Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #19

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Texas Underground rumor - The huge nearly month long Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is shutting down right now.... I gotta go buy more soap and toilet paper.....moo

Cody, we’re getting a little too close here, but just in case, if they’re low or out of TP, see if they have wipes. Regular butt wipes or baby wipes. Mooo. I heard this advice from a male individual btw, that’s where I’m getting it from.

We have hit a true low indeed.

ETA: @cody22 , of course save some for the mommas and babies. I don’t even have to tell you that because I know you are a thoughtful gentleman.
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It really seems like we are not being told what is truly about to happen.....
Like we are on hold.
Our gov’ contradicts himself, imo. After scrubbing our hands, we should live normally. Then we get a string of closings & cancellations.
Will we wake one morning only to learn no one is allowed to leave home and all public venues are closed?
The constant “no new cases today, but it is coming....we want you to know....and be prepared,” is very concerning.

I'm sure that's exactly what's happening. "Don't panic....wait for it...wait for it...ok we are quarantining starting...NOW!"
Cody, we’re getting a little too close here, but just in case, if they’re low or out of TP, see if they have wipes. Regular butt wipes or baby wipes. Mooo. I heard this advice from a male individual btw, that’s where I’m getting it from.

We have hit a true low indeed.

Am I using it wrong?
I get the feeling I should be using tons more toilet paper in my day to day life. I see folks buying up huge quantities and have to wonder if I should be using half a roll for each visit to the room with the porcelain throne.
Italy has banned funerals. Here’s how some people are getting around the rule.

A group of mourners in Rome got around the restrictions by parking a hearse outside a church and having a priest come outside to give a blessing over the coffin as it sat inside.


Live updates: Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide - CNN

Thanks for posting this. For people of all faiths, they have to improvise and find safe ways to deal with burial, last rites, etc. while in deep grief.
I'm sure that's exactly what's happening. "Don't panic....wait for it...wait for it...ok we are quarantining starting...NOW!"

As if the constant iterations of "don't panic!!!" actually have that effect, LOL. Now, if they could follow the "Don't Panic!!!!" with reasons why we need not panic. . . I think that might be a better strategy. I just get the feeling they haven't figured out that part, yet. When my ears hear Don't Panic!!! in a sentence, my mind interprets it to mean Panic???!!! IMO
Coronavirus: Smith College developing plan to reimburse fees

As they should imo. Or a 50% off your next semester deal or something. In favor of some reimbursement for this unplanned stuff. Colleges are doing pretty well nowadays

I didn’t have paid sick time until I was 45. Working since 16 lol. My own fault I’m sure. Anyyyuway
if these companies can’t bite the bullet for a few weeks / months ? and figure things out They’re gonna lose out sooooo much more money in the long run. Imo

The ivy league private colleges and universities have large endowments and may be able to afford refunds, but public universities that are state funded are in a different situation, most of them without endowments or any meaningful reserve. Our university ,like many others, had to make a mid-year budget reduction announced in late fall due to lower than expected enrollments. I imagine there will be layoffs announced at some point even though they have been trying not to do that and used across the board budget cuts this semester to balance the budget.
Texas Underground rumor - The huge nearly month long Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is shutting down right now.... I gotta go buy more soap and toilet paper.....moo
Bump - This news is now true.....Catch yall later. HEB, here I come.........Somebody please tell Mrs.22 that box wine is not a survival necessity.........moo
Am I using it wrong?
I get the feeling I should be using tons more toilet paper in my day to day life. I see folks buying up huge quantities and have to wonder if I should be using half a roll for each visit to the room with the porcelain throne.


My rule of thumb is if I am not clogging up the stool with paper, Im not using enough. :)
Obviously, I've never been to Iran, and only have seen it via movies and documentaries. I know there is an upper middle class, but, there is also a large population of poor.
My good friend Hamid is Iranian, now living in America. 3 of his children are doctors who still live in Iran.
I wonder if the poor have good access to soap, bleach and the like?
I kind of think that they do not. Which will certainly increase their numbers.

Iran confirms 958 new coronavirus cases in 24 hours, bringing total to 9,000

Iran's health ministry spokesman Kianush Jahanpour confirmed 63 new deaths, bringing the death toll to 354.

He advised people to cancel all holiday travel plans and to stay at home.

Live updates: Coronavirus cases pass 115,000 worldwide - CNN
I am making my guys text me pics of their timecards and I'll print them from my phone myself. I am not touching their paperwork after they've been working at the hospital all day, especially since they aren't taking this too seriously.

I am doing something similar in my work situation. Asking people to scan documents that I need to have at work and do an email attachment, or else I have to use my latex gloves at work, and I don't have a big supply.
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Hopefully Canada can source ventilators and build ICU units as fast as China.

No one can build ICU units fast.

We need negative-pressure isolation rooms & that means construction with HVAC people that know what they are doing, and have the appropriate means of testing and validating it.

Oh, and then there's the oxygen and suction lines and all the electrical for the information systems, the ventilators, the lighting.

But MOST OF ALL- where are you going to find all the experienced and qualified ICU RN's, respiratory therapists, and MD's to staff all these beds?

And, these are the healthcare providers that are really vulnerable at this point.
One thing to keep in mind, no one truly knows when CV19 really first got here, they only know the first positive patient. So, how many of us had it, or had been exposed & actually passed it to someone else. Imo, it is imperative to remember most people will recover from home, they will not require hospitalization. Moo based on reading cdc

Also important to know that 26% of those who are symptomatic require intensive care. And even people in their 20’s require hospitalization.

Clinical Characteristics of Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)–Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China
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