Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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A second patient with a confirmed case of coronavirus, or COVID-19, is being treated at UC San Diego Medical Center, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesperson said Wednesday. It's the second confirmed case in the county since the deadly outbreak began.

Both patients are being treated at University of California hospital in Hillcrest. The CDC said it would be releasing more details about the second case Wednesday night.

The first case was confirmed by the CDC on Monday. Both patients were woman among the 232 Americans evacuated from Wuhan, China, last week and flown to Marine Corps Air Station Miramar to complete a 14-day federal quarantine.

CDC Confirms Second Coronavirus Case in San Diego County

Seems a bit irresponsible of her to not make that clear- for the sake of the less informed (i.e people who are not WS’ers :D).

But, I’m moving about town side-eyeing anyone who breathes too loudly, and using so much Purell that my fingers are cracking. So I’m probably a little paranoid.

I for one really appreciate your local updates, @MJPeony . My mom lives in a dementia-care facility in the south bay and my next visit is planned for late March/early April. But I'm waiting to see if it feels more stable by mid-March, and if it doesn't, I might postpone my trip.

Her retirement home has many Chinese residents, though that doesn't necessarily mean they have received many or even *any* recent visitors from China. But on the other hand it's possible.

I live 400+ miles away in an extremely rural/remote place, and just the thought of driving into a crowded town with many unknown/potential travelers is making me nervous. I dislike the busy urban/suburban area on the best of days, and this situation only adds to my trepidation.

I will be watching the news carefully but also appreciate your personal posts about how it feels from your perspective.
As we guessed earlier today.....WHO was very effective at nicety...

CDC has yet to be given direct access to China's data
The CDC on Wednesday confirmed that the agency has not been given direct access to China's data on the novel coronavirus.

China has been criticized for a lack of transparency during the outbreak. When asked during a briefing if the CDC has been given all that it needs from China in terms of data, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said the agency would like to see China's data directly.

Messonnier also told reporters the CDC has not been invited to go to China.

"CDC stands ready to send staff to China … but we haven't been invited yet," she said.

Messonnier noted, however, that the World Health Organization has a team in China that is being given access to the raw data.

Coronavirus cases top 60,000 as death toll sharply rises
World Health Organization says it was not pressured to praise China
World Health Organization Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has defended the organization's praise of China's response to the coronavirus outbreak.

When asked directly if he was pressured by China to support their response, Ghebreyesus told reporters at a press conference on Wednesday that the "facts speak for themselves."

"China doesn't need to ask to be praised … that's the truth, the whole truth," he said.

Ghebreyesus pointed to China's early reporting of the virus as proof that their response has been thorough and unflinching. Dr. Michael J. Ryan, executive director of WHO's Health Emergencies Programme, similarly commended China's early detection of the virus, noting that the virus appeared at first as only a handful of "unusual pneumonias" during the peak of flu season.

The director general also noted the country's decision to shut down the city of Wuhan – a city with a population greater than New York City – as a difficult decision for its social and economic consequences.

"China took action … shut down Wuhan city, and that helped stop the spread to other cities," he said.

Ghebreyesus urged people not to stigmatize a country, calling the virus our "common enemy."

Coronavirus cases top 60,000 as death toll sharply rises
Is there any news at all about what China plans to do in the long term to prevent coronavirus? Are wet markets still open in other parts of China?

Thank you to all of you for your news updates and posts they are much appreciated.
I totally get what you are saying. WHO should be more unbiased here. China holds a lot of cards though not just in pharmaceuticals. I wonder how this is going to play out. Trump keeps pandering to them talking about what an amazing job they are doing and how much we trust them....while we simultaneously cut off flights to and from.

I wonder how stupid a choice it's going to end up being China trying to force people to return to work? They are in a bad position...control an epidemic or try and not totally crash their economy and cause a spiral of crashing around the world.

And then others are in a race to control the rights to treat this new virus which has the potential to make an insane amount of money for some pharmaceutical company out there. I don't trust those people either. LOL But I've probably already made that abundantly clear in this thread. I don't trust a lot of people.

BBM: IMO I hope companies are falling all over each other in the race for a vaccine. I'm okay with them making money if it will save lives and stop the suffering.
“Los Angeles County public health nurses are closely monitoring all residents who have recently traveled to mainland China, regardless of whether they have any symptoms of the new strain of coronavirus, according to the county’s top health official.
More than 1,000 people have been assigned a public health nurse and asked to self-isolate and not to go to work or school for 14 days, Department of Public Health director Barbara Ferrer told the Board of Supervisors on Monday.”

Edit to add this gem: “It’s a very small number of people ... but nonetheless those people need all of our support,” Ferrer said.
(Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. 1000 is a “very small number?!” Okayyyyy)
All travelers from mainland China being monitored for coronavirus in L.A. County
LOL. I guess in comparison to the 10.16 million that live here. But yes, 1000 is a lot people!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing for the coronavirus, named COVID-19, to “take a foothold in the U.S.,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters. “At some point, we are likely to see community spread in the U.S. or in other countries,” said Messonnier. This will trigger a change in our response strategy.”

Coronavirus live updates: China's Hubei reports 14,840 new cases, 242 additional deaths

Hmmm, The name of the virus is SARS-CoV-2, and the name of the disease is COVID-19

(It's like HIV and AIDS. HIV is the virus, and AIDS is the disease.)

‘A bit chaotic.’ Christening of new coronavirus and its disease name create confusion | Science | AAAS
NHS hospitals create coronavirus isolation PODS in car parks to keep potentially infected people away from overcrowded A&E departments

NHS hospitals create coronavirus isolation PODS | Daily Mail Online

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Oh my, I understand the need to keep people who suspect they might have the virus from others, but I hope they have more than a chair, bed and a phone in these pods. Is anyone even in there to greet you, or do you just ring on the phone for assistance? They look very bleak to me, but I am closterfobic and shutting the steel door behind me would be terrifying.

I believe that the United States is downplaying this, and even news outlets are playing the "game". People are not ready to accept the threat and reality of a pandemic.

Am I the only one who thinks that we are on the Titanic, and the band is still playing?
Oh my, I understand the need to keep people who suspect they might have the virus from others, but I hope they have more than a chair, bed and a phone in these pods. Is anyone even in there to greet you, or do you just ring on the phone for assistance? They look very bleak to me, but I am closterfobic and shutting the steel door behind me would be terrifying.


I don't think a potential patient would be in the pod for long. It just seems to be an assessment area, not a treatment area, from what I read in the DM article.

From the images with the article it would appear that the pod isn't staffed 24/7, but a person goes to the pod and then uses the phone in there to call the main hospital, and then a doctor would get suited up and go to the pod to do the assessment?
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