Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #43

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Wisconsin dairy farmers dumping milk as prices fall
While many grocers are limiting the amount of milk individual consumers can buy, the dairy industry is reeling from decreased demand due to the widespread closures of restaurants and other food service buyers — leading dairy cooperatives to ask farmers to discard fresh milk in an effort to prop up prices.
I really, really hate these stories :(
I understand why Home Depot is open.

I just don't understand why Home Depot is open for lawn and garden purchases. Are you sure that lawn and garden purchases from home depot are "essential"?

I mean, I can see seed and seedling purchases (maybe, as they can be mail ordered.) But... most people when I went were very interested in roses and ornamental plants.

Our hardware and gardening stores are open for curbside pickup only. You order ahead and pay by CC, then arrange to pick it up outside of the store. No one gets out of their vehicles.
Our hardware and gardening stores are open for curbside pickup only. You order ahead and pay by CC, then arrange to pick it up outside of the store. No one gets out of their vehicles.

Where do you live? I live in Texas. We have broad definition of "essential" and Home Depots are open for any purchase / browsing.
Where do you live? I live in Texas. We have broad definition of "essential" and Home depots are open for any purchase / browsing.

Ontario, Canada. Some of our local grocery stores are doing the same thing. No one goes into the store. It works smoothly, there's no hoarding, and the store can keep their staff safer than if people walked in.
If Canada can see its way clear to give fast track immigration to nurses - if the nurses desire - I wouldn't call it pirating.

Tempting people into a short term, high risk situation is, IMO, unethical. If people know the risks and still volunteer, that's an intermediate category.

Canada better not promise safe conditions and better wages without a longterm guarantee of staying. Humans do not uproot well. Don't make US medical personnel into involuntary migrants over the longterm.

Thousands of Canadian nurses cross the Windsor bridge every day into the USA to work in Detroit hospitals. It's one of the services that Canada supplies to the USA. They live in Canada right now. Trudeau mentioned them when there was a report about the US terminating services with Canada.
My baby sister is a Respiratory Therapist at a hospital outside of Denver,Colo.
I talked with her yesterday. The hospital she works for is beginning to see patients with the virus.
She has had to set up and monitor the ventilators for patients with the virus.
I worry she might become infected with this virus.
But what she is doing is important the everyone.
She is my hero!

As are all the health care workers, firefighters and law enforcement,
fighting a enemy that we can't see but we know it's there.
Your sister is a hero to many! I appreciate everyone doing the best at their jobs. I can relate to your fear as my younger sister is an RN. I am being her support, mostly as a listener. Our sisters are lucky to have us for support!

Thank you for your post.

Both of our younger sister's are hero's to many!

She is working 3 twelve hours shifts for the next three days. I told my sister to make sure when changing her protective gear and masks between patients to not touch her face and be safe.
Seeds are selling out fast in my area in Idaho and we can't even safely plant until the end of May.
I live in a large urban area with notoriously poor soil in almost all areas. Thus, there is very little interest in seeds and few people have gardening skills.

Even those who do have the skills do it for the enjoyment rather than the efficiency as it is far more efficient in water and effort to just buy the produce- well prior to Covid it was.
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Wisconsin dairy farmers dumping milk as prices fall
While many grocers are limiting the amount of milk individual consumers can buy, the dairy industry is reeling from decreased demand due to the widespread closures of restaurants and other food service buyers — leading dairy cooperatives to ask farmers to discard fresh milk in an effort to prop up prices.

We're potato farmers in Idaho and the price of potatoes just took a huge dive for the same reason.
I also do not blame the Chinese people for this. Those wet markets are the way many of them make their living, and if they want to eat meat and can't hunt or don't want to, that's how they have to obtain it if they don't have refrigeration.

Do you realize at these wet markets they torture dogs and cats to death because they believe it is good for the Chinese health wise? They believe the more suffering an animal endures when it finally dies after being boiled alive, dragged behind cars, slowly burnt to death with a blow torch, skinned alive or other inventive ways of slow torture the better it is for them to eat.

Did you know Wuhan actually has a yearly dog and cat meat festival where families come to watch them get tortured to death? Does this change your opinion at all?
It’s absurd to say it’s just women.

I only notice women thinking he’s now a sex symbol or hot.
We all have our opinion. I have nothing against him, I don’t care for his leadership style, nor do I like the secrecy surrounding where positive cases originated. Moo
Many, many threads ago @Tricia banned the minimizing of coronavirus from the threads when some were saying it was no big deal. Lives were at stake. IMO minimizing of social distancing here is equally dangerous. In most states it is the law. In all states social distancing can flatten the curve and saves lives and hospital capacity. PLEASE take it seriously. This is not the time to choose your own freedom and happiness over the greater good of society. Thank you.
Do you have long lines at the garden center?
Our hardware and gardening stores are open for curbside pickup only. You order ahead and pay by CC, then arrange to pick it up outside of the store. No one gets out of their vehicles.
Corona stops beer production

The Mexican government has shuttered non-essential businesses.

In addition to Corona, Grupo Modelo also makes Modelo and Pacifico beers.

Corona's coincidental name with the virus hasn't dented sales.

Sales accelerated in the first three weeks of March, the company said, with its beers growing 24% compared to a year ago.

Constellation said there is “ample supply to meet consumer demand” in the near-term future.
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