Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #12

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Confirmed #COVID19 cases in West Africa (Senegal & Nigeria): 3 French citizens, 1 Italian and 1 British citizen. The cases in Senegal came from Europe on 3 different flights.
Lauren Blanchard on Twitter

I read that earlier, and I am very curious as to when/where the British citizen got infected if the other cases there were imported to Senegal and not contracted there.
Here are two quick links regarding virus on surfaces, but more info is available through various sources, some less reliable than others.

"It is not certain how long the virus that causes COVID-19 survives on surfaces, but it seems to behave like other coronaviruses. Studies suggest that coronaviruses (including preliminary information on the COVID-19 virus) may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions (e.g. type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment).

If you think a surface may be infected, clean it with simple disinfectant to kill the virus and protect yourself and others. Clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose."​

Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)

"The first section of the new paper focuses on how long coronaviruses can survive on inanimate surfaces, such as tables and door handles. The authors show that, depending on the material and the conditions, human coronaviruses can remain infectious from 2 hours to 9 days."​

Coronaviruses: How long can they survive on surfaces?
What does that mean, in real terms? How many people do not have the sort of insurance to cover the costs of the test, and have we any idea much they'd have to pay for it?
Unfortunately, we have people in USA who are not covered by insurance. Most people have insurance through employers, which is a problem for unemployed, part-time, temp workers, contract workers, etc.

It's completely unclear what cost the uninsured would incur, if any should they need a test. It's just not an issue that is addressed, that I've seen. The answer in today's presser covered insured, Medicare and Medicaid people....but no word about the cost to uninsured.

"To be clear," it's unclear.

If anyone else has an answer, let me know. It sure wasn't addressed today that I could hear, and I find that cruel.

To clarify, I'm upset with the reporters for not persisting with questions about the cost for the uninsured. Press the issue (pardon the pun)!


Yep, they have said "private health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid" as they had meeting with insurance consortium,

but what about ObamaCare and uninsured...

we STILL have no answer for. And costs are just not for the test kit, but also for the pathologist/lab add ons, the doctor visit, the other tests that will be done at the same time e.g. flu/respiratory...etc etc etc. And which test? The throat and nasopharangeal and the sputum.. goes on and on and on.
Update from my daughter at a Seattle university:

All her professors are now recording the lectures and putting online for anyone who is feeling sick or too scared to go to class. She said her classes were less than half full. Final exams are online. Campus is eerily quiet.

Update from my Costco in San Antonio:

Zero water or toilet paper of any kind. But I’m stocked up on coffee! :D

Coffee is THE thing that I just can't do without. I drink tap water, will somehow make do without toilet paper if it comes to it, but I have to have my coffee.
By the time people actually feel "sick", if this virus is like Chicken Pox, they were exposed 2 to 3 weeks prior to feeling sick. And spreaders 2 to 3 days before they stayed home, if they did.

So, we could see quite a bump in the virus in Seattle over the next month.

According to Dr John Campbell's videos, granted I'm 2 weeks behind on them, but the studies he'd looked at at that time were suggesting very low shedding prior to symptoms, and in most cases symptoms coming on about day 2 to 7 after infection. I don't know if that's changed, or if the virus splitting into different 'types' might have an effect, but there doesn't seem to be masses of hard evidence that people are highly infectious before symptoms or after symptoms. I'm not saying there's no risk at all, but if it was a huge risk, I think it would have been noticed by now.

At the stage that many countries are now getting to, it's the highly infectious period of the disease that is going to have to be the focus as they try to reduce the number of cases. And maybe reduction was all they could do anyway, due to the nature of the spread and apparently very early unnoticed seeding outside China.

Soon I think it will be more about reducing the number of cases per week to try and help reduce the strain on the healthcare services, and try and help people in higher risk groups to avoid it if possible.
NEW: List of recommendations in King County, Washington, to prevent the spread of coronavirus. People 60+, those with underlying health issues, and pregnant women, are advised to stay home and avoid large groups. BNO Newsroom on Twitter

I didn't watch the presser, but nothing about groups of 10 in the document? Was that just for elderly/high risk?
Grrr....I'm listening and so upset with the reporters! One asked about cost of the test and the answer was the test will be covered under private health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. WELL WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE INSURANCE?!

Good luck to the poor suckers who don't have health insurance through their employers. Bummer for you.

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