Conrad Murray trial -Day eleven.

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Stick a fork in Murray, he's done!:rocker::rocker::rocker:

Gawd, how could he be so stupid? I know greed can blind someone, but geez, this badly????

Thanks Talina for all your hard work. And Thundar too!
I like witnesses who are able to explain themselves easily and this Dr is just fabulous, state has got itself a nice tag team of professional Drs

Looks like they plucked them right from the CA med board. Excellent experts though.
Jane V-M just reported that the Jackson family has stated that Conrad Murray is lying.... and that he did NOT comfort the children or other family members during the aftermath of Michael's death.

I just assumed Murray had exaggerated that part to make himself look better, I am glad the Jackson's have spoken out about that. He didn't have enough time before he hiked out of the hospital to do all the things he said he did.
I just assumed Murray had exaggerated that part to make himself look better, I am glad the Jackson's have spoken out about that. He didn't have enough time before he hiked out of the hospital to do all the things he said he did.

I've just assumed that Murray has LIED about anything and everything
he has said about himself, about Michael.... and everything else!

The part that really turns my stomach, though, is how much he said MJ's
children loved him & he loved them... how he thought of Paris as his own daughter,
that she told CM that she knew he really tried to save her daddy. GMAFB!
I think by now everyone gets it when it comes to how to administer propofol.
I hope this is the last witness of this sort. It is becoming over-kill.
I'm going to think that by now the jury is thinking, do they think we are idiots? We get it!!!

This is just two witnesses on this subject. Imo that is not overkill.

Now Flanagan has overkilled witnesses time and time again by asking a lot of the other witnesses questions these experts should have been asked in the first place.

This doctor is a sleep specialist too.

I've just assumed that Murray has LIED about anything and everything
he has said about himself, about Michael.... and everything else!

The part that really turns my stomach, though, is how much he said MJ's
children loved him & he loved them... how he thought of Paris as his own daughter,
that she told CM that she knew he really tried to save her daddy. GMAFB!

Now, I learned from another case that even when someone lies there is some truth to it even if you can never find that truth.

That entire interview freaked me out and to put himself into his patient's lives like he made it sound was just crossing the doctor patient line anyway. If it was true he was acting in a friendship role with a patient which is unethical.
I thought I heard that his records were coming in but not Klein I think. I am sure his records are as truthful as Dr Murrary's. <insert eye roll>

I don't ever think Klein ever gave MJ propofol.

If he had relevancy then Judge Pastor would have let the DT call him as a witness.

I think he is a red herring for the defense.

All of these doctors were checked out throughly by the DEA and not one has been charged with anything or even had a complaint filed against them to the Medical Board. More DT smoke and mirrors.

If Murray is claiming he thought of Paris as his own daughter, that's not saying much. He's a deadbeat dad. IF he takes the stand and uses that line, it would open the door for the state to bring in all of the information about the crappy way he's abandoned his own kids.
He had no pulse but his heart was beating at 122 beats per minute?

I thought it was so ingenious of the doctor today to use Murray's own words.

Murray has locked himself in. Because HE is the one that said the heart was beating at 122 beats per minute. HE is the one that said that the oxi-meter was showing oxygen at 90%.

Murray has made MJ alive through his lies and now he is trapped because the DT is trying to excuse what he did in the aftermath and now know they need MJ dead to make Murray not look so rotten.

Boy talk about 'what a person says can come back to haunt them.'

If Murray is claiming he thought of Paris as his own daughter, that's not saying much. He's a deadbeat dad. IF he takes the stand and uses that line, it would open the door for the state to bring in all of the information about the crappy way he's abandoned his own kids.

This man is so full of it.

He also said that he loves Katherine Jackson like he does his own mother.:innocent:

He speakth with a forked tongue.
122 beats per minute IS rapid pulse.

The heart knows something is wrong & is working harder to try to fix it.
In this case, it was MJ not breathing, thus not getting 02 into his system... and to his heart.

Imo, Murray made that part up. I do not believe he ever felt a rapid pulse. When he finally came back in the room MJ was long dead.

I&#8217;m not sure Dr. Murray has the strength to make it through the remainder of the trial. He has no virtues to sustain him so he might decide to take the easy way out.

Do you think his lawyers watch over him on the weekend? After hearing today&#8217;s damaging testimony in Court, his lawyers must worry about him. I can&#8217;t imagine they can say at the end of each day, &#8220;no worries Dr. Murray, take an aspirin when you get home to relax and we&#8217;ll see you again in the morning.

Could Dr. Murray admit himself into a psychiatric hospital now if he wanted to?
Imo, Murray made that part up. I do not believe he ever felt a rapid pulse. When he finally came back in the room MJ was long dead.


I don't think Dr. Murray would recognize decompensation if it slapped him in the face.
Bash is still in the corner swoooooon (thank god hubby comes home tomorrow night!!!!! :crazy:

Oh and the last say 5 10 minutes........wait......what did the defense jsut ask...........wait WHAT :floorlaugh:

bbm Well, move over, marsha-marsha-marsha -- make some room in that corner for Amity and me!!! Yes, ma'am, he dresses up nice, doesn't he??
I&#8217;m not sure Dr. Murray has the strength to make it through the remainder of the trial. He has no virtues to sustain him so he might decide to take the easy way out.

Do you think his lawyers watch over him on the weekend? After hearing today&#8217;s damaging testimony in Court, his lawyers must worry about him. I can&#8217;t imagine they can say at the end of each day, &#8220;no worries Dr. Murray, take an aspirin when you get home to relax and we&#8217;ll see you again in the morning.

Could Dr. Murray admit himself into a psychiatric hospital now if he wanted to?

I very much think Murray is a full blown narcissist and would never harm himself.

His life really shows it is all about him. He hasn't paid his bills since the 90s. He has unprotected sex with various women fathering 7 children with 5 different women. He probably doesn't even see his other children. Just the son he has with Nicole Alvarez. He is interested in self gratifications thinking he is entitled to spend money he doesn't have on lap rides.

I suppose he could but I don't think he will. He seems pretty much an emotionless man. I think he talks a pretty talk because it fools people into believing he is an ethical doctor but really his morals say a lot about his character and that started many years ago. Silver tongue 'devil' and as JVM says "a player."

Oh goody. JVM is calling the first Dr. Doctor dreamy. She says that is what they are calling him. Who is they JVM?

I have seen him called Dr. Dreamy on other sites I have been on today. I guess they keep up with MBs.

Some call him Dr. Steamy!:floorlaugh:
When I was studying to be an EMT, we were always trained that in the case of adult cardiac arrest you call 911 first, then start compressions and rescue breathing. Children, start compressions and breathing , then 911. I assumed this was pretty much the way everyone is trained.

Yes, tweezy, I agree -- I think those steps are pretty universal.

The good doctor must have skipped class that day, huh?
Exactly, he should have called 911 first not Michael Amir.

Hmmm, just thinkin' 'bout it, though, o'moon....If CM knew poor MJ was dead, I mean beyond help & hope (which I think he did know), that was exactly the call he should have made.
I very much think Murray is a full blown narcissist and would never harm himself.

His life really shows it is all about him. He hasn't paid his bills since the 90s. He has unprotected sex with various women fathering 7 children with 5 different women. He probably doesn't even see his other children. Just the son he has with Nicole Alvarez. He is interested in self gratifications thinking he is entitled to spend money he doesn't have on lap rides.

I suppose he could but I don't think he will. He seems pretty much an emotionless man. I think he talks a pretty talk because it fools people into believing he is an ethical doctor but really his morals say a lot about his character and that started many years ago. Silver tongue 'devil' and as JVM says "a player."


I AGREE. And what the heck was going on in his clinics. He had no real nurses working with the heart patients. That one witness was a VOLUNTEER. She worked full time as a volunteer for a few years? I did not understand that. maybe her grandmother got free treatments from the doctor for that.??
Wondering just where the Defense team would find an expert to testify that Dr. Murray did no harm?

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