Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Emergency #4

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WHO Presser has started

I'll do BRIEF notes and ETA updates through it, focusing on what is new for here and might be of interest.

Started with Ebola updates, 3 in last week. 5,400 investigated... talking about vaccinations etc...lots more I missed... the world needs to continue to fund the Ebola virus work.

We have new NAME! CoViD-19 (Corona virus disease 19)

42,708 confirmed in china, 1017 deaths in China, most in Hebei.. Outside 393 cases in 24 countries and 1 death

They are going to levered UN.

Thanks for doing that for us and thanks to so many others for helping provide accurate news and articles.

One suggestion I heard about the Diamond Princess cruise ship that makes so much more sense than what they are currently doing.

Instead of keeping all on board to potentially be infected by others, why dont they test everyone and those who test negative should get to be released and be free from danger.

Sure makes more sense than keeping them all locked on the ship to maybe catch it. Like all the small children where the parents are worried their kids will catch it.
Coronavirus could hurt the global economy, US fed chair says

Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell on Tuesday warned Congress that the coronavirus could hurt the global economy.

"We are closely monitoring the emergence of the coronavirus, which could lead to disruptions in China that spill over to the rest of the global economy," Powell said in his prepared testimony before the House Financial Services Committee, where he is set to deliver his semiannual report to Congress.

Coronavirus death toll surpasses 1,000 in mainland China: Live updates - CNN
Thanks for doing that for us and thanks to so many others for helping provide accurate news and articles.

One suggestion I heard about the Diamond Princess cruise ship that makes so much more sense than what they are currently doing.

Instead of keeping all on board to potentially be infected by others, why dont they test everyone and those who test negative should get to be released and be free from danger.

Sure makes more sense than keeping them all locked on the ship to maybe catch it. Like all the small children where the parents are worried their kids will catch it.

The reason that folks cannot be released as all countries are trying to abide with the WHO directive of containment of the virus. That means 14 days quarantine to help prevent spread. So they cannot release until after the incubation period and have this massive amount of folks fly all over the world to follow.
Not sure if this has been posted, but really now - wth?!
February 10, 2020
''What a birdbrain!

A bag of dead birds was discovered by US Customs and Border Patrol in the luggage of a passenger who traveled from China to a Washington, DC-area airport, authorities said.

The dead birds were packaged in a bag that had cartoon images of a dog and cat, US Customs said in a statement. Workers from the agency seized the birds at Dulles Airport near Washington on Jan. 27 from a passenger arriving from Beijing.

The passenger said the birds were cat food and he was planning to bring them to Maryland after his flight. The birds are not allowed into the United States out of fear they may spread avian flu, US Customs said.''
Do we have an update from the Diamond Princess? I'm curious if more were infected after yesterday's big jump in cases.

Last I heard was 66 cases confirmed Monday and 136 total.

66 more people found to have coronavirus on Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan

This radio station supposedly has someone on the ship posting a live shot from the ship. I cant seem to navigate to it but it supposedly is there. A few links that may help find it.

KHTS Radio

UPDATE: Santa Clarita Residents Quarantined On Diamond Princess With Dozens Of Confirmed Coronavirus Cases
Ben is getting tested to get his all clear to leave on Thursday, and his mom drops off care package, and someone else who dropped off care package with Irish goodies for Ben (including his beer!)

This is Dr. Shultz who does daily updates, and his post from yesterday. He goes over every day what's been in the news and tries to explain. Excellent and I've learned so much from him.

Ben's excitement is contagious.
Day 10 quarantine,
plus 40 hours journey, since they left China.
(Feeling out of the woods now!)
Everyone in the group is asymptomatic,
and should get out Thursday!

Re: D. Shultz,

Tests: Sputum vs Serum viral titers/load

Onset of symptoms, of patients seeking medical attention
From the time of symptoms to the time of shortness of breath was about
5 days,
time of shortness of breath to admission, was 2 days.
From admission to intensive care was 1 day.
I just caught up on the 10 pages I'd not read today in this thread. This is causing me so much anxiety. I left the coronavirus update groups on social media because they are just so hysterical. This thread is the best for reasoned discussion and good articles. But it's clear things are getting worse. I am a worst case scenario kind of person.

I'm struggling with limited budget to stock up on food and supplies. I am not waiting till the last minute to buy things. No way am I watching the Pandemic series on Netflix. I assume that will just make my anxiety way worse. This is a nightmare. I'm just assuming it's drastically under diagnosed. And wtf is China doing not counting those who test positive but don't have symptoms?? But they'll toss you in an internment camp just for exposure? But no biggie if you test positive? This makes no sense.

I hope Trump is right. I feel like I'm on edge just holding out for hope that spring arrives and we aren't all left in some horrible situation like in Wuhan ourselves. I thought containment was our best hope and now they are saying it's basically impossible? It was nice knowing you all! lol

I think we are twins separated at birth, I feel just like you and hubby made me watch "how the world ends/Pandemic" on discovery , I think I'm sufficiently freaked out and yes Ive been prepping on a budget too, lots of Ramen, oatmeal packets (good if you have to leave and carry) dry stuff that you just add water , mashed potatoes etc, my other goal is to stock up on vitamins and herbs Vinegar and baking soda (multi use stuff) so far I could be locked in for 3 mos but I think that should be a minimum for all of us , not only will people be sick , but if this gets bad what scares me the worst all the Karens I see at Starbucks every morning , they wont fare well they aren't used to having to sacrifice and be told what to do , they are frightening :) now folks in the hood used to sacrifice that actually have to pick 0ne between two pairs of shoes will fare a lot better IMO
The reason that folks cannot be released as all countries are trying to abide with the WHO directive of containment of the virus. That means 14 days quarantine to help prevent spread. So they cannot release until after the incubation period and have this massive amount of folks fly all over the world to follow.

Thank you. That does make sense since as we have learned there are many cases of people that have it but no real symptoms yet or very light symptoms at first.

It must be so scary for the healthy people just waiting in their rooms. They must feel like they are about to catch it any minute.

Prayers for all on board. :(
Not sure if this has been posted, but really now - wth?!
February 10, 2020
''What a birdbrain!

A bag of dead birds was discovered by US Customs and Border Patrol in the luggage of a passenger who traveled from China to a Washington, DC-area airport, authorities said.

The dead birds were packaged in a bag that had cartoon images of a dog and cat, US Customs said in a statement. Workers from the agency seized the birds at Dulles Airport near Washington on Jan. 27 from a passenger arriving from Beijing.

The passenger said the birds were cat food and he was planning to bring them to Maryland after his flight. The birds are not allowed into the United States out of fear they may spread avian flu, US Customs said.''

Reminds me of that tv show,
Border Security: Australia's Front Line.
Coronavirus has killed 1,018 people

There have been a reported 42,708 diagnosed cases of coronavirus in China, with the death toll surpassing 1,017 in China alone, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, said at a news conference on Tuesday.

The director-general said there had been 393 cases outside China, across 24 countries, and one death. It brings the worldwide total to 1,018 deaths and 43,101 cases.

He also announced the coronavirus would be named COVID-19 and said a vaccine could be ready in 18 months.

Coronavirus death toll surpasses 1,000 in mainland China: Live updates - CNN
Coronavirus gets official name from WHO: COVID-19

The new coronavirus has an official name: COVID-19. It stands for the coronavirus disease that was discovered in 2019.

“We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, or an individual or group of people,” WHO's director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a call with reporters.

He added, it’s also easy to pronounce.
"There is realistic chance" of stopping coronavirus, WHO director-general says

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said “If we invest now in rational and evidence-based interventions, we have a realistic chance of stopping the COVID19 outbreak. We have to invest in preparedness,” he said, adding that richer countries should help invest in countries with a weaker health system.

“I have a great concern that if this virus makes it to a weaker health system it will create havoc,” he said.

He cautioned that the fact that thus far authorities have been able to prevent that, “It doesn’t mean it will not happen – it may.”

Coronavirus death toll surpasses 1,000 in mainland China: Live updates - CNN
I think we are twins separated at birth, I feel just like you and hubby made me watch "how the world ends/Pandemic" on discovery , I think I'm sufficiently freaked out and yes Ive been prepping on a budget too, lots of Ramen, oatmeal packets (good if you have to leave and carry) dry stuff that you just add water , mashed potatoes etc, my other goal is to stock up on vitamins and herbs Vinegar and baking soda (multi use stuff) so far I could be locked in for 3 mos but I think that should be a minimum for all of us , not only will people be sick , but if this gets bad what scares me the worst all the Karens I see at Starbucks every morning , they wont fare well they aren't used to having to sacrifice and be told what to do , they are frightening :) now folks in the hood used to sacrifice that actually have to pick 0ne between two pairs of shoes will fare a lot better IMO

Add to your list, if pandemic minded,
bleach, vinegar and disinfectants,
emergency first aid supplies,
light source
some of the first products that fly off the shelf, aside from masks, goggles, etc. and basic food staples.
2 of 3 confirmed coronavirus patients in India RECOVERED from deadly illness

After declaring a regional health emergency over the novel coronavirus, two of the three confirmed patients in India's state of Kerala – the only known cases in the country – seem to have recovered from the illness.

The two patients tested negative for the virus in subsequent blood tests and may be soon released from hospital once given the approval of health officials in New Delhi. The only confirmed case remains at Kanhangad district hospital in Kasaragod. All three are medical students who were diagnosed with the disease after visiting China.

More than 3,300 people remain under observation in Kerala after returning home from virus-stricken regions, including the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus was first observed. So far, all returnees from the city have tested negative.

While the majority of those under observation have been allowed to stay at home for the quarantine period, 31 remain in isolation wards in a number of hospitals.
I’ve started to take a closer look at the published numbers for SARS and MERS for comparisons.

Linked below is the consensus summary from WHO for SARS.

There’s a lot of technical data for anyone that’s interested in reading through it, but I found the following to be interesting regarding the incubation period...


“1. Incubation period
The estimates for the incubation period for SARS are starting to converge as tabled below. Estimates are derived from an analysis of SARS cases with single point exposures or exposure over a well-defined interval (Table 1). They will later be refined by the addition of laboratory data.
Most countries reported a median incubation period of 4-5 days, and a mean of 4-6 days. The minimum reported incubation period of 1 day was reported from China (4 cases) and Singapore (3 cases) and the maximum of 14 days was reported by China.
Donnelly et al analysed 1425 cases notified to 28 April in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China (Hong Kong SAR) for whom epidemiological, demographic and clinical data were linked. The data were fitted to γ distributions by maximum likelihood estimation methods with allowance for censoring. The maximum likelihood estimate of the mean and variance of the time from infection to onset was 6.37 days (95% CI 5.29-7.75) and 16.69 days respectively; therefore 95% of the patients would experience the onset of symptoms within 14.22 days of infection.5 Four Centres stated that the maximum observed incubation period was 10 days.
There was considerable discussion about the range of the incubation period and the effect of “outliers” at the upper end of the incubation period on existing recommendations on the isolation of cases and their contacts. “Outliers” beyond a 10-day maximum incubation period are few in number and have not necessarily been subjected to rigorous and standardized investigation. However, it was noted that other mammalian coronavirus infections have long right-hand tails for incubation periods, so a long tail is also biologically plausible for the SARS-CoV. Statistical methods can be used to enable the inclusion of cases with defined periods of exposure rather than point exposures alone in order to increase sample size. There was also some concern that SARS cases arising from a single exposure may not be representative of all SARS cases.
Centres agreed that a detailed investigation of “outliers” is needed before public health policy is changed to extend the incubation period beyond 10 days, as any extension of the incubation period will have considerable impact on health service practice and resources. Participants also agreed on the need to combine data sets into a standardized international data set (Nd200 cases) to refine current estimates of incubation period. Although the focus of the investigation should be on the right-hand tail of the distribution (maximum incubation period) because of its public health importance, the shortest incubation periods seen in SARS influence the mean incubation period more than the upper tail and should also be reviewed.
It remains unclear whether the route of transmission influences the incubation period.”

Also, if you take a look at the” Case Fatality Rates” on pages 10 & 11 - specifically Table 3. - I think it’s very interesting (& IMO, very telling) that
the CFR (Case Fatality Ratios) average around 15% for all reporting areas with the exception of 1.
The People’s Republic of China (which has the largest reported cases by far) reported a CFR of 1.4%.

I’ll also add that with so many questions surrounding the accuracy of the numbers being reported, and with so many “assumptions” when comparing the 3 viruses, I don’t think we should forget that SARS has a mortality rate around 15% and MERS has a mortality rate around 34%

Just some interesting facts to consider....
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