Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #11

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its stopping a LOT of people. Someone in Oregon was told 6k for testing is patients responsibility.
Since so many have large deductibles, insurance is not paying until after deductable is paid. People that don't have that cash laying around will not get tested.

Talk about price gouging! I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the government cost per test kit was approximately $5.
I know there’s a lot of “added costs” in between.... but I want to know what’s in between that puts the cost over 6k???

Just sayin....
(or more technically - just askin...)
This is how #COVID19 explodes:
- individuals get infected in the community;
- turn up in a hospital w/pneumonia;
- USA had no test kits so no COVID diagnosis reached for days;
- hospital workers exposed, possibly infected.
Same in Seattle.
I add: coming to a city near you....
Coronavirus in N.Y.: Second Case Sets Off Search for Others Exposed
YUP, I'm listening to my news talking about the 100's of thousand people expected for
Bike Week at Daytona next week and then they
talk about the 100's of thousand students coming in the following week for Spring Break.
Does anybody here care? apparently not.
Nor the 100,000 or so at the theme parks today.
Talk about an explosion, Give it a month and
Florida will make Milan Italy look like a small
outbreak. It's coming folks. Henry is right!!
I was reading a Vox article....."The coronavirus exposes the history of racism and “cleanliness " While the epidemic may be new, xenophobia has been intertwined with public health discourse for a very long time."

Scrolling through this thread I do not see one post, yet, where anyone discusses the moral implications and how pharmaceutical companies are probably gearing up to make a vaccine that they will claim "Everyone should get" and everyone will run out and do it. The Pharmaceutical industry is known for gaining huge profits in cases of "epidemics" and also cases of "pandemics."

I am not seeing any sense of care for the citizens of China at all in any post.
Agree. The nurse's unions are speaking out about the need for more testing and proactive measures, but for some reason its not being covered in the news media.

Here's the National Nurse's United letter to VP Pence

According to a survey done by NNU,

  • Only 29% of hospitals responding have a plan in place to isolate patients with coronavirus.

  • Only 27% of reporting hospitals have access to powered air-purifying respirators to protect nurses and other staff

  • Only 30% of respondents hospitals have sufficient PPE on hand to handle a surge in corornavirus patients
Thank you for posting this. @Betty P It's very informative and a great read!

NNU were the nurse's union who "raised awareness" about the lack of protection and infrastructure needed in hospitals during the Ebola crisis. Remember that hospital in Texas that was handling Ebola patients in an unsafe manner?

National Nurse Survey Shows Hospitals Still Not Prepared for U.S. Ebola Patients

RN Strikes, Pickets - Actions in 16 States Nov 12 for Improved Ebola and Patient Safety Standards

ETA: I also like that they're demanding that any vaccine or treatment developed for COVID - 19 with taxpayer dollars be provided when needed for free to the public. Yes.
My daughter is a freshman in college. One of her professors told her class today that the university is considering closing campus, and having all students finish out semester via online. The university is also bringing home immediately all study abroad students.

I work at a university and their are no plans to close campus (yet) and the administration is not providing much information to the faculty and staff. Students studying abroad in Italy were asked to return and offered transportation costs to come back to the U.S. but not all students wanted to return.

I learned yesterday (unofficially) that one of the students who returned from studying abroad who then went into 14-day voluntary self-isolation at his home - he was seen on campus and emergency meetings were called by the administration to deal with this. They have not shared this with the faculty and staff, there is no transparency regarding faculty who are returning from research activities or teaching abroad, or regarding students returning from study abroad.

Next week is spring break for our university, and the department of State's travel advisories have been communicated to all, but there is no way to enforce them, they are all voluntary if not travelling on university business. Faculty and students are asked to voluntarily disclose international travel to these countries when they return, but there is no way to enforce it.
Talk about price gouging! I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that the government cost per test kit was approximately $5.
I know there’s a lot of “added costs” in between.... but I want to know what’s in between that puts the cost over 6k???

Just sayin....
(or more technically - just askin...)
If that's accurate, then I believe it's because there's no government oversight. And drug companies will claim it's because they want to recoup R&D.
A million thanks to @LaborDayRN
Waiting for DH locum DR coming home Saturday and leaving again in a week. Y’all are front line soldiers & I salute you, along with EMT & anyone else I’ve forgotten. However, in my defense, I got a bottle of Pinot Grigio from Pig.
I work at a university and their are no plans to close campus (yet) and the administration is not providing much information to the faculty and staff. Students studying abroad in Italy were asked to return and offered transportation costs to come back to the U.S. but not all students wanted to return.

I learned yesterday (unofficially) that one of the students who returned from studying abroad who then went into 14-day voluntary self-isolation at his home - he was seen on campus and emergency meetings were called by the administration to deal with this. They have not shared this with the faculty and staff, there is no transparency regarding faculty who are returning from research activities or teaching abroad, or regarding students returning from study abroad.

Next week is spring break for our university, and the department of State's travel advisories have been communicated to all, but there is no way to enforce them, they are all voluntary if not travelling on university business. Faculty and students are asked to voluntarily disclose international travel to these countries when they return, but there is no way to enforce it.

Most people get bored and won't self isolate.
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