Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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Rita Cosby says:
Neighbors didn't really know the shooter. I have talked to so many neighbors. Neighbors that lived there 8 years never met the shooter. Friends told us that the mom felt it would build his self confidence to learn and use guns.
Rita Cosby says:
Neighbors didn't really know the shooter. I have talked to so many neighbors. Neighbors that lived there 8 years never met the shooter. Friends told us that the mom felt it would build his self confidence to learn and use guns.

In retrospect, she should have looked for some other way to boost his self-confidence.
Amen. Just because he doesn't instantly find a cure for mental and neurological illnesses doesn't mean he's not doing good and valuable work. You have to understand an illness before you can cure it.

Obviously. But as of now we are far from understanding mental illness. I also find it ironic that first we discussed how someone mentally ill needs to be treated and medicated. And then we discussed how those same medications potentially lead them to homicidal thoughts.
Hardrives are actually in tact according to a reporter on Nancy Grace
This is probably false or there is MUCH more to the story. I cannot imagine a school dedicating specialty staff to hover over a child due to him being odd. He had to have some sort of past serious occurances to warrent this. Most schools educate the whole student body on bullying, I have never heard of providing bodyguards to keep someone safe...all because he was odd?!?!? This just does not make sense!!!! JMO

He was diagnosed with autism and perhaps the district implements a plan to make sure kids with an autism diagnosis are safe. The security person said it was not unusual to keep an eye on kids that were troubled- but AL's issues were severe enough to warrant extra supervision.I think autistic children are prime bullying targets and perhaps this is a progressive school that takes a pro-active tact.
JMHO of course.
Oh, sweatheart! I hope you are not depressed. :(

Only when I've no more cinnamon rolls left ;)

You're so sweet Pens. I have cared for a couple of elderly relatives and that is one of the things that happen.

They do not want to take a shower or change clothes. They were very happy sleeping in what they wore and could not understand because to them the clothes were not dirty. I wonder if they chill easier.

I do find when you live alone it is easier to make excuses and put off those showers. Thanks Pens.
From NG (take it for what it's worth):
The video game that the killer was obsessed with was Dance Dance Revolution.

Pensfan, just tonight while seeing the photo of AL on HLN I commented to my daughter that he looked skeletal or anorexic. The photo is the one where he is looking dead-center and his eyes are so wide open, the whites under the iris is showing. As a nurse, if I were assigned to his care, I would definitely have some questions about his nutritional status.

I'm not a nurse and have questions!

I can't get over how much he looks like Karen Carpenter before she died of anorexia.

I would have to question his nutrition as well!
"Vegans" don't look like this.
I have however seen a few "Raw Vegans" that did
With her garden were they on a "Raw" diet maybe?
IMO he looked severley emaciated.
I am very curious what his weight was!

I was just thinking about nutritional defects affecting his brain.
I wondered if he was on a GFCF diet.

Then again I have known of children that were
mentally ill (not just Asperger's) that would for
instance only eat white food...
or refused to chew etc...
even a few had to have G-tubes inserted for
nutrition at night while they slept.

most of them eventually
grew out of it tho...

He looked like he was wasting away.
Maybe anorexia? Uncommon in males but it does happen...

While admittedly this is all speculative at best due to us knowing very little in the way of concrete facts, but nonetheless his appearance is noticably emaciated IMO and your mentioning the anorexia, and that yes, it tends to be more rare in males.. but IMO definitely in a very real way would make some sense, atleast to me it would..

The reason being that as we know anorexia is a disorder which its basis is a need for control of some portion of their life when feeling that so much of their life's circumstances are beyond their control...leaving many desperate to find that sense of control in some form or fashion regarding themselves and their lives...

IMO with what so very little that we know I can possibly see AL left with a feeling of zero control over himself or his life..thereby his taking this small portion of his life(ie. what he eats) and thus ALLOWS into his body..this being the control that possibly he felt he couldn't achieve in other areas of his life..he was atleast able to control this particular area of his life..

anyhow again I know its speculative at best, but your mentioning of anorexia really struck me as a very real possibility...jmo, tho.
Obviously. But as of now we are far from understanding mental illness. I also find it ironic that first we discussed how someone mentally ill needs to be treated and medicated. And then we discussed how those same medications potentially lead them to homicidal thoughts.

Antipsychotic medications calm those with impulse control issues and psychotic thoughts. You might be thinking of the VERY few people who have blamed SSRIs for their loved ones' suicides.


While the use of antidepressants increased in the 1990s, the suicide rate among adolescents declined by 31%.

Recent autopsy studies have shown that adolescents who commit suicide, even when they have a prescription for an antidepressant, are usually NOT taking the antidepressant at the time of death.
It was written in articles that he could not feel pain. I wonder if that included the feeling of being hungry.

Relatives said they emigrated for a ‘better life for the family’ and chose to settle in Newtown, Connecticut, because it seemed so ‘safe and peaceful’.

The house they moved into was directly across the street from the home of crazed gunman Adam Lanza, who opened fire in Sandy Hook Elementary School on Friday after shooting his mother dead

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Obviously. But as of now we are far from understanding mental illness. I also find it ironic that first we discussed how someone mentally ill needs to be treated and medicated. And then we discussed how those same medications potentially lead them to homicidal thoughts.

Jenny that is precisely what makes mental illness so hard to deal with. Finding the right medication and plan is a process that takes time- sometimes years to be effective. A drug that is a miracle for one person can be a disaster for another. It is hit and miss. Getting the right diagnosis is even a challenge. So if the diagnosis is wrong- there is a good chance the med will be wrong. how many bipolars were medicated with an anti depressant before we knew better? Nightmare!
To complicate matters when some people find the right med and are on it for awhile- they start to think they are cured! So they go off and the cycle start all over again.
I cannot even tell you how hard, time consuming, and frustrating it is to find the right combination of therapy and meds to help the mentally ill. IT is emotionally consuming and exhausting for everyone. On top of that- they have to be on board with the whole idea and because they are mentally ill- they usually aren't.
It was inappropriate for that teacher to essentially attempt to sway tiny children to her political point of view. Should this teacher have tried to sway your daughter's feelings about religion, she would be disciplined or fired. You might think about approaching her and politely asking her to refrain from scaring your daughter about men with guns (which happen to include our brave servicemen and policemen that wanted to rescue the children on last Friday).
This isn't directly to you, more to the post you were quoting- but I couldn't find it to quote it.

Almost every time I'm irritated with something a teacher has said or done, I find out that it was just misunderstood or misinterpreted and they are more than happy to revisit the conversation and clarify. She may have even said something like "gun, in the wrong hands, are bad" which is true, but may have been heard wrong.

I would just start sweet and let her know you know there must have been a misunderstanding because your daughter came home saying guns were bad, and concluding that service men and women in her family (like her dad) must then be bad as well. Just ask her if she could revisit the conversation so that she isn't left with the idea that the good guys, such as those wonderful first responders who stopped the chaos, are also bad people. I'm sure she'd gladly comply!

How is he saving children by killing them?
I don't think this would make sense to any logical person, but maybe a better word is sparing them. He may have had delusions that he was sparing the children. If he felt that school is what "ruined" his chances in life, I could see that illogical thinking.
I personally don't think that's the case, but I've got nothing more to go on than any of you.

The mom has been on tv and had her photo on her blog. Everyone that sees her will know it is her son that she deemed to be a "mass shooter" in the future. !.2 million people supposedly read her blog when she called her son a future murderer.

You know what? I don't even talk about my religious leanings on my private facebook account- because I don't want people judging my children based on their judgments of me. I'm not going to be the reason their friends can't come over to our house to see them. It's not about hiding who I am, it's about choosing my audience.

Would any of us let our kids hang out with someone whose own mother thinks they are heading for a life of violence? I wouldn't.

I do think it's important for her to advocate that it can happen to any of us. We do need to realize that it's bigger than picking apart how she fed or taught her kid, it's WAY bigger than that.

I am just not sure she needed to throw her son under the bus to do that.

In my district, to qualify for an aid in school, they must have a diagnosis, what the diagnosis is and what is on the IEP is what determines how often the child has this aid dedicated to them, some have one for certain times of the day, some just for classroom sessions, others have them full time. If a child with a diagnosis is a "runner" (who tries to escape) the aid is with them full time, for the childs safety.

Before I retired there was an outside group that was providing aides in the school and I can't remember who provided them but it was with the kids with severe behavioral issues and some were in the autistic spectrum. They really were a great help but were not employed by the school but provided by an outside mental health agency. The students they helped with most were the ones with no impulse control.
If he was a gamer, like an obsessive gamer, it might explain the gauntness and seemingly obvious malnutrition.

Once a serious gamer gets seriously into a game....

Well, there have been gamers that have died of dehydration because they didn't want to get up from the game to get food or drink, and there have been some that have given themselves heart attacks by trying to run for days on Red Bull and energy shots and nothing else.

No evidence at all that this is the cause or partial cause, I just thought i'd point it out.
I wonder why he never returned to WCSU?

Blondy--- The parents divorced in 2009, sames year AL dropped out of college after about 1 year there...

Who's to say why he dropped out?

Maybe the divorce was part of it

Maybe AL knew his mom needed him home to help her now that she was alone

Maybe AL never got used to the "adult" environment that colleges have and had trouble adjusting to college life..
I would have to question his nutrition as well!
"Vegans" don't look like this.
I have however seen a few "Raw Vegans" that did
With her garden were they on a "Raw" diet maybe?
View attachment 28634

Thank you. I had been wanting to see a picture of them side by side! You read my mind. Thanks. Is there any way to make the pictures just a little bigger?
I've read a lot not everything but a lot. If reports are true that AL was so antisocial that he rarely left his room how can we believe the reports that he was planning to enroll in college in another state. Then again, if he was enrolling in college out of state how could he be antisocial. Too much unverifiable information.
Rita Cosby says:
Neighbors didn't really know the shooter. I have talked to so many neighbors. Neighbors that lived there 8 years never met the shooter. Friends told us that the mom felt it would build his self confidence to learn and use guns.
While admittedly this is all speculative at best due to us knowing very little in the way of concrete facts, but nonetheless his appearance is noticably emaciated IMO and your mentioning the anorexia, and that yes, it tends to be more rare in males.. but IMO definitely in a very real way would make some sense, atleast to me it would..

The reason being that as we know anorexia is a disorder which its basis is a need for control of some portion of their life when feeling that so much of their life's circumstances are beyond their control...leaving many desperate to find that sense of control in some form or fashion regarding themselves and their lives...

IMO with what so very little that we know I can possibly see AL left with a feeling of zero control over himself or his life..thereby his taking this small portion of his life(ie. what he eats) and thus ALLOWS into his body..this being the control that possibly he felt he couldn't achieve in other areas of his life..he was atleast able to control this particular area of his life..

anyhow again I know its speculative at best, but your mentioning of anorexia really struck me as a very real possibility...jmo, tho.
:rocker: Yep that is anorexia in a nut shell...
Someone so frail... dance dance revolution???
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