Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #39

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Right. But hopefully, at some points in the middle, people with the antibodies will be able to go back to work and help us begin the recovery. Those who are older and who have underlying illnesses will still need to stay inside. But it will be encouraging to see their friends and family resuming some activities.

And before the vaccinations are ready, we will probably have some successful treatments and have greater access to instant testing. So all of that will make a big difference as well. JMO

Yeah, that's what I'm hoping too. That right now they focus on testing and treating and trying to combat the spread.

Then roll out the antibody testing and anyone with immunity will be safer to visit the more vulnerable people and drop off their groceries, get back to work without spreading it themselves or risking ending up being another Covid-19 patient in a struggling hospital.

And gradually get things back, not quite to normal but instead of the preparation for the peak stage, into the preparation for mitigating the damage that's been done. Because whatever you do, there's going to be damage, and we'll have to 'rebuild' in a lot of ways just as you do in any war.

Another worry I have is that when some 'treatments' to help those who are hospitalised come out, there won't initially be enough of that medicine to go around every patient in every country. So we're still going to have to keep case numbers down.

I don't think there'a an immediate panacea for any of this. I really believe we're now in it for the long haul (at least a year or two on a global level). We won't be in lockdown for a full two years, but I do think that for that time the virus response is going to have to be behind a lot of decisions that we make as individuals, businesses, governments, and nations.

We are surrounded by such people. It is hopeless and useless.

I mean, we should not follow the “coronaviruses challenge” idiots, but otherwise, I’d wager on these delivery drivers being too busy to meet the job demands, rather than spitting on the goods.

ETA: just thought. Amazon already caught their driver, meaning, they will be more careful checking their delivery men now. While some other delivery companies have not yet caught their drivers doing the same. I shall stick with Amazon.

Hey, book-thinker, I hope there is someone to help you out. But if not, and if you need any help, PM me, I can drive around Eastside or to Seattle and leave stuff in the driveway. (We had leukemia in the family history).

I give WA 3 months. And hopefully, they will stick with the quarantine for a while.
Charlot123. I stocked up on supplies the first week in March and have enough supplies to last a few months. At that time I realized how bad the virus would hit our area. So many more people are at risk of getting this virus then a month ago. Even being especially careful you never know.
Thank you for your kind offer and stay safe.
Sincerely, book-thinker
N.Y.C.’s 911 System Is Overwhelmed. ‘I’m Terrified,’ a Paramedic Says.

Because of the volume, emergency medical workers are making life-or-death decisions about who is sick enough to take to crowded emergency rooms and who appears well enough to leave behind. They are assessing on scene which patients should receive time-consuming measures like CPR and intubation, and which patients are too far gone to save.
More people would stay where they are if they knew they could be tested. They can't unless they are important, everyone knows this and they are petrified.
I’m not certain it’s all about testing. Often it’s about having a larger home to quarantine in. Or a “safer” place to head towards. Personally I think there’s a better chance to get tested in NY or NJ than, say, Florida. At least currently.
Yes it would be. But the entire country has to be on board with that. Every state, every governor, every mayor. And then the citizens have to comply. Might be tough to achieve.
Why would anyone be on board with that kind of order?

I thought that staying home and social separation is to help stop this virus from spreading and killing more people.
I’m not certain it’s all about testing. Often it’s about having a larger home to quarantine in. Or a “safer” place to head towards. Personally I think there’s a better chance to get tested in NY or NJ than, say, Florida. At least currently.
All I hear in those briefings is that one must be very sick before testing, which goes against all scientific opinion not represented on the stage, IMO. Except for all the prominent people we keep hearing about who they themselves got tests without showing symptoms. The rest are counseled to "call their primary care physicians", while we have 25,000,000 with no physicians at all due to no health coverage.
Do you really believe that the infection rate in other states is directly related to NYC?

52, 318 confirmed cases in New York.
132 confirmed in Rhode Island.

Right now, in RI, there are a lot of towns with no confirmed cases. In the entire state there are 132 cases, with 189 pending tests. 1,339 negative tests.

In New York :
As of Saturday afternoon, there have been at least 52,318 confirmed cases of the coronavirus discovered in the state, including nearly 30,000 in New York City. At least 728 people with COVID-19 have died in the state, which has the largest number — around 46 percent — of confirmed cases in the U.S.

52, 318 confirmed cases in New York.
132 confirmed in Rhode Island.

So shouldn't the political leaders in RI be concerned with New Yorkers coming into their state during a pandemic?

They would be stupid to ignore it.

R.I. Department of Health provides town-by-town breakdown of coronavirus cases
R.I. Department of Health provides town-by-town breakdown of coronavirus cases
Of the 132 cases, 66 males and 66 females have been infected. The most common age group among the cases is 50 to 59 years old with 28 cases. The 40-49 age range and the 30-39 range each have 24 cases.

There have been 1,339 negative tests, and 181 tests are pending. Approximately 3,000 people have been instructed to self-quarantine. Fifteen people who have tested positive are currently hospitalized.
52, 318 confirmed cases in New York.
132 confirmed in Rhode Island.

Right now, in RI, there are a lot of towns with no confirmed cases. In the entire state there are 132 cases, with 189 pending tests. 1,339 negative tests.

In New York :
As of Saturday afternoon, there have been at least 52,318 confirmed cases of the coronavirus discovered in the state, including nearly 30,000 in New York City. At least 728 people with COVID-19 have died in the state, which has the largest number — around 46 percent — of confirmed cases in the U.S.

52, 318 confirmed cases in New York.
132 confirmed in Rhode Island.

So shouldn't the political leaders in RI be concerned with New Yorkers coming into their state during a pandemic?

They would be stupid to ignore it.

R.I. Department of Health provides town-by-town breakdown of coronavirus cases
R.I. Department of Health provides town-by-town breakdown of coronavirus cases
Of the 132 cases, 66 males and 66 females have been infected. The most common age group among the cases is 50 to 59 years old with 28 cases. The 40-49 age range and the 30-39 range each have 24 cases.

There have been 1,339 negative tests, and 181 tests are pending. Approximately 3,000 people have been instructed to self-quarantine. Fifteen people who have tested positive are currently hospitalized.
In fairness, NY is testing more people per capita than any other state. More than China and South Korea. The numbers will go up due to the amount of testing.

And there is no way to know if other states are infected because New Yorkers traveled there. Or, if people from those states traveled to NY and then back home. Or if they traveled to Florida, or went to Mardi Gras and then back home. Etc
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Aren't we saying the same thing?
I don't think we are.

I'm saying that even though containment is not possible, sheltering in place therefore restricting ones travels is still a way to mitigate the spread of this virus .

You stated that locking down or shutting down happened too late and doesn't help slow anything at this point.
Maybe one of our verified attorneys can weigh in. My suggestion is to call your local health department and see what they say. From what I've heard, judges in places which have shelter-in-place orders such as Illinois think parenting time is a priority over protecting the health of the child and the community in which the child lives.

I think the best interest of the child is to continue to shelter-in-place and Facetime should suffice until the order is lifted. It's what my DD in Oak Park IL is doing and she has the support of the child's Child Representative.


I appreciate the response. It only makes sense that the children would be safest sheltering in one consistent place. I did google and read some "professional" law opinions and can't believe that the judges would still consider enforcing contempt of court in this pandemic. Your suggestion to call the health department is a good idea. The children need to be protected above all else. Thank you.

When New Rochelle was isolated, at that point, the virus was still containable. Or thought to be. In fact, the spread did slow there due to being locked down.

Now it’s gone beyond that point of containment, and locking down NY, NJ and CT isn’t going to slow anything at this point. Virus is already on the move and getting worse in so many places, not all because of these 3 states.

IMO, it’s moving inward from both coasts. And much of that has to do with other places NOT shutting down soon enough, or not at all.

I don't know if I buy that argument. To me, it is like a damn having a small leak that is growing, and instead of stopping up the leak, we say ' no sense in stopping it now, it's already in the move and flooding the creeks....'

There are about 53, 000 confirmed cases already in New York State. That's a lot. It makes me think that a whole lot more are also carrying the virus around with them RIGHT NOW.

I am all for shutting it down right now, and only allowing people with essential business to come and go.

The same for my state of California. Lock us down and try to contain it now. Why not?
I don't think we are.

I'm saying that even though containment is not possible, sheltering in place therefore restricting ones travels is still a way to mitigate the spread of this virus .

You stated that locking down or shutting down happened too late and doesn't help slow anything at this point.
Not at all. Sure some places acted more slowly than others. The virus didn’t hit everywhere at the same time. I am saying that we should all lock down all over country instead of being all over the place on who and when, how long. It’s not too late.

It’s just not feasible to me to lock down only 3 states and assume that will stop the spread.
In fairness, NY is testing more people per capita than any other state. More than China and South Korea. The numbers will go up due to the amount of testing.

And there is no way to know if other states are infected because New Yorkers traveled there. Or, if people from those states traveled to NY and then back home. Or if they traveled to Florida, or went to Marci Gras and then back home. Etc
BBM. I don't believe that is true. I think if any of the New Yorkers who have crossed into Rhode Island ignore the self-quarantine mandate and develop Covid-19 during that time period, they will be prosecuted. I'm still shaking my head that the Mayor had to actually remove basketball hoops because people were so arrogantly ignoring the public health requests.

Not at all. Sure some places acted more slowly than others. The virus didn’t hit everywhere at the same time. I am saying that we should all lock down all over country instead of being all over the place on who and when, how long. It’s not too late.

It’s just not feasible to me to lock down only 3 states and assume that will stop the spread.
Why would it be feasible to lock down the whole country but not feasible to lock down only 3 states that are a hot spot?
I don't know if I buy that argument. To me, it is like a damn having a small leak that is growing, and instead of stopping up the leak, we say ' no sense in stopping it now, it's already in the move and flooding the creeks....'

There are about 53, 000 confirmed cases already in New York State. That's a lot. It makes me think that a whole lot more are also carrying the virus around with them RIGHT NOW.

I am all for shutting it down right now, and only allowing people with essential business to come and go.

The same for my state of California. Lock us down and try to contain it now. Why not?
Maybe that would work. At least to flatten the curve locally and keep it from growing exponentially elsewhere. It is case in point that it worked in West Chester County. And there is evidence that it’s working in NY to lengthen the time for doubling. I still believe that the virus has a foothold everywhere and each state should be prepared to do the same.
Parts of the same state don’t want visitors or vacation home owners to come there either. Jersey Shore towns have asked us to stay away. I have a place down there and won’t go because I can understand their reasons.

Long Island and Upstate NY probably don’t want people flocking there from NYC either.
What should we do? Block travel from county to county? From town to town?
Well, I thought we were all supposed to 'shelter in place?'

In Cali, we have been told that ONE family member may leave to go to stores for ESSENTIAL business only. Otherwise we are only allowed to walk outside , while keeping social distances.

So I dont think we are supposed to be traveling to other towns unless we have important reasons.

We are picking up and dropping off groceries and meds to and from various family members in other towns. But not actually visiting in close contact. I had to wave to my little grand daughter through the front window. Breaks my heart but glad to see her gorgeous smile and see she is fine.
BBM. I don't believe that is true. I think if any of the New Yorkers who have crossed into Rhode Island ignore the self-quarantine mandate and develop Covid-19 during that time period, they will be prosecuted. I'm still shaking my head that the Mayor had to actually remove basketball hoops because people were so arrogantly ignoring the public health requests.

Prosecuted for what exactly?
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