Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #19

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I live in a rural county in the boonies. 2 cases last night in our tiny ER; 1 basically confirmed, 1 other waiting on? Glad I just bought TP. This town sells out of essentials every time we have a hurricane watch 1000 miles away.
In a way I understand people stockpiling, then they don’t have to visit the store as often, which has to be safer.

A friend just called me, she was crying & barely audible. She was in a gas station convenient store and a man came in & almost immediately expelled a big, WET sneeze. According to my friend he turned away from the counter but never covered his face or nose. I’m afraid everything we touch/buy is contaminated in one way or another. I’m calling the convenient store chain & asking them to review their video tape & what they plan to do about store product on display. I know the precise time from my friend’s call. How many X a day does this happen? More than we want to know, I’m sure.

is it time to bring the body condoms back?

Robert Redfield, CDC Director, said there are no plans to set up drive through #COVID19 test centres because "We're tryinjg to maintain the relationship between individuals and their healthcare providers."

CDC director Redfield said the Center had distributed 75,000 #COVID19 tests to the public health system so far

WHAT relationship? We have a 3K deductible per person before our insurance pays a dime. I can see a doctor online though- for 12.50 if it is something minor like an ear infection. At least I won't pick up any germs in a Doctor's office.
They really should get on with it.....what is the hold up!!!!!

.@Uwmedicine has set up a drive-through #coronavirus testing station inside a hospital parking garage. Right now it's just for employees
... but the concept could go viral. Hospital’s drive-through coronavirus tests could be a model for Seattle and the world #COVID19 (Pic via @KIRO7Seattle) Alan Boyle on Twitter

We have to rely on the states and private enterprise, the feds are apparently hamstrung by either lack of staff or ????
WHAT relationship? We have a 3K deductible per person before our insurance pays a dime. I can see a doctor online though- for 12.50 if it is something minor like an ear infection.

At least I won't pick up any germs in a Doctor's office.


I would NEVER assume this

This is why MOST healthcare experts are suggesting NOT going to a physician's office, but to call their office or your insurance company health nurse to discuss your symptoms and cases. Regular physician offices want to keep anyone with a communicable disease of any kind, but especially SARS-CoVID-2 out of their offices.

And offices of solo or small practices may be having the most difficult time trying to get personal protective equipment for their offices and staff.
Chicago River won't be dyed green for St. Patrick's Day, mayor says

Chicago is postponing its annual tradition of dying the city's river green for St. Patrick's Day, "out of an abundance of caution," Mayor Lori Lightfoot said at a morning press briefing.

Earlier today, officials announced that the city's St. Patrick's Day parade, set for Saturday, was postponed.

Live updates: Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide - CNN
Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), gave the House oversight committee the latest official figures on the US outbreak - 990 national cases in 38 states plus the District of Columbia, and 31 deaths in the United States.

He said the CDC diagnostic test is now in 75 US public health labs in all 50 states, with the capacity in the public health system to test up to 75,000 people.

On 2 March, the administration promised that a million tests would be available by the end of that week. Carolyn Maloney, the committee chair, wanted to know why the actual number is so much lower and why “South Korea can test more people in one day than we tested over the past two months”.

Redfield said that a test had been developed quickly but added:

We rapidly tried to expand that and scale it up with a contractor so each public health lab in this country would have that test. During that process of quality control we found that one of the reagents wasn’t working appropriately. And we had to modify that with the FDA, and that took several weeks to get that completed.

Coronavirus live updates: Merkel warns 70% of Germans at risk if infection not slowed, as cases rise in UK, US and Iran
Chicago River won't be dyed green for St. Patrick's Day, mayor says

Chicago is postponing its annual tradition of dying the city's river green for St. Patrick's Day, "out of an abundance of caution," Mayor Lori Lightfoot said at a morning press briefing.

Earlier today, officials announced that the city's St. Patrick's Day parade, set for Saturday, was postponed.

Live updates: Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide - CNN
Whaaa?! I am from there and that’s insane. I can see canceling the parade but why not dye the River still? Honestly I always thought it was tacky. But just seems weird. Maybe to avoid drawing people out to it?
My co-worker has been sneezing in her office next to me. I slammed my door shut. I hope she gets the hint.
I hope you can restrain yourself! How rude!
My friend was delirious when she called. It really brings to light just how nasty items in stores really might be. How many nose pickers have touched the mustard bottle we buy, did our mailman sneeze when he put mail in my box, etc.
Another friend was at Starbucks, she heard a group of college students talking, one said something like: old people can’t grasp a perceived threat. Duh Yeah they were discussing CV19.
Some of the naysayers will end up with it then launch fundraising sites, that will pee me off.
Finally...he's speaking truths.....

Maloney asks Fauci: "Is the worst yet to come?"
Fauci: "Yes, it is."
Says how much worse it will get will depend on our ability to do 2 things:
1) contain influx of infected people coming into the country
2) contain & mitigate within our own communities
Meg Tirrell on Twitter

Fauci on expected mortality rate of #COVID19: counting milder, asymptomatic infections, likely around 1%
Still 10x seasonal flu, he points out

Notes H1N1
pandemic flu even less lethal than seasonal flu
"This is a really serious problem that we have to take seriously."

Meg Tirrell on Twitter
Has this been posted? This report by NYT is about how a Seattle research lab was stymied by the FDA. It could have found coronavirus in the community earlier.

‘It’s Just Everywhere Already’: How Delays in Testing Set Back the U.S. Coronavirus Response

This was a conflict over HIPPA rules. Testing swabs for coronavirus that had been submitted for tracking influenza was a technical violation of patient privacy rules. But the right thing to do when investigating a novel virus.
I've seen zinc recommended a few times in this thread...


I can't stress this enough

Zinc can be helpful in small doses but you can easily overdo it, which depresses your immune system and makes it more likely that you will be infected.

15mg once if you think you are getting sick is ok, it's what my doc recommends, but if you want to take more, don't take it everyday and not for more than a week.

Thank you, marking this to research more. I had actually purchased Zinc Losanges, per the a physician’s list of recommended supplies posted way upstream.
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