Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #32

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Something good will come out of this, imo. Perhaps your daughter’s generation will gain perspective.
I bet you’re glad she doesn’t attend public schools, since so many kids are possibly asymptomatic. You prob’ have a better idea where your daughter has been. Good luck

True, and thank God I do know as she is immunocompromised and asthmatic.
Coronavirus updates: States order most residents to stay at home

Coronavirus updates: States order most residents to stay at home

More than one-fourth of Americans are being ordered to stay home as much as possible in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus. The governors of New York, Illinois and Connecticut on Friday joined California and Pennsylvania in shutting down most businesses. Workers considered "essential" are exempt, meaning grocery stores, pharmacies and take-out restaurants will stay open in those states.


Pelosi says McConnell's proposal for "phase 3" of relief bill a "non-starter"


As it stands, the proposed bill includes rebates of $1,200 for most individuals who reported less than $75,000 on their 2018 tax returns, or $2,400 per couple who filed their taxes jointly and made less than $150,000. McConnell said Thursday that the package aims to hit "four pillars": relief for small businesses, cash assistance for taxpayers, loans to businesses in major industries and resources to combat the virus.

Pelosi said that to be acceptable, the bill must rebuild health care infrastructure and secure more resources for testing and treatment, as well as "increase Unemployment Insurance and Medicaid, help small businesses survive, expand paid sick and family leave and put money directly into the hands of those who need it most."


U.S. to rapidly turn away migrants, including those seeking asylum, over coronavirus

Citing the need to curb the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration on Friday announced it would turn away border-crossing migrants, including those seeking refuge, by invoking sweeping powers to deny entry to foreigners whom the government determines could carry a communicable disease.

U.S. officials at both land borders are being directed to rapidly process migrants who lack the authorization to enter the country and to bounce them off U.S. soil as quickly as possible starting Saturday. Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf said migrants would be returned to Mexico or Canada "without delay," or rapidly deported to their home countries.


As for when seeking advise when to go to the hospital, I know that I'm lucky to be able to call work and ask a nurse or doctor for advice if I have to, but I know not all have that possibility. Sweden have a telephone number you can call, and speak with a nurse who can give advice, when and where to go when needed.

Yeah, we don't have that. My work sent a resource from our insurance plan (where we can call "a health professional") for advice. No indication of whether the person is a nurse, and really really long wait times. And the advice is almost always "go to the ER if you're worried" because no one was trained for this particular emergency.

I know some areas have actual nurse-staffed hotlines (smart).
Was thinking about you the other day and wondering when you were due back from the cruise. How was it? Good that you are self-isolating just to be safe. We are in the same neck of the woods, so if you need anything please reach out!
All good and yes self isolating and it was the last sail as they are shut down now too/ only 20% capacity so it was eerie - super scrupulous about cleanliness and temp taking etc but am glad to be home and feel just fine .. so far... thanks for checking :)
A few local nurses have begged for homemade face masks on our little community forum, so I’m going to spend tomorrow working on the masks I started earlier today. I’ll go until I run out of elastic (because I can’t really run out of fabric). I did 4 today, I think. But that pattern from IN that calls for 7 inches of elastic is just very wrong. Gaping mask. Between 5 and 6 inches is better with that pattern. You want a snug fit.

Baltimore County man in his 60s is Maryland’s second coronavirus death as officials confirm 42 new cases
A second Maryland resident who tested positive for coronavirus has died, Gov. Larry Hogan reported Friday night. The victim was a Baltimore County man in his 60s with underlying medical conditions, the governor said.


It was the state’s second death from the virus in three days.


Maryland officials confirmed 42 new cases of the coronavirus Friday, bringing the state’s count to at least 149. The new cases include two more children, an infant and teenager who tested positive, tweeted Mike Ricci, Hogan’s spokesman, who did not specify their ages.

"Dr. Brownstein of Boston Children’s Hospital, answers questions about coronavirus including which over-the counter medications to take if you test positive, and whether visitors are safe for newborns." Amy Robach Mar 20, 2020

Your questions answered

"Rapid testing - Home test kits - Can you get the virus again? - Immunity & Antibodies - Anti-Malarials "

At-home tests for coronavirus are here. Should you take them? |


Over the next week, at least four startups are launching the first at-home tests for Covid-19. The companies, whose tests have been mostly greenlit — but not approved in the conventional sense — by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under new guidelines instituted for the coronavirus crisis, aim for their diagnostics to offer some certainty to people who have up until now been unable to get tested as a result of the shortage of test kits. Most of the companies have put their other efforts on hold to focus on coronavirus.

“We are pivoting from our prior service lines to make this available,” Chris Hall, senior clinical advisor to San Francisco-based telehealth startup Nurx, told STAT. “It’s a heavy lift, but we think it’s important.”

Outside experts caution that the at-home tests are a piecemeal solution to the country’s failure to test early and widely for Covid-19. The US currently lags far behind every other country with a high proportion of coronavirus cases.

I was just wondering about Christmas tonight. Usually I host my whole family and about 12 of us cram into my living room to open gifts after dinner. Maybe last year was the last time like that.

Ugh.. or even who might not be here by Christmas. I have very elderly parents who, at 87, are in excellent health but still... I just can’t think that far ahead.
I am glad to see I am not alone in thinking this. It was interesting to go though my whatsapp and see what I was complaining about with my symptoms and they definitely match up to this. I remember feeling like death for about 4/5 days before I turned the corner.

There were people at my work who were really sick like this around Christmas.
It sounds like there's still a good chance to contain the virus.

What is containment? I'm curious how you see that. 20% infected and then we all stay home? To me, containment means "permanent removal of the virus from my workaday world." No schools or public gatherings threatened.

How do you see that happening until we get to herd immunity? (90% of us have already had it).

Coronavirus in Michigan: Here’s where we stand as of Friday night

4th death reported
Officials said an Oakland County resident has died due to coronavirus, bringing the state total to four.


Whitmer clears up rumors
The governor started off a press conference by clearing up rumors circulating about a lockdown and martial law in the state.

“I am not calling for martial law. That is a rumor and it is false. And it’s dangerous for people to foment fear and put out bad information," Whitmer said.


MDE says online schooling will not count
After the closure of all K-12 schools, the Michigan Department of Education has received questions regarding instructional time during the school closure period.

On Friday the MDE issued a memo stating online schooling would not count as instructional time.


Non-essential medical, dental procedures restricted
Whitmer signed an executive order imposing temporary restrictions on non-essential medical and dental procedures.

This order begins as soon as possible but no later than 5 p.m. March 21, 2020.


State total breaks 500
The state reported coronavirus total is 549.


5 Detroit police officers have COVID-19
Detroit police Chief James Craig said five officers have coronavirus while 152 are quarantined.

Drugs in development to fight coronavirus, treat patients

The Food and Drug Administration is looking into several potential treatment options for patients with COVID-19. The President announced he’s helping to fast track drug options.

“We are working on scaling these to allow many more Americans to access different drugs that have shown really good promise, really good promise,” President Donald Trump said.

Experts warn rushing a treatment too quickly through safety checks can cause more harm than good. There are early signs that one experimental drug may start working within 24 hours of the first dose. The anti-viral therapy called Remdesivir is thought to work by blocking the virus from reproducing itself in the body. A Washington couple with coronavirus received the drug and started to feel better the next day.

"I got on that and 48 hours later I was feeling a lot better," said coronavirus patient Chris Kane.

In a statement, Gilean said, “Remdesivir is an investigational antiviral with limited data at this time -it is not approved anywhere globally and has not been demonstrated to be safe or effective for any use.”

The company is supporting five clinical trials around the world to study the safety and efficacy of Remdesivir as a potential COVID-19 treatment and noted that the drug has been given to some severely ill patients through compassionate use programs.

When Mayor de Blasio dragged aides and members of his NYPD security detail to his Brooklyn YMCAMonday morning amidst the coronavirus outbreak, fellow fitness enthusiasts were coughing and sneezing — and a mentally ill person was walking around touching the equipment, a gym source said.

“It’s crazy that he made his staff and detail come with him to the gym and expose them like that,” the source said.

But the incident is just one example of the mayor’s disregard for the health of his staff during the crisis, multiple sources told The Post.
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