Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #11

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"There are now 118 cases of coronavirus in the US"
Keep in mind, these are the ones we know about.

Coronavirus live updates: Outbreak spreads across the world - CNN

Ohio is still keeping wraps on cases. They claim they have tested some people and have 1 person "under investigation" now.

Coronavirus: One person in Ohio under quarantine

Ohio Dept of Health claims to have tested 7 people, but none were positive. They haven't re-tested any of these people.

Ohio also claims there are 212 people in Ohio who have recently traveled to China. They are "monitoring" them, but don't specify what that means.

Ohio Dept of Health is refusing to reveal where in Ohio people are being quarantined and tested. Ohio is a very large state with several major population centers.

I'm assuming there are already people with COVID 19 in Ohio, the state just isn't aware yet, nor are they testing very many people. That's standard procedure for Ohio Health Department - if you don't look for a problem, you don't have to do anything to solve it.

ETA: Also seeing a lot of news reports that state or imply that COVID-19 is no worse than the regular flu and the whole thing is no big deal. A lot of Ohio leaders and elected officials in OH telling people not to worry and go about doing things as usual.
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Jeez Louise.. I’m terrified! DH gets in soon but I went to local brick & mortar pharmacy & while they had bleach—I laughed sooo hard when I saw the stacks—they had only 3 cans of Lysol. Then I went to local Piggly Wiggly (that’s a Southern icon, y’all) & while they had Lysol spray they only had 3 cans of wipes. I was a good citizen & only took 1.

More worried because I have an auto immune disorder & my son, who’s ex Navy, has 2 stents & works for a defense contractor on east coast. He was hospitalized 2 months ago for double pneumonia, enlarged heart & an arrhythmia. He works in close quarters..Mama ain’t happy. Praying, lighting my NOLA candles.

WS is only place I can find consistency in reporting. Thanks y’all. Stores still stacked with food & alcohol, but yeah we are Cajun. I’ve seen worse when hurricane season starts.
Woolworths will apply a quantity limit on toilet paper to cope with a spike in demand as raid supermarket shelves amid panic buying ahead of a possible coronavirus pandemic.
Fears over the coronavirus becoming a pandemic have seen shelves empty in some Woolworths, Coles and Aldi stores where rice, bottled water, toilet paper, pasta are usually stocked.
In a statement from Woolworths, the supermarket giant said they will be limiting the number of toilet paper packs to four per person.
Coronavirus: Woolworths to enforce buying limits on toilet paper as suppliers struggle with panic buying

This is an alert from my local Kroger for curbside pick up and home delivery orders.
Screenshot_20200303-160430_Kroger.jpg Screenshot_20200303-160423_Kroger.jpg
CDC will now generally updating coronavirus case totals by noon on weekdays, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said during a press briefing today. The most up-to-date case counts will come from states, she said.

Messonnier said CDC is no longer reporting the number of people under investigation on its website because CDC’s figures are no longer representative of the testing being done nationally.

Coronavirus live updates: Outbreak spreads across the world - CNN

LAME! They are the agency in our government where people go to for information. That is one of their functions. They should get the information, period.
I'm appalled.

Speaking and texting with various friends and colleagues, I am astounded by the lack of concern displayed...not only here in the US, but some in other countries. Except those in northern Italy and one individual in the Abruzzo coastline area..a curator who has cancelled an exhibition there and in California, wise decision. (Pity, as I was to be included in the show.)
Relatives in Holland are also somewhat blasé.
As for here in LA, among people I know, no-one seems particularly alarmed. People are too busy carrying on with their lives and priorities.

I guess we in WS are living in a sort of bubble of apprehension because we read and stay up to date.

Ignorance is bliss? or not? I think ignorance is dangerous, notwithstanding that knowledge of facts is anxiety producing.
I hear ya....its like watching a train wreck in slow motion....agonizing and can't do a thing about it.
Pretty good advice, I'd say. I believe (and hope) that also having the flu itself builds immunity. I had a nasty case of it first 2 weeks in January. And bronchitis in November.

Also, I had my second pneumonia vaccine (series of 2 a year apart) just yesterday. *My arm is very sore today!
@zecats you are correct regarding having the flu building immunity. And I'm glad you had the pneumovax vaccine. You'll be protected against pneumococcal disease.
This is how #COVID19 explodes:
- individuals get infected in the community;
- turn up in a hospital w/pneumonia;
- USA had no test kits so no COVID diagnosis reached for days;
- hospital workers exposed, possibly infected.
Same in Seattle.
I add: coming to a city near you....
Coronavirus in N.Y.: Second Case Sets Off Search for Others Exposed
my HR actually listened to me and directed me to order tons of sanitizer, just got off the phone with the last office supply NONE !! they are out still have Lysol and wipes though ! Buckle up just sent Hubby for bleach and the most coveted TP !!!
OK here goes. The numbers given above are
probably not accurate, here's why.
This morning, my Fl. Dept. of Health listed
2 confirmed cases (now 3) and 8 presumptive positive cases. Now the website took off presumptive cases and lists # of tests pending (16). So is that now 16 presumptive positives
but they're playing word games to downplay
the actual presumptive positives?
Are they still waiting for CDC to confirm the 16?
3 confirmed cases in Fl. sounds so much better
than 19.
I still believe we're behind the 8 ball in the numbers count.
And the # being closely monitored is 247.
I'm watching these numbers so closely because
this is the state where our Governor said last Thursday that it was against a state law to disclose testing #s and case #s . This state has
not been exactly transparent.
So who can you believe?
Uuuuuggghhh! So much for the sunshine law.
Quarantine doesn’t work. But there’s only one way to control the spread of coronavirus – and it’s a drastic step that goes against Australia’s way of life.

COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease. But we have a pretty good idea of how it works. Cough droplets. Mucus. Sweat. Perhaps even faeces.

Last night, Attorney-General Christian Porter warned it may soon become necessary to activate drastic measures under the 2015 Biosecurity Act.

Most notably, the power to ban gatherings and impose lockdowns.
If this has already been posted I'm sorry for doing so again. Ya'll just type sooo much faster than I can read!

The Countess of Wessex has been screened for symptoms of coronavirus as she arrived in South Sudan on Tuesday for an official visit.

As she disembarked from her plane, the Countess was screened with a thermometer to check her temperature was at a normal level.

Visitors arriving to many foreign nations must now have their temperature checked upon arrival as the coronavirus spreads across the globe.

Royalty is no exception, and the Countess of Wessex was only too happy to comply.

The Countess of Wessex is screened for coronavirus
This is how #COVID19 explodes:
- individuals get infected in the community;
- turn up in a hospital w/pneumonia;
- USA had no test kits so no COVID diagnosis reached for days;
- hospital workers exposed, possibly infected.
Same in Seattle.
I add: coming to a city near you....
Coronavirus in N.Y.: Second Case Sets Off Search for Others Exposed

Agree. The nurse's unions are speaking out about the need for more testing and proactive measures, but for some reason its not being covered in the news media.

Here's the National Nurse's United letter to VP Pence

According to a survey done by NNU,

  • Only 29% of hospitals responding have a plan in place to isolate patients with coronavirus.

  • Only 27% of reporting hospitals have access to powered air-purifying respirators to protect nurses and other staff

  • Only 30% of respondents hospitals have sufficient PPE on hand to handle a surge in corornavirus patients
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Woolworths will apply a quantity limit on toilet paper to cope with a spike in demand as raid supermarket shelves amid panic buying ahead of a possible coronavirus pandemic.
Fears over the coronavirus becoming a pandemic have seen shelves empty in some Woolworths, Coles and Aldi stores where rice, bottled water, toilet paper, pasta are usually stocked.
In a statement from Woolworths, the supermarket giant said they will be limiting the number of toilet paper packs to four per person.
Coronavirus: Woolworths to enforce buying limits on toilet paper as suppliers struggle with panic buying
Where is this?
If this has already been posted I'm sorry for doing so again. Ya'll just type sooo much faster than I can read!

The Countess of Wessex has been screened for symptoms of coronavirus as she arrived in South Sudan on Tuesday for an official visit.

As she disembarked from her plane, the Countess was screened with a thermometer to check her temperature was at a normal level.

Visitors arriving to many foreign nations must now have their temperature checked upon arrival as the coronavirus spreads across the globe.

Royalty is no exception, and the Countess of Wessex was only too happy to comply.

The Countess of Wessex is screened for coronavirus

The Royals can set an example - the Queen wearing gloves to shake hands instead of avoiding people, for example. I'm also thinking of Princess Diana when she hugged an AIDS patient back in the '80s, when people were scared to do anything like that. This is a function they can serve - to be an example. Let's see the Royals washing hands!

My biggest fear...

Analysis of genetic sequences of viruses from #Covid19 cases in the Seattle area suggest the virus has likely been transmitting there for about 6 weeks. That effectively puts Seattle where Wuhan was on Jan. 1 — three weeks from an explosion of cases. Act now, experts.
Helen Branswell on Twitter

Other Chinese cities, like Beijing, that started stringent social distancing efforts at the same time as Wuhan experienced much flatter epidemic curves. Seattle's at a critical juncture; acting now could mean a more Beijing-like outbreak, @trvrb said.

I agree, but am concerned we are in the same situation in CA, NY, FL, IL and probably a number of other States. I am concerned that we will not have a single Wuhan, but might be facing a dozen.

Ryan Yerkey on Twitter
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