Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Pandemic* #20

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  • March 5, 2020
LONDON — Ventilators in short supply. Intensive care beds already overflowing. Some health workers buying their own face masks or hoods. And if cases of the deadly coronavirus surge in anything like the numbers some experts have predicted, doctors say they would have to consider denying lifesaving care to the frailest patients to prioritize those with better chances of surviving.

“If we haven’t got ventilatory support to offer them, it’s going to end in death,” said Dr. George Priestley, an intensive care doctor and anesthesiologist in Yorkshire in northern England. “I don’t want to be alarmist. I just want someone to pay attention.”

Canada must take immediate steps to prepare itself for potential COVID-19 pandemic, experts say
''Another crucial issue is a potential lack of ventilators, said David Fisman, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto’s Dalla Lana School of Public Health. If the virus starts spreading freely in Canada, ventilators will be important in the treatment of patients, particularly those over the age of 65, who appear to experience the worst effects, he said.

“There aren’t enough,” said Dr. Fisman, who is also an attending physician at Toronto Western Hospital. “There’s not a lot of clarity and there’s not a lot of leadership and there’s not a strong voice … in terms of how do you prepare in hospitals.”

Dr. McCready said she believes hospitals may have enough ventilators, but need guidance on how to make difficult choices about how to assign priority to patients who are critically ill with COVID-19.

“We need to be thinking about these decisions now, before I have 10 people in my emergency department who range from 30 to 90 years old who all need a ventilator and we only have five ventilators,” she said.''

That's quite scary! Hospitals have enough ventilators but need guidance on assigning priority? What's going on there? If there are enough ventilators, no one has to make any decisions about priority.
WATCH: Gov. Northam announces ninth case of coronavirus in Virginia

I needed a day to recover from VA Governor Northam presser.

First you can barley bear, no mikes for questions, and the governor rocks back and forth on his heels, while staring at the ceiling, when the various agencies speak.

He starts off with......
We are a Commonwealth and have a very unique plan.

Northam, we have 10 million towards cost. We will pay government employees to work from home or while out of work. No mention of those non government employees, how state would help the localities or if funds would be sent to localities. He was very invasive about any details, as were all of the Departments that spoke. NO State of Emergency.

VHD, only people exposured to a known case will be tested or a nursing home resident. ALL test request are investigated, prior to approval and ONLY VHD can approve the test!!! Recommends call your family Dr and arrange for private testing.

BOE, school decisions will be made locally. If schools have the capability of inline education, it may be approved if all elements are met. School without online capability will , not go to school. Sent TWO MEMOs (WOW) recommending school superintendents work with local health depts, review local emergency plans and review CDC website.

Supply/General Stores, said we do have a stock pile of supplies (seemed unsure and uncertain of himself) and we have applied to US government for more. These will be distributed to first responders and health depts. Not sure I'm buying this "we have a stock pile".

State lab, capability to do 400 per day. Applying for more as the order is received. CDC still rationing. Suggests private labs. MCV, VCU and UVA working on a test kit. (those colleges closed right after the presser)

CEO VA Hospital Assoc., they are preparing, no update when/where supplies might come from. Did stress the need for additional nurses, physicians, and supplies.

So the bottom line is.....

We in VA are unique. We are going to have to handle this at a local level. What has happened???? I'm physical sick over the response from the governor and his lackadaisical appearance.

Since the presser, most all colleges have cancelled class and dorms will not reopen after spring break. Loudon schools are closed, GDs robotic competition trip was cancelled, but the band is STILL going to Disney because its not enclosed, its more open and they can't get the money back.

IMOO...very worried in Virginia

We feel your pain at the national level too.

One of the biggest problems with the early inaction was thinking that the US is somehow unique in this, and would not be impacted as much as China and other countries.

There is nothing unique about how ALL places should try to prevent the spreading. Each case that can be prevented may help reduce 5-7 or more other cases.
Louisiana Governor Edwards on .....
Cases up one to 14 with the new case coming from Lambeth House....the
nursing/rehab house that already had three.
An error from yesterday corrected...... no case in Iberia....that case is in Lafourche Parish.
More to come as we hear from him.......

ETA: There will be many more testing kits for Louisiana so we can expect more cases to be found shortly.
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That's quite scary! Hospitals have enough ventilators but need guidance on assigning priority? What's going on there? If there are enough ventilators, no one has to make any decisions about priority.

In medical news from Italy that I heard on BBC this morning, an Italian surgeon said the OR's are being used for critically ill COVID-19 patients, not for operations.

It's causing problems with people that need open-heart surgery, as I recall.
What ??
and wtf.
The incubation period of the novel COvid-19 coronavirus could be as long as 27 days, noted Reuters citing reports from Chinese provincial government.

In Hubei province, hard-hit by the coronavirus epidemic, an infected 70-year-old man did not exhibit Covid-19 symptoms until 27 days later.

On 24 January, the man had close contact with his infected sister, said Hubei government website. He had a fever on 20 February and received test confirmation the next day.
Coronavirus (Covid-19) incubation could be 27 days, shows data
I’m trying to find the direct link for this to share will add if I find it

In medical news from Italy that I heard on BBC this morning, an Italian surgeon said the OR's are being used for critically ill COVID-19 patients, not for operations.

It's causing problems with people that need open-heart surgery, as I recall.
And yet he just advised all “healthy” people to continue to eat out and do everything they normally would do. :rolleyes::confused: (no idea where that link is now)

Talk about inconsistent messaging.


Here’s the link:

Mayor Says That Healthy People Should Still Be Dining Out
“If you’re not sick, you should be going about your life,” Bill de Blasio said Wednesday

“People should still be going out to eat at restaurants, Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a press conference about the new coronavirus on Wednesday — emphasizing that the virus “does not transmit through food and drink.””


“In response to a question about how the city would help curb the economic impact, the mayor mentioned new no-interest loans for small businesses that experience a 25 percent decline or more due to new coronavirus. He also said that they’re “telling people to not avoid restaurants, not avoid normal things that people do.””
Each case that can be prevented may help reduce 5-7 or more other cases.

Or 50-70. But, by time someone tests positive, they have already made social contact, imo. So, their contacts have been exposed for a variety of days, exposing their contacts.
In some cases, that would be testing after the fact, imo.
People exposed in Cynthiana, KY case are monitored thru the state health department. They have not been tested unless they are in bad shape!

SEC just cancelled, breaking news! It is over!
I’m trying to find the direct link for this to share will add if I find it
'Healthcare on brink of collapsing': Doctors share stories from inside the Italy coronavirus quarantine

ITV News has obtained a recording of two Milanese doctors about the situations at their hospitals over coronavirus. Credit: AP

A lot of patients need help with breathing but there are not enough ventilators.

"They've told us that starting from now we'll have to choose who to intubate - priority will go to the young or those without comorbidities.

"At Niguarda, the other big hospital in Milan, they are not intubating anyone over 60, which is really, really young."

"We have closed down entire wards, and reduced the number of beds in traditional wards.

"All operations have been cancelled, GP surgeries closed so the that the GPs can come in and be ward doctors.

"The number of ICU beds has been tripled. There was even pressure to take over our Cardiac ICU."

"All the resuscitation bays are full. They’re having to triage, deciding who to intubate and who to let die."
UK officially enters coronavirus 'delay' phase as Scotland bans mass gatherings

The UK has stepped up its fight against coronavirus after the Government accepted the outbreak could no longer be contained.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced the change following a COBRA meeting explaining that mass gatherings would be cancelled in Scotland.

The objective now is to slow down the spread of coronavirus and reduce numbers infected at the peak.

Ms Sturgeon said another key focus will be to protect those groups in society that early data suggests is more at risk.

From Friday, anyone with symptoms should self-isolate for seven days, she said.
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