Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #39

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Are yall under the Mandatory Car Pool Laws yet( yall gotta have at least 4 in a car and sit 4 feet apart with your masks on) ?......moo

I think we should consider some 'swings and roundabouts' in these things.

For instance, our UK supermarkets had banned giving plastic bags with shopping deliveries. But now the plastic bags are back so that they can drop shopping off on the doorstep for those in self-isolation, and because it makes deliveries far quicker than unpacking items one-by-one.

If you have international planes virtually grounded, and in some places far fewer intra-national planes, and you have as many people who can work from home doing so, then you're going to decrease the air pollution and oil use in those ways, so I think it's acceptable to reduce car pooling laws. But we also need to remember that many of those people still need to get to work somehow, they can't all work from home, and public transport or cars are both good places to get infected.
Good choice of literature! Only instead of the Black Plague we have COVID-19 to worry about.

I read "The Decameron" many years ago, should re-read it. Thanks!

They did the right thing. They had sheltered themselves in a villa, and each day one of them would be telling a story.
Is there people actually suggesting to let things settle out with herd immunity that could take years instead of working on a vaccine that will probably take less time?

I don't get that plan at all.

Oopsie. That was my comment in parenthesis about "if nothing done" that herd immunity would take years. Duh on me, of course when vaccine you would be getting to 80% herd immunity. Brain lapse on my part. Thanks for setting it straight.
Both Dr. Campbell and WHO believe these numbers. We have also seen tweets from people who have family in Wuhan who have confirmed the lifting of restrictions.
From a personal standpoint, my niece just arrived from China into the US and confirmed the lifting of restrictions and reduced cases.

I'm sure the WHO does a fine job for everything related outside of China. But so many red flags with them and China on this, plus China's own past and present behavior in protecting its self interest above all else kind of negates believing anything coming out of China AND anything from the WHO related to China. Just today, a great example of a senior WHO official playing the part of a China patsy. They are fair in most regards other than the major red flags in their relationship with China.

Ezra Cheung on Twitter

i am considering not ordering from Amazon for a while


We are surrounded by such people. It is hopeless and useless.

I mean, we should not follow the “coronaviruses challenge” idiots, but otherwise, I’d wager on these delivery drivers being too busy to meet the job demands, rather than spitting on the goods.

ETA: just thought. Amazon already caught their driver, meaning, they will be more careful checking their delivery men now. While some other delivery companies have not yet caught their drivers doing the same. I shall stick with Amazon.

I hope everyone is safe and staying at home.
We have some members here working the front lines helping out in the hospitals, clinics and law enforcement. Thank You!

Yesterday solders from Fort Carson, Colo. arrived to build a field hospital, it will be used for non-Coronavirus patients.
A much needed relief for hospitals, this opens up hospital beds for patients with the virus

This is day three of the ‘stay at home’ for Washington State. It doesn’t make sense why the governor only placed a 14 day directive.
The governor announced yesterday the stay at home could be longer. Maybe he didn’t want people running to the grocery stores buying a months worth of groceries.

We are about two to three weeks away from peaking for this virus.

I plan on staying put at home. I can’t afford to catch this virus then pass it on to my husband. It would likely be a death sentence for him. Remission for leukemia.

Take care!

Hey, book-thinker, I hope there is someone to help you out. But if not, and if you need any help, PM me, I can drive around Eastside or to Seattle and leave stuff in the driveway. (We had leukemia in the family history).

I give WA 3 months. And hopefully, they will stick with the quarantine for a while.
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Anybody else here experiencing wacked out daily routines?
I'm not waking up until 10ish. I'm not eating breakfast until noon. Lunch at 4ish.
Awake until 1 or 2 am.
I'm trying to just let my body dictate. But, I feel like a hibernating bear.
This is SO not my normal day.
Anyone else?

How did you know what my day looks like?!! You forgot to say what time y0u get out of your pajamas. Me? Some days never. On ”motivated” days between 2 and 4 pm. :D
They did the right thing. They had sheltered themselves in a villa, and each day one of them would be telling a story.
Reminds of the English village of Eyam, which deliberately isolated itself during the Plague of 1665, suffering losses of perhaps 70% of its residents, but, by doing so, selflessly helping to flatten the curve, stopping the disease from moving to surrounding areas.
Sure if they previously ran nationwide healthcare organizations.
Does it matter if they are disgruntled ex-employees? I never heard of the guy but if his wikipedia page is accurate, he was only in an "acting" position and he was replaced in 2017. The guy's proud highlight is creating a website that doesn't crash. I think I'll continue to listen to the doctors and scientists who are leading the response.

Andy Slavitt - Wikipedia

former Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a position he held from March 2015 to January 2017. A leader of the team which repaired after its problematic rollout,
You are the bomb girlfriend. Xxxxoooo

I don't know. But I literally cancelled my Amazon order when I saw that video. :eek:

I had already ordered from instacart , and I peeked out my window, just in time to see my 'masked' delivery guy washing his hands with hand sanitiser before picking up my grocery bags.

So I gave him a big tip in a plastic baggie, and another baggie with a new mask and new pair of plastic gloves. [ saw that idea posted here upthread] He LOVED the mask and gloves.

So I transferred my Amazon order to instacart for now. :cool:
I think that people need to calm down and understand that some ideas will come from our leaders that might not actually take place.

Like Governor Cuomo talking about banning the sale of cigarettes. It will probably never happen. Maybe some kind of help for people who wish to voluntarily quit will happen instead.

In this emergency I think it's great when people think outside the box and explore new ideas. That doesn't mean that all of those ideas are going to be implemented tomorrow. JMO
Thank you for this comment. This is such an unprecedented tragedy. People are grasping at straws.
He seemed more concerned about New Yorkers going to FL than the the actual hotspot imo it would be nice for unity at this time, less ego, less drama, I want to see and feel real support and leadership from all of our elected offices. This is a frightening time, none of us have experienced anything like this before. Shameful behavior all around.
We have first responders drs nurses dying trying to save lives that should be our first concern getting their needs met not the freaking economy that should be secondary.

But didn't Cuomo shutdown New Rochelle, using the National Guard, because of it's hotspots?

How come no one freaked out about that?

Speaking of ego and drama, doesn't that describe most politicians, including Cuomo?

It would be wonderful if we had a sense of UNITY. I totally agree. So maybe EVERYONE should open their minds and hearts and try to be objective and unbiased when they look at our leadership.

It is fine for you to dismiss the importance of the economy, but as Cuomo has said recently, it is a leaders job to do BOTH. We cannot allow our economy to totally collapse or we will be in an even worse condition that we are now. Total poverty, lack of resources for the citizens or the government could be a total disaster unlike we have ever seen.

I think he should be given credit for DOING HIS JOB and planning ahead to try and avoid a total economic collapse. JMO
Thankx. I forgot about fostering cats and dogs. Good time to do this also.

Cool Cat Joke:

Oh look. My life in a meme.

I dunno why my whole post didn't post but so glad you're ok.

I was told earlier today that I was being a "B" for being so careful. I'm only trying to keep my high risk husband safe.

I'm beyond upset.

I’m so sorry, that's just horrible. Why some people need to be such jacka$$es I’ll never understand. Sending you a big, socially distanced interwebs {{{hug}}}
Is anyone dealing with child visitation issues?
My grandchildren's father gets them every other Sunday afternoon. He is still working in the restaurant business.
The kids have been staying with my other daughter (not their mother-she is their aunt) and her husband and 2 children in isolation at the home.
So, now the father wants to see them again tomorrow but we are all worried about all the cross contamination. He is working every day, in the public. The kids mother asked if he would wait until all this blows over and he can have them a week but he says no.
We're just trying to look out for the kids and safety of all-plus follow the law! help jeez

Same issue with my sister's grands. Divorce situation of one of her kids with the other parent being in high exposure health care position (ER physician). No way for her daughter to keep kids until this blows over... therefore... sister is not seeing grands.

What was interesting as to dynamic is that it was my sister's son saying that she could not see her newest grandbaby of his if she continued to see the other set of 5 grandkids. Everyone seems ok with that decision!
Maybe we should focus on talking about what we think of particular measures implemented in places, and whether we think they're a good or bad idea, along with 'why' we think that, rather than commenting on the person who made the decision for those measures?

Maybe we should focus on the content of a tweet or article instead of who made the tweet or wrote the article?

We can have differences of opinion without bickering and snide remarks. We can debate without arguing by putting forward our views and thoughts and explaining how we came to those views and thoughts.

I can't think of the exact quote I'm thinking of but we need to not turn war on the virus into war on each other; we need to not turn tragedy into farce. Some things transcend 'sides'.
My husband is working from home now, on third shift. He just got up, came downstairs and made “breakfast” and took a thermos of coffee with him to the spare bedroom. Every day, it cracks me up to see him take a thermos “to work.”
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