Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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Talk about stigmatized...Suppose a miracle happens and the child is cured of whatever is bothering them. He gets an education and goes to a job interview. Someone looks him up on the internet. Hey, his mom thinks he's a mass murderer.

Do you think he's going to get a job as an accountant?

Mom changed any identifying information. Including giving him a fake name, so that he cannot be identified.

So this would not be an issue.
What is the likelihood that the kid is going to read the blog?? Doubtful very doubtful. Honestly I really and truly believe that she is trying to bring mental illness to light. There are a lot of people out there that don't believe that it gets this bad. People who don't have to live it everyday don't know what it is like.

This woman went on national news and is all over the net. This isn't some little blog. She titled it I am the mother of AL. And added other mass murderer names to boot.
She used her name, her face, her words. Kids will know she is his mother, he will be identifiable by that. She made a terrible tragedy about her or she wouldn't have used the title she did.
I am surprised the marriage therapist would have released that type of information, or any information for that matter.

She was the mediator for their divorce so I assume it was not in a therapy type session, KWIM? IOW, this could be in court docs aka public info. Parenting plan and all that.
Just a guess. I will see what else I can find out.


In working through the terms of their divorce, the couple spent considerable time talking about how to provide for Adam Lanza's well-being, said Paula Levy, a mediator who worked with the couple.
During their meetings, the couple mentioned that Adam Lanza had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, an autism-like disorder, Levy said. But the Lanzas were in complete agreement on how to address Adam's needs and said little about the details of his condition, Levy said.

While she would not disclose details of their discussions, Levy wanted to make clear that the Lanzas were loving parents who wanted the best for their son.
Kind of makes me wonder, if Nancy tried to 'go it alone', because she felt confident she really knew her son. Knew what made him tick. After all, she had been is care giver, teacher, mentor, all those years. She got him through his early years, middle school, home schooled him, had a successful interval at college - perhaps she simply continued to have faith in her ability to 'just do it'.


It's also possible that she did not discuss the details because of shame or fear of judgment by her friends and extended family members. Mothers of mentally ill kids get judged harshly by some. It isolates many and keeps them from seeking the right kind of help. AL may well have had Aspergers, which is a "nice" diagnosis compared to, say, schizophrenia. That might have been the face she put on it, failing to mention other things that don't fit the Aspergers dx.

Didn't someone post here yesterday that AL was on an antipsychotic med? I haven't seen that in the news stories I've read, but if it's true then he was getting some kind of medical attention. Most primary care docs don't prescribe antipsychotics. Or at least I hope they don't.
Mom changed any identifying information. Including giving him a fake name, so that he cannot be identified.

So this would not be an issue.

But she used her own name. How difficult is it going to be to figure out who her son is?
"ASPERGERS" was a ruse IMO!!!

IMO this killer didn't have Aspergers...
misdiagnosed maybe but NO no no...

Head of security???
To keep a high schooler from being "bullied"???
And might I add a school psychologist to monitor him full time, guidance counselors, administrators...Flagged by school security chief....
problems more severe than most...
MOM was called to school to handle problems only a mother could???
(I'm sorry WHAT does this mean??? WAS he incontinent?
the same child that wouldn't let mom in his room when he was sick???)
***this story does not add up! no way no how!!
He was withdrawn from school because of the inadequate care and attention he was receiving????
(...... nevermind)
"He recalled meeting with school guidance counselors, administrators and with the boy's mother, Nancy Lanza, to understand his problems and find ways to ensure his safety. But there were others crises only a mother could solve."

"Adam Lanza "could take flight, which I think was the big issue, and it wasn't a rebellious or defiant thing," Novia said. "It was withdrawal."
(he could "take flight" to withdraw...)

am I even making sense?
this was "deep" seated issues... IMO


He was vegan because he didn't want to harm animals?

I know. It almost seems to me like he had personal bodyguards at his high school ordered to follow him everywhere. Weird. JMO
We are hearing snippets of casual conversations between Nancy L and her friends; where she shares some of her frustrations and concerns about AL. Yet in no where within the context of these short ''snips' of dialogue, is there any discussion of something like, "Yes, we are going to meet with a new therapist, so I am hopeful", or "Well, we are starting a new medication, and it sounds promising". By her friend's account, Nancy seems quite willing to share her very personal concerns about her relationship with AL. Just seems odd that there was never any talk of his treatment. Seems like that would have been a rather routine topic of discussion. Perhaps more so than some of the personal aspects of her relationship with AL.

Kind of makes me wonder, if Nancy tried to 'go it alone', because she felt confident she really knew her son. Knew what made him tick. After all, she had been is care giver, teacher, mentor, all those years. She got him through his early years, middle school, home schooled him, had a successful interval at college - perhaps she simply continued to have faith in her ability to 'just do it'.

I just get the queezy feeling, that there was no mental health professional involved. Which makes me feel all the more sadness for that situation.

Only basing this thought on the little fractured bits of conversations that are relayed to us. So... just a thought.

Friends had met Lanza’s younger son, who stared down at the floor and didn’t speak when she brought him in. They knew he’d switched schools more than once and that she’d tried home schooling him. But while she occasionally expressed concern about his future during evenings at the bar, she never complained about anything at all.

Sounds to me... like utter denial.
She knew what was best for him. Period.

(I am not blaming her) but he was in a school setting...
was there no reason to refer him to "profesionals"?
How is he saving children by killing them?

It could be the same mindset as murderers like John List who killed his family when he could no longer support them in the style he wished. Family murderers of this type often think they are 'saving' their families from ridicule or from danger to their souls.

[ame=""]John List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
Interesting. I would like to see a PET scan of someone like Jerry Sandusky, Casey Anthony, Lori Drew, Antoinette Davis, Fred Phelps, Melinda Loveless, Laurie Tackett, Hope Rippey, Toni Lawrence, etc. Not surprised that having a loving family is protective factor. Many infamous figures I have noticed did not come from loving families, which are dysfunctional and even abusive in nature.

I think KC and Sandusky would at least be diagnosed as narcissistic psychopaths. JMO

How is he saving children by killing them?

We're not dealing with a rational mind.
I'm not married and don't have kids, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that I would have run into that school if my wife and kids were there.

The guy's name is James Fallon and he was on an episode of "Morgan Freeman's Through the Wormhole". His story is fascinating.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I did not know his wife and kids were in the school. Still, he may have just panicked. None of us knows for sure how we would react to such horror. JMO MOO Moo
By Lindsay Fitzharris, a medical historian at Queen Mary, University of London

Adam Lanza: the medicalisation of evil
In the wake of the Sandy Hook shootings, why are we so quick
to assume that to commit such a crime Lanza must be 'sick'?

Anyone who has been watching the news over the past few days will have heard the gunman, Adam Lanza, described as "sick," "disturbed" and "defective". The perpetrator may indeed have suffered from mental conditions that led to his homicidal attack, but even before anything was known about Lanza (including his name), many people in the media assumed a crime of this magnitude could only be committed by a mentally unstable individual. Very little discussion – if any – was given to the role of personal responsibility in this tragic event.
interesting stuff, the rest of it at the link
It could be the same mindset as murderers like John List who killed his family when he could no longer support them in the style he wished. Family murderers of this type often think they are 'saving' their families from ridicule or from danger to their souls.

John List - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those kids were not AL's family. He wasn't supporting them.
I fail to see any connection.
I've got a lot of catching up to do (I'm still back in thread 4) but I just wanted to share this and hope that others can share it on their FB pages to spread awareness and to stop the horrible comments directed at people with ASD.
Please and thank you.


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The more I read about Adam Lanza, the more I wonder if nutritional issues might not have played a big role in his problems. One of the articles I read mentioned that his mom made him vegan meals. While I don't know Adam's mental health history, he looks like someone with some severe nutritional deficiencies--which can often greatly exacerbate and even cause psychiatric problems. The brain needs healthy fats and proteins to grow and remain balanced, which is much harder to do on a vegan diet--especially for a growing child. A lot of nutritional deficiencies that cause severe problems in children and young adults can go undiagnosed for years because many doctors don't even look for them. Thyroid issues can also contribute in a similar way, and can also often remain undiagnosed--especially when the emphasis is only on psychiatric diagnoses, without looking for underlying causes.

One of the problems with mental health treatment in this country is that there is not nearly enough emphasis on finding underlying physical causes for many of these kinds of behavioral problems--especially in children and young adults.

It is often much more difficult to make significant dietary changes to help heal a child with behavioral problems than it is to give them a pill, but there is evidence that significant changes can be made this way.
Yes and I don't think that is crazy to think someone is filled with evil. I had one patient that killed his family member and stated that he was experiencing hallucinations. He growled when he was displeased, but he didn't have any symptoms of mental illness. He had a long history of injuring people. He made me feel very anxious. He had two police officers stationed outside of his door 24/7 and all the staff were very grateful for this.

I've always wondered why the hallucinations and voices don't tell these killers to go plant flowers or do something positive. IANAD, but IMO it's because these evil thoughts and desires are already there and the hallucinations just give them a voice. JMO and all that.
We are missing so very many pieces to this jigsaw puzzle. I think if and when we get the facts that make the puzzle as complete as possible, we ail all be shaking our heads.

I have...I saw that picture last night and I was so glad/relieved to see the parents smiling...if only in that one moment of time. And the other girls, dressed up so precious, and smiling...not knowing what's really going on.

I probably won't change my mind about Obama and politics, but I have seen him talking as a father and parent since Friday, and knowing how it has affected us, just watching...imagine the heavy load on him and high expectations to be strong, for us (as a nation), in addition to feeling grief for these families. Ugh.

Sometimes a POTUS visiting a site causes so many logistical nightmares, that I sometimes wonder if it's worth the few minutes on the ground. In this instance, I'm going to assume it really, really helped these families, and that makes it all worth it. I'm glad he chose to go, and so soon.

I think the measure of a politician is the humanity he has towards his fellow citizens. Obama has a great ability to ease heartbreak and lift up spirits at their depths. He speaks as a man, a parent and also as the head of the nation. Yet does so with a humility that doesn't make an us/them divide.

Its ok to disagree on policy but the more that see the humanity and the man, the more conversation can be had and compromise acheived. Its the dogma that either side is evil that shuts down change.

Perhsoanlly I was impressed with how he managed to bring in the need for change without making it a political speech. We knew what he meant but he respected the victims enough to put a realistic need to do better couched between the loss and grief.

I honestly didn't think I would like his speech for once. That it would be to soaring or to political but he combined the two really well.

People like you are making my day because it means that some policies, not all have a no one wants to let this continue, the carnage of our children which inaction does.

Hopefully Sandy Hook becomes known for realistic changes to gun and mental health laws. It won't stop them all but if just one first grade class is saved, it will do some good.
Mom changed any identifying information. Including giving him a fake name, so that he cannot be identified.

So this would not be an issue.
The mom has been on tv and had her photo on her blog. Everyone that sees her will know it is her son that she deemed to be a "mass shooter" in the future. !.2 million people supposedly read her blog when she called her son a future murderer.
Rita on Nancy Grace said that police DID just rush back inside the home.
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