Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #39

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Maybe that would work. At least to flatten the curve locally and keep it from growing exponentially elsewhere. It is case in point that it worked in West Chester County. And there is evidence that it’s working in NY to lengthen the time for doubling. I still believe that the virus has a foothold everywhere and each state should be prepared to do the same.
I agree with that. But all it can do is get worse if people from Cali, NY, LA and wherever else, are traveling around willy nilly.

Why would it be feasible to lock down the whole country but not feasible to lock down only 3 states that are a hot spot?
Because it’s already spreading to every state. You think all cases in the other 47 states are coming from NY, NJ and CT? And with people still out and about in SC is going to help stop the spread there? Or Florida going town by town or county by county?
Well, I thought we were all supposed to 'shelter in place?'

In Cali, we have been told that ONE family member may leave to go to stores for ESSENTIAL business only. Otherwise we are only allowed to walk outside , while keeping social distances.

So I dont think we are supposed to be traveling to other towns unless we have important reasons.

We are picking up and dropping off groceries and meds to and from various family members in other towns. But not actually visiting in close contact. I had to wave to my little grand daughter through the front window. Breaks my heart but glad to see her gorgeous smile and see she is fine.
I live in California and that's what I've been doing.

I haven't gone anywhere or done any extraneous things for weeks.
Well, I thought we were all supposed to 'shelter in place?'

In Cali, we have been told that ONE family member may leave to go to stores for ESSENTIAL business only. Otherwise we are only allowed to walk outside , while keeping social distances.

So I dont think we are supposed to be traveling to other towns unless we have important reasons.

We are picking up and dropping off groceries and meds to and from various family members in other towns. But not actually visiting in close contact. I had to wave to my little grand daughter through the front window. Breaks my heart but glad to see her gorgeous smile and see she is fine.
I miss my grandchildren too.

And I was just saying how it’s not only state to state - that no one wants anyone from anywhere coming into their little bubble. Iykwim
How did you know what my day looks like?!! You forgot to say what time y0u get out of your pajamas. Me? Some days never. On ”motivated” days between 2 and 4 pm. :D
I had to change out of my PJs because of my 2 instacart deliveries. Even though they just saw me through the front window. :p

I put them back on right after they left....
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I live in California and that's what I've been doing.

I haven't gone anywhere or done any extraneous things for weeks.
Neither have I except to take supplies to my mom who is 86 and lives with my medically compromised brother. I do NOT want them out at all. And I only drop stuff at the bottom of her apartment stairs.

I live in NJ.
Because it’s already spreading to every state. You think all cases in the other 47 states are coming from NY, NJ and CT? And with people still out and about in SC is going to help stop the spread there? Or Florida going town by town or county by county?
I think that everyone everywhere should stay at home if possible for as long as it takes to get past this crises.

If people living in hot spots where the death toll rises panic and flee to areas they feel are safer that will help the virus spread and cause more deaths. JMO
Maybe that would work. At least to flatten the curve locally and keep it from growing exponentially elsewhere. It is case in point that it worked in West Chester County. And there is evidence that it’s working in NY to lengthen the time for doubling. I still believe that the virus has a foothold everywhere and each state should be prepared to do the same.
Quite a few states have been successful in flattening the curve but the three states have not. Without a doubt, travel is the common denominator in all 50 states. If more than half the current cases are in only three states, isn't it common sense to cease the travel in those states? I truly don't understand why that is considered such a "bad thing."

Watch what they do, not what they say.
Trump had a meeting with Governors from all 50 states.
People who have been told to stay home aren't.
Almost every non essential business is closed.
Parks, play grounds, beaches, nail salons, beauty shops, tattoo shops.
There are no masks available to healthcare personnel and we were told we shouldn't wear them.
Spring breakers were tracked home from Ft. Lauderdale to their home states.
Hospital tents are being erected. Refrigerated 18 wheelers are being used as temporary morgues.
Ships are pulling onto shores to house the healthy sick and injured individuals.
Do the math.
I'm pretty new here and I'm going to eat some crow....I wasn't very concerned when this all started, that has changed. In our small county in Northern California we now have 18 positives. I have stocked up on food and dog food for a month. We do have to go out next week for a few things. My boyfriend will go in the store to buy the things and I will be waiting in the truck with the hand sanitizer for him. This site has really opened my eyes and helped so much. Sorry that I didn't see it sooner.
"FACT: #COVID19 is NOT airborne.
The #coronavirus is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks.
To protect yourself:
-keep 1m distance from others
-disinfect surfaces frequently
-wash/rub your hands
-avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

World Health Organization (WHO) on Twitter
World Health Organization (WHO) on Twitter
Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official ‘safe distance’, study says
I don't trust China, but this bus study makes me wonder.

Coronavirus can remain in air for 3 hours, live on plastic for days, new study says

This is a novel virus. They are learning as they go. The training wheels are still on the bike.
aren't they?
Cause China...?
In fairness, NY is testing more people per capita than any other state. More than China and South Korea. The numbers will go up due to the amount of testing.

And there is no way to know if other states are infected because New Yorkers traveled there. Or, if people from those states traveled to NY and then back home. Or if they traveled to Florida, or went to Mardi Gras and then back home. Etc
Oh, I agree that NY rates higher because of all the testing.

However, it is not only because of that. I think it also tests higher because there are a significant amount more cases there than many surrounding states. It is a much more crowded diverse, busy urban environment.

And they are testing more because their clinics and hospitals are overflowing with ill patients.

We are not seeing that everywhere else. We see that in most of the large urban centers, and more hot spots are coming soon.

But if many of the smaller, rural counties can isolate themselves, they may be able to protect themselves from a total overwhelm. But I think we need to lockdown larger hotspots now to make that happen. JMO
I don't know if I buy that argument. To me, it is like a damn having a small leak that is growing, and instead of stopping up the leak, we say ' no sense in stopping it now, it's already in the move and flooding the creeks....'

There are about 53, 000 confirmed cases already in New York State. That's a lot. It makes me think that a whole lot more are also carrying the virus around with them RIGHT NOW.

I am all for shutting it down right now, and only allowing people with essential business to come and go.

The same for my state of California. Lock us down and try to contain it now. Why not?

I agree.
Where the h is everyone going now ? We were asked to stay home, save lives umpteen days ago.
Only go for food water or meds and of course liquor.

Where is everybody going now?
King County COVID-19 daily summary - King County

Public Health announced 249 new cases and 11 new deaths from COVID-19 today.

Public Health – Seattle & King County's Health Officer re-emphasized the need to prevent new cases with a new health order and directive. With prevention activities ongoing at shelters, individual cases have been identified and responses are underway. King County will open isolation and quarantine beds at a former hotel in Issaquah on Sunday, March 29, in addition to facilities already operational in Kent and North Seattle.
I'm pretty new here and I'm going to eat some crow....I wasn't very concerned when this all started, that has changed. In our small county in Northern California we now have 18 positives. I have stocked up on food and dog food for a month. We do have to go out next week for a few things. My boyfriend will go in the store to buy the things and I will be waiting in the truck with the hand sanitizer for him. This site has really opened my eyes and helped so much. Sorry that I didn't see it sooner.
I live in Sacramento and the hoarding seems to be subsiding.

The only thing that still seems to be really scarce is toilet paper.

Good luck and stay safe.
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