Nancy Lanza and her two boys -- Ryan and Adam -- and her husband, Peter, moved there around 1998.

The couple divorced in 2009. According to divorce documents, he agreed to pay his wife, on average, $250,000 a year in alimony. He also agreed to buy his son Adam a car, though his wife would have to pay for the vehicle's upkeep and insurance.

Adam Lanza's primary residence was with his mother, the documents show. They lived in the Newtown home.

The father was also responsible for paying for Adam's college, as well as for Ryan Lanza's schooling.
Rita Cosby on again. "The police were on some sort of a mission. They returned to the home tonight in the dark for 2 1/2 hours. When she finds out what they were looking for, I (reporter for HLN) will report it."

This happened hours ago. Nothing more was said.
The more I read about Adam Lanza, the more I wonder if nutritional issues might not have played a big role in his problems. One of the articles I read mentioned that his mom made him vegan meals. While I don't know Adam's mental health history, he looks like someone with some severe nutritional deficiencies--which can often greatly exacerbate and even cause psychiatric problems. The brain needs healthy fats and proteins to grow and remain balanced, which is much harder to do on a vegan diet--especially for a growing child. A lot of nutritional deficiencies that cause severe problems in children and young adults can go undiagnosed for years because many doctors don't even look for them. Thyroid issues can also contribute in a similar way, and can also often remain undiagnosed--especially when the emphasis is only on psychiatric diagnoses, without looking for underlying causes.

One of the problems with mental health treatment in this country is that there is not nearly enough emphasis on finding underlying physical causes for many of these kinds of behavioral problems--especially in children and young adults.

It is often much more difficult to make significant dietary changes to help heal a child with behavioral problems than it is to give them a pill, but there is evidence that significant changes can be made this way.

IMO he looked severley emaciated.
I am very curious what his weight was!

I was just thinking about nutritional defects affecting his brain.
I wondered if he was on a GFCF diet.

Then again I have known of children that were
mentally ill (not "just Asperger's" *I do not think it is a mental illness and neither does Sanjay Gupta..) that would for
instance only eat white food...
or refused to chew etc...
even a few had to have G-tubes inserted for
nutrition at night while they slept.

most of them eventually
grew out of it tho...

He looked like he was wasting away.
Maybe anorexia? Uncommon in males but it does happen...
There is something very, very unsettling about that photograph.
It is his fixed gaze stare.

In a new study, researchers have discovered they can distinguish people with and without schizophrenia through the use of simple eye movement tests with over 98 percent accuracy.

“It has been known for over a hundred years that individuals with psychotic illnesses have a variety of eye movement abnormalities, but until our study, using a novel battery of tests, no one thought the abnormalities were sensitive enough to be used as potential clinical diagnostic biomarkers,” say Dr. Philip Benson and Dr. David St. Clair, lead authors on the paper.

The series of tests included smooth pursuit, free-viewing, and gaze fixation tasks.
Rita Cosby on again. "The police were on some sort of a mission. They returned to the home tonight in the dark for 2 1/2 hours. When she finds out what they were looking for, I (reporter for HLN) will report it."

Sounds strange doesn't it?
Many people who are severely mentally ill stop caring for themselves. They stop caring about showering, putting on clean clothes, eating, and etc....

Hmmm as I get older all of that could apply to me, except the eating part of course. :waitasec:
I wonder if the mother had video cameras set up on her property? She seemed so concerned with her son's safety I would think she set up some kind of surveillance system. JMO
From Nancy Grace's show (i know, I know. lol)

Richard Novia (the head of security until 2008 at Newton High School): Aspergers was part of it and there were other mental disorders that he (the killer) dealt with. I interacted with that boy for several years. I can testify to this.

I wonder why the head of security was interacting with the killer when he was a student.

I saw Novia on Judge Jeanine last night and he was head of the Tech Club AL was involved in at the high school.
We are missing so very many pieces to this jigsaw puzzle. I think if and when we get the facts that make the puzzle as complete as possible, we ail all be shaking our heads.

I think so too!

I also think people in America who have at least heard Asperger's
aren't falling for it.

Many of my friends that are not in the medical community KNOW better.

One even called it the "media scape goat"
they don't have a clue what was wrong with him but because
the brother reportedly said it... it stuck. :no:
We have a fifth grader at our local elementary school that has a personal aide accompany him all day at school. This aide is not a school employee, so I do not know if the aide is provided by private insurance, state disability, or what. I also do not know his DX, but he can be withdrawn, and on two occassions this year he has had emotional meltdowns. Each time he escaped from adults, jumped the chainlink fence and ran home.

In my district, to qualify for an aid in school, they must have a diagnosis, what the diagnosis is and what is on the IEP is what determines how often the child has this aid dedicated to them, some have one for certain times of the day, some just for classroom sessions, others have them full time. If a child with a diagnosis is a "runner" (who tries to escape) the aid is with them full time, for the childs safety.
Interesting. I think I am one who doesn't understand the existence of an evil that could commit such a crime. In my mind there had to be something wrong. I guess it's a mindset.
As Fitzharris points out in her Guardian piece, cultural relativity led to a diminuition of the concept of evil. I go back and forth on it as an existent entity, tending toward the modern concept and looking toward medical explanations first.

My neighbors son has Aspergers and he is good friends with my son, he is a very polite, non violent child. He has came over many times and played and my son has went to his home and played.

His mother told me one day my son had not been speaking to him (at school) and he went home and told his mom his feelings were hurt and didnt know why my son wasnt talking to him, and she mentioned it to me and told me she thought maybe my son had become embarrsed by him because a couple other kids had. I was shocked when she said that (because I always tell my kids you be kind and treat others the way you want to be treated, if you see someone being bullied you better not start bullying with those kids and go tell an adult..

It broke my heart she felt that way, that kids where becoming embrassed of him. I let her know I'd have a talk with him but I'm sure it was different class schedules and not really seeing each other alot, and assured her my son loved him and he was welcome to drop in anytime afterschool and play. So thats what it turned out to be son wasn't ignoring him just hadn't seen him alot and when he did he was rushing to his next class. So I told my son when you see him always make sure to try to say hi to him even if ur just passing by say hi and his name.. On that note if AL did have aspergers I wonder if he was taking his medications. I know my neighbors son does take medicication.
He is a neuroscientist and studies patterns of brain abnormalities. His studies may lead to a cure or better treatment for some mental illnesses.

Amen. Just because he doesn't instantly find a cure for mental and neurological illnesses doesn't mean he's not doing good and valuable work. You have to understand an illness before you can cure it.
I think so too!

I also think people in America who have at least heard Asperger's
aren't falling for it.

Many of my friends that are not in the medical community KNOW better.

One even called it the "media scape goat"
they don't have a clue what was wrong with him but because
the brother reportedly said it... it stuck. :no:

It sounded to me that the brother isn't sure what is wrong with him. Wasn't the term 'developmental disability' used at the beginning and he added Autism or Asbergers and personality disorder too? Since that came out near the beginning of this nightmare, it probably was incorrect info. JMO
Thi sis a fresh story off CNN.COM

Alan Diaz, 20, asked Nancy Lanza how her son was doing.

To Diaz, it seemed that Adam Lanza just disappeared from high school after his sophomore year, but it turns out Lanza, then 16, was taking classes at Western Connecticut State University, a school spokesman said.

It was hard to forget a kid like Adam Lanza.

"I would call him a genius," Diaz said.

Lanza got a 3.26 GPA at WCSU, including an A in a computer class, the school spokesman told CNN, but Lanza took his last class in 2009 and didn't come back.

When Diaz and Lanza were classmates, Diaz went out of his way to include Adam Lanza when few others would, he said.

It worked, for a little while.

Lanza opened up, sometimes telling jokes to the other students. There he'd be, in the same plaid green button-up shirt and his khakis -- the weird kid, telling jokes.

So those few years later, seeing Adam Lanza's mother, Diaz just had to ask. How are things going with Adam?

"When I talked to Nancy that time, about how he was doing, she said he's been going to the (gun) range a lot recently," Diaz told CNN. "That he'd taken that up as a hobby."

I wonder why he never returned to WCSU?
I'm not a nurse and have questions!

I can't get over how much he looks like Karen Carpenter before she died of anorexia.

That's funny...yeah, you're right have the same moppy hair and gaunt faces
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