Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #11

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Woolworths will apply a quantity limit on toilet paper to cope with a spike in demand as raid supermarket shelves amid panic buying ahead of a possible coronavirus pandemic.
Fears over the coronavirus becoming a pandemic have seen shelves empty in some Woolworths, Coles and Aldi stores where rice, bottled water, toilet paper, pasta are usually stocked.
In a statement from Woolworths, the supermarket giant said they will be limiting the number of toilet paper packs to four per person.
Coronavirus: Woolworths to enforce buying limits on toilet paper as suppliers struggle with panic buying
St Patrick's Day is just two weeks away now. I really wish they would just bite the bullet here in Ireland and cancel the parades.

Coronavirus: No plan to cancel St Patrick’s Day parades ‘at this stage’

Taken from the article:
Earlier, a leading international virologist and expert on influenza has said the Government should cancel St Patrick’s Day parades to avoid the spread of the coronavirus.

Prof John Oxford said Chinese authorities cancelled the Chinese New Year celebrations and Ireland should take this opportunity to stop the spread of the virus.

“The Government should take it a bit more seriously, I know you’ve got only one case [of the coronavirus], but it’s quite likely you’ve got the virus spreading around - this is pretty infectious. It’s not like measles and it’s not quite as infectious as flu, it just moves quietly,” he told RTÉ radio’s Today with Seán O’Rourke Show on Tuesday.

“Like in northern Italy, they sat there for weeks thinking they didn’t have a case, everything was fine, suddenly there was an explosion - they’re the new epicentre now.

“I heard this morning that Italians are now importing the virus back into China, into areas where they’ve not had it before."

Prof Oxford said St Patrick’s Day parades are held all around the country, not just in Dublin. “Every little place has a parade, on top of that you’re getting lots of visitors in from abroad, from all over the place.

"If I were in their [the Government’s] shoes I would say ‘we must postpone it’, it’s not the end of the world for one year. Don’t have it this year because of the things going on, after all the Chinese postponed the Chinese New Year, which is immense. They took it so seriously.

“I would take advantage of the situation you’re in, so that you could prevent a big out break, by taking these actions, I would go ahead and stop the parades.”

He added that this is “a very fruitful opportunity for the virus to get a grip on your country and start spreading.”
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The International Olympic Committee has given further unequivocal backing to this summer's Tokyo Olympics, urging athletes to prepare "full steam" despite the coronavirus threat - and despite Japan flagging a possible postponement.

"We are preparing for a successful Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020," IOC head Thomas Bach said at an executive board meeting on Tuesday to discuss the July 24-August 9 sporting extravaganza.

Earlier on Tuesday, Japan's Olympics minister Seiko Hashimoto had said that details within Tokyo's contract with the IOC "could be interpreted as allowing a postponement" until the end of the year.
Major shift on Olympics amid coronavirus outbreak
I’m hoping this will reduce the flu as well. A sign in the doctor’s office stated 14 kids have died of the flu this season in Orange County. That’s huge.

This is a great point Gitana. All the efforts a lot of us are now doing to prevent the spreading of germs like proper handwashing techniques and not touching face as much will end up having the added benefit of reducing regular Colds and Flu's and other communicable infections.

Its a great point and I have learned so much from this thread about how to not catch any infection, let alone this Coronavirus. Our efforts are not going to waist and hopefully we will eventually see reductions of regular colds, flu's, and other communicable diseases as well.

The two best lessons I have learned so far that do not cost much money is #1-how to properly wash hands and also to increase frequency as much as possible without damaging hands. And #2-try to avoid touching face (eyes, nose, mouth especially).

The face touching has been absolutely shocking to me. I had no idea this was a "thing" we all do so much and so often. It is nice to be aware of it now and I have reduced it quite a bit, but I constantly have to be on guard about that.

BTW - I know you got a lot of suggestions with certain lotions that can help repair hand damage from frequent washing. The one thing I have found that helps is Argon Oil. I got Josie Maran's supposedly pure Argon Oil and that stuff does wonders to repair damaged hands. I started to have cracking on my hands from too much washing and after I put on the Argon Oil, it immediately repaired a lot of the damage, and my hands have gotten much better. But I know what you mean that there is only so much you can do sometimes when having to wash hands as frequently as we should.
"There are now 118 cases of coronavirus in the US"
Keep in mind, these are the ones we know about.

Coronavirus live updates: Outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
OK here goes. The numbers given above are
probably not accurate, here's why.
This morning, my Fl. Dept. of Health listed
2 confirmed cases (now 3) and 8 presumptive positive cases. Now the website took off presumptive cases and lists # of tests pending (16). So is that now 16 presumptive positives
but they're playing word games to downplay
the actual presumptive positives?
Are they still waiting for CDC to confirm the 16?
3 confirmed cases in Fl. sounds so much better
than 19.
I still believe we're behind the 8 ball in the numbers count.
And the # being closely monitored is 247.
I'm watching these numbers so closely because
this is the state where our Governor said last Thursday that it was against a state law to disclose testing #s and case #s . This state has
not been exactly transparent.
So who can you believe?
New York

A Yeshiva University student has been quarantined in his family’s suburban home with symptoms of coronavirus after his father tested positive for the deadly disease, officials said said Tuesday.

The university also said a student at its Cardozo School of Law “is in self-quarantine as instructed by their doctor, as a precaution because of contact with the patient’s law firm” but “is reporting no symptoms.”

The father, a 50-year-old lawyer at a small firm in Manhattan, is in serious condition at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, officials said.

De Blasio said that the father, who traveled to Miami last month, has had “respiratory issues” for the past month and that “this appears to be an example of community spread.”

Yeshiva University student with coronavirus symptoms isolated at home: de Blasio
OK here goes. The numbers given above are
probably not accurate, here's why.
This morning, my Fl. Dept. of Health listed
2 confirmed cases (now 3) and 8 presumptive positive cases. Now the website took off presumptive cases and lists # of tests pending (16). So is that now 16 presumptive positives
but they're playing word games to downplay
the actual presumptive positives?
Are they still waiting for CDC to confirm the 16?
3 confirmed cases in Fl. sounds so much better
than 19.
I still believe we're behind the 8 ball in the numbers count.
And the # being closely monitored is 247.
I'm watching these numbers so closely because
this is the state where our Governor said last Thursday that it was against a state law to disclose testing #s and case #s . This state has
not been exactly transparent.
So who can you believe?
Give it will catch up. Rumors of a cluster in Jacksonville....we will see... IMO....we will soon lose count because it will be in the 1000s.
LOL! I don't know.

I was on the subways today for the first time since a case was diagnosed in Manhattan on Sunday. I noticed nothing different - though I did notice one woman wearing plastic gloves, which I've never seen on the subway before. The gloves were the thin transparent kind that you see fast-food workers wear. I also saw one 30-somehing non-Asian woman wearing a flimsy paper mask on the subway. On the streets of lower Manhattan, I saw one Asian woman wearing a paper mask and one teenage boy in a group of boys wearing a mask.

The biggest change I noticed was at the lunch meeting I attended - nobody shook hands, but bumped elbows instead. And, people had little sanitizers handy at the table. The virus was not a topic of conversation at all, except a little laugh about not shaking hands.

I went to three drug stores to buy sanitizer and/or rubbing alcohol....and found none. Then tried Staples....and found none. (Staples did have plenty of bottled water, though.)

I also was very conscious of what I touch with my hands. It's impossible not to touch things! It really drilled home to me that the best thing to do is break the habit of touching your face. That really is key, imo.

I like the glove idea. You must still wash your hands after but it's yet another defense and people who are in the habit of touching their face are consciously reminded not to. I don't like the touching elbow idea. People are coughing and sneezing into their elbows. What you are essentially doing is bumping one fomite against another or sharing possible infection. I think a smile and hello is the best and several feet apart. But that's just my opinion.
Coronavirus testing numbers were taken off the CDC website. Here's what officials said when asked about it.

During the Senate Health hearing on response to the novel coronavirus, Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director for the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was asked why the number of coronavirus tests was taken off the CDC’s website.

Schuchat did not explain why the figure was removed, but added:

"There is a difference between persons under investigation who have been tested and all of the tests that we have run. For instance, an individual case, the first 12 cases that we saw here, we did serial testing on them to understand how long the virus was present and when it was safe for them to leave the hospital, or when they no longer needed isolation. We collected multiple specimens so that we understood with this very new virus is it the upper respiratory or the lower respiratory. We've also collected other specimens from them.”

Schuchat also said, by the end of this week, all public state health labs “should be able to do testing.” Schuchat said the CDC is supplying the public health labs with tests “and we are rapidly doing so.”

Coronavirus live updates: Outbreak spreads across the world - CNN
This is an insulting non-answer, imo.

There’s a beautiful little German town north of Atlanta - Helena.
It’s located in the foothills and is a great little spot to go to when you feel a need to get out of the city for a bit. May not be everyone’s cup of tea, but definitely worth experiencing at least once!!

OT—Thanks! I will let her know. If there is beer it will be a big hit. :p
And nine dead? That’s a nine percent death rate, right?
Looking at Washington alone, 21 cases and 9 dead, that is a frightening 42%.!!
I think there are many more cases nationwide that have not been tested.
It seems that an average of 7 weeks is how long it takes the virus to peak in areas.
We are so behind the real numbers in the US, I don't think we can even imagine what we might be seeing by mid April.
The US isn't promoting being proactive.
If the powers that be, continue on this reactive path we are in trouble!!
I fear by September we will be seeing the #'s of deaths of US citizens close to 500,000.
I hope I'm wrong!
This is based on my own interpretation of predicting the spread, based on the numbers currently being reported.
Something needs to be done very soon!! (Like yesterday)
Speaking and texting with various friends and colleagues, I am astounded by the lack of concern displayed...not only here in the US, but some in other countries. Except those in northern Italy and one individual in the Abruzzo coastline area..a curator who has cancelled an exhibition there and in California, wise decision. (Pity, as I was to be included in the show.)
Relatives in Holland are also somewhat blasé.
As for here in LA, among people I know, no-one seems particularly alarmed. People are too busy carrying on with their lives and priorities.

I guess we in WS are living in a sort of bubble of apprehension because we read and stay up to date.

Ignorance is bliss? or not? I think ignorance is dangerous, notwithstanding that knowledge of facts is anxiety producing.
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