Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #38

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Hi everyone. I just jumped in here and see this concern. I noticed I only have a few days left of my Kappra and Lyrica. I thought I had another bottle of Kappra cause I get a 90 day supply. I was wrong. I tore the cabinets apart looking for it. I sure do hope I don’t have a problem calling the doc on Monday cause I’m out of refills. Geez, I don’t know what I was thinking. I think I wasn’t thinking about thinking. It’s late. I’m tired. It’s been a long day. I’ll sleep. Wake up in the morning and do it all over again. Remember ~ Feelings are thoughts. Thoughts are words. Words are powerful. Ergo, feelings are powerful. Take care of yours

Oh no luv, please don’t worry! Pharmacies are considered essential and will stay open. Just call in your prescription like you normally would, and your pharmacy will contact your doctor if you are out of refills.

I have one rx that requires me to see my doctor every three months but I was able to do it online with a virtual visit this month.

You will get your medications, please don’t stress! *patting your back*
<modsnip - quoted post was removed >

I also should add, I wasn't saying pharmacies were out.
I was saying patients are being denied.
It angers me that they had something that works and now they can't have it because someone said something that hasn't been tested or proven

Meanwhile many people will suffer without their meds and possibly have flares.
I should have been more clear.
My sincere apologies.

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Great news. Our little restaurant was SO busy with take outs tonight.
Customers with masks and gloves on.
God bless them for supporting us.
We are in a small town in So. California, on lockdown.
All, orders, to go.
Good to hear! A local candy company is making my dad a retro candy basket to help cheer him up.
Moon pies, Hershey bars etc.
Some places around here are also offering the ingredients uncooked/frozen for meals so people can cook it safely at home.
I don't know how that would go over, but it's a thought.
As are (some) cats. The number of times lately I’ve stuck my nose into the back of Ruben’s neck and breathed in all that Ruben-y goodness as I listen to him purr...instant stress relief.

My 6 month old standard poodle has forgiven me for tossing her into the bathtub after she blissfully pranced in and body slammed a mud puddle. Not like purring, but close.
Good to hear! A local candy company is making my dad a retro candy basket to help cheer him up.
Moon pies, Hershey bars etc.
Some places around here are also offering the ingredients uncooked/frozen for meals so people can cook it safely at home.
I don't know how that would go over, but it's a thought.

I would put it in the garage for 72 hours.
If anyone is having trouble finding a specific prescription for any reason, try out of the way, individually owned pharmacies.

My local pharmacy serves a very small community. If anyone is having trouble finding a specific drug, pm me and I will call them on Monday to see if they have it available to mail. Or I can give you their number.

Once there was a shortage of a specific rx that I take and surrounding pharmacies even miles away ran out, but my little secluded mom and pop pharmacy had plenty.
Proper drug testing needs to be done, and the WHO is testing 4 separate drugs right now. Some doctors might want to experiment on sick people and some sick people might be scared enough to opt in, but the results don't count until the drugs are properly tested according to ethical and scientific protocols.

I think the results do 'count', when used on a critical patient, who quickly recovers. It counts to that patient and their family. JMO
Oh no luv, please don’t worry! Pharmacies are considered essential and will stay open. Just call in your prescription like you normally would, and your pharmacy will contact your doctor if you are out of refills.

I have one rx that requires me to see my doctor every three months but I was able to do it online with a virtual visit this month.

You will get your medications, please don’t stress! *patting your back*
Thanks for tucking me in. I can close my eyes now for Mr. Sandman. Now I lay me down to sleep...
LOL. You have to be standing up to use it, so I'm not sure how well it would work while in your car. Maybe if you have a van with very tinted windows you could climb in the back and go in a large cup? :oops:
But I wouldn't do that unless absolutely no other option.
The HWYs where I live have trees and bushes... :D

According to my husband it wouldn't work since it would have to work in the same manner as a sump pump.
Oh no luv, please don’t worry! Pharmacies are considered essential and will stay open. Just call in your prescription like you normally would, and your pharmacy will contact your doctor if you are out of refills.

I have one rx that requires me to see my doctor every three months but I was able to do it online with a virtual visit this month.

You will get your medications, please don’t stress! *patting your back*
I am glad to know you got your script refilled. I too have to go every 3 months. Our governor issued a temporary order saying that all meds can be refilled over the phone, even the VA is doing it for the vets. I do understand the concern, because I am afraid too much doctor will say come in....just to get the fee for a 5 minute appointment. Will see what happens but I am glad to know you got your med.
thanks for sharing
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